"""Second, the Founders and ratifiers of both the 1789 text of the Constitution and of the Tenth Amendment rejected the strict limits on federal authority that characterized the failed Articles of Confederation. For example, a provision of the Articles limited Congress to those powers "expressly delegated" to it. Not only does the Tenth Amendment drop the modifier "expressly," the Founders also insisted upon the Constitution's "necessary and proper" Clause, making clear that every delegated power carries with it the power "to make laws necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing Powers.""""" selling us another series of tea-bubbles instead of pronged economic stability. :-/
2011-08-06 20:40
Seriously Ralph, you MUST realize that no matter WHICH Democrat occupies the Oval Office, the K.N.F.P. (Koch/Norquist Fascist Party) will continue to obstruct and prevent Government from taking place in Washington. They have succeeded beyond their wildest expectations and see now that ALL they have to do is NOTHING to achieve their EVIL ends! So, I think you should save your breath and your money and work to help THIS Administration be the best that it can be. Perhaps with a little help and support from wiser advisers he might fulfill his original promise. You never know..." "
We have reached a moment in history when ruling cla
ss hysteria has reached an all-time high in its aggressive attempts to prevent the federal government from exercising any form of regulation that might make it accountable to the American people. At the same time, Republican class warriors and their corporate backers seek to hollow out the social state by labeling a government that provides social protections and works in the interest of the public good as evil, repressive and expendable. Robert Kuttner, the co-editor of “The American Prospect” gets it right when he argues:
One of our major parties has turned nihilist…. Government itself is the devil…. Whether the target is the Environmental Protection Agency, the Dodd-Frank Law or the Affordable Care Act, Republicans are out to destroy government’s ability to govern…. the right’s reckless assault on our public institutions is not just an attack on government. It is a war on America.[6]
The most visible face of this war appeared with the economic crisis of 2008 in which Wall Street crooks packaged mortgage debts they knew would fail, implemented widespread fraud on the American public through the promotion of liar’s loans and created a business culture that William Black has called “a criminogenic environment” – an environment that spreads fraud through the lack of regulation and the promotion of a compensation system that creates perverse incentives in which cheaters prosper, “markets become perverse” and honesty is treated as a liability.(7)" yup.
info found through fb - thanks !!!!
Soup McGee
Amendment I (Religion): Thomas Jefferson, Autobiography s45.html
Where the preamble declares, that coercion is a departure from the plan of the holy author of our religion, an amendment was proposed, by inserting the word ...
A B I L L for establishing RELIGIOUS FREEDOM,
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by T Jefferson - Cited by 1 - Related articles
author of our religion, who being Lord both of body and mind, yet chose not .... that coercion [of body and mind] is a departure from the plan of the holy author of ...
Thomas Jefferson quotes
Where the preamble declares, that coercion is a departure from the plan of the holy author of our religion, an amendment was proposed by inserting "Jesus ...
Free Speech p.3
Where the preamble declares, that coercion is a departure from the plan of the holy author of our religion, an amendment was proposed by inserting 'Jesus ...
Our Founding Fathers on Religion
"Where the preamble declares, that coercion is a departure from the plan of the holy author of our religion, an amendment was proposed, by inserting the word .."""
Although the bible never says god is in charge of America’s economy, fundamentalists who are typically poor and less educated have made a natural connection between religious conservatism and fiscal conservatism that prompts them to support Republicans’ economic agenda.
Soup McGee
What is it rightfully called when police refuse to correctly choose, and force peaceful citizens to rise against their oppressor, impeded, separated from the (some say) God-given rights the Constitution merely recognizes and codifies for society? What is it rightfully called to refuse the Governmental Authority to Tax? What is that?-- Are these not the same fights? If these police are "only doing their jobs," is that not also This Fight? How will the mythical "moderate independent" know, if they refuse to see Even now, when the Time has Come to Occupy the Public Space only We Can Occupy- ...(...)...? layer_embedded
Yetta Kurland reacts to NYPD's defense after injury at Occupy
Yetta Kurland, the attorney for a legal observer at the Occupy Wall Street prote...
5 hours ago · ·
Soup McGee 13 hours ago · Like ·
Soup McGee &v=yWow5WIypis
NYPD Violently use horses against Occupy Wall STreet protesters - 10-15-11 Don't give no shite about weather; DO give an eff about Democracy.
Carl OccupyHouston Gibson Wish we could've met up! I saw Elizabeth Waibel, told her to give you my best :)
20 hours ago ·
Soup McGee
believes intentional incompetence in the position of governmental authority is indeed treason. Did we not warn of this very "influence" from within during the Cold War? I am concerned for us American people who are not enemies of one another. Does that matter? I never bring a weapon to a fight. I would feel obligated to use it, and to justify my sphere of authority. Meanwhile, Police in America Have a Choice- Protect the Primary rights of the People they serve, and work to force redress of Plural Grievances. What is going on, otherwise? What is it rightfully called when police refuse to correctly choose, and force peaceful citizens to rise against their oppressor, impeded, separated from the (some say) God-given rights the Constitution merely recognizes and codifies for society? What is it rightfully called to refuse the Governmental Authority to Tax? What is that?-- I am a poet, not a lawyer/a taxpayer hoping to remain one/a voter with a conscience a a voice/trampled/--- keep it up, Carl!
19 hours ago · · 1 person
Marta Corona would have been there to support you and gone to jail with you. keep up the great work on spreading your voice for the 99%. luv you and miss you :~)
16 hours ago · · 1 personWhere ARE You Now? Your Country Needs You! Nothing is More UN-American than a zero percent tax rate. Except Holding Allegiance to the Authority of the Bible over the Legitimacy of Authority given to our Shared Constitution. I am a Poet, not a lawyer. This has been a message for the sane. Please vote for who you want to vote for; I believe the 5th and 16th clearly assert "no force" is used or indirect tax codified by implementing the 1913 Act. Force? I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag. Full stop.
p.s.. for the (...) who thinks "arrests" are being made for referencing the President as Hitler, as if there is Some Defense of that---not happening. Lies. Stop Believing Lies:
arrested obama hitlerSearchAbout 32,900,000 results(0.22 seconds)
Search Results
ESPN Dumps Hank Williams, Jr. For Obama-Hitler Comparison 4, 2011 – But you don't have to worry about being arrested for comparing two conservatives like Obama and Hitler. Not yet at least, unless the ...... Mantenna – Hank Williams Jr. Compares Obama to Hitler | SPIKE 3, 2011 – Hank Williams Jr. compares Obama to Hitler, Leonard Nimoy attends his last Star Trek convention, and Arrested Development is coming back ...Politics | Hitler poster provokes Edmonds incident | Seattle Times ... 17, 2009 – Henry Gasparian said his reaction to the Obama-as-Hitler signs was "personal and ... That's when Gasparian was handcuffed and arrested. ...Hank Williams Jr. Doesn't Regret Obama, Hitler Analogy - ABC News days ago – Hank Williams Jr. isn't sorry for comparing President Barack Obama to Adolf Hitler. ... John Boehner golfing together was like Nazi leader Hitler and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin ... Celebrity Hacker Arrested in FBI Sting ...Hank Williams Jr. defends Obama-Hitler analogy – days ago – Hank Williams Jr. defends Obama-Hitler analogy ... involving President Barack Obama and Adolf Hitler is lashing out at the media in a new song. ... Raw Video: Arrests in Seattle protest · Cirque Du Soleil: Michael Jackson The ...1. Michigan Man Arrested With Bomb Materials, Loaded Gun, Bullet ... 11, 2010 - 2 min
Richard Scott McLeod of Brighton was arrested Monday in ... On the outside of the 48-year-old's vehicle were bumper ...Amnesty: Canada 'required' to arrest George W. Bush - GameSpot ... posts - 14 authors - Last post: 4 days agoAnd maybe we can get someone to arrest Obama for authorizing the .... [/QUOTE] You cannot arrest Obama Obligitory Obama = Hitler post ...Hank Williams Jr. learns lesson about playing 'Hitler card' | The ... 9, 2011 – If Hank Williams, Jr. had only thought of a dictator other than Hitler to compare with President Barack Obama, he might still be ... mass transit · Putnam, Dutchess cops team up to arrest ax-wielding gas station robber, police say ...Man Arrested for "Impeach Obama" Sign - HenryR - Open Salon 3, 2010 – Man Arrested for "Impeach Obama" Sign .... Some guy is walking around with a poster of President Obama with a Hitler mustache, FUCK HIM! » LaRouche Supporter With Obama/Hitler Sign Roughed ... 29, 2010 – I thought only conservatives held signs of obama as hitler… claspur August ... Was anyone ever arrested for holding an anti-Bush sign? Vote all ...
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in closing:
Sacramento County Republican Party shared a link.
- Soup McGee
ednews/ap/article/ALeqM5hG 9jjCYDPFy6wqNM7-DYqaI2Zm3g ?docId=2083b27cbe7c456fb50 4c68417b3ccc2 "A second Bush-era gun-smuggling probe emerges
By PETE YOST, Associated Press – 3 hours ago
WASHINGTON (AP) — A second Bush administration gun-trafficking investigation has surfaced using the same controversial tactic for which congressional Republicans have been criticizing the Obama administration." :-/By PETE YOST, Associated Press – 3 hours ago if (gbar.l...See MoreFriday at 3:27pm · · - Soup McGee hopes yer getting this..."On Sept. 27, 2007 -- when the Justice Department was reeling from the resignation of former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales -- ATF agents in Phoenix and Mexico were conducting partial surveillance of suspects who purchased numerous weapons at a federally licensed firearms dealership.
After they watched the group purchase 19 weapons on Sept. 21 and 24 and additional weapons on Sept. 27, they watched as the weapons crossed the border into Mexico.
"Phoenix AZ ATF agents observed this vehicle commit to the border and reach the Mexican side until it could no longer be seen," ATF assistant director Carson Carroll wrote in a Sept. 28, 2007 email. "We, the ATF (Mexico) did not get a response from the Mexican side until 20 minutes later, who then informed us that they did not see the vehicle cross."
A few days later, William Newell -- the ATF official in charge of the Phoenix division -- tried to assure colleagues that everything would be okay.
"I know you have reservations but please rest assured that this will go as planned, as allowed per MLAT (Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty) with Mexico, with full approval of the USAO (confirmed again late this afternoon), and will have big payoffs for us and the Department in addresing (sic) Mexico's concerns that we (US) aren't doing enough to address their concerns," Newell wrote in an Oct. 4, 2007 email. "Trust me, I'm with Gov't."
"Wow, I feel so much better," William Hoover, the ATF Assistant Director for Field Operations wrote in an email the next morning.
Hoover's emails lay out all the questions that congressional and Justice Department investigators are examining about Fast and Furious.
"This is a major investigation with huge political implications and great potential if all goes well. We must be very prepared if it doesn't go well," Hoover wrote in a Oct. 5, 2007 email.""" garble garble.Friday at 3:28pm · - Sacramento County Republican Party hopes that Soup gets that wrongdoing by either party is wrongdoing. Lying to Congress, no matter what letter is by your name, when discovered, pretty much cooks your goose.about an hour ago · · 1 person
- Sacramento County Republican Party hopes that Soup will one day understand that most Republicans don't make moral equivalencies. We just say, Whoops, he or she is a bad one.about an hour ago · · 1 person
- Soup McGee http://www.progressivestat f
Table of Contents Executive Summary_____________________________________________ ______________iv
Introduction________________________________________ __________________________ 1
Why State Policy Matters_____________________________________________ _______3
How ALEC and the Rightwing Operates in the States_______________________5
ALEC: The Laundry for Corporate Money__________________________5
ALEC’s Allies in the States_______________________________________6
Why States Are Vulnerable to Rightwing Takeover________________7
Examples of ALEC State Takeovers_______________________________7
The ALEC Agenda: The Immediate Payoff to its Corporate Backers________9
Defending Oil Companies from Global Warming Legislation________9
Serving Big Pharma: Fighting Importation of Prescription Drugs__10
Protecting Low-Wage Employers: Rolling Back Labor Rights______11
Telecoms: Blocking Municipal Broadband at Expense of High Tech12
Helping Insurance Companies Fight Off Corporate Accountability_13
The Bankers Payoff from Long Term Health Care “Reform”________13
The ALEC Strategy: Structural Assault on Progressive Power_____________15
Limiting State and Local Tax Powers____________________________15
Litigation "Reform": Shutting the Courtroom Door_______________17
Gutting State Regulatory Powers________________________________19
Privatization- Underming Unions and Public Accountability_______20
Dismantling Public Employee Pensions__________________________22
Using State Law to Defund the Left______________________________23
Wedge Issues by the Right______________________________________25
Federalism Hypocrisy: Crippling State Power and Local Home Rule26
How Progressives Fight Back_______________________________________________2 8
The Headline Issues____________________________________________28
The Strategic Agenda___________________________________________30
Conclusion__________________________________________ ________________________34
ENDNOTES____________________________________________ ______________________35 about an hour ago · - Soup McGee
/rockwell/next-30-days.htm l both parties, sure couldn't agree more about an hour ago · · - Soup McGee The richest four hundred families, jointly owning the majority of the most profitable corporations and in their sixth or seventh generation of landed gentry are depending on a Third Wave of Reformation in Christianity and a voting bloc determined to end Democracy's Evil Hold On God's Sphere of Authority (Rj Rushdoony, etc.). Having disguised themselves as American, their ultimate goal is to soon separate us from our primary rights. Through the manipulation of media backed by corporate funding, they seek to influence the government to create hysteria such that the people will Want to or find they Have replace civil law with biblical law- regardless of the fact that it violates the First Amendment- by imposing the theory of theonomy. A Narrative is necessary. A Narrative that can be heard even by those in Denial, and we may be able to reach out of the Bubble, as it were. Grover Norquist built Coalitions- good Idea. No, it’s a great idea. Let's use it. :-/about an hour ago ·
- Soup McGee
ex.php?title=ALEC_State_Ch airmen no current dems...btw ALEC State Chairmen "are appointed by the National Chairman. All Private Sector ...See Moreabout an hour ago · ·
ReplyDelete""""Liberal forces in this country want to squelch the freedoms of evangelical Christians throughout the culture, but now it's popped up at the Air Force Academy." He praised Hostettler for having "the courage to stand up and be counted." """hostettler to dobson