- Mary Elisabeth, Eric Smith and 4 others like this.
- 57 of 174
- Kevron Rees the heller decision essentially said: you have rights, but the government can regulate them however they want. This applies to ALL rights, not just the 2nd.
- Soup McGee -- hey larry, I don't have to worry about it my wife is clean, but you might need this info...consider it a PSA: http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2013/01/08/first-antibiotic-resistant-gonorrhea-cases-detected-in-north-america
Wrap it up, Bucko!www.usnews.comCompletely incurable gonorrhea may be at hand. - Kevron Rees "It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose."
We have some boolean logical ANDs there that are important. - Eric Smith Let's raise taxes for so every kid can be dressed up like a Sherman tank and let's move all of our schools underground and turn them into military bunkers.
- Tara Scallani Supported by the dictionary explanation of MILITIA = a military unit.. NOT every frigging Teabagger Dick and Susie.
- Soup McGee nativist idiots. too afraid to fire their weapon at real people...hey ish...was this guy right to do this: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/crime-scene/post/oscar-ramiro-ortega-arrested-after-shots-fired-near-white-house/2011/11/16/gIQA6lznRN_blog.html Or just more courageous?www.washingtonpost.comHe allegedly fired shots from a semiautomatic rifle near the White House Friday night.
- Kevron Rees Tara Scallani is beyond saving. She believes that just because SCOTUS ruled it's okay, it must be right and anyone who disagrees should just leave.
She forgets that governments historically abuse their power. Everything Hitler did was legal under German law. That didn't make it right. - Soup McGee c'mon ish whats it ganna be? Right to shoot at the residence? Or just more courageous than you? Larry? Anything?
- Sandra Skolnik I notice Kevron keeps quoting canned ham. Is that because he cannot think for himself? And SCOTUS doesn't have a clue? LOL. Think much of yourself and wacko LaPierre? Probably has a checklist from good old Wayne's marketing dept. And he keeps pointing to Hitler as an example? Brother, if you're comparing the USA to Nazi German, you really do have rocks in that head of yours.
- Kevron Rees Oregon constitution: Section 27. Right to bear arms; military subordinate to civil power. The people shall have the right to bear arms for the defence [sic] of themselves, and the State, but the Military shall be kept in strict subordination to the civil power[.]
- Sandra Skolnik Frankly, the only people we need to watch are the American Nazis, paranoiac right wing gun nuts who would create chaos and anarchy - that's their way. Buh bye.
- Soup McGee - defines courage as such -- http://www.liarsforjesus.com/www.liarsforjesus.comBook about the Religious Right's rewriting of American history
- Ish Osta I think shooting a gun at the White House is already illegal, WTH are you blabbering about?
- Kevron Rees Tara also ignored this important part of the Virginia Constitution:
"That no free government, or the blessings of liberty, can be preserved to any people, but by a firm adherence to justice, moderation, temperance, frugality, and virtue, and by frequent recurrence to fundamental principles. "
Therefor, a government that does not adhere is logically not preserved and can be dissolved by the people. - Soup McGee i'm blabbering about an assassination attempt on a sitting president you cowardly motherfucker who wants a gun to shoot at federal agents but won't condone an assassination attempt...you have neither courage nor conviction...
- Ish Osta People shot at Bush when he was in the White House. Im sure you thought it was funny back then.
- Soup McGee -- if you had the courage of your convictions...don't you believe Americans have a second amendment to protect their right to fight their government? Wasn't that what the guy thought he was doing? See the FUCKING PROBLEM YET? --
- Soup McGee --really, you wanna go and list domestic terror events by ideology? Ya wanna? I do...http://www.motherjones.com/mojo/2010/01/patriot-hero-dyer-july4patriot-goes-down
- Soup McGee Sharon Chapple Moulenbelt
ENOUGH SAID..NOW SHUT UP ABOUT YOUR RIGHTS YOUR INFRINGING ON MINE.. - Soup McGee On May 20, 2010, two West Memphis, Arkansas, police officers were killed and two Crittenden County sheriff’s officers wounded in two linked shootouts involving an anti-government sovereign citizen with ties to Ohio and Florida.
The sovereign citizen, Jerry Kane, was a “guru” in the movement who traveled around the country, often with his teenaged son Joseph, holding seminars in which he would teach his anti-government conspiracies and pseudo-legal “solutions.” Kane specialized in a set of sovereign citizen theories called “Redemption;” he told audiences that his theories could get them out of their mortgages. http://www.adl.org/learn/ext_us/SCM.asp?xpicked=4&item=sovwww.adl.orgThe 'sovereign citizen' movement is a loosely organized collection of groups and...See More
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Ish Oshta Thinks Oscar Was A Good Shot, Wanted to Share That...
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