- Marc Fox tobacco is not inherently deadly, only until cigarette companies get their hands on it, and when they get to make marijuana cigarettes, mark my words, people will start dying from weed
- KarYn Moran Since they make these "fire proof" cigs, they are killing people with the crap put on them. I agree. If the same folks get their hands on making joints.... or marijuana cigs, they will put the same chemicals they do on our current cigarettes.
- Glitch Johnson I know.That's what I'm afraid of.. Genetically modified or bio chemically engineered. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=456871344379778&set=a.379758128757767.91215.100001707507735&type=3&theater
- Marc Fox i don't understand how cigarette companies get away w it - and the people are addicted, but tobacco is as addictive as chocolate - not very - they don't wanna speak up and can't stop
- Glitch Johnson Its harder to quit than smoking pot. More addictive. I can do without pot if I cant afford it and its no big deal. Cigarettes I cant do without especially after waking up or after eating. I roll my own now too because its cheaper. I can spend 10 bucks ...See More
- Marc Fox http://www.iacademy.org/ALPsReading/readings/CigaretteCompanies.html ------------ The "lung cancer industry's" surprising health demonstrates the power of the unrelenting lie. Smoking causes cancer? "No medical proof has been discovered for certain," s...See More
- Soup McGee FUCK EM http://www.splcenter.org/blog/2012/09/18/sovereign-citizen-%E2%80%98president%E2%80%99-indicted-for-tax-crimes/
James Timothy Turner, the self-styled “president” of the Republic for the united...See More - Glitch Johnson http://worldtruth.tv/whats-really-in-vaccines-proof-of-msg-formaldehyde-aluminum-mercury/
Share This Article Tweet What’s Really in Vaccines? Proof of MSG, Formaldehyde, ...See More - Glitch Johnson You gotta remember you cant take on the cartel all alone. They are above the law or lawless. Did you see anything previously on Tim turner? http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=Lf_VXHs6Scg&NR=1
- James Farmer I like weed as much as the next guy but marijuana causes emphysema as well, just as much as any other inhaled fine particulate.
- Glitch Johnson More than one way to take it in. Make brownies or cook with it, make oil or canabutter.
- Soup McGee http://www.wect.com/story/20498597/law-enforcement-to-be-certified-in-dealing-with-sovereign-citizens-by-the-end-of-2013
Local law enforcement will be able to spot and handle a sovereign citizen by the end of 2013. - James Farmer Good point. There is always the schizophrenia argument but I think that one is a little weak currently.
- Soup McGee http://www.alaskadispatch.com/article/foul-mouthed-alaska-militia-member-gets-near-life-sentence
Lonnie Vernon: The 57-year old sovereign citizen from Salcha, Alaska was defiant and disruptive to the end. - Soup McGee http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/12/14/15914035-calif-man-charged-for-having-145-pounds-of-explosives?lite
- Soup McGee -- was there anything else you wanted to add about how Sovereigns are Not LawBreaking Domestic Terrorists? --
- Glitch Johnson Ted Turner was arrested for taxes? http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=R7mRSI8yWwg
- Soup McGee http://www.stwnewspress.com/local/x1633443814/Man-gets-30-days-in-jail-for-contempt-of-court
Disrupting court proceedings during a civil foreclosure case has cost a man 30 ...See More - Glitch Johnson http://sonsofliberty2k.wordpress.com/2012/04/24/you-are-a-voluntary-slave-by-your-own-consent/
- Marc Fox http://www.webmd.com/lung/copd/news/20000320/regular-marijuana-emphysema ---------- The researchers were unable to show that marijuana smoking is a cause of emphysema, but demonstrated that it may play an additive role in the development of bullae (cysts). ------- just because it may happen, doesn't mean it will
- Soup McGee http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/08/manhunt_on_for_ex-marine_oathkeeper_accused_of_rap.php
Authorities in Oklahoma are on the hunt for a man who didn’t show up for a court...See More - Soup McGee http://www.motherjones.com/mojo/2010/01/patriot-hero-dyer-july4patriot-goes-down
- Glitch Johnson I see what they are doing. They are making up charges on these people because they are anti gov because how corrupt its got.
- Soup McGee http://news.nationalpost.com/2012/12/29/anti-government-freemen-movement-creating-major-policing-problem-report/
Its adherents fall on both the left or right wing politically, but “the core” of...See More - Soup McGee http://www.timesunion.com/opinion/article/Editorial-In-Ravena-seeing-the-light-4106678.php
[...] some encouraging news to pass on about the study in dysfunction known as ...See More - Glitch Johnson Soup you must really be bored or dont like soveirgns that much to keep going with this.. Talk to me now. Say what on your mind and what you know about this and these guys prior to these charges or you just taking their word for it?
- Soup McGee I Pledge Allegiance To the Flag. Full Stop. Please Get Your Elected Official On The Record re: Authority...
Man Has Authority to govern Man, the Dominionist Believes Only God Has Authority- they hold the Constitution as Biblically based and allow local law to become “theonomic” ---this TREASON---this is the reason for my animus. - Soup McGee http://soupsauntieoxymoron.blogspot.com/2011/10/i-pledge-allegianceto-flag-full-stop.html
Soup's Auntie OxyMoron: I Pledge Allegiance To the Flag. Full Stop. Please Get Your Elected Officialsoupsauntieoxymoron.blogspot.com
While the State exists, there can be no freedom. When there is freedom there wil...See More - Marc Fox http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,2005559,00.html ------------ while marijuana went from being a secret shared by a small community of hepcats and beatniks in the 1940s and '50s to a rite of passage for some 70% of youth by the turn of th...See More
- Soup McGee I Pledge Allegiance To the Flag. Full Stop. Please Get Your Elected Official On The Record re: Authority...
Man Has Authority to govern Man, the Dominionist Believes Only God Has Authority- they hold the Constitution as Biblically based and allow local...See More
The Public Eye website from Political Research Associates provides in-depth inf...See More - Soup McGee -- hey Mary Elisabeth Cob Adder how does the 'don't make me block you' threat BS work in here... --
- Soup McGee The richest four hundred families, jointly owning the majority of the most profitable corporations and in their sixth or seventh generation of landed gentry are depending on a Third Wave of Reformation in Christianity and a voting bloc determined to en...See More
- James Farmer Fair call Marc Fox the evidence is not concrete but studies are lacking for obvious reasons and there are still strong indicators that weed contrib's to emphysema. I'm not that concerned either way, just like to have my say from time to time
- Soup McGee -- how these people 'think' -- http://soupsauntieoxymoron.blogspot.com/2011/11/warring-worshippers-and-government.html
Soup's Auntie OxyMoron: "Warring Worshippers" and "Government: Where Evil is either Restrained or Ensoupsauntieoxymoron.blogspot.com
While the State exists, there can be no freedom. When there is freedom there wil...See More - Soup McGee -- also helpful--- http://psychcentral.com/lib/2009/15-common-cognitive-distortions/
"Cognitive Distortions
Aaron Beck first proposed the theory behind cognitive distortions and David Burns was responsible for popularizing it with common names and e...See More
What's a cognitive distortion and why do so many people have them? Cognitive dis...See More - Soup McGee Fascist Christian Anarchist Nativist Idiocy Number One: Hold Both sides of Irritatingly Wrong Position
- Soup McGee four: invoke the Christian God as the only authority and the flag as His ass-rag (in the case of sovereigns, the Bible alone)
- Soup McGee five: ignore reality when presented by anyone without the same failed philosophy- that's both Fascist and Distorted..
- Soup McGee six: having deprived you of Your Identity they bully You with their Factual Opinion...but
- Soup McGee seven: education is not allowed. Anyone claiming expertise or displaying critical thinking is expelled and ostracized. This allows the Right Society to...
- Soup McGee eight: use scare tactics intended to convert any on the fence or love-loving people who hear Jesus and weep for their mother
- Glitch Johnson You have to understand the police are enforcing codes statutes and ACT's as if they were law. They try to make you pay any way they can because because they collect revenue for the crown and or big banks.
- Soup McGee nine: return to flipping/projection, so you are the one who is challenging Their Christian Dogma-HOW DARE YOU!
- Soup McGee 10: in always being right, and conflating bullying with violence, and disagreement with bullying, weakness, we are now lefty godhaters who deserve to be incarcerated before we further damage God's American Kingdom OnEarth...there will be more, *'s. There will be more. This has been a message for the sane.
- Glitch Johnson They dont teach you anything about it in school and ignorance of the law is no excuse they say. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GiLexouhQTc&feature=youtu.be
Payday Monsanto-Hiding Behind the Bar (feat. Paranoid) Artist Spotlight - Payday...See More - Soup McGee Answer this one question for me wouldya Mr. Glitch Johnson...is this guy http://soupsauntieoxymoron.blogspot.com/2011/10/kevin-craig-everyone-should-we-run-him.html not someone you would run for president of the Capital U USA? Kevin Craig, google him iffin ya don't trust blogspot for pete's sake...-
While the State exists, there can be no freedom. When there is freedom there wil...See More - Soup McGee here, I'll make it easy, http://kevincraig.us/
- Soup McGee -- yer kinda guy, Glitch?
- Soup McGee ---"""""Kevin Craig
the Libertarian Party Candidate
for the U.S. House of Representatives from Southwest Missouri
is the only candidate
Uncompromisingly Committed...See More - Soup McGee """""What is a "Real American?"
What does America stand for?
Does America mean anything?
Or are we all just "Global Citizens" now?
It's not your fault if you don't know what a Real American is.
You're probably a victim of Educational Malpractice by our Government schools.
Take this quick quiz:
In which country does the government prohibit teachers in government-run schools from teaching students that the Declaration of Independence (1776) is really true:
a. Iran
b. North Korea
c. Communist China
d. The United States
e. All of the above
That's correct:
The United States federal government makes it illegal for a school teacher in a government-run school here in Southwest Missouri to teach students that the Declaration of Independence really is true:
• that there really is a God, and His existence is a "self-evident truth"
• that our rights really are the product of intelligent design (not the government)
• that all Americans really are obligated to conform their lives to
"the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God"
• that one day our actions really must pass judgment with
"the Supreme Judge of the world"
• that all Americans should have "a firm reliance on
the Protection of Divine Providence."
• that Americans have a duty -- not just a right
-- to abolish any government
that becomes a tyranny.
That's what America's Birth Certificate -- the Declaration of Independence -- says. The Federal Government says that teachers in local government-operated schools paid for by your local property taxes cannot "endorse" or "promote" these ideas. Students can be taught that a long time ago some dead white males believed the Declaration of Independence was true, but teachers cannot say it really is objectively true today, and that students should stand up and risk their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor in defense of these unchanging true principles. This is the only controversy about Birth Certificates that matters.
So if you don't know what America stands for, "it's not your fault." Here is America in a nutshell:
"Resistance to Tyranny is obedience to God."
- Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Bradshaw
If the British government in 1776 was a "tyranny," then the federal government of 2012 is a mega-tyranny. Every person who signed the Declaration of Independence would take immediate steps to abolish this tyrannical government. The Constitution was intended to prevent the newly-created federal government from becoming another tyranny. It failed. Every person who signed the Constitution would take immediate steps to repeal the Constitution and abolish the government it created.
Can there be any rational doubt that Real Americans like Samuel Adams, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and John Hancock would dedicate themselves to abolishing the federal government of 2012"""""""""""" - Soup McGee --- you can read English, right, Glitch? C'mon, read and honestly answer....
- Soup McGee ---"""""Kevin Craig
the Libertarian Party Candidate
for the U.S. House of Representatives from Southwest Missouri
is the only candidate
Uncompromisingly Committed...See More - Soup McGee """""What is a "Real American?"
What does America stand for?
Does America mean anything?
Or are we all just "Global Citizens" now?
It's not your fault if you don't know what a Real American is.
You're probably a victim of Educational Malpractice by our Government schools.
Take this quick quiz:
In which country does the government prohibit teachers in government-run schools from teaching students that the Declaration of Independence (1776) is really true:
a. Iran
b. North Korea
c. Communist China
d. The United States
e. All of the above
That's correct:
The United States federal government makes it illegal for a school teacher in a government-run school here in Southwest Missouri to teach students that the Declaration of Independence really is true:
• that there really is a God, and His existence is a "self-evident truth"
• that our rights really are the product of intelligent design (not the government)
• that all Americans really are obligated to conform their lives to
"the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God"
• that one day our actions really must pass judgment with
"the Supreme Judge of the world"
• that all Americans should have "a firm reliance on
the Protection of Divine Providence."
• that Americans have a duty -- not just a right
-- to abolish any government
that becomes a tyranny.
That's what America's Birth Certificate -- the Declaration of Independence -- says. The Federal Government says that teachers in local government-operated schools paid for by your local property taxes cannot "endorse" or "promote" these ideas. Students can be taught that a long time ago some dead white males believed the Declaration of Independence was true, but teachers cannot say it really is objectively true today, and that students should stand up and risk their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor in defense of these unchanging true principles. This is the only controversy about Birth Certificates that matters.
So if you don't know what America stands for, "it's not your fault." Here is America in a nutshell:
"Resistance to Tyranny is obedience to God."
- Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Bradshaw
If the British government in 1776 was a "tyranny," then the federal government of 2012 is a mega-tyranny. Every person who signed the Declaration of Independence would take immediate steps to abolish this tyrannical government. The Constitution was intended to prevent the newly-created federal government from becoming another tyranny. It failed. Every person who signed the Constitution would take immediate steps to repeal the Constitution and abolish the government it created.
Can there be any rational doubt that Real Americans like Samuel Adams, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and John Hancock would dedicate themselves to abolishing the federal government of 2012"""""""""""" - Soup McGee -- too sleepy to defend liberty and freedom? There we have it, audience, the courage of his convictions. Go to sleep. --
a few seconds ago · Like
- Rocky Tom Rockwell likes this.
- 58 of 182
- Glitch Johnson He seem like a bad one? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9a9PYp94T8&feature=youtu.be
- Glitch Johnson Perhaps hes the bad one? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LxY_H5V0KwSeason of Treason History. Kurt Kallenbach's website is here http://
trustandcontract.wordpress.com/ You can see some of his material there. - Glitch Johnson I don't see any terrorists. I Don't respect or agree with any terrorists acts either like those you must represent. Or any Disinformation agents.
- Soup McGee TERRORISThttp://soupsauntieoxymoron.blogspot.com/2011/08/gunswooden-teethliberty-huh-hmmm-huh.htmlsoupsauntieoxymoron.blogspot.c
om While the State exists, there can be no freedom. When there is freedom there wil...See More - Soup McGee bad one http://www.wiscnews.com/juneaucountystartimes/news/local/article_de99fc96-56c8-11e2-bb85-001a4bcf887a.htmlwww.wiscnews.comA Necedah man who claimed he was not subject to state and federal laws after he ...See More
- Soup McGee Bad one http://www.dchieftain.com/2013/01/05/catron-man-builds-bombswww.dchieftain.comOne Catron County man from the Reserve area is facing four felony explosives charges following his tangle with police this past autumn.
- Soup McGee http://www.timescolonist.com/news/national/freeman-on-the-land-movement-worries-csis-1.37071www.timescolonist.com‘Freeman on the Land’ movement worries CSIS
- Soup McGee http://www.standard.net/stories/2012/12/25/ogden-mans-53-trillion-false-lien-case-ends-guilty-pleawww.standard.netSALT LAKE CITY — Ogden constitutionalist Harvey Goff has pleaded guilty in a plea bargain to federal charges stemming from traffic stops in Ogde...
- Glitch Johnson So you are with the terrorists then? http://www.viewzone.com/dualcitizen.htmlwww.viewzone.comViewzone Magazine offers a look at life and humanity from different angles. Ariz...See More
- Glitch Johnson http://www.scribd.com/doc/87393823/Israel-Did-911-All-the-Proof-in-the-Worldwww.scribd.comNovus Ordo Seclorum Watch, Trend Alerts, Breaking News, Investigations, Global C...See More
- Glitch Johnson The gov backs? http://www.yourdaddy.net/2012/02/12/napolitano-caught-hiring-muslim-brotherhood-terrorist-giving-him-top-secret-security-clearance/yourdaddy.netI hear the Gallows calling! Uploaded by GohmertTX01 on Oct 26, 2011 Rep. Louie G...See More
- Glitch Johnson http://vidrebel.wordpress.com/2012/02/12/the-list-of-75-us-senators-who-voted-to-let-30000-drones-shoot-americans-in-the-streets/?blogsub=confirming#subscribe-blogvidrebel.wordpress.comThe House and Senate voted for the passage of the FAA bill that funds 30,000 dro...See More
- Glitch Johnson From the same people that brought us Disease and Bio terror... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Btcfl7MU61U&feature=related
- Glitch Johnson She a domestic terrorist? http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=xXj7YfLRx5I
- Glitch Johnson This has begun moving to the middle of the US btw. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJB_QS93KBY&feature=relatedBy: AP Government research on the feared foot-and-mouth virus may move from isol...See More
- Glitch Johnson http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/paying-the-price/topdocumentaryfilms.comAfter Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990, the United Nations (backed strongly by the US...See More
- Glitch Johnson Hitler was the first to create a HLS. Federal reserve/Illuminutty funded it all when he was in power and killed over 6000 jews. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=352891114777802&set=a.215846841815564.57289.100001707507735&type=3&theaterMake the world a better place..
Lets abolish this Foreign Terrorist organization..By: Glitch Johnson - Glitch Johnson I think I won that one eh? Nice try though bud. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UKiNM_i-_ECorporatocracy - Corporate America - ANTI-freedom and InHumane. Bad for Humanity...See More
- Soup McGee -- yeah, you won. Or I watched a movie. Dude. Aren't you missing the gun club/bible study? Idaho Await! Huzzah! Nativist Idiots. What can ya do? --
- Soup McGee -- this may be useful for the reader...:
FBI — Sovereign Citizen Extremism
www.fbi.gov › News › Podcasts and Radio › FBI, This Week
May 31, 2012 – The FBI is focused on disrupting potential violence by members of the sovereign citizen ext...See More - Soup McGee http://www.alaskadispatch.com/section/alaska-militiaswww.alaskadispatch.comMembers of the Sovereign Citizens militia in Alaska are charged with conspiracy ...See More
- Soup McGee http://www.cnn.com/2012/08/28/justice/georgia-soldiers-plot/index.htmlwww.cnn.comProsecutors say a group of U.S. Army soldiers in Georgia had plotted to assassinate President Obama and overthrow the U.S. government.
- Soup McGee --like dude reads...these people don't read, they are preparing to OVERTHROW...Hello? America? What are we to do when the CONfederacy allows the debt ceiling to lapse? Corporation...You idiots...PS- Fuck your President. Fuck 'em http://www.splcenter.org/blog/2012/09/18/sovereign-citizen-%E2%80%98president%E2%80%99-indicted-for-tax-crimes/www.splcenter.orgJames Timothy Turner, the self-styled “president” of the Republic for the united...See More
- Glitch Johnson http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1pL2q3lAl0
- Glitch Johnson At least watch near the end on part 2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zSON9HIXQQ
- Glitch Johnson If nothing else. http://www.businessinsider.com/these-6-corporations-control-90-of-the-media-in-america-2012-6www.businessinsider.comRadio, television, newspapers and online.
- Soup McGee -- dude for FUCKS SAKE TERROR IS NOT COOL http://www.ledger-enquirer.com/2013/01/06/2334878/russell-county-sheriff-teen-planned.htmlwww.ledger-enquirer.comRussell County High School student Derek Shrout, 17, will be in court this after...See More
- Soup McGee Wow. "The arrest of an ex-Marine last week on child-rape and federal weapons charges has sparked a low-grade civil war within the "patriot" movement, with militia members rallying behind the accused while more mainstream groups struggle to distance...See More
- Soup McGee http://articles.latimes.com/2012/jun/18/nation/la-na-nn-alaska-militia-verdict-20120618articles.latimes.comSchaeffer Cox, a young Alaska militia leader who drew crowds across the West for...See More
- Soup McGee all these dudes...and yer gonna convince me of all this AND the uSA is a Corporation? Dude, smoke some more weed and read http://usgovinfo.about.com/od/rightsandfreedoms/a/illegalrights.htm Just to get you started...ready? Do not let the fact that the ...See Moreusgovinfo.about.comDo not let the fact that the term “illegal aliens” does not appear in the U.S. C...See More
- Soup McGee Do not let the fact that the term "illegal aliens" does not appear in the U.S. Constitution lead you to believe that its rights and freedoms do not apply to them. The courts have held otherwise.
Often described as a "living document," the Constitution has repeatedly been interpreted by the U.S. Supreme Court, federal appeals courts and Congress in order to address the ever-changing needs and demands of the people. While many argue that "We the People of the United States," refers only to legal citizens, the Supreme Court has consistently disagreed.
Yick Wo v. Hopkins (1886)
In Yick Wo v. Hopkins, a case involving the rights of Chinese immigrants, the Court ruled that the 14th Amendment's statement, "Nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws," applied to all persons "without regard to any differences of race, of color, or of nationality," and to "an alien, who has entered the country, and has become subject in all respects to its jurisdiction, and a part of its population, although alleged to be illegally here." (Kaoru Yamataya v. Fisher, 189 U.S. 86 (1903) )
Wong Wing v. U.S. (1896)
Citing Yick Wo v. Hopkins, the Court, in the case of Wong Wing v. US, further applied the citizenship-blind nature of the Constitution to the 5th and 6th amendments, stating ". . . it must be concluded that all persons within the territory of the United States are entitled to the protection guaranteed by those amendments, and that even aliens shall not be held to answer for a capital or other infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law."
Plyler v. Doe (1982)
In Plyler v. Doe, the Supreme Court struck down a Texas law prohibiting enrollment of illegal aliens in public school. In its decision, the Court held, "The illegal aliens who are plaintiffs in these cases challenging the statute may claim the benefit of the Equal Protection Clause, which provides that no State shall 'deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.' Whatever his status under the immigration laws, an alien is a 'person' in any ordinary sense of that term… The undocumented status of these children vel non does not establish a sufficient rational basis for denying them benefits that the State affords other residents."
It's All About Equal Protection
When the Supreme Court decides cases dealing with First Amendment rights, it typically draws guidance from the 14th Amendment's principal of "equal protection under the law." In essence, the "equal protection" clause extends First Amendment protection to anyone and everyone covered by the 5th and 14th Amendments. Through its consistent rulings that the 5th and 14th Amendments apply equally to illegal aliens, they also enjoy First Amendment rights.
In rejecting the argument that the "equal" protections of the 14th Amendment are limited to U.S. citizens, the Supreme Court has referred to language used by the Congressional Committee that drafted the amendment:
"The last two clauses of the first section of the amendment disable a State from depriving not merely a citizen of the United States, but any person, whoever he may be, of life, liberty, or property without due process of law, or from denying to him the equal protection of the laws of the State. This abolishes all class legislation in the States and does away with the injustice of subjecting one caste of persons to a code not applicable to another. . . . It [the 14th Amendment] will, if adopted by the States, forever disable every one of them from passing laws trenching upon those fundamental rights and privileges which pertain to citizens of the United States, and to all persons who may happen to be within their jurisdiction."
While illegal aliens do not enjoy all of the rights granted to citizens by the Constitution, specifically the rights to vote or possess firearms, these rights can also be denied to U.S. citizens convicted of felonies. In final analysis, the courts have ruled that, while they are within the borders of the United States, illegal aliens are granted the same fundamental, undeniable constitutional rights granted to all Americans. - Soup McGee Yick Wo v. Hopkins (1886)
In Yick Wo v. Hopkins, a case involving the rights of Chinese immigrants, the Court ruled that the 14th Amendment's statement, "Nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws," applied to all persons "without regard to any differences of race, of color, or of nationality," and to "an alien, who has entered the country, and has become subject in all respects to its jurisdiction, and a part of its population, although alleged to be illegally here." (Kaoru Yamataya v. Fisher, 189 U.S. 86 (1903) ) - Soup McGee Wong Wing v. U.S. (1896)
Citing Yick Wo v. Hopkins, the Court, in the case of Wong Wing v. US, further applied the citizenship-blind nature of the Constitution to the 5th and 6th amendments, stating ". . . it must be concluded that all persons within the territory of the United States are entitled to the protection guaranteed by those amendments, and that even aliens shall not be held to answer for a capital or other infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law." - Soup McGee Plyler v. Doe (1982)
In Plyler v. Doe, the Supreme Court struck down a Texas law prohibiting enrollment of illegal aliens in public school. In its decision, the Court held, "The illegal aliens who are plaintiffs in these cases challenging the statute may claim the benefit of the Equal Protection Clause, which provides that no State shall 'deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.' Whatever his status under the immigration laws, an alien is a 'person' in any ordinary sense of that term… The undocumented status of these children vel non does not establish a sufficient rational basis for denying them benefits that the State affords other residents." - Soup McGee ya get that? "". . . it must be concluded that all persons within the territory of the United States are entitled to the protection guaranteed by those amendments, and that even aliens shall not be held to answer for a capital or other infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law."" SETTLED Law...so, go ahead, secede from society... http://www.survivalblog.com/redoubt.html I know....I know...www.survivalblog.comRecognizing both the fact that "all politics are local", and the international r...See More
- Soup McGee -- if you disown America, separate, secede and aggressively seek to nullify this Administration, I will fully support the use of drone bombing yous AS into oblivion---
- Soup McGee I once had an error in thought I can see now, and I do not mind admitting I have learned from it. Like Mitt Romney (jokes), some of my positions on fundamental issues have (more jokes) evolved over time. With President Bush (at the outset of the war on terror) I disagreed wholeheartedly on just about every decision, but through the passing of time, and with some education, I can see the necessity of disagreeing with my some of my own principles, when they are met with equally valuable and/or more experienced principles, if America is to remain safe. I agree that this (empathy, mutual cooperation) may be asking for a bit much from elected officials. Before I began my studies in earnest, I did not care what FISA was or why; knowing it sounded wrong was good enough for me to criticize harshly the process. I was ignorant, not of the need but of the legality, given the Presidential power to make war. The President IS commander in chief, after all, and makes no decision absent political and policy realities of all stripes, or (militarily) without consulting generals. Under the Obama Administration, the threat from domestic terror groups has been nearly as large as foreign ones, and consistently both Al-Qaeda and Sovereign Citizen types alike are arrested for planning or attempting terror acts on American soil. There is no need for a judicial process when someone has renounced their allegiance to America or announces their allegiance to a terror organization; they are no longer citizens entitled to anything but “all necessary force.” Illegal immigrants have more protections than enemies of the state. That's simple Constitutional law (Fourteenth Amendment).
- Soup McGee -- FUCK EM -- They sure the fuck are not due the protections and rights granted under OUR constitution which is willingly paid for in treasure and blood...http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/12/nd_sheriff_used_predator_drone_to_arrest_sovereign.phptpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo
.com A family of “sovereign citizens” in North Dakota was arrested with the help of a...See More
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Soup's Been TRYIN' To Tell Y'all Theys EveryWhere!
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