Monday, July 25, 2011

How To Discuss Anything When Questions Go Un-answered? A Non-answer is Still an Answer.

First, a Highlight:

It is estimated that thirty-five million Americans who call themselves Christian, adhere to Dominionism in the United States, but most of these people appear to be ignorant of the heretical nature of their beliefs and the seditious nature of their political goals. So successfully have the televangelists and churches inculcated the idea of the existence of an outside “enemy,” which is attacking Christianity, that millions of people have perceived themselves rightfully overthrowing an imaginary evil anti-Christian conspiratorial secular society.
As R.J. Rushdoony cataloged in his major work, the Institutes of Biblical Law, come the theocracy, there will be a long list of capital offenses, including such religious crimes as heresy, apostasy and idolatry, alongside such sex crimes as adultery and homosexuality. (I discuss this in some detail in Eternal Hostility: The Struggle Between Theocracy and Democracy.) Rushdoony's list of capital offenses has in fact, been a matter of considerable concern to many. Recently, Ortiz has actively sought to reassure people -- particularly gays and lesbians -- that they shouldn't worry, because Rushdoony felt that theocracy is a long, long way off. Ortiz also says that theocracy cannot be imposed via political takeover, but that it must be universally accepted (more or less) by believers. "-
Tammy....I'm not blind!-Maria Joy Contreras

  • ok
  • have fun making sense of this one!
  • Get ready for the Conservatives to start using this false talking point.
    Photograph from the Facebook site of Anders Behring Breivik WASHINGTON A review of Anders Behring Breivik's 1,500-page manifesto shows the media's quick characterization of the Norwegian terrorist as a Christian may be as incorrect as it was to cal...
    3 hours ago · · ·

    • You and Susan Protheroe like this.
    • 50 of 124
      • Maria Joy Contreras Robbie.....I just don't know why you don't understand that ANYONE can sit in church Sunday after Sunday....and yet.....NOT be a Christian. Going to church....calling yourself a Christian....does NOT make one a Christian. If someone goes to church.....and calls themselves a Chrisitan....then goes out and kills....FYI.....THEY ARE NOT A CHRISTIAN!!!
        33 minutes ago ·
      • Soup McGee ‎'Liberal Christians, he says, are "satanic," "unbiblical" "wolves," who must be "condemned in the severest terms." He also strongly implies that the only reason they should not be eliminated now, is that they will eventually eliminate themselves by failing to sufficiently breed.

        As R.J. Rushdoony cataloged in his major work, the Institutes of Biblical Law, come the theocracy, there will be a long list of capital offenses, including such religious crimes as heresy, apostasy and idolatry, alongside such sex crimes as adultery and homosexuality. (I discuss this in some detail in Eternal Hostility: The Struggle Between Theocracy and Democracy.) Rushdoony's list of capital offenses has in fact, been a matter of considerable concern to many. Recently, Ortiz has actively sought to reassure people -- particularly gays and lesbians -- that they shouldn't worry, because Rushdoony felt that theocracy is a long, long way off. Ortiz also says that theocracy cannot be imposed via political takeover, but that it must be universally accepted (more or less) by believers. "
        33 minutes ago ·
      • Robbie Pitts All terrorism stems from religious bigotry its a proven fact as the kids in Norway were for the relief of the Palestinians in Gaza and religious freedom for all. Facts don't lie Maria.
        33 minutes ago via Facebook Mobile ·
      • Tammy Thomas No Maria, please dont act blind. Even the moderates on the right are ashamed of the right wing BS!! Please dont act like the left is acting like the right will just look ignorant.
        33 minutes ago ·
      • Maria Joy Contreras are free to beleive the lies.....that's on you! I'm trying to tell you the truth that anyone can call themselves a Christian. YOU can believe what you want!
        31 minutes ago ·
      • Maria Joy Contreras Tammy....I'm not blind!
        31 minutes ago · · 1 person
      • Soup McGee As Antonin Scalia, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court explained a few months later, the Bible teaches and Christians believe “… that government …derives its moral authority from God. Government is the ‘minister of God’ with powers to ‘revenge,’ to ‘execute wrath,’ including even wrath by the sword…”[3]

        George W. Bush began to wield the sword of God’s revenge with relish from the beginning of his administration, but most of us missed the sword play. I have taken the liberty to paraphrase an illustration from Leo Strauss, the father of the neo-conservative movement, which gives us a clue of how the hiding is done:
        “One ought not to say to those whom one wants to kill, ‘Give me your votes, because your votes will enable me to kill you and I want to kill you,’ but merely, ‘Give me your votes,’ for once you have the power of the votes in your hand, you can satisfy your desire.”[4]
        Notwithstanding the advice, the President’s foreign policy revealed a flair for saber rattling. He warned the world that “nations are either with us or they’re against us!” His speeches, often containing allusions to biblical passages, were spoken with the certainty of a man who holds the authority of God’s wrath on earth, for he not only challenged the evil nations of the world, singling out Iraq, Syria, Iran, and North Korea as the “axis of evil,” but he wielded the sword of punishment and the sword of revenge against his own people: the American poor and the middle class who according to the religious right have earned God’s wrath by their licentiousness and undisciplined lives.

        To the middle class he said, “I’m going to give you clear skies clean air and clean water,” then he gutted the environmental controls that were designed to provide clean air and water. The estimated number of premature deaths that will result: 100,000.[5] He said to the poor and to the middle class: “I’m going to give you a prescription drug program, one that you truly deserve.” Then he gave the drug industry an estimated $139 billion dollars in increased profits from the Medicare funds and arranged for the poorest of seniors to be eliminated from coverage, while most elderly will pay more for drugs than they paid before his drug benefit bill passed.[6] After that he arranged for the dismantling of the Medicare program entirely, based on the method outlined by his religious mentors.[7] He said to the people of America, “I’m going to build a future for you and your children,” then he gutted their future with tax breaks to the rich and a pre-emptive war against Iraq, and the largest spending deficit in history.[8]

        This article is the documented story of how a political religious movement called Dominionism gained control of the Republican Party, then took over Congress, then took over the White House, and now is sealing the conversion of America to a theocracy by taking over the American Judiciary. It’s the story of why and how “the wrath of God Almighty” will be unleashed against the middle class, against the poor, and against the elderly and sick of this nation by George W. Bush and his army of Republican Dominionist “rulers.”

        How Dominionism Was Spread

        The years 1982-1986 marked the period Pat Robertson and radio and televangelists urgently broadcast appeals that rallied Christian followers to accept a new political religion that would turn millions of Christians into an army of political operatives. It was the period when the militant church raised itself from centuries of sleep and once again eyed power.

        At the time, most Americans were completely unaware of the militant agenda being preached on a daily basis across the breadth and width of America. Although it was called “Christianity” it can barely be recognized as Christian. It in fact was and is a wolf parading in sheep’s clothing: It was and is a political scheme to take over the government of the United States and then turn that government into an aggressor nation that will forcibly establish the United States as the ruling empire of the twenty-first century. It is subversive, seditious, secretive, and dangerous.[9]

        Dominionism is a natural if unintended extension of Social Darwinism and is frequently called “Christian Reconstructionism.” Its doctrines are shocking to ordinary Christian believers and to most Americans. Journalist Frederick Clarkson, who has written extensively on the subject, warned in 1994 that Dominionism “seeks to replace democracy with a theocratic elite that would govern by imposing their interpretation of ‘Biblical Law.’” He described the ulterior motive of Dominionism is to eliminate “…labor unions, civil rights laws, and public schools.” Clarkson then describes the creation of new classes of citizens:
        “Women would be generally relegated to hearth and home. Insufficiently Christian men would be denied citizenship, perhaps executed. So severe is this theocracy that it would extend capital punishment [to] blasphemy, heresy, adultery, and homosexuality.”[10]
        Today, Dominionists hide their agenda and have resorted to stealth; one investigator who has engaged in internet exchanges with people who identify themselves as religious conservatives said, “They cut and run if I mention the word ‘Dominionism.’”[11] Joan Bokaer, the Director of Theocracy Watch, a project of the Center for Religion, Ethics and Social Policy at Cornell University wrote, “In March 1986, I was on a speaking tour in Iowa and received a copy of the following memo [Pat] Robertson had distributed to the Iowa Republican County Caucus titled, “How to Participate in a Political Party.” It read:
        “Rule the world for God.
        “Give the impression that you are there to work for the party, not push an ideology.
        “Hide your strength.
        “Don’t flaunt your Christianity.
        “Christians need to take leadership positions. Party officers control political parties and so it is very important that mature Christians have a majority of leadership positions whenever possible, God willing.”[12]
        Dominionists have gained extensive control of the Republican Party and the apparatus of government throughout the United States; they continue to operate secretly. Their agenda to undermine all government social programs that assist the poor, the sick, and the elderly is ingeniously disguised under false labels that confuse voters. Nevertheless, as we shall see, Dominionism maintains the necessity of laissez-faire economics, requiring that people “look to God and not to government for help.”[13]

        It is estimated that thirty-five million Americans who call themselves Christian, adhere to Dominionism in the United States, but most of these people appear to be ignorant of the heretical nature of their beliefs and the seditious nature of their political goals. So successfully have the televangelists and churches inculcated the idea of the existence of an outside “enemy,” which is attacking Christianity, that millions of people have perceived themselves rightfully overthrowing an imaginary evil anti-Christian conspiratorial secular society.

        When one examines the progress of its agenda, one sees that Dominionism has met its time table: the complete takeover of the American government was predicted to occur by 2004.[14] Unless the American people reject the GOP’s control of the government, Americans may find themselves living in a theocracy that has already spelled out its intentions to change every aspect of American life including its cultural life, its Constitution and its laws.
        31 minutes ago ·
      • Maria Joy Contreras Tammy.....that's not coming from the Republicans.
        30 minutes ago ·
      • Soup McGee It is estimated that thirty-five million Americans who call themselves Christian, adhere to Dominionism in the United States, but most of these people appear to be ignorant of the heretical nature of their beliefs and the seditious nature of their political goals. So successfully have the televangelists and churches inculcated the idea of the existence of an outside “enemy,” which is attacking Christianity, that millions of people have perceived themselves rightfully overthrowing an imaginary evil anti-Christian conspiratorial secular society.
        As R.J. Rushdoony cataloged in his major work, the Institutes of Biblical Law, come the theocracy, there will be a long list of capital offenses, including such religious crimes as heresy, apostasy and idolatry, alongside such sex crimes as adultery and homosexuality. (I discuss this in some detail in Eternal Hostility: The Struggle Between Theocracy and Democracy.) Rushdoony's list of capital offenses has in fact, been a matter of considerable concern to many. Recently, Ortiz has actively sought to reassure people -- particularly gays and lesbians -- that they shouldn't worry, because Rushdoony felt that theocracy is a long, long way off. Ortiz also says that theocracy cannot be imposed via political takeover, but that it must be universally accepted (more or less) by believers. "-
        Tammy....I'm not blind!-Maria Joy Contreras
        30 minutes ago ·
      • Maria Joy Contreras I've got to go now.....have a nice day. CIAO!
        29 minutes ago · · 1 person
      • Robbie Pitts Evidence and facts proving you wrong mean nothing to you Maria he killed in the name of religion all the facts are clear he even said it himself. What more evidence do you need? I don't think Maria is blind she's just stupid.
        28 minutes ago via Facebook Mobile ·
      • Robbie Pitts Everytime Maria is proven wrong she has to go weak!
        26 minutes ago via Facebook Mobile ·
        26 minutes ago ·
      • Michele Smith Simmons Several of the newspapers posted parts of his diary...he clearly and absolutely identifies himself as a Christian, doing this to rid EU of Muslims...I don't give a flying F**K what Faux says!
        24 minutes ago · · 1 person
      • Soup McGee so how do I know you are? A Christian? By your works? HA!From what I read, you ARE CRAZY and empowering domestic terror! you won't tell those who use the message of Jesus to stop with their hatred of America. Instead, you align yourself with them. Coward.
        21 minutes ago ·
      • Maria Joy Contreras FYI Robbie....I'm not weak as you suggest. I do have a life out side of FB! YOUR statement is weak!
        21 minutes ago · · 1 person
      • Soup McGee so how do I know you are? A Christian? By your works? HA!From what I read, you ARE CRAZY and empowering domestic terror! you won't tell those who use the message of Jesus to stop with their hatred of America. Instead, you align yourself with them. Coward.
        21 minutes ago ·
      • Maria Joy Contreras Soup....I'm not in the business of empowering domestic terror! Don't know where you got that from but it's a false statement!
        20 minutes ago ·
      • Robbie Pitts Maria then what are they if they killed in the name of God most sane minds would say he's a religious zealot probably a Christian as his writings say he was.
        19 minutes ago via Facebook Mobile ·
      • Tammy Thomas “I, Lynne Torgerson, am running for Congress in Minnesota, against radical Islamist Keith Ellison. Keith Ellison fails to oppose banning Islamic Sharia law in the United States,” she wrote on the Tea Party Nation website (registration required). “He accuses people of trying to ban it as ‘conspiratorilists.’ Keith Ellison also fails to support that the United States Constitution should be supreme over Islamic Sharia law.” (This is a righty Maria)
        18 minutes ago · · 1 person
      • Maria Joy Contreras Robbie....I would call him crazy! but certainly not a Christian!
        18 minutes ago ·
      • Maria Joy Contreras Tammy.....that's a whole different topic and I will be happy to engage with you in a conversation about that. But I really do have to go! CIAO!
        17 minutes ago ·
      • Soup McGee The problem for All groups, as the Revolting Randian Calvinist Class sees it, is government. You have the right to be your own state and gave to the government by will alone- otherwise, the gov is only a gang, and those opposed to it are a family. This is according to them, not
        Grover believes gov. taxes by force, and builds coalitions
        2 hours ago · Like · · See Friendship

        Soup McGee
        this pledge prohibits the EFFORT to raise taxes.
        an in-action of requirement towards Oath of Office (may raise taxes as necessary for full faith and valid debts, etc.), which is required by the Austrian economics-and the Pledge
        the pledge serves two masters: Grovers' 'voters'- Christians who expect the pledge to upheld over oath of office because they have been coerced by the church to hate the government and see the duty of Society to Each Other as Evil, Illegitimate Authority-thus we are "slaves" to the "gangster government" -, and two

        ALEC, and the families within the 400 connected by trust PAC charity, etc....who have made- and let me stress this- WEALTH INEQUALITY is- a RANDIAN SEPARATION.
        “Where are the jobs, Mr. President” was a mocking, not a question. No government spending can create jobs, by their strange belief, despite the Treasury being the Printer of their Vast fortunes.
        17 minutes ago ·
      • Tammy Thomas Ummm Not a different topic Maria, but go ahead and deflect, its what the right does best.
        16 minutes ago · · 1 person
      • Robbie Pitts Ok Maria I thought you had to leave. Christians have done more terrorist acts in the last thirty years facts don't lie and the silent ones like you let it happen.
        15 minutes ago via Facebook Mobile ·
      • Maria Joy Contreras is a different from the post....and I'm not deflecting. I do have a life out side of FB!
        14 minutes ago ·
      • Maria Joy Contreras I do have to leave Robbie....just trying to answer questions before I log out.
        13 minutes ago ·
      • Tammy Thomas Its about the right and their lumping all muslims as terriorists, yet a christian does a terriorist act, but you all want to say, "he isnt a true christian" BS maria!!!
        12 minutes ago ·
      • Robbie Pitts Then fucking leave already Maria you've been telling us you're going go!
        12 minutes ago via Facebook Mobile ·
      • Soup McGee ‎@Tammy Thomas...check this out he's a rightie tooooo:​th1776.htm​un.htm "I am running for Congress because I cannot be an attorney.

        I see this as a symptom of the disease that is fast becoming an epidemic.

        I cannot be a lawyer because I believe in "Liberty Under God."

        The same court which declared the Pledge of Allegiance to be "unconstitutional" told me I could not have a license to practice law because I believe America must return to the values of our Founding Fathers and become a nation of "Liberty Under God."


        By "Liberty" I mean "binding the government down by the chains of the Constitution" (Jefferson) and protecting our God-given rights; I mean using persuasion rather than government force if my neighbor smokes too much or engages in a tasteless lifestyle.

        As the Libertarian candidate I believe I most closely represent the fundamental values of the Constitution:
        • Liberty, but not license;
        • freedom AND personal responsibility.
        Too many Americans -- and most Congressmen -- have forgotten the values that the Founding Fathers risked their lives for and which made America great. Unconstitutional government destroys our liberties and encourages irresponsibility; it stifles creativity and productivity and breeds slavish dependence.

        "Under God"

        When the Framers of the Constitution spoke of America as being a nation "Under God" they meant a nation that obeys moral absolutes such as found in the Ten Commandments: "the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God." These are the values that keep our streets safe, make high SAT scores possible, fuel a vibrant economy, and will make America once again the most admired nation on earth.

        I believe any government that will not be "under God" is a government that thinks it is god.

        My allegiance to God is greater than my allegiance to the government, and courts across this nation have ruled that "extremists" with this "attitude" cannot be lawyers, teachers, or even American citizens.

        America is no longer a "city upon a hill," a beacon of liberty and morality to the world.

        The only way to restore America's greatness is not by more laws and government intervention, but by getting government out of the way of Americans who believe in "Liberty Under God.""
        Kevin Craig is a Christian Anarchist campaigning for *Liberty Under God* in the race for U.S. Congress in Missouri's 7th District.
        11 minutes ago · ·
      • Don Espada Are you Atheist Tammy?
        11 minutes ago ·
      • Maria Joy Contreras Tammy....I'll answer you when I can.
        10 minutes ago ·
      • Maria Joy Contreras Robbie....CIAO!
        10 minutes ago ·
      • Tammy Thomas What does that question have to do with anything Don?
        10 minutes ago · · 1 person
      • Don Espada ANswer the question, yes or no. Nothing in between.
        10 minutes ago ·
      • Tammy Thomas Maria, dont bother Im going to work, and dont really care to debate your ignorance.
        9 minutes ago ·
      • Don Espada just wondering
        9 minutes ago ·
      • Tammy Thomas Nope not relivant to the topic
        9 minutes ago ·
      • Maria Joy Contreras Tammy....I'm not ignorant....facts are facts.....the truth is the truth!
        8 minutes ago ·
      • Don Espada of course not. Thank you for the answer. Typical
        8 minutes ago · · 1 person
      • Maria Joy Contreras Tammy....So who is deflecting?
        7 minutes ago · · 1 person
      • Tammy Thomas My religious views have nothing to do with the POLITICAL right attacking and targeting muslims, yet a christian does the same, yet its chalked up to, "he wasnt a true christian' Bullshit!!!
        7 minutes ago ·
      • Maria Joy Contreras FYI Tammy....killing innocent people is not from God! Hence......Anders Behring Breivik was NOT a Christian!
        5 minutes ago ·
      • Maria Joy Contreras ‎**IS NOT**
        5 minutes ago ·
      • Tammy Thomas Untill the right wing extremists are called out on their retoric, I will never change views. Teabagger are ralling againt muslims...
        5 minutes ago ·
      • Don Espada I wonder if someone has a percentage chart that shows all the crimes committed in this country broken down by political affiliation.
        5 minutes ago · · 1 person
      • Tammy Thomas Keep telling yourself that maria, stay in your closed minded world. Ugh
        4 minutes ago ·
      • Maria Joy Contreras Tammy....if you don't know what the Bible says....then how can YOU blame the terrorist act on a Chrisitan? I gave you facts about what the Bible teaches. Killing innocent is not from God!
        about a minute ago ·
      • Maria Joy Contreras So....who is closed minded when facts are presented? Hmmmm........
        about a minute ago ·
  • A recent CNN poll shows that 66% of the American people support Cut, Cap, and Balance and 74% support a balanced budget amendment
    about an hour ago · · ·

      • Robbie Pitts Maria is talking about soundbites lol the bumper sticker slogan thrower is talking about soundbites that's a stretch. The right wing parrot is talking about soundbites lololololol.
        5 minutes ago via Facebook Mobile · · 1 person
      • Maria Joy Contreras FYI post was not a soundbite....but a CNN poll.
        3 minutes ago ·
      • Robbie Pitts Everything you say is a soundbite Maria with your talking points too and polls mean nothing they didn't ask me no questions. I thought you had to leave!
        about a minute ago via Facebook Mobile ·
  •​ooks/docs/372e_47e.htm In Tools of Dominion Dr Gary North examines in detail the meaning of the case laws. How did they operate in ancient Israel? What moral and judicial prinicples undergirded each of them? How did the coming of Jesus Christ modify them? How could they be applied today?
    Tools of Dominion describes in great detail the way the world is supposed to work in God's historic kingdom, in terms of His revealed law. It shows how judges and juries are required by God to dispense justice, and it reveals the promises that God has made to those societies that honor His word.
    But Tools of Dominion is also a warning. It is a warning to those individuals and societies that believe that they can defy God daily by ignoring His requirements for justice. It warns of the negative sanctions that God eventually brings against all societies that turn their backs on His precepts. He extends mercy in history, but He also brings judgment.

    Catalog Description

    This is North's long-awaited economic commentary on Exodus 21-40, with especial attention to the social laws of Exodus 21-23. The following topics receive extended treatment in this massive book: slavery, marital contracts, criminal justice and victim's rights, restitution, pollution, negligence and responsibility, the limits of citizenship, the sabbath, bribery and justice, usury and legitimate interest, common grace, the legal Code of Maimonides, and the secularizing agenda of the framers of the U.S. Constitution. This is North's most important work of social and economic thought to date, and will shape the discussion of these issues by Christian ethicists for many years to come.
    Most Christians say that they believe firmly that the Bible has answers for every area of life. Then someone asks them about politics or economics. A dead silence greets the questioner. Why? If Christians are so confident that the Bible is God's revealed word, why are they so confused about what th
    2 minutes ago · · ·
  • what Christan CAN BE AGAINST THIS!? Belief has become an argument against itself- rt is now coercive in nature, no free will under law or in popular society-this an evil to be removed by law of nature.
    Most Christians say that they believe firmly that the Bible has answers for every area of life. Then someone asks them about politics or economics. A dead silence greets the questioner. Why? If Christians are so confident that the Bible is God's revealed word, why are they so confused about what th
    6 minutes ago · · ·
    If you cannot grasp the truth in this statement.....then so be it!
    22 minutes ago · · ·

      • Soup McGee there you go! now you cant say you didnt know!
        9 minutes ago ·
      • Soup McGee the heard of the Jesus your preacher preaches right? and you still can't recognize fascism? WONDER WHY!!!!?
        8 minutes ago ·
  • boehner is a crying drunk and inept speaker.
    14 minutes ago · · ·
  • Maria- try reading slowly for once-The problem for All groups, as the Revolting Randian Calvinist Class sees it, is government. You have the right to be your own state and gave to the government by will alone- otherwise, the gov is only a gang, and those opposed to it are a family. This is according to them, not
    Grover believes gov. taxes by force, and builds coalitions

    this pledge prohibits the EFFORT to raise taxes.
    an in-action of requirement towards Oath of Office (may raise taxes as necessary for full faith and valid debts, etc.), which is required by the Austrian economics-and the Pledge
    the pledge serves two masters: Grovers' 'voters'- Christians who expect the pledge to upheld over oath of office because they have been coerced by the church to hate the government and see the duty of Society to Each Other as Evil, Illegitimate Authority-thus we are "slaves" to the "gangster government" -, and two

    ALEC, and the families within the 400 connected by trust PAC charity, etc....who have made- and let me stress this- WEALTH INEQUALITY is- a RANDIAN SEPARATION.
    “Where are the jobs, Mr. President” was a mocking, not a question. No government spending can create jobs, by their strange belief, despite the Treasury being the Printer of their Vast fortunes.
    17 minutes ago · · ·
  • The Norwegian White Christian Male Terrorist was a Christian UNTIL he killed for his faith...GOT IT!
    19 minutes ago · · ·
  • It is estimated that thirty-five million Americans who call themselves Christian, adhere to Dominionism in the United States, but most of these people appear to be ignorant of the heretical nature of their beliefs and the seditious nature of their political goals. So successfully have the televangelists and churches inculcated the idea of the existence of an outside “enemy,” which is attacking Christianity, that millions of people have perceived themselves rightfully overthrowing an imaginary evil anti-Christian conspiratorial secular society.
    As R.J. Rushdoony cataloged in his major work, the Institutes of Biblical Law, come the theocracy, there will be a long list of capital offenses, including such religious crimes as heresy, apostasy and idolatry, alongside such sex crimes as adultery and homosexuality. (I discuss this in some detail in Eternal Hostility: The Struggle Between Theocracy and Democracy.) Rushdoony's list of capital offenses has in fact, been a matter of considerable concern to many. Recently, Ortiz has actively sought to reassure people -- particularly gays and lesbians -- that they shouldn't worry, because Rushdoony felt that theocracy is a long, long way off. Ortiz also says that theocracy cannot be imposed via political takeover, but that it must be universally accepted (more or less) by believers. "-
    Tammy....I'm not blind!-Maria Joy Contreras
    29 minutes ago · · ·
  • Lisa Flower
    This is what voter suppression looks like, thanks to the party that keeps screaming about protecting our Constitutional rights...the Tea Party...and now also the GOP...who have done nothing but continually strip us of our rights! all you can in your state to assure that ALL citizens are able to cast their votes.
    I took my son to the DMV this week to apply for his free Voter ID card.
    38 minutes ago · · ·
  • ‎"Liberal Christians, he says, are "satanic," "unbiblical" "wolves," who must be "condemned in the severest terms." He also strongly implies that the only reason they should not be eliminated now, is that they will eventually eliminate themselves by failing to sufficiently breed.

    As R.J. Rushdoony cataloged in his major work, the Institutes of Biblical Law, come the theocracy, there will be a long list of capital offenses, including such religious crimes as heresy, apostasy and idolatry, alongside such sex crimes as adultery and homosexuality. (I discuss this in some detail in Eternal Hostility: The Struggle Between Theocracy and Democracy.) Rushdoony's list of capital offenses has in fact, been a matter of considerable concern to many. Recently, Ortiz has actively sought to reassure people -- particularly gays and lesbians -- that they shouldn't worry, because Rushdoony felt that theocracy is a long, long way off. Ortiz also says that theocracy cannot be imposed via political takeover, but that it must be universally accepted (more or less) by believers. "
    Thus it was startling when Chalcedon's Director of Communications, Rev. Chris Ortiz, aimed a blog post filled with what author David Neiwert calls "eliminationist rhetoric" at Talk to Action writer Dr. Bruce Prescott, and liberal Christians in general.
    39 minutes ago · · ·

      • Soup McGee ‎"But, then again, this may be a blessing in disguise! Dedicated protestants will continue producing large families while oxymoronic "liberal Christians" have little or none. These useless faith-bearers will eventually face extinction by their own doing."
        38 minutes ago ·
  • Maria Joy Contreras Yes Soup....I believe women should be able to vote.
    4 minutes ago · Like
    Soup McGee so why vote conservative?
    4 minutes ago · Like
    Soup McGee hmmmm
    4 minutes ago · Like
    42 minutes ago · · ·
  • denounce Satans dominion over you, maria!
    43 minutes ago · · ·
    The game plan is the same. The Racists and Regressives have always used communist, socialist or other vile name calling to portray the progressives as anti-American. Back in the days of the civil rights fights, they tried to tie Dr. Martin Luther King to communists.
    45 minutes ago · · ·

    • You like this.
  • about a minute ago · Like ·
    Soup McGee "Every generation of Americans has the duty and privilege of standing guard at the watchtower of freedom. When history writes her chapter on your generation, what will be said of the hour in which you were called to lead? Will we witness our system of government surviving poor leadership or will it be one of our finest hours where the Torch of Freedom burned even brighter than ever before?

    God has blessed America with a strong Biblical foundation. The revolutionary strategies of our Founding Fathers have led to the most successful nation in the history of the world. We have survived attacks from without and within, though never before at the same time. Your generation must now answer the call when we are defending America from an external enemy determined to destroy us, while at the same time defending American principles in the culture war here in our own homeland.

    This call to leadership is not for the faint of heart. This is not the place to seek fame and fortune. We do not need more self-serving politicians, we need more self-sacrificing patriots. If you are prepared to raise your standards, leave behind the limits of mediocrity, and join our Founding Fathers in a pledge of lives, fortunes, and sacred honor…then I salute your courage and look forward to seeing you at the next Patriot Academy.

    By His Grace,"- lying asshole fascists
    53 minutes ago · · ·
  • Doesnt the American public(the ones who support the balanced budget ammendment), realize what a stupid idea that is. How is the Federal government supposed to do its job of applying countercyclical measures to fight economic depressions and recessions?? We have to have a balanced budget even during recession times?? I swear that this Country is getting more stupid by the day.ITS A DUMB IDEA!!!
    about an hour ago · · ·

      • John Vitali LOL!!!!
        56 minutes ago ·
      • Maria Joy Contreras And Cut Cap and Balance raised the debt ceiling 2.4 Trillion. But the Senate tabled it! Didn't even want to debate it. So now the Congressional leaders are coming up with another plan.
        53 minutes ago ·
  • please listen and compare that with this...
    Beck: Youth Camp Attacked In Norway "Sounds A Little Like The Hitler Youth"
    From the July 25 edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Glenn Beck Program...
    2 minutes ago · Like · · Share · See Friendship

    Soup McGee so, if the political youth camp the shooter went to" was 'hitler youth-like-" what IS THIS!!!!
    Patriot Academy |
    Do you want to make a difference in your community and nation? Are you interest...See More
    53 minutes ago · · ·
    From the July 25 edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Glenn Beck Program...
    about an hour ago · · ·
  • The cut, crap and balance plan: cut EVERY social service thats beneficial to poor and working Americans, crap on the American middleclass and balance the Federal budget WITHOUT the help of ultra rich CEOs, millionaires, billionaires and cash rich corporations. Its a LOAD OF CRAP to me.
    about an hour ago · · ·

    • 2 people like this.

      • John Vitali Exactly, alterego! The so called 'job creators"havent done jack shit hiring the unemployed.All we hear is "uncertainity" and boo hoo.
        about an hour ago · · 1 person
      • Johnboehners Alterego And that we have to cut sending. The bills come in whether we spend or not for Christ's sake. We have got to pay our bills or we risk devaluing the dollar and then were all sunk
        about an hour ago · · 1 person
  • For those who have orgasms every time Rush Limbaugh opens his gaping mouth, consider he was on government-assisted living in his 30's when he was too lazy to find a job. And the fat ass wasn't even registered to vote until 1986 when he was 35 friggin' years old. That means he was to lazy to vote for his "hero" Ronald Reagan in 1980 and 1984.
    about an hour ago · · ·
  • ‎"Entitlement"? I PAID cash for my social security insurance! Our benefits aren't some kind of charity or handout! Congressional benefits--premium Federal health care, outrageous retirement packages, 67 paid holidays, three weeks paid vacation, unlimited paid sick days--now THAT'S welfare! And they have the nerve to call my retirement an entitlement!
    about an hour ago · · ·
  • Modern Day Tea Party Parable: Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish, then hire him for $2/hour, force him to work 14 hrs/day, and then sell the fish he caught at full market value... the fisherman still goes home with an empty belly because he feeds his children with the little he has left after his medical bills from being worked too hard.
    about an hour ago · · ·
    With America under total right-wing control despite the farce of the dog and pony show elections that only serve as spectacles to determine which corrupt looter capitalist party controls the spoils system it is time to think differently. What progressives and what passes for the left fail to underst
    about an hour ago · · ·

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