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"Call your member of Congress here:
callcongress" Soup likes a post.
"This might be the most arresting, upsetting, moving TPM Reader email I've ever read---"
Soup likes Young Americans for Liberty.
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Soup likes a link.
"So you think my post of an armed Christ was a joke? Think again. You just can't make this stuff up. "
Soup likes a link.
"God wants you to shoot stuff."
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This crazy Libertarian union busting Obamacare trasher won't be getting my good ...See More"What is it with these people? Why don't they care about employees over profit? In Annapolis, we have Grauls (locally owned) or Fresh Market, small chain from North Carolina. And the farmer's markets of course are a great place to get lots of what you need locally. "
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Soup likes a link.
Soup likes a link.
"Paul Thomas Anderson + Elliott Smith = Awesomesauce--WATCH:"
Soup likes Creation Truth Foundation.
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Soup likes a post.
"GOP outraged by Obama's executive orders on guns, but still not certain why"
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""1. Deranged gunman kills many kids
2. People demand something must be done
3. Scared shrieking idijits scream about more guns and less lawz and no regulations
4. Preznit proposes rational response
5. Scared shrieking idijits rush out to buy more guns, just because
6. Profit"Soup likes a post.
"I see the Republicans are hating on the Girl Scouts again."
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"David Barton people have the right to own any weapons that the government owns"
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"A new study suggests Keystone XL pipeline would have greater climate impacts than previously thought."
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"Remember these con fascists are the same idiots who want guns in schools,malls and parks but think a x-ray machine in a airport will collapse the constitution.
The same morons who howl if you wanna cut the military budget but need their guns for when the military comes for them.
Fuck these frightened ignorant assholes every chance you get."Soup likes a post.
"Hi Soup :-) ♥!"
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"Truer words, et al. Thank you Donna Reed and her cousin Sylvia!"
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Mmmm, tasty bee vomit."Sherryl Ponder"
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**UPDATE: - Fort Lewis has responded. No further contact is necessary. They confirmed that this is illegal, and they are taking it seriously. Fort Lewis / JBLM have dealt with a group (possibly this one) in the past. The military police / Provost Marshal's office (PMO) appreciated the head's up. They promise to react quickly to any calls to the MP Dispatch, and escort the offenders off post immed...See More"Soup likes a post.
"Way to go Mr. President!!! Kudos and you have my full support!"
Soup likes a post.
"The NRA fucked up royally....Using the Presidents kids in an ad? Backlash is coming in fast !"
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Today, President Obama announced a plan to reduce gun violence in America. Read ...See More"I stand with the President in the effort to keep our kids and our communities safe from gun violence. Share this if you do too."
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"I'm a strong 2nd Amendment supporter -- my family even has a type of rifle named after us -- but I also know we need to take commonsense steps to reduce gun violence. This is an issue where we may not all be of like minds, but it cannot be an excuse for inaction."
Soup likes a post.
"UPDATE: NRA insists ad targeting Obama's daughters is not about Obama's daughters---"
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"I think anybody whose purpose for having a gun is to turn against our duly elected government should not have a gun. We vote to change our government. If you think a coup to overthrow the government is a good idea you should be seeking mental help not stockpiling weapons."
Soup likes a post.
"Read and discuss."
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"Great video from Marine Bobby Powell..."
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"FFRF addresses inappropriate prayer at Washington State Senate. Here's our letter:
uploads/legal/ WASenatePrayerpriorto2013sessio n.docx.pdf" Soup likes a photo.
"Saw this balanced rock while putting up flagging near the end of the snowshoe trail over by Pulpit Rock. (pz)"
Soup likes a photo.
"The canyon transformed today. Six inches of new snow fell, so we closed the South Rim Road. There was some drifting and winds blew pretty hard overnight. A couple of cross country skiers gave it a try, but conditions were marginal."
Soup likes a photo.
""Silence is audible to all (people) at all times, and in all places. Creation has not displaced her, but is her visible framework and foil. Silence is the universal refuge..." Thoreau. View taken during a patrol at East Portal this morning. Sun is fleeting as a new storm is on the way. (pz)"
Soup likes a photo.
"Clouds seem to say that a storm is coming. South Rim Road is packed down a little bit, ready for snow so we can do the grooming. Snowshoeing is o.k. Total on the ground is about 11 inches."
Soup likes a post.
"Now the tea bags are supporting al Qaida in Mali."
Soup likes a post.
"It doesn't get more hypocritical than this."
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"Bravo, President Obama. Let's get this done."
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"DEBT CEILING RAISES: Reagan: 18 Times, H.W. Bush: 4 Times, Clinton: 4 Times, W. Bush: 7 Times, Obama: 3 Times."
January 15
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This is from a trapping forum. Yes, that is a real gun and yes, it would appear ...See More"Disturbing."
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Soup likes a link.
"ALERT: Interior Secretary Ken Salazar will step down from his cabinet position in the Obama administration and return to Colorado to spend time with his family, his office has confirmed to Denver Post Politics. Are you surprised Salazar is returning?"
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Soup likes a link.
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"Shari and Alice going for a walk"
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Let me make this clear and that is if ANY threat is made against the President of the United States then it is the obligation of EVERYBODY to publicly call out the person who has made that threat; whether or not that threat is implied or explicit. As an Administrator of a group you are ultimately responsible for that group's content and therefore if you do not yourself take responsibility in cal...See More"Soup likes a post.
"I am all for Glenn Beck funding his own incarceration."
Soup likes a link.
"The man who sheltered children who fled from the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting is being harassed by conspiracy theorists who think he's an actor. “I wanted to speak about the bravery of the children,” Gene Rosen said about the phone calls, emails and personal information posted on the Internet. “I guess I kind of opened myself up to this.”"
Soup likes a link.
"This conversation sounds familiar."
Soup likes a link.
We're Not Broke is more popular than sex!! Check it out! We're Not Broke streams free today on Hulu"We're Not Broke is more popular than sex!! Check it out! We're Not Broke streams free today on Hulu"
Soup likes Senator Ted Cruz.
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"Michael Parenti will be on the show tomorrow. Questions for him?"
January 14
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Soup likes a post.
"Mikey & MRFF Honor Rep. Kyrsten Sinema (AZ-9) for truly patriotic action in swearing Oath of Office on the U.S. Constitution rather than on any religious text.
( kyrsten-sinema-uses-constitutio n-not-bible-to-take-oath-of-of fice)" Soup likes Martin S Pribble.
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"Is saying stuff like this acceptable in here? I don't think so. We're here to debate, and when debating about what's best for the USA, it's impossible to debate with one who's an enemy of America like Rawken."
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"Big inauguration this weekend!
WOO HOO!!!!"Soup likes a post.
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"Turkey Ribs Lady Louisa's slow cooked Ribs & comfort Foods
in The D Jammin!"Soup likes Constitutional Accountability Center (CAC).
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"Here we go again . . . a Wyoming right wingnut introduces a "fetal heartbeat" bill - again, did these people learn nothing from Ohio (where a similar bill was shot down), Mississippi (where the "Personhood Amendment" was also nixed by voters), and the 2012 election . . . ? This bill won't succeed, of course, running counter, as it does, to Roe v. Wade - and I guess what does it matter to me if they never, ever win a national election again . . . ?"
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"The tragic suicide of Internet activist Aaron Swartz after his hounding by federal prosecutors did not take place in a vacuum. It should prompt much broader questions about the government's clampdown on transparency, whistleblowing, protest and the free exchange of ideas during Obama's presidency -- which is by far the biggest disappointment of his first 4 years."
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Soup likes a post.
"Freedom of Religion rears its hydra head..."
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"It's not just one old sermon! See Bruce Wilson's article on Louie Giglio's ties to the church at epicenter of the "kill-the-gays" bill. Regular T2A readers may also be interested to know that Giglio's Passion 2013 included Jesus Culture, a band/ministry out of Bill Johnson's church (Johnson is one of 6 apostle leading Revival Alliance.) Jesus Culture's latest CD includes speaking excerpts of Lou Engle and Cindy Jacobs."
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"Thanks to progressive taxation, California is “back in black” with a shrinking deficit."
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"Prayer at West Point Under Fire"
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"Cruising altitude."
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"Personally, I hope all of these gun nuts mount a revolution, so that the U.S. government can trounce their sorry butts, take away their guns for treason, and amend the second amendment so that everybody understands that UNLESS YOU ARE PART OF THE NATIONAL GUARD - YOU DO NOT BELONG TO A WELL-ARMED MILITIA!!!"
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"Yeah. Ponder that one a moment.
“You know, Abraham Lincoln has many good quotes, but one of them is ‘the best way to get rid of a bad law is to enforce it vigorously.’ And here we’re going to have an example of what tyranny means when it’s played to its logical conclusion,” Cuccinelli said. “Because forcing business owners and businesses to do this is not consistent with our history of preserving religious liberty, one of the most important protections we have in this country.”"January 13
Soup likes a link.
"Must read!"
Soup likes a post.
"How do you get record high corporate profits and record low wages?
Bust unions."Soup likes a link.
"Newtown, Connecticut Police Chief Michael Kehoe has a message for the White House: “Ban assault weapons, restrict those magazines that so have so many bullets in them, shore up any loopholes in our criminal background checks,” he said in an exclusive interview with NBC News.
Do you agree with Kehoe? What action should be taken?"Soup likes a status.
"Wow. One of the churches here on post is really pushing things here. I was stopped by a car while walking back from Burger King and they asked me if I wanted to come to church with them. I politely denied and they asked me if I believed on god, "no, I don't" I replied. "Why not?!?" He exclaimed. I told him that was a conversation that neither of us had time for and certainly not one I wanted to have in the middle of the street. Now I walk up to the barracks and there are two guys bugging another soldier about Jesus and satan outside. Can they do this on post?"
Soup likes a status.
"RT @rtraister: So did Jodie Foster just came out, lectured on privacy, discussed her mom's dementia and retired? Am I clear on that? Did I miss anything?"
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"What the fuck is up with normally sane people insinuating that our government is behind the school massacre?"
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"wow. kaepernick DOES have lots of tats. jus sayin. not like i was googling KAEPERNICK SHIRTLESS or anything. really. :)"
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Find the two words below..."See More." Click on this to get a drop down menu of ...See MoreSoup likes a link.
So close!Soup likes a link.
"Is threatening children with hell a form of emotional abuse?"
Soup likes Hot Air.
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Who do they want to kill/assassinate? Civilian supporters of President Obama? Progressive politicians? Obviously both IMO..."
-Consummate RWNJs; paranoid conspiracy freak Alex Jones and Dead beat Dad Joe Walsh consider mass murder/the violent overthrow of the govt "civil disobedience".
I think they need some the govt they think they're going to overthrow. Their weapon of choice ...See MoreSoup likes a status.
"So have you heard the latest from California? After more than a decade of crushing economic woes brought on by ever increasing tax cuts and the tyranny of the minority party in blocking any sensible legislation, in 2010 progressives and liberals got to work and started electing good people to the government and changing the laws, working hard at every level. They raised taxes on the wealthy, redrew congressional districts by a non-partisan method, and got rid of the super majority rule. What happened? Disaster? Collapse? Nope. Just the opposite. Out of the red and into the black! Way to go California. MASSACHUSETTS ARE YOU LISTENING?"
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I have always been interested in the figurative language employed in politics. The metaphors or shorthand the GOP and its lobbyists use to signal their policy stances can be almost amusing: phrases like "starve the beast" or Norquist's pledge to shrink goverment down "to the size that we can drown it in a bathtub." However, the longer I observe this party's legislative and fiscal machinations, my ...See More"Soup likes a post.
"Toxic Tea Mutant mentality explained."
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"Tea Mutants hate Kenyans, but want an East African tax system. They should just call themselves the "Oxymoron Party" with emphasis on the "moron" part."
Soup likes a post.
"Cristi Takeitallbackintwentyfourteen Haiser, here is my link, thanks,"
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Soup likes a post.
"This is everybody is to blame horseshit. People that make this claim are themselves part of the problem."
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"Bringing out the flag is just cool!! USA rocks! We just rock!!!"
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Because as a country, we have insisted that its a persons 'right' to have as much property, wealth, and power, as they can grab; and still pay the same % of tax as a person who earns a pittance of that, while at the same time complaining that the working person hasnt done enough to justify any allegiance to that person or their family, we have reached a point where we dont care about our fellow ci...See More"Soup likes a link.
lmaoSoup likes a post.
"The Republican congress today, is the enemy of working class and poor Americans. There is no doubt about it and no evidence that indicates otherwise. On the contrary there is overwhelming evidence that proves this observation to be absolutely true."
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"Cool thing: Person I respect and admire and love dearly asked for help with a resume/application. This person didn't need my writing, I knew that from the start, so I just poked a little and BAM-the most perfect objective ever written, not by me, by my friend. See? I don't always poke snakes, sometimes I poke people into realizing how amazing they are."
Soup likes a photo.
"No. Slam. Dunk. The King rolls into town, the Kings might not be rolling out anytime soon. Very positive news from tonight. Both Mayor Johnson & potential bidder Mark Mastrov were in the building tonight. Forget the loss. News of a BIG win for Sacramento still very possible. (Rocky Widner/Getty Images)"
January 12
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The US Treasury will produce a trillion dollar platinum AR15."Soup likes
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"Autism/Aspergers friends: Work overalls are heavy enough to help with sensory issues/panic attacks! It's like walking around wearing a lightly weighted blanket!"
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""We accept money because if we don't have any money we have to buy commodities with other commodities, and when we do so we are unlikely to receive the cost of production for what we sell. Have you ever tried to buy a latte at Peets with a copy of Ludwig von Mises's Money and Credit? It does not go well.""
Soup likes a post.
I haven't been to the Thomas website to check the veracity of this (esp since the 113th Congress has been in session, what, all of 2 days?), but IF the rumor is true, it seems Paul Ryan has, again, quietly, introduced a federal personhood bill, which would grant a "one-celled" organism the same rights as you or I, positing it is a "person" even *before* it implants in the uterine lining. And this ...See More"Soup likes a link.
"These people think they can just attack the US Government when they decide it's become "tyrannical" - sure sounds like something a terrorist might say. Chilling video at link."
Soup likes a post.
From a purely tactical standpoint, all this talk on the part of the NRA and its minions about people taking up arms and going to war against the Federal Government makes no sense because even they know that the element of surprise is critical when one armed group goes up another one that has far superior numbers, weapons, and training. By publicly threatening to go to war with the Federal Govern...See More"Soup likes a status.
"TD SAN FRAN!!!!!"
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"One guy bought the same weapon used in Newtown -- his fourth rifle of that type, actually."
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"Sometimes, baseball season just seems too far away. At those times, we need an over-sized Nolan Ryan to walk among us."
Soup likes SportsDay.
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"Servers tied up right now, but here's the link: RT @YourAnonNews: JSTOR statement on the death of Aaron Swartz:"
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"TD SF!!!!!!"
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"Looking forward to speaking at the Martin Luther King Jr. dinner this evening and presenting the Robert T. Matsui Community Service Award to Dr. Alan Rowe for his work mentoring and inspiring our youth. This is a great event honoring those individuals who have dedicated their lives to serving our community."
Soup likes a status.
The Green Bay Packers say kickoff has been moved to 7:25 p.m. CT because of the Broncos-Ravens game."Soup likes a link.
"From Timothy B. Lee: "I worry that Swartz’s prosecution is a sign that America is gradually losing the sense of humor that has made it the home of the world’s innovators and misfits. A generation ago, we hailed Pentagon Papers leaker Daniel Ellsberg as a hero. Today, our government throws the book at whistleblowers for leaking much less consequential information.""
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"Do you think should gun owners should do this more often or not at all?"
Soup likes a post.
"Hitler Never Banned Guns, but He Did Destroy Unions, Outlaw Abortion---"
Soup likes a post.
"I see that Bill Rapp is here. Now that is one cool Conservative. If more Cons were like him there wouldn't be nearly as much rancor between the Right and the Left as there is now."
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"#TheCowboy is ready to rope and ride. #QuestforSix"
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"The Heritage Foundation Created the Individual Mandate & Their List of 'Freest Countries' Include Socialist Nations---"
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Fay Easter
Yeager opened his big mouth because he could not keep it closed. These personality types should NOT have access to guns. He has a short fuse. And would FUNK a psych test. The NRA has been hammering these people with their 2nd amendment rights for years. The obvious mis-interpretation by the NRA and most Republicans have been for nothing but political and financial gain. They could care less about anyone's rights, safety, or death from gun violence. The only thing they care about is their profit line and the fear, chaos gun violence causes. Yeager is a product of years of being indoctrinated by their perverted message. There are many more out there just like him..........."Soup likes a link.
"Note to self: don't try to take this CEO's gun"
January 11
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DON'T do it"Gordon W Busseau - thought you might get a giggle out of this."
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"Happy Birthday E-Z-R-I !!!!! ♥"
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"Hey, if the Indians had had guns, their land would have never been stolen, and they would never have been driven on to reservations. Um, ah, ..."
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"If the Germans had had guns, they never would have lost WW II, um, ah."
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"If Napoleon only had guns, he would have never lost at Waterloo, wait, um, ..."
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"Wading dangerously into the “legitimate rape” debate that helped derail two Republican Senate candidates in 2012."
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"Meet our friend, Ladd. He may just surprise you about the Second Amendment. This family is proud of him. "
January 10
Soup likes Chattanooga Times Free Press.
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Soup likes The Majority Report.
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"Sam Seder on Alex Jones---VIDEO:"
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"Liberals are Being Selfish. So Our Kids Get Shot... Big Deal. Do You Even Know How Cool it is to Shoot a Bushmaster?"
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"These folks are going to see their numbers swell as we ratchet up the rhetoric for gun control"
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"The scariest part of the current GOP is not that they are moving even further to the right. They only marginalize themselves.
The scariest part is the voters who leave the GOP due to that extremism will likely join the Democratic Party. This effectively moves the Democratic party to the right as pols clamber for those votes.
It's past time that we have more than a 2 party system."Soup likes a post.
"When I was marching with Reverend Al Sharpton in Bensonhurst Brooklyn following the lynching of Yusef Hawkins in the Summer of 1990 what made the biggest impression was not the angry white mob confronting us hurling racial epithets, bricks, eggs, etc. in our direction but rather that one angry black man I saw who was as dark skinned as anyone can be marching with his so called white friends screaming "N****r go home!". After seeing that nothing has surprised me since."
Soup likes a post.
"It's adorable when teabags pretend that the GOP didn't run up the debt on purpose."
Soup likes a post.
"Highlight of the State of the Union? President Obama turns around, says, "What's that in your ear, Mr. Speaker?" and pulls out the trillion dollar platinum coin."
Soup likes a post.
"Tells you all you need to know about the Republican Party: they put Michelle Bachman on the Intelligence Committee."
January 9
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"SHAME on Seattle for Salivating over the Return of a Basket Ball Team. Doesn't anyone here Remember what WE went through when WE Lost our Team? Or what it did to Our "Economy" ???
#FUCKTHESONICS"Soup likes a photo.
"January 9th, 2003 — 10 years ago this very day. Yours truly during the nadir of my cancer treatments. No eyebrows or eyelashes, my beard and mustache fell out, skin the color of tapioca pudding, hair about as thin as Michele Bachmann's list of accomplishments... I looked like Barry Manilow's weird uncle. All things considered, I didn't enjoy it. But hey, I'm here, unlike many of my good friends who haven't been so lucky. And yes, there is such thing as survivor's guilt amongst cancer patients. Cancer is evil."
Soup likes a link.
Who controls the purse strings? The House. Who wants to punish the economy for the bills they have accrued? The House. Head meet desk.--Dave.Soup likes a post.
"I have to agree with my fellow service member on this. Any thoughts?" Soup likes a post.
Workers often rely on food stamps, the earned income tax credit and other means-tested programs -- often threatened to be cut -- not because they don't work hard enough but because their earnings are pitifully low. And while these workers strive to save, it is plainly impossible for them to save enough to finance their retirement, or manage the ever-escalating cost of college for themselves or the...See More"Soup likes Bleacher Report's video Metta World Peace uses Steve Nash's armpit towel on his face.
"Steve Nash wiped his armpits with a towel, then Metta World Peace used the towel to wipe his face. Add another assist to the total for Nash.
Via"Soup likes a link.
"Advocates from Campaign for Youth Justice, Center for Children's Law and Policy, Children's Defense Fund, Fight Crime: Invest In Kids, National Juvenile Defender Center, and many others meet with The White House on gun violence issues in the wake of Newtown."
Soup likes a status.
"People need to quit complaining about hours if they don't answer there phone"
Soup likes a post.
"Gee what happened to Michah perhaps he's trying to figure out the 'block' option ...thanks Soup for the data your amazing"
Soup likes January 9, 2013 | The David Pakman Show.
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"New Show: Drones continue, flu outbreak, fear tactics, 2012 hottest year on record, much more"
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"He did an interview today with Dave Fanning that will air on Saturday."
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"Winner, winner, chicken dinner!"
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Soup likes Foreign Policy Magazine.
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When asked today if she was headed towards retirement when she leaves the State ...See More"She could win!!!!"
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""We won't have a clean energy economy if the same companies that pollute rivers + oceans are also polluting elections.""
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January 8
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Soup likes a link.
"It says he had a 'cache of weapons' with him. Maybe if he, I don't know, had one more gun with him - it would have kept him safer? - vince"
Soup likes Rhymesayers.
Soup likes National Journal.
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"CNN noted unlike previous presidents, it won't be a member of the clergy."
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"Chris Rodda continues peeling the 'Onion of Hypocrisy' that is Major Jonathan Dowty (a.k.a. 'Christian'? Fighter Pilot)... beth-dowty-mrs-christian-fighte r-pilot-is-a-shill-for-the-off icers-christian-fellowship/" Soup likes a photo.
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Soup likes a link.
"The ramifications for our political process notwithstanding ...
No one wants to sit on a phone for 4-8 hours/day begging rich people for money (trust me, I've sat their with them and done it myself).
#freeUScongress"Soup likes a photo.
"It looks like an Alabama "A" forms during Nick Saban's Gatorade bath. Is that divine intervention? You be the judge.
GIF of the Gatorade bath:
(h/t Busted Coverage)"Soup likes a post.
"The worst-case scenario for breaching the debt limit is really, really bad, and highly plausible---"
Soup likes Louisville Tea Party.
January 7
Soup likes a post.
Laura Teller: On DebateSomebody asked: what are the rules of proper debate?Continue Reading
The simple answer is that there are none. The rules of debate depend on the venue in which debate occurs. Prior to each presidential debate, for example, the hosting network announced the format to which each participant would be held. Beyond that, candidates were free to select their...Soup likes a photo.
Meg here."
Whoever titled this only got it half right. This field was clearly touched by His Noodly Appendage after He had been hitting the beer volcano.
To err is human but to ARR is pirate!
...See MoreSoup likes a post.
"Ted Cruz (TB-Texas) just said on TV that he wants to shut down the government.
Sorry, the U.S. doesn't negotiate with terrorists."Soup likes a status.
"Alex Jones: Rush Limbaugh with a tinfoil hat."
Soup likes Michael Farris.
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"They are serving dessert and I'm still cooking chicken fried steak"
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"Just received my film from Netflix, half of the packaging is burnt to the point that it is open, ironically the film is entitled Inferno."
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"BREAKING - MRFF Demands Immediate DoD Corrective Action on Distribution of Anti-Semitic “Manga Messiah” Christian Proselytizing Comic Books Throughout Military"
Soup likes Lincoln Journal Star.
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Soup likes a link.
Soup likes a link.
Tommy Robinson (leader of the English Defence League) spends half his life compl...See More"Another ignorant frightened white piece of trash. Man theres a lot of them."
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I think this is something that many people need to remember. Religion exists; n...See MoreSoup likes a photo.
"Huell Howser, a public broadcasting legend best known for California's Gold, has died, according to his assistant, Ryan Morris."
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"So bummed!!! Huell is gone!!"
Soup likes his own photo.
Soup likes his own photo.
Soup likes his own photo.
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Soup likes U.S. Senate Commerce Committee Republicans.
Soup likes Senator Roger Wicker.
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"Valle de Vinales, Cuba. April 2011"
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"Good Morning"
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"I'm sure looking forward to the inauguration."
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Stark: My (overtstuffed) HOF ballot --"Bonds, Clemens and Piazza made Jayson Stark's HOF ballot.
Would they make yours?"Soup likes a photo.
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January 6
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"All Property, indeed, except the Savage's temporary Cabin, his Bow, his Matchcoat, and other little Acquisitions, absolutely necessary for his Subsistence, seems to me to be the Creature of public Convention. Hence the Public has the Right of Regulating Descents, and all other Conveyances of Property, and even of limiting the Quantity and the Uses of it. All the Property that is necessary to a M...See More"Soup likes WJBF News Channel 6.
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"If our listeners don't rate the podcast; theists, Fox News & Deepak Chopra win. True story. Saw it written in a book."Soup likes a link.
""I'm from downtown. I'm here from Mitch & Murray... and I'm here on a mission of mercy!""
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"For the next 52 weeks, our arts reporters will take you somewhere you haven't been or help you experience something new. We're even making our own commitment to get outside the places we feel most comfortable. What would you like to try this year?
apps/pbcs.dll/ gallery?Avis=AB&Dato=20130105&K ategori=ENT09&Lopenr=301070020 &Ref=PH" Soup likes a link.
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""If we focus on the interests of our country above the interests of party, I’m convinced we can cut spending and raise revenue in a manner that reduces our deficit and protects the middle class. And we can step up to meet the important business that awaits us this year." —President Obama in his Weekly Address:"
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"Anyone who has ever interacted with me understands hopefully one thing - I hate bullies. I despise them. I firmly live by the conviction that if someone wants to push you around - you punch them in the face and knock out their teeth. We all have a responsibility to stand firm against those who would threaten and intimidate ... at any cost. One's principles shouldn't be negotiable.
So let me...Continue Reading"Soup likes a link.
"Here is my column for this week. Mwah! "
January 5
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"My newest name for the Republican Party/Tea Party reflects the fact that in practice, and as outlined in the Republican Party Platform, the Republican Tea Party is obsessed with imposing/inflicting its religious beliefs on everyone else - it has become the Republican Inquisition Party. Here's some data on the religious affiliations of U.S. Congressmen/women:" Soup likes a link.
Antonio Buehler was arrested in Austin, TX, for filming police abuse during a tr...See More"A true patriot. "
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Glacier National Park, MT
(by Michael Bollino)Soup likes a link.
Soup likes Gateway News.
Soup likes The Lawton Constitution.
Soup likes Calvary Baptist Church.
Soup likes Faith Based Church of God.
Soup likes TCPalm.
Soup likes Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park.
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"Some kind of lily I think. They come up this time of year."
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I’m prone to mood swings. Sometimes I’m grumpy, sometimes I’m grouchy, sometimes I’m crabby.January 4
Soup likes Conversations with Conservatives.
Soup likes Raúl R. Labrador.
Soup likes House Liberty Caucus.
Soup likes Office of Rep. Justin Amash.
Soup likes Justin Amash.
Soup likes Louie Gohmert.
Soup likes Congressman Steve Pearce.
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"I like to spam and troll."
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"Wanna know who *really* bankrolls FreedomWorks? Mostly big-money donors—& it used to be corporations:"
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"Its officially official, KAZI HAS TEETH!! i thought her top two would come in first but nooooope.. she's got two bottom teeth popping out and you can see/feel the top two coming out of her gums. Poor thing has been running a fever off and on the last 2+ weeks and teething and tummy problems on top of it all! the soy milk has helped but she still gets bubbles in her tummy. hhmmpphh.. i wish i could take all the bad away for her. now i know how my mom has felt all these years."
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"Its officially official, KAZI HAS TEETH!! i thought her top two would come in first but nooooope.. she's got two bottom teeth popping out and you can see/feel the top two coming out of her gums. Poor thing has been running a fever off and on the last 2+ weeks and teething and tummy problems on top of it all! the soy milk has helped but she still gets bubbles in her tummy. hhmmpphh.. i wish i could take all the bad away for her. now i know how my mom has felt all these years."
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"Here's a better pic of my tat. Its on my.left upper arm. Don't by Jeremy at Columbia Tattoo and Piercing. Her exact foot prints from the night she was born ♥"
Soup likes Hartford Courant.
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"Just spent the afternoon playing drums with Jill Stein"
January 3
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"Oh Boy!!! I've been cruising Conservative pages to see what's up in the paint chip eating world. Look what I found. :) Better watch out. They're comin to gitcha. ;) 251266&feature=iv&src_vid=TNS0 Yps6Kf8&v=FyfkQkchlu4" Soup likes a photo.
"From Sivart: "As an NRA member, I left a comment the NRA Facebook page. Instead of responding to me, they blocked me. I was already on the verge of doing this after their heartless response to the CT school shooting. I will be cancelling my membership with them effective immediately...F The NRA!!!""
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"I BBQed all 75 of these tonight"
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"Gonna be moving to Madison, WI soon to take a job organizing a movement to take down the US Chamber of Commerce, aka the lobbying arm of corporate America. If any of my friends around the country are interested in helping out in their communities, let's talk!"
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Soup likes Minden Press-Herald.
Soup likes Congressman Ted Yoho.
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"Rep. Diana DeGette introduced legislation today to ban high-capacity gun magazines.
Do you support this idea?
Story:"Soup likes Summit.
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"John Boehner has just won reelection as Speaker of the House but the Majority Leader Eric Cantor didn't vote for him; marking his ballot Other/Present instead! Now when was the last time that happened? Wow!"
Soup likes Representative Martha Roby.
Soup likes House Armed Services Committee Republicans.
Soup likes Republican Women's Policy Committee.
Soup likes Marsha Blackburn.
Soup likes Mark Pocan.
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"Why is the fiscal bill, designed to earn revenue for our country, giving MORE away to billion dollar tax dodging corporations?"
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"A look at the new members of Congress (both House and Senate) and a brief bio available about each one. Today is the day they get sworn in as the 113th Congress."
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"A judge sentenced a 43-year-old man to 30 days in jail for mocking a 10-year-old neighbor girl's cerebral palsy. A video (at the link) shows Bill Bailey walking in front of a school bus, dragging his feet just like the little girl. A child walking with him begins to do the same thing on the video.
The girl's parents say Bailey's bad behavior continued prior to his sentencing. Bailey claims he had a work injury that day and that's why he limped. Watch and decide for yourself. 43yearold-bully-bill-bailey-jai led-mocking-10yearold-neighbor -cerebral-palsy-4138.shtml" Soup likes Texas Tribune.
Soup likes WMAL DC.
January 2
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“On second thought, let’s not go there. It’s a silly place.” "BWWWAAAAHHHH!!!!! :-)"
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"SO WRONG!!!!!!!!"
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This is a deceiving I made this back my Freshman year of High school. Its a wireless transmitter concealed in a deodorant stick. In other words its a bugging device! It is tune-able to different frequencies. I bread boarded it. Later I was able to shrink it down to fit in a large ink pen.. Unfortunately I don't have any of those left. I sold em all when I was a kid. the antenna is ...See More"Soup likes a photo.
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"Cleaning out my friend's list. If you can read this message, you made the cut....BUT, I'm not done just Night!!"
Soup likes Media Research Center.
Soup likes Arizona Daily Sun.
Soup likes YumaSun.
Soup likes Rep. Joe Crowley.
Soup likes The McPherson Sentinel.
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"I just got a gig! I will be doing the new chalk art and menu at Pyramid Brewery! is good."Soup likes a link.
"With one record in the books, and others sure to come, are you concerned about the shrinking Great Lakes?"
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Soup likes House Republicans.
Soup likes Mike Simpson.
Soup likes Governor C. L. "Butch" Otter.
Soup likes Senator Mike Crapo.
Soup likes Senator Tom Carper.
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""Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone." - John Maynard Keynes, British economist."
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"Juvenile drugs parents over Internet access."
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"I know everyone is saying the Boehner will retain his speakership, but I'm not so sure about that."
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"Here’s a video recommended by our economists explaining who is or is not included in the unemployment rate calculation. It also explains how the rate can go down as conditions worsen or up as conditions improve."
Soup likes Courthouse News Service.
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ღ Aisi Raif ღSoup likes a photo.
"I don't care if this is mean, rude or made me laugh. Hahahahaha! And it's late at night, so really, who's going to see it? ;c) - vince"
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"This is where I spent my first weekend as a Valero-Google-AIG prospective-Cali resident. BoM gegenueber. Euclid raging above."
January 1
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"Happy New Year from The Hexmen!"
Soup likes Trey Gowdy.
Soup likes Buck McKeon.
Soup likes Tim Scott.
Soup likes Jeff Miller.
Soup likes Joe Wilson.
Soup likes The Island Packet.
Soup likes The Woodland Daily Democrat.
Soup likes Illinois State Rifle Association.
Soup likes The Union Daily Times.
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"Follow the Mountain Democrat's live coverage of local elections tonight at"
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Soup likes The Bakersfield Californian.
Soup likes Orange County Register.
Soup likes California State University.
Soup likes Wildlife Health Center, UC Davis.
Soup likes The Davis Enterprise Newspaper.
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"Republican tent still too big. Alienating a few more millions of people before the next congress convenes later this week.
{S} house-pulls-plug-on-sandy-aid-b ill-85661.html" Soup likes a link.
ERIC ("I want what I want when I want it") CANTOR ~STANDS IN THE WAY!"
House Republicans abruptly pulled the plug Tuesday night on their promise to take up this week an emergency supplemental disaster aid bill for Northeast states damaged by Hurricane Sandy.
The decision is a stunning reversal since just hours before New Jersey lawmakers were preparing for floor debate Wednesday as outlined under...See MoreSoup likes Rep. Mick Mulvaney.
Soup likes WIBW Radio.
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"Can we please rename The Sandy Relief Bill the Supplemental Iraq War Funding Bill so the GOP Congress can vote for it?"
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"via Formidable Republican Opposition
CSPAN IS ON FIRE! Boehner bash feast (from both Rep. & Dems) on the floor of the House right now. He isn't allowing a vote to provide aid to the millions in NY, NJ and CT affected from Sandy."Soup likes a status.
"I wonder what angry stupid people think of all this. I'll check C-SPAN's call-in show."
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"Bronco Bama seems pleased."
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A teeny-tiny bit of praise for John Boehner. Yes, you read that right. Boehner is clearly one of the weakest Speakers in the history of our country. However, he did something notable tonight. He violated the "Hastert Rule." Which was created by former Repub Speaker Dennis Hastert and states that a speaker shall not bring a bill to the floor unless the majority of the party in power is in favor of ...See More"Soup likes a status.
"House will vote up or down on the Senate bill in the 9 pm hour."
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"Each year, the Baltimore Police homicide section compiles statistics on city killings. Here's how some of the data break down:
(Amy Davis/2011 Baltimore Sun Photo)"Soup likes a photo.
"Still snowing at 5:15 pm on Sunday."
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"Monday morning in Pollock Pines."
Soup likes Z Group Real Estate.
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"Best of 2012, that bizarre anti-gay debate where nobody agreed on anything"
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"It looks as if they've been talked out of it now. But the House GOP nearly blew up the 'fiscal cliff' deal."
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Have you done this yet?":)"
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"Eric Cantor has announced that he WILL NOT support the bill. Anyone wanna see my shocked face? Hey Cantor.......FUCK YOU."
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"Thanks for your friendship, Soup."
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"To all my friends and family happy new year, Luvs to all"
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"Good Job, Mr. President!!! "
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"Happy new year mafako's"
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"Happy New Year Facebook"
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Soup Likes Seventeen Days In January
January 2013
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