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The Reformation Champion Network
Ohio’s Reformation Prayer Network will release and covenant with the present day Davids, Esthers, Samuels, Josiahs, and John the Baptists. They must be recognized and empowered by the Mordecais (the Apostles) of today’s church to bring about spiritual awakening and reformation. It is time for reformation champions in the coming generation to be given authority to change America and the church. The energy, drive, and evident call from the Lord Jesus is needed to break the apathetic living. The Reformation Champions Movement will help make true reform in our lifetime possible.
The New Testament church, partnering with the coming generation, will cause a tipping point. America will turn back to Jehovah God. Jesus will be honored as Lord and King. And we will be recognized as Christian nation.
Conducted by Eric Holmberg
Transcribed and edited by Jay Rogers
Steve Schlissel is the pastor of Messiah's Congregation, a Christian Reformed Church in Brooklyn, editor of Messiah's Mandate, author of Hal Lindsey and the Restoration of the Jews and Television or Dominion? Born and raised in New York City, Schlissel became a Christian by reading the Bible. When Jesus said that everyone who hears His words will give an account for his response (Matthew 7:24-27), Steve took it seriously and sought the mercy of God through Jesus. Steve has also been a tireless defender of orthodoxy within the Christian Reformed Church (CRC). He serves as the Overseer of Urban Nations (a mission to the world in a single city), and is the Director of Meantime Ministries (an outreach to women who were sexually abused as children). Steve lives with his wife of 24 years, Jeanne, and their five children. Contact Messiah's Congregation to order books and tapes or to subscribe to the Messiah's Mandate. Conducted by Eric Holmberg
Transcribed and edited by Jay Rogers
Messiah's Congregation
1600 Sheepshead Bay Road Suite 3
Brooklyn, NY 11235
1600 Sheepshead Bay Road Suite 3
Brooklyn, NY 11235
Steve Schlissel: The Old Testament is the Book of the New Testament Church. So it's a problem to say, "I'm a Christian, therefore I'm a New Testament Christian."
If you open up the first page of the New Testament, what does it say on the first page, first verse? -- "This is the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah, the Son of David, the Son of Abraham" (Matt. 1:1). Who's David? Where did I read about him? The Old Testament! I guess so. Abraham now, he must be New Testament, right? No? Old Testament! What you have when you go to the first page of this book we call the New Testament is a message that says, "What are what are you doing here? Do you know who these people are? Because I am going to tell you about Jesus Christ who didn't just suddenly come onto the earth." He has a history. He was prophesied from of old. He was promised to somebody. He comes in terms of a context. If it could be any stronger, I don't know. Matthew goes through a list of 14 generations, and another 14 generations, and another 14 generations. Where are those people from? The Old Testament! That's how we get started in the first book.
Then you go on to the second book, Mark, and what do you have? Mark uses imagery from the prophet Isaiah everywhere in his first chapter. Throughout the book he is using this imagery that he picks up from Isaiah's prophecy, this majestic book. Mark says, "You have no business here until you go back and read Isaiah and the Old Testament. Then you can know what I am talking about."
The whole material foundation of Jesus' ministry was that "This is what is written about me in Moses and the prophets and the Psalms." Consequently, even if you want to call yourself a New Testament Christian, what does the New Testament tell you? The New Testament tells you to go back to the Old Testament. Now that's just the beginning. When you go through the book of Acts, their discussion is to what is the pivotal change in administrations, as they come into the new world that has come about because of Christ's work. What is the critical change? Is it that the Old Testament is no longer valid or functional? No. It is that Gentiles can become "Jews" without becoming Jews. That is, they can become Jews without being circumcised.
The distinctive peculiarities that were associated with the Jewish people before Christ are no longer binding upon Gentiles. And so this Gospel that was located in Israel and that was acted out every day in the sacrifice of the Temple service, in the work of the priests, in the offerings, in the feasts, in the calendars, now have come to rest in Jesus Christ about whom they always spoke. They were always looking forwards to Him. There were arrows all along the way pointing. "Look to Jesus to find the meaning of this sacrifice. Look to Jesus to find the meaning of this service in the Temple, this priesthood." Now that Jesus has come, the meaning has come. He has taken it all up in Himself. He has gone up into heaven. There is a Temple. There is a kingdom. There is a city. There is a church. And now on earth you have outposts of what has happened in heaven --the final fullness that is there -- anywhere on earth. That is the big difference.
The Law didn't change. The Old Testament didn't change. God's morality didn't change. God didn't suddenly say, "Now that my Son has done His work, it's okay if you don't worship me. It's okay if you have other gods. It's okay if you have no day of rest. It's okay if you commit adultery. It's okay if you commit murder. God's values didn't change. They are eternal. The Lord never changes. He never varies. What happened in the New Testament is that this Law has shed those things which kept it local and has gone up to heaven and from heaven it is poured down upon the whole world.
The best way to think about the Bible is that it is one book. It has an anticipation and a working out in history prior to Christ. Then the final chapter is written in the New Testament. I know it is 27 books. We call it 27 books, but it is really the last chapter of the Old Testament. The New Testament Church's book was the Old Testament. When Paul wrote to Timothy, he told him about the Scriptures that he had "known from childhood, that are able to make you wise for salvation through Jesus Christ" (2 Tim 3:15). Now how could that be if it were for the Jews, and not the Christians. To be wise for salvation in Jesus Christ sounds pretty "Christian" to me.
Steve Schlissel: I have a problem understanding what the difficulty is in looking to the law of God for a norm for civil polity. The difficulty I have is -- let's not talk about non-Christians who don't love God and what He has to say -- but Christians love the Lord. They know Jehovah. They know his goodness. They see his mercy. They know his wisdom. The know that they don't know everything, but they know Someone who does know everything. Let's start with that. God knows everything.
Now let's go back to an idea that we find in the Old Testament. We lost Eden through the sin of our first parents. Now God brings a whole nation of people out of bondage -- a stark contrast -- into the glorious freedom of the children of God on earth, if they do everything He says. He says it over and again. "If you do what I tell you in this land, you are going to have Eden back. It's going to be glorious. There is going to be rain. There is going to be fruit. There is going to be prosperity. There is going to be food. You won't even have diseases. You are going to be so happy if you do what I say."
Now do we believe that was the case? Do we believe it was the case because God was going to do continued supernatural miracles? Or rather because in the Law, God was giving His people the keys to living on earth? I think that's not too big a jump to say God gave them the Law in love. Deuteronomy is the book to read on this. Over and again He says, "I love you. That's why I'm giving you this Law. It's not because I'm setting you up. I'm not looking to trap you. Follow this because this is the way."
Now let's bring this to today. We become Christian. Our neighbor becomes Christian. Even our whole neighborhood becomes Christian. What happens? Even our whole state becomes Christian. Even in fact the whole nation. Then we look to each other and say, "I wonder how we should rule our lives? What laws should we have?" Now God has spoken already. He has given a whole body of laws in history to a people that He loved and adopted as His own that He liberated not to put them in bondage but to keep them in freedom. Doesn't it make sense to that we should go to that law and apply ourselves to see how it applies to our circumstances today.
There will be difficulties. Their culture was highly agrarian. Ours is highly technological. There are other big differences between us and Israel. But in principle we should expect that given the wisdom of God, we should find those governing ordinances which would lead to maximum freedom, maximum peace, even maximum prosperity. Prosperity doesn't happen from manipulating God or playing games or hitting the right keys to get a result. It happens by having our Father in heaven telling us what to do. We do what He says and then in time He blesses us.
Steve Schlissel: You have to understand a couple of things to understand these capital cases. Number one is that there is good reason to believe that the capital cases, except for murder, were worst case offenses. That is to say that you needn't have administered capital punishment. Banishment might have been a substitute that was acceptable. There could have been negotiated settlements for various offenses. The one area where God said you must execute is murder. The murderer shall surely be put to death. (Gen. 9:6).
Now in these other cases we have the expression of God's wrath and vengeance on these sins that are appropriate in a covenant-keeping culture, that is in a faith environment where people are self-consciously committed to the Lord and His Law, and in cases where there is a flagrant "in your face" violation. There is not really too much to fear. Even if the Law was administered, it would have the result of driving homosexuality underground, which is exactly where the Law of God would keep it.
Now the converse of this is what we face in our day, is not so much the danger of homosexuals being killed, but of Christians being killed in our nation, or at least persecuted and segregated, because only one group can occupy a prominent place in the public square. It's either going to be God's people out there enjoying the neighborhoods, breathing the air or it's going to be God's enemies owning the public square and polluting it. It's not ever both. "The righteous hate the wicked" and "the wicked hate the righteous" it says in the Proverbs. That is simply a truism. So which would we rather have governing the public square, righteousness or wickedness? I know when I look now I see wickedness.
Steve Schlissel: In order to answer the question, we really need to get over the idea that we have unbound latitudinarian tolerance. No culture does. Every single culture has restrictions. For example, there are groups that want to offer child sacrifice. We don't permit that. There are groups that want to offer public sacrifices of animals today. Now in the Old Testament we had it, but Christian societies today forbid it. (By and large. There are little exceptions around the globe.)
So we don't have tolerance for every group. But we could have tolerance for those who have formal allegiance to the God of the Bible. Some might include Muslims in that because they say that the God they worship is the God therein revealed. Certainly, many more would be sympathetic to Jews worshipping with freedom of conscience. But the idea is not we would go into the home and regulate the worship in the home or the thoughts of the people.
There is an old story about Abraham that is told by the rabbis. They say that an Arab visitor came to him one day and he extended typical eastern hosptiality. He said, "Come into my tent my friend." The sat down at a meal and Abraham set about to witness to him to find out what his religious convictions were. The Arab told him, "Oh, I'm an idolater and here are some of my idols." Abraham became indignant, furious, and threw him out of his tent and chased him into the desert.
And God, the rabbis say, came to visit Abraham and asked him, "Abraham, how old was that man?"
Abraham said, "He was about eighty."
And how long was he with you, Abraham?"
"Oh, about five minutes."
"And what did you do?"
"I threw him out," Abraham answered.
God said, "I've been bearing with that man for eighty years and you couldn't bear with him for five minutes."
The lesson is that we need to be tolerant to understand that it is the Lord who gives faith. We have to give wide berth to the working of the Spirit to bring that about. With a Christian consensus and with a strong Christian conviction our tolerance can be considerable. It's when we are weak that we tend to overact and have knee-jerk reactions to other faiths. But nevertheless the laws would have to be Christian laws that govern the land.
Steve Schlissel: This idea of religious neutrality is not true to our founding. We had explicit statements in various state constitutions, Maryland, Delaware, Connecticut, Massachusetts, where there were references to the Christian religion as being the one that is protected in the land. In fact, there were restrictions of office bearing, that you could not be an office holder in a state unless you held to the Christian, and more specifically the Protestant religion, that you held to the Creeds in regard to the confession of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and that you believed that the Bible is the Word of God and infallible. If you didn't believe that, you couldn't be an office holder in various states.
Now we take today's propaganda to say that there was separation of church and state which means "religious neutrality." It's just a smoke screen. It is some rival, it is a "Klingon vessel using a cloaking device" that says, "I'm not really here." What we have is another religion. This other religion is viciously intolerant. How intolerant is it? Well, Reggie White, the great pro-football player, said to the Wisconsin legislature that he does not believe that homosexuality falls into the same category as race. He said, "Race is something you are born with. It is a disposition from God. You cannot choose it. However, homosexuality is a behavior that people choose to engage in." Well that was it for Reggie! This tolerant society, this "bleeding-heart let-everybody-do-their own thing" worldview found suddenly that their tolerance limits were met with a statement that suggested that homosexuality is a sin.
In Los Angeles recently, there was a convention of doctors meeting to discuss homosexuality. But because they didn't follow the "lavender agenda" the very discussion (although they didn't come to any conclusions) was condemned by the Los Angeles city council as "hateful." The people at the hotel were harassed. In fact, they had to shut down the hotel to these conventioneers and put them in another hotel that had a little more guts because of the threats that came from the homosexual community.
The homosexual community goes into St. Patrick's cathedral in New York City and tosses condoms. They mock fornicate every year in their wild lascivious parades in front and they are not touched. But Christians that protest at abortion clinics are arrested and hauled off. Tolerance always has limits. Tolerance is always religiously informed and we are not working in a tolerant system.
People who say anything against the current agenda find their life's work is now suddenly meaningless. There was a police chaplain in New York who was there for many years. He suggested that a homosexual district attorney was a problem to him. That was the end of his career. He was forced to resign. What happened to tolerance? Why can't he have a different view?
In the case of Matthew Shepherd's slaying in Wyoming, it was played up by the media to be a result of advertisements placed by Christians encouraging homosexuals to find freedom in Christ. These loving ads, they twisted into these intolerant bastions of hate. "They are looking to kill us all!" Nothing could be further from the truth. These people are gentle and meek and sweet. That is very clear to anybody with an impartial view of it. You don't even have to be a Christian to see their motives. What happened? The intolerance brigade came in and started their campaign against the Christian faith.
In the public square, there will always be one religion governing what is permissible and what is impermissible. If it is not the Christian religion, it won't be a religiously neutral government. It will be a government that is advocating another religion.
Steve Schlissel: If we were going to found a republic, we would want to do it a little more self-consciously as Christians. But we have to understand something and not be naive. It always depends on men of good will continuing it, because no matter how good your document, you can always have a liberal saying that the document is no longer relevant. You can always have an argument, "That was then, this is now." This is why the greatest Christian minds in history have always recognized that it is not what laws you have, but your philosophy of law. If your philosophy of law is that law is simply something men create, then what man can give, man can take away. If your philosophy of law is that it is divine in origin, and self-consciously so, then we have to do our best to abide by God's law.
Now I need to qualify that because every source of law in every system is always its god. So if men create laws, then you believe men are gods, which is exactly what we have today. We determine laws based on popular opinion. The more people we can get to hold a particular view, we say that it must be right. If yesterday 27 percent of the people believed abortion was right and 73 percent believed it was wrong so it was against the law. The Supreme Court comes and changes it. A great propaganda campaign ensues, then opinion changes and we keep the laws. "Get the opinions, keep the laws, change the opinions, change more laws."
Homosexuals know this very well. "Let's convince people that homosexuality is not a choice that we make, not a result of perhaps of fractured childhood, or some other sin that was committed against us. But let's say that it is genetic. And then let's say that it is not fair that we can't get married. Let's continue to get that message out." Now we see ourselves toying with the very institution of marriage which is the foundation of any society. If you tinker with that your days are numbered. The marriage unit is the fundamental unit in the culture. From there the future comes. But I'm convinced that we are going to have homosexual marriages because in our culture the religion of the public square is egalitarian humanism. Homosexual marriages resonate with that and from that. It makes sense to have homosexual marriages based on their worldview. It's an abomination based on our worldview.
Conducted by Joseph McAuliffe
Transcribed and edited by Jay Rogers
Rousas John Rushdoony, born in 1916, the son of Armenian immigrants, was ordained as a minister in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and distinguished himself as a missionary on the American Indian reservations. One of his early books, The Messianic Character of American Education, was a major influence in the fledgling home school movement in California. During the 1960s, Rushdoony was called upon in court cases as an expert historian on home schooling as a legitmate alternative to public education. Rushdoony was primarily influenced by the teachings of Cornelius Van Til's Presuppositional Apologetics and began to work to restore the historic Christian doctrines of Postmillennialism and Christian Dominion in the church. Not until 1973 with the publication of R.J. Rushdoony's The Institutes of Biblical Law was there an attempt at a Biblical social philosophy that uncompromisingly affirmed the validity of biblical law. Since then over 100 volumes have been published elaborating the details of Calvinistic social philosophy from a "theonomic" perspective. Led by Rushdoony, Gary North, Greg Bahnsen, James Jordan, and Gary DeMar, theonomic authors have expounded the Mosaic law with a fullness of application to modern society never before seen in Church history. Rushdoony passed on in 2001. The work of the Chalcedon Foundation is carried on by his son, Mark.Conducted by Joseph McAuliffe
Transcribed and edited by Jay Rogers
Chalcedon Foundation
P.O. Box 158-WP
Vallecito, CA 95251
(209) 736-4365
R.J. Rushdoony: The New Testament: Consider what Paul was doing: offerings to alleviate the poverty of the saints during the famine in Palestine; counseling that the needy be cared for, but "He who will not work, let him not eat." We do know that anyone who became unemployed was given three days income. After that they found work for him. Another Christian would hire him, but at lower than his normal pay so there would be no incentive to stay under that diaconal care. We know from 1 Corinthians 6 [paraphrase] that Paul said: "Don't go to the civil courts. They're ungodly. Create your own courts." And they did. They were so efficient that after a while pagans were coming to the church courts and saying: "Adjudicate our problems for us. It takes years to get a case heard in the civil courts and it bankrupts us and then we don't get justice. Would you do it for us?" When Constantine became Emperor, he called in the bishops and he said, "The courts of the Empire are failing. We have cases that have been in the courts forty years with no justice. I want you men when you go out in the streets to wear the garb of a Roman magistrate by my orders so that the people of Rome and of the Empire will no that they can come to you for justice. Well, that's where the bishop's garb comes from. Unless a bishop has heard me lecture on the subject, he doesn't know where his own bishop's robe originates.
Then the deacons took care of the sick, the poor, the orphans and the widows, of needy people in general, of captives, because as the Roman Empire began to breakdown, pirates and lawless bands would take men for ransom, hold men captive. One bishop in the early church ransomed 15,000 captives. When Rome fell, for six centuries, the only courts of Europe were the church courts for arbitration. When Rome was gone, the government, the state was gone, but Europe had justice because the church provided it. This was the pattern through much of the Middle Ages. It was the pattern of the Reformation. I have written of Calvin and Geneva and of the work of the diaconate. There were two offerings taken every Sunday: one for the work of the deacons so that all of the needy were cared for so that apart from crime, the church through these diaconal courts and through various independent Christian agencies provided for the basic government of the community.
R.J. Rushdoony: One of the things most people don't understand about Christian Reconstruction is that first it is nothing new. It has been the historic position of the Christian church over the centuries. In Western Europe and the America it has receded in the past century or two, but it has been the Christian way of life. Then what we have to understand is that in our time, we've had a totally false picture of reality -- a top-down view of whatever faith it is that people hold -- that we have to capture the upper echelons of society, or the machinery of the state, and impose something on the people.
We have never had a more top-down culture than for about 1500 years, than since Rome fell. Rome fell because it confused simplicity with efficiency. They simplified the state and centralized more and more as if that were the answer. The more they centralized, the more they destroyed the fabric of society. We are following the Roman pattern. We are centralizing as though that were the answer and we are destroying the pattern of society.
Now as Christians we believe that the basic starting point is the regeneration of man. Then man takes and applies that faith. For Christians the basic government is the self-government of the Christian man. Then the basic governmental unit is the family. This means that every father and mother will be more important in the sight of God than heads of state, because He controls children, property and the future. Then the third is the church as the government, fourth the school as a government, fifth your job governs you, then sixth society governs you with its ideas, beliefs and standards, and seventh, one among many forms of government, is the civil government.
Today, we are implicitly totalitarian. We speak of the state as the government. That's totalitarian. So we have to rid ourselves of such things. The Christian theonomic society will only come about as each man governs himself under God and governs his particular sphere. And only so will we take back government from the state and put it in the hands of Christians.
R.J. Rushdoony: The Council of Chalcedon in 451 AD declared that Jesus Christ was "very God of very God and very man of very man, truly man and truly God, two natures without confusion but in perfect union." Now what this did was to block the possibility of any other incarnation of God. The most common such incarnation was in the state. The state either through its office or through its ruler or through a particular line was held to be divine, god walking on earth. So that the Prime Minister, like Joseph in Egypt, was a high priest. That's why he married priest's daughter. He could not be the Prime Minister and the high priest of Egypt without that marriage. With the Council of Chalcedon the church made clear that there could be no confusion. Jesus Christ is the unique Incarnation. Since then, we've had Hegel tell us that the state is God walking on earth. And whether you are a member of one of the parties on the left or right, you are Hegelian. Republicans and Democrats each in their own way are Hegelian.
Then the Church has seen itself in ancient pagan terms as a continuation of the Incarnation. Protestants reject that doctrine, but it's creeping into Protestantism on other grounds. The Church is the Body of Christ and therefore somehow the Church is God's voice on earth. But the Body of Christ refers to the humanity of Christ. The regenerate of Christ are the new humanity of the new Adam, the last Adam, Jesus Christ. We were born in the old humanity of Adam; we are reborn in the new humanity of Jesus Christ. The Church as the Body of Christ is not divine. It represents the new humanity, the Body of the last Adam, Jesus Christ, not His deity.
R.J. Rushdoony: Law is the will of the sovereign for his subjects. Thus Law represents the word of the God of the society. Now whose Law you have, He is your God. So if Washington makes our laws, Washington is our God. As Christians we cannot believe that. For centuries, God's law has functioned wherever God's people have been, whether in Israel or in Christendom. This is a new and modern thing that we turn to the state's law. One professor of law, the dean of a law school, told me that he found that even into the 1840s, courts in the United States, decided cases out of the Bible -- out of God's Word, out of His Law -- because He is God.
Now we do not recognize God as God over the United States. The oath of office for the president of the United States used to be taken on an open Bible on Deuteronomy 28 invoking all the curses of God for disobedience to His law and all the blessings of God for obedience to his law. Now basically you can have two kinds of law: theonomy -- God's law, or autonomy -- self-law. That's what it boils down to and autonomy leads to anarchy, which is what we are getting increasingly.
R.J. Rushdoony: Our Lord said, "Occupy until I come." We are told that the kingdoms of this world must become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ. The Old Testament if rife with prophecies concerning the nations being under the Christ the Messiah. Now this is clearly an important aspect of our faith. Some years ago, Weingarten wrote a book made up entirely of the texts of the Old Testament that predict the triumph to come in Christ, how all the nations shall be His. Isaiah says that even in Egypt, being a type of the unregenerate world, five cities out of six will call upon the name of the Lord, an image of great victory. So if we are going to fight with an eye towards winning, we've got to have a postmillennial faith. Now you can go to heaven without it, but you'll do better in this world and in the world to come, if you stand in terms of the fact that we are to bring everything into captivity to Christ.
All our thinking is presuppositional. We begin with axioms of thought, premises that we believe, and we think in terms of that. As Christians we think in terms of the fact that God is, and all things must reckon with God and make an accounting to God. If we do not believe, we begin with the premise, God is not and I am alone in this world. It's a dog-eat-dog world. It's survival of the fittest. So you live accordingly and the world goes to hell in a hand basket. It becomes trashier. So ideas do have consequences. To believe that we are the people of victory that Christ is going to triumph and only when all things are put under His feet will the last enemy, death, be destroyed.
R.J. Rushdoony: I am glad you used that word: "covenant." Covenantal thinking has all but disappeared. That's why in my Systematic Theology, I gave it particular space, because it is foundational. The Bible is divided by two covenants, really one Covenant, the original renewed again and again, in the New Testament from a nation to the Church, the nation symbolized by twelve tribes, twelve Apostles now in the church, as the new Israel of God. Paul refers to the Church in Galatians 6:6 as the new Israel of God. This means that we have a duty. We have to occupy the whole world. The Great Commission is to make disciples of all nations. To bring them all into the fold together with all their peoples because Christ is the ordained King of all creation. We have a magnificent calling. I don't believe God programmed us for defeat.
I know that some of my premillennial friends in the ministry feel a little bit out of sorts because of our stress on victory. They say, "It has an unfortunate appeal for our people. They don't like to be losers. As amils or premils, they feel that they are on the losing side. And you talk about victory and it has a real tug on their heart-strings. They like the idea." And they should. I believe that the impulse in all their being is God-given. We are a people called to victory not defeat. "This is the victory," the Apostle John tells us, "even our faith."
R.J. Rushdoony: Calvin in Geneva there are points where I would disagree with him Calvin was born and raised a Catholic. The Catholic model was still in the minds of the reformers. They wanted to reform the Catholic Church. That was their goal. So they began with the belief that the society had to be Christian. Now Calvin in Geneva never commanded the city. He was an outsider brought in as kind of an efficiency expert to make a city that was a business community function. Prior to his coming, drinking, gambling and fornication occupied too much of the people's time and efficiency was going down hill. They liked Calvin because he brought about efficiency. He made people sober, God-fearing. But they didn't like it for themselves. The rulers of Geneva were happy with the results, but unhappy that Calvin expected the same type of behavior of them. The libertines were really very close to controlling the city most of the time. They brought in Servetus to challenge and oust Calvin. During the time of the trial, Calvin actually had his bags packed ready to leave. But the Catholic model was still in the background there.
With Cromwell it was different. Cromwell was faced with churches who wanted an established national church still the old Roman model. The Presbyterians, who were the most powerful group, were emphatically for an established group. That to them was salvation. The Separatists disagreed with them, but the other groups wanted to command the establishment. Cromwell wanted not a church establishment, but a Christian establishment. He wanted England committed to a Christian faith, not to a church. That's what he worked for. He had to fight the churches. It was the churches that defeated Calvinism and most of all the Presbyterians. It's the great blot in Presbyterian history that they brought in Charles II, a thoroughly degenerate man, and believed he would keep his word to them that he would go along with their idea of an establishment. Of course, he broke his word to them and 2000 clergymen had to leave the Church of England. Over a course of time, the Presbyterians virtually died out in England.
R.J. Rushdoony: Among the early colonists were separatists or independents or people who maintained the form of establishment but really wanted no part of it. The Congregational Church of Massachusetts was the established church of Massachusetts and legally part of the Church of England. They never broke with the Church of England. The actually had Church of England men in some of the pulpits. In fact, the man at Salem whose family was deeply involved in the witchcraft trials was Church of England. It was only subsequently that they came to a belief that there should be a Christian establishment rather than a church establishment. However, with the Constitution it was believed that legally and on good grounds, the states if they chose could establish a church or several churches or simply say that Christianity is the established faith, but not impose it on the states and counties. In many cases, they settled down to a county by county establishment.
Even in my lifetime, especially in the west, you could go to a county in Nebraska, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and everything would be controlled by a particular church which was the dominant church in that area it could be Catholic, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Reformed they were not intolerant of each other. In some places, where I spoke, the priests or the nuns would ask me into the parochial schools to talk about my work among the Indians. Or the Lutheran pastor would ask me into the public schools to speak. He ran it. In some cases the priests ran the public schools and the nuns taught. No one saw anything wrong with that, they were not intolerant one of another. It worked out beautifully on the local level. But we shattered all of that because of Madelyn Murray and her lawsuit.
R.J. Rushdoony: At the beginning of this century, 80 percent of the world's Christians were in the Americas and Europe. Now only 40 percent, because more and more of the new Christians are in Asia and Africa. We have today a country in Africa that is Christian Reconstructionist. Now here are blacks running a country trying to reorder everything according to the Word of God. We don't hear these things because we feel that we are the center of the world and what we are and what we do is all important. But things are happening very dramatically.
The media isn't given to reporting on Christian successes or Christian martyrdoms. They act as though Christianity is dead and we are too stupid to lie down and be buried. But the reality is much different. That's why there is so much animosity to what we are doing. They know it is catching on. When the President and Vice President of a country in Africa have affirmed that they believe that God's law should rule the country, that is major news, but the media won't touch it.
How Theonomists Differ from the Christian Right
The Christian Right may be criticized for putting an undue emphasis on "political solutions" and for not relying strictly on biblical law. Simply put: either we will have man's law or God's law as a standard for civil legislation. We are not looking for a "voice a the table" nor are we seeking "equal time" with the godless promoters of pornography, abortion, safe-sodomy subsidies, socialism, etc. We want them silenced and punished according to God's Law-Word.
Here is a brief list intended for the defense against the usual distortions, misunderstandings and apprehensions regarding some of the goals of Christian Reconstruction.
1. We believe that civil government is only one sphere of government. In fact, it is not even the most important one. We advocate regeneration first and only then reconstruction. We do not advocate revolution.
We are postmillennialists and believe that in the long term the majority of society will be saved or will at least outwardly conform to God's Law. Therefore, our goal is not to capture the political realm, but to work for regeneration of individuals and families at the local level and to reform the church by teaching correct doctrine especially in the area of biblical law. A brief perusal of Reconstructionist books will prove that this is the case. A few deal with civil politics. Most deal with families, the church and Christian education. Most of the early materials for home schooling children were written by Reconstructionists.
A little known fact: R.J. Rushdoony, aside from being the founder of Christian Reconstruction, is also the founder of the modern home schooling movement. Most people who deride the Reconstructionist movement for being "too political" don't realize that.
2. We do not advocate the domination of the church over the state. Nor do we want the state to dominate the church. We want both church and state to conform to God's law. Thus we advocate a "theocracy" -- the rule of God in society through His law. We do not advocate an "ecclesiocracy" -- the rule of the state by the church. We want both church and state to independently conform to biblical law.
How will this be accomplished? From the bottom up, not from the top down. We do not want the state to rule in our private lives. We do not want the state to educate our children or otherwise intrude into our families.
You may ask, In a biblically reconstructed society: Who will be able to vote? Who will be able to rule? Elections will still be determined by popular vote of the people and legislation will still be voted on by representatives. Communities will have been reconstructed through personal regeneration so that the majority of the electorate will be Christian or will hold to a "Christian philosophy." Therefore, the only people qualified to rule will be professing Christians who will uphold the moral law of God. This may be called a "theonomic representative democracy" or a "theocratic republic."
3. We recognize that someone must rule. Either the ungodly or the godly will rule. Take your pick. In a biblically reconstructed society, Christians would have the choice of rulers. This choice might be between a Baptist or a Presbyterian, but both would stand for biblical law. An antinomian or an atheist may run for office, but his views would be so unpopular that he would stand no chance of being elected.
Q:--Would differing theologies among Christian rulers affect their view of civil law?
A:-- Undoubtedly!
A:-- Undoubtedly!
Q:-- Would civil rulers be able to interfere with the affairs of the church?
A:-- Definitely not!
A:-- Definitely not!
Thus, while we believe that theology cannot be divorced from a man's view of civil politics, we do not believe that church polity can in any way be regulated by the civil government.
4. We recognize that the only standard for civil law is biblical law. Civil law must has some standard: either it is human autonomy (what man sees as right in his own eyes) or it is biblical law (what God declares to be right in His Word). Again, take your pick!
Some have objected that this would lead to the mass stoning of homosexuals and incorrigible children. Reconstructionists must emphasize that what we want is not strong rule by the federal government in determining these matters, but the freedom for individual Christians, families, churches, and local community governments to rule without interference from a centralized state. We believe that Reconstruction is from the ground up. Mass regeneration must precede Reconstruction. As more are converted to Christ, more individuals become self-governing. This leads to stronger families and churches and the ability of local communities to govern their own affairs. Thus the total numbers of cases of sodomy or of uncontrollable children would grow less and less. The state would rule in fewer and fewer cases.
5. We do not want any one religious denomination to dominate political life in America. The is apparent from viewing the Reconstructionist movement. Some are Baptist, some are Presbyterian, others Charismatic, Episcopalian, Congregationalist, Methodist, etc.
We are united on our adherence to Reformed Social Theory, Biblical Law, Eschatology of Victory, Christian Dominion in Society, and Presuppositional Apologetics. We are all Protestants, but we have very different ideas in terms of theology. No person in a biblically Reconstructed society would be forced to adhere to any one denominational belief.
6. We do not want to return to Old Testament Law in its entirety. The New Testament has rescinded certain aspects of the Mosaic Law, such as religious ceremonies, feasts, and dietary laws. There are moral laws given in the New Testament as well. We believe that all of Scripture is the basis for law, not merely the Old Testament.
7. We believe that there are two biblically prescribed punishments enforceable by the state: execution and restitution. We do not believe in jail sentences. We believe in only the biblically prescribed punishments for violations of the moral law.
We do not believe that the state is the final arbiter in all matters pertaining to the moral law. Most of these cases would be resolved within families or within churches. However, only the state may execute criminals for capital crimes; only the state "bears the sword" (see Romans 13).
8. We want civil government to punish evil doers according to biblical sanctions. We want all moral laws of the Old Testament to be enforced according to biblical standards.
Some may object: Isn't this harsh? Isn't this barbaric? No, in fact it will lead to greater liberty for the godly. We want the ungodly punished according to God's Law-Word because it is what God prescribes. We have been conditioned according to a humanistic worldview to reject Old Testament law as "barbaric" or "outdated." God's law is not harsh, barbaric nor antiquated, because God is neither harsh, barbaric nor antiquated!
Main Premises of Theonomy
The general principles used by Reconstructionists with regard to interpreting the Law of God can be enumerated as follows:
1. God's law is eternal. Jesus said that not one jot nor tittle would pass away before heaven and earth passed away. This includes the laws of Moses.
2. Not all law is "binding" on Christians under the New Covenant. For instance, the obligation of sacrifices was satisfied when Jesus died on the cross. When Christ said: "It is finished," he died once for all our sins. Therefore, sacrificial laws are still valid (they have not passed away) but they have been fulfilled once for all. Other laws not considered binding have to do with cleanness and uncleanness, dietary laws, feast days, and religious ceremonies. These are still valid and have meaning, but both the laws and their sanctions have been fulfilled through Christ's death on the cross.
3. Old Testament Laws are no longer binding only if addressed by the New Testament. If a law was specifically addressed by Jesus or one of the apostles in the New Covenant as having an altered New Covenant application, then that law or category of laws, is no longer considered binding. In Covenant Theology, this is known as a "Covenantal Shift."
4. All "moral" laws are still in effect. The principle here is if the New Testament is silent on a moral law, then the Old Testament law is still binding. For instance, the New Testament says nothing about bestialism. Surely, no one would claim that that is no longer valid because it is in the Old Covenant. Moral laws do not need to be specifically "renewed" by the New Covenant to be binding. Jesus, in fact, renewed all of the moral laws.
5. The sanctions of the moral laws are also still in effect. However, all the major Reconstructionist thinkers argue that there has been a "covenantal shift" in regard to sanctions dispensed by the church and sanctions dispensed by the state. Only the state may execute criminals under the New Covenant. For crimes that come under the jurisdiction of ecclesiastical government, the church may excommunicate its members and pronounce imprecations (curses) on sinners. But the church may never execute its members. Here, the way the law is enforced has changed.
6. All the sanctions of the law are still enforced, but some are enforced in a different manner. Under the New Covenant, crimes against God (blasphemy, idolatry, etc.) are punished in a way that seems less harsh in this life, but in reality, being delivered over to hell with the church as a witness is a far more serious punishment.
Reconstructionists differ and argue about how the law is to be applied in some cases. We do not understand how to apply it in every case. Sometimes it might be difficult for us to understand. But does that make the Old Testament law invalid? Does that make it wrong, because we don't understand it, or it may seem harsh to our modern sentimentality? Absolutely not! The enemies of God's law like to argue that laws that do not seem right in their own eyes, cannot be valid. They say, "I cannot see how this could be true," or, "I accept this law, but I cannot accept that law." We need to be careful that we do not become a law unto our own selves. The standard is always the Word of God.
Common Questions on Theonomy
The points outlined above, are a fair and accurate description of Christian Reconstruction. This is by no means comprehensive, but it represents the main premises of theonomy as agreed upon by all major Reconstructionist thinkers.
I obviously cannot answer all questions that have been posed about Christian Reconstruction in so short a space. However, here I will briefly answer some of the more common questions about theonomy:
1. In what specific sense, and to what scope, does Christian Reconstruction see Old Testament Law as applicable to modern society?
In general, all the moral laws of the Old Testament are still binding, while dietary and ceremonial laws are non-binding.
2. What practical means does Christian Reconstruction advocate for applying Old Testament Law?
Mainly through regeneration. Reconstructionists do not advocate a strong federal government, but we advocate self-government with liberty.
3. Would theological "orthodoxy" be an area enforced by civil government?
No, absolutely not. This is the domain of the church.
4. Who would determine what is orthodox and how would it be determined? What penalties would be prescribed for heresy?
The church has the power of excommunication. One of our goals is to reform the church so that it becomes more uniform in doctrine and practices church discipline. This would be accomplished by advocating creedal orthodoxy (i.e., the patristic creeds of the church: Apostles, Nicene, Athanasian, Chalcedon). Beyond this we would like to see every church voluntarily adopt a confessional statement which outlines their theological views; their form of government; and other beliefs. We stand for a great deal of liberty in this -- the freedom to disagree on the "non-essentials." However, we believe that Protestantism with its emphasis on the sovereignty of God and salvation by grace through faith, will become more widespread in the world as time goes on. The Holy Spirit accomplishes this in men's hearts. It is not imposed externally, but comes by internal revelation through the Word of God.
5. How would Christian Reconstructionism define "freedom of religion"? Is it an "inalienable right" to be protected by the government?
Any person -- Jew, Moslem, Catholic, Protestant -- would be free in a Biblically Reconstructed society under the civil law to worship. The civil government has no power to restrict religion. The civil government has an obligation to see that all people obey the moral law as it falls into civil jurisdiction. Thus religious expressions which contradict the Ten Commandments would not be publicly tolerated. The domain of the church is to preach truth. Because Reconstructionists are postmillennialists, we believe that eventually, organized false religions will become rare, if not extinct. This will be accomplished mainly through the efforts of the church, not the state.
6. Are you saying that all of the moral laws of the Old Testament are applicable to modern society? What about Old Testament laws that require stoning, such as Exodus 21:17, "And he who curses his father or his mother shall surely be put to death."
The question about incorrigible children is a common one. The so-called "harshness" of this punishment is often posed to refute the idea of theonomy as the basis for civil law. However, I know that this law and its punishment under the Old Covenant was just because God is just. Therefore, I ask, what has changed under the New Covenant so that the law and its punishment are now unjust? Has God changed? No! Has the Law changed? Jesus said: Not one jot! Therefore I ask: Why not now? Perhaps the problem is with us and not with the law?
However, I will attempt to explain this. We are talking about incorrigibility here. Cursing one's parents does not mean simply swearing. What is implied here is far more serious. Incorrigibility would be required to be proven before the local civil elders before the child could be executed. It would need to be demonstrated that the child is out of control and will not obey his parents even when the most serious punishment -- death -- is threatened.
In the United States of America, in this century, there were laws on the books in some states that said that a thief could be put to death for repeat offenses. This goes beyond what the Bible prescribes, but we see the same principle at work -- capital punishment for incorrigibility.
Rebellion against one's parents is listed together with the most heinous crimes in Romans. In this case, if he persisted in his rebellion against God, it would be the responsibility of the civil elders to deal with him. Isn't it likely that such a rebel would ultimately be put on trial for some other capital offense and be put to death?
The family is one of God's governmental units. Rebellion against the government is commensurate to treason. Today, we have no problem with seeing treason against the civil government as a capital crime. The problem is that we have a low view of the family today. The family is actually a higher form of government than the state and deserves greater protection. Rebellion against the family is an expression of rebellion against God's first established form of government and therefore against God himself.
Capital crimes against the family include rebellion to parents, homosexuality and adultery. Sound harsh? Then what you are saying, in effect, is that God is harsh and that treason against the family is "not as bad" as treason against the state.
Jay Rogers is the editor of The Forerunner International, a full-sized newspaper dealing with Christian worldview. Jay is the founder of the Russian language newspaper, Predvestnik, ("The Forerunner") in Kiev, Ukraine, a newspaper for and by Ukrainian and Russian Christian activists, pastors, and scholars. Jay is the president of Media House International, a Christian foundation which trains young people to produce Christian media. The goal of MHI is to influence young leaders around the world, so they in turn, will one day influence millions. To receive a monthly newsletter which describes the progress of our ministry, write: Media House International, P.O. Box 362173, Melbourne, FL 32936-2173.
All donations to Media House International are tax-deductible.
At this web site are articles from Christian newspapers published by university students from the United States, Russia, Ukraine, Latin America and China! We also host several web sites of related Christian organizations involved in promoting Revival in the Church and the Reformation of society.
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- Why Creeds and Confessions? Foundations in Biblical Orthodoxy
- The Four Keys to the Millennium: Foundations in Biblical Eschatology
- In The Days of These Kings: The Book of Daniel in Preterist Perspective
DVDs & Online Videos
- The Abortion Matrix: Ending Child Sacrifice and the Culture of Death
- The Real Jesus: A Defense of the Historicity and Divinity of Christ
- God's Law and Society: Now includes a free Study Guide!
- The Beast of Revelation: Identified: Ken Gentry's powerful teaching
- Abortion Clinic 911 Calls: Exposing the Dangers of Abortion to Women
- Amazing Grace: The History and Theology of Calvinism
- A Revival Account Asbury 1970: What is true Revival?
- Massacre of Innocence: The Occult Roots of Abortion
- World Changers: A Blueprint for Revival and Reformation
- Jesus Christ: Lord of All of Life! 1998 Reconstruction Conference
- U.S. Taxpayers Party: 1997 National Committee meeting
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- Melbourne's Abortion Industry: Exposing the evil of abortion
- Florida's Abortion Industry: Exposing the unfrutiful deeds of darkness
- Abortion Wars: An open letter to the pro-life community
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- Personhood USA: Protecting the pre-born by love and by law
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- The Counselor Corps: Pro-life health referral counselors
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- Theonomy Debate: Is theonomy exegetically sound?
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Your comments are welcome!
Visit The Forerunner's Discussion Forum!Related Articles:
- Abigail Seidman Interview - Wiccan Rites
- Massacre of Innocence (DVD)
- Massacre of Innocence
- Child Sacrifice in the New Age
- Witchcraft and Satanism: Are they one and the same?
- Puritans and Witches
- Frequently Asked Questions: Wicca and Abortion Rites
- The Long Hard Road Out of Hell: A Book Review
- Child Sacrifice: Nothing New Under the Sun
God’s Law and Society be examines ten important questions:
Question #1:— Didn’t the Apostle Paul say that we are no longer under law but under grace? If so,
then what is the use of the Law of God under the New Covenant?
Question #2:— Was the New Testament Church really a “New Testament” Church as we think of it
today? In what ways was their situation different from ours?
Question #3:— Can we really legislate the biblical standards of morality on non-Christians? The
non-Christian doesn’t even believe in the Bible, so how can we even talk about building a society based
on the Law of God?
Question #4:— How did Christian philosophy influence our form of civil government? Can this
influence happen again today?
Question #5:— Were the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution drafted to uphold the
moral laws of God—or were they Deistic humanist documents? If they were Christian documents,
where have we gone so far off track?
Question #6:— What about the “establishment of religion” clause in the U.S. Constitution? Doesn’t
the U.S. Constitution forbid the display of religion in the civil sphere?
Question #7:— What about the idea that the government should be neutral and should recognize
that we live in a democratic, pluralistic society?
Question #8:— In a Christian republic based on biblical law, would non-Christian religions be
banned or would they have as much freedom as they have now?
Question #9:— But wouldn’t a Christian Republic run according to God’s Law become oppressive
to non-Christians?
Question #10:— What can Christians begin to do from a practical standpoint to begin to rebuild our
nation according to the standard of the Law of God? What would a Christian America look like?
These questions are of concern to Christians, yet all thinking Americans today are concerned in
some way or another by growing signs of national decay. The very foundations of our governmental
structures are being shaken to the core. Many are wondering if we will survive as a free nation far into
the new millennium. There is no doubt that America is in the midst of a grave crisis. Whether or not the
Church responds with the correct answers will determine the future of our nation.
Who is to be the ultimate authority in our national affairs? Should it be the Supreme Court, the Congress,
the President, the majority will of the people, the opinions of television news pundits, the latest
poll, the Washington Post and the New York Times, or some combination of these? Many Christians are
appealing to our Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, or the Christian history of the United
States, to provide a moral blueprint for reconstruction in America. While these appeals have great value,
they lack the authority that is uniquely found in the Bible. Therefore, in attempting to answer these
questions, we explicitly and unashamedly use God’s Word.
Psalms chapter 2 asks: “Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?”
Psalms 2 goes on to proclaim: “The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel
together, against the LORD, and against His Christ, saying, ‘Let us break their bands asunder, and
cast away their cords from us.’ Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in
pieces like a potter’s vessel.”
Jesus Christ is pictured here as the present ruling King, the Son of God the Father, who has been
given the nations for an inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for His possession. It’s important
to realize that Jesus Christ is portrayed here as the present King ruling with a rod of iron over
the kings of the earth and who, through His death, resurrection, ascension and glorification is now the
locus of all power and authority, both in heaven and on earth (Matt. 28:18).
Restoring the “Crown Rights of King Jesus” is the theme of this presentation. We interviewed several
Christian leaders who are involved with the work of Revival and Reformation. We culled the best
of these interviews into short programs covering a variety of questions. While it will take you a little
over 20 minutes to view each program, we suggest that you approach the material as strong meat that
needs time to be digested.
Method for Teaching and Learning
The best method for teaching and learning this material is to systematically study each of the ten
programs separately, preferably in a small group. The recommended method for teaching and learning
the material in group meetings is as follows.
At the first meeting, each person who is part of the study group is given a copy of the workbook
by the group leader. A separate ruled notebook for taking notes is also recommended. The group is
encouraged to take notes as though it were a live seminar. The group will view the introduction and
the first section of the video tape while taking notes and perhaps jotting down questions or points for
discussion. A twenty to thirty minute discussion follows. The group leader should first ask if there are
any questions about what was said in the video. He should attempt to answer the questions and promote
discussion and debate among the group. Then the leader should prompt further discussion by
previewing the questions at the end of section 1 of the workbook. Each group member is then given an
assignment for the next meeting. They are each required to read the short articles and interviews with
the Christian leaders in this study booklet. They should write out short answers to the questions at the
end of each chapter.
At the next meeting, the group leader should review the material from the first week asking for
volunteers to answer the discussion questions assigned for homework. This should be done quickly
taking no more than a minute or two for each question. The leader will ask if here are any further questions
or comments for discussion. After no more than 20 or 30 minutes for opening discussion, the next
section is viewed; a discussion follows; and homework is assigned.
The panel we have chosen may not agree with each other on every point and you may not agree
with their answers either. Our goal in this series is not to give patent answers to every question about
God’s Law, but to give you the principles by which to reason and answer these questions for yourself.
Therefore, there are no “answers in the back of the book.” It is h
International Director:
Jay Rogers
Jay Rogers
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Passionate about ending abortion, Rudy leads "Intercessors for Life" in the Indianapolis area. Intercessors pray for mothers and fathers to choose life for their ...
2. Planned Parenthood | Adam Briggs
Jan 17, 2010 – On Tuesday, November 10th, 2009, we, the Intercessors for Life, ... Young Leaders at their luncheon in downtown Indianapolis, Indiana. ...
3. Pro-Life | Adam Briggs
Please support “Just Cookies” in Indianapolis, IN · Indiana Planned ...
1. Obama Indianapolis 3 of 6 (IndyStar Interview) - YouTube | |
| www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MGR5yCzYjcMay 19, 2009 - 3 min - Uploaded by IntercessorsForLife Intercessors for Life, publicly rebuking President Obama, all his ... IN THIS VIDEO , Indianapolis Star reporter Bill Rutthart ... |
Chastity Prayer Card - Indy.pub
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intercessor for your people. I know that I am ... openness to life and lead those who have a serious reason to .... The Couple to Couple League of Indianapolis ...
intercessor for your people. I know that I am ... openness to life and lead those who have a serious reason to .... The Couple to Couple League of Indianapolis ...
7. Intercessors for Life - 40 Days for Life - Indianapolis, Indiana
Sep 25, 2011 – Intercessors for Life. Date: Saturday, January 17, 2009. Time: 9:00 AM. Join us for pray on the 1st and 3rd Saturday at Planned Parenthood ...
8. Adam Briggs - Christian, husband, father, laborer, radical, all right ...
Christian, husband, father, laborer, radical, all right here in Indianapolis! Adam Briggs. God's grace is free and so is your will. ...
9. welcome to intercessorsforlife.org
9 hours ago – Over 75 % of individuals have trouble with blackheads at some stage in their life. Blackheads are caused in the event the pores of the ...
10. IntercessorsForLife on Vimeo
IntercessorsForLife. Joined February 2010. IntercessorsForLife. Indianapolis, IN. Intercessors for Life has one primary immediate goal: TO MAKE INDIANAPOLIS ...
11. Pro-Choice, Pro-Life Advocates Spar Outside Indiana Statehouse ...
Mar 8, 2011 – INDIANAPOLIS -- Pro-choice and pro-life advocates square off at a rally that ... of Intercessors for Life, a religious group that opposes abortion. ...
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For the Church in the City and in Northeast Ohio
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you live you will have welfare." Jeremiah 29:7
What is NEOIN?
the Lord for it, for in the welfare of the city in which
you live you will have welfare." Jeremiah 29:7
What is NEOIN?
The NorthEast Ohio Intercession Network is a network of intercessors from a wide variety of intercessory prayer ministries across the northeast Ohio area who are called together for the purpose of coordinated strategic spiritual warfare and intercession. The NorthEast Ohio Intercession Network is an interdenominational ministry that works with groups of intercessors rigorously in submission to church leadership. The groups that form the Network are comprised of faithful members who are submissive to their Pastors, are diligent in supporting the works of their churches, and who possess a burden for intercession. The NorthEast Ohio Intercession Network has as its aim the development of the local and regional strategies in spiritual warfare, recognizing that spiritual authority is under the control of the local pastors. The NorthEast Ohio Intercession Network is comprised of members of various ministries including: The NorthEast Ohio Intercession Network is committed to holding various local conferences for the “Equipping of the Saints” according to Ephesians 4:12. We promote opportunities for our members to have: Encouragement , Motivation ♦ Balance ♦ Mutual Intercession ♦ Partnership in prayer ♦ A training system with appropriate materials The NorthEast Ohio Intercession Network is committed to: Worship ♦ Evangelization ♦ The unity of the Body of Christ ♦ Divine healing and deliverance ♦ Teaching ♦ Discipline ♦ Spiritual maturity ♦ Caring for one another ♦ Devotional life ♦ Holiness The NorthEast Ohio Intercession Network is a non-profit religious organization located in Cleveland, Ohio. ======================================= "..The work is great and scattered...we are separated on the wall...far from one another. In whatever place you hear the sound of the trumpet rally to us there; our God will fight for us." Nehemiah 4:19-20 ********************************************************************************************* Pastoral Referral Form for joining the Network Pastoral Referral Form |
P.O. Box 38164
Cleveland, Ohio 44138
Email: director@neoin.org
Office Phone #: (440) 235-4508
Fax: (440) 235-4556
P.O. Box 38164
Cleveland, Ohio 44138
Email: director@neoin.org
Office Phone #: (440) 235-4508
Fax: (440) 235-4556
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1. Welcome to Prophetic Voice Ministries International!
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Steve and Rita are the founder's of Prophetic Voice Ministries International, PVMI, as well ... Steve and Rita provide a Prophetic Apostolic Covering for numerous ...
2. Welcome to Prophetic Voice Ministries International!
GMF is proud to provide an Apostolic & Prophetic covering for those ...
3. Walking In Your Destiny Mentorship School & Apostolic and Prophetic
Feb 28, 2011 – Apostolic and Prophetic Voice Ministries launches also on March 1. The ministry will be cutting edge. You will be provided with in depth ...
4. Nikirk Ministries - Apostolic Prophetic Voice To The Nations!
A One New Man Apostolic Center, where Jew and Gentile worship the Lord together. Raising up a standard training disciples, bringing forth prophetic heavenly ...
5. Apostolic and Prophetic Voice Ministries | Facebook
Apostolic and Prophetic Voice Ministries. All attendees of the Activating Your Prophetic Destiny on tonight will receive a ebook, mp3 of the session and a ...
6. It Is Written Ministry Prophetic Church a holy nation
Prophetess Tonita Patterson Prophetic word, prophetic ministry propetic voice. ... They bring prophetic and Apostolic Word. ... The prophets re rising and they must carry a prophetic voice that will cause the ears to hear pass the norm and walk ...
7. Heart of God Ministries International ... - The Prophetic Voice Website id=logo onmouseup="coShastaMouseUp(this, Shasta.getFrameId(), event.button)" onmouseover="coShasta(this, Shasta.getFrameId(), Utils.getMouseOffset(event,this))" class="l sb-l" v:shapes="_x0000_i1055">
Website Directory. Builders in the Apostolic-Prophetic Church. Ron Gann Phyllis Gann Tom Hill Tom Hill of Glory Now Ministries participates in the HGMI global ...
8. Prophetic Ministry Training courses – Bible Courses – Apostolic ... id=logo onmouseup="coShastaMouseUp(this, Shasta.getFrameId(), event.button)" onmouseover="coShasta(this, Shasta.getFrameId(), Utils.getMouseOffset(event,this))" class="l sb-l" v:shapes="_x0000_i1056">
Oct 12, 2009 – The equipping courses specialize in practical ministry life applications, advanced ministry training in apostolic and prophetic studies, ...
9. Prophetic Voice Apostolic Ministries Intl
Welcome to Prophetic Voice Apostolic Ministries Intl website! We are thankful that you were led by the Spirit to this site. The mandate of PVAMI is to propagate ...
10. Holy Spirit Ministry Training | Apostolic Prophetic | Jonas Clark ...
Apostolic Ministry, Prophetic Ministry, Spiritual Warfare, Deliverance Ministry,Jezebel Spirit, and Online Ministry Training.
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- Sacramento, CA 95816
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1. Welcome to Prophetic Voice Ministries International!
www.propheticvoiceministries.net/Biography.php - Block all www.propheticvoiceministries.net results
Steve and Rita are the founder's of Prophetic Voice Ministries International, PVMI, as well ... Steve and Rita provide a Prophetic Apostolic Covering for numerous ...
2. Welcome to Prophetic Voice Ministries International!
GMF is proud to provide an Apostolic & Prophetic covering for those ...
3. Walking In Your Destiny Mentorship School & Apostolic and Prophetic
Feb 28, 2011 – Apostolic and Prophetic Voice Ministries launches also on March 1. The ministry will be cutting edge. You will be provided with in depth ...
4. Nikirk Ministries - Apostolic Prophetic Voice To The Nations!
A One New Man Apostolic Center, where Jew and Gentile worship the Lord together. Raising up a standard training disciples, bringing forth prophetic heavenly ...
5. Apostolic and Prophetic Voice Ministries | Facebook
Apostolic and Prophetic Voice Ministries. All attendees of the Activating Your Prophetic Destiny on tonight will receive a ebook, mp3 of the session and a ...
6. It Is Written Ministry Prophetic Church a holy nation
Prophetess Tonita Patterson Prophetic word, prophetic ministry propetic voice. ... They bring prophetic and Apostolic Word. ... The prophets re rising and they must carry a prophetic voice that will cause the ears to hear pass the norm and walk ...
7. Heart of God Ministries International ... - The Prophetic Voice Website onmouseup="coShastaMouseUp(this, Shasta.getFrameId(), event.button)" onmouseover="coShasta(this, Shasta.getFrameId(), Utils.getMouseOffset(event,this))" class="l sb-l" v:shapes="_x0000_i1066">
Website Directory. Builders in the Apostolic-Prophetic Church. Ron Gann Phyllis Gann Tom Hill Tom Hill of Glory Now Ministries participates in the HGMI global ...
8. Prophetic Ministry Training courses – Bible Courses – Apostolic ...
Oct 12, 2009 – The equipping courses specialize in practical ministry life applications, advanced ministry training in apostolic and prophetic studies, ...
9. Prophetic Voice Apostolic Ministries Intl
Welcome to Prophetic Voice Apostolic Ministries Intl website! We are thankful that you were led by the Spirit to this site. The mandate of PVAMI is to propagate ...
10. Holy Spirit Ministry Training | Apostolic Prophetic | Jonas Clark ...
Apostolic Ministry, Prophetic Ministry, Spiritual Warfare, Deliverance Ministry,Jezebel Spirit, and Online Ministry Training.
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Website Updated - Prophetic
Last updated Oct 28 2009
1. he New Apostolic Reformation: The Evangelicals Engaged In ... onmouseup="coShastaMouseUp(this, Shasta.getFrameId(), event.button)" onmouseover="coShasta(this, Shasta.getFrameId(), Utils.getMouseOffset(event,this))" class="l sb-l" v:shapes="_x0000_i1079">
Aug 24, 2011 – The event was organized, in part, by members of the New Apostolic Reformation. ... Cover Image: Intelligence Report -- The Year in Hate ...
You've visited this page 4 times. Last visit: 9/30/11
2. Elijah's Mantle Apostolic Covering Ministry
Essential to the survival of any minister is that special person who speaks into the life of the minister, sharing the wisdom and knowledge that is vital to operating ...
3. My Thoughts on the "Covering" Doctrine
Dec 15, 2005 – ... having been divinely chosen or "anointed" to apostolically "cover" ... since God is supposedly restoring the foundational "apostolic gift" to the ...
4. Apostolic Cover - The Prophetic Voice Website onmouseup="coShastaMouseUp(this, Shasta.getFrameId(), event.button)" onmouseover="coShasta(this, Shasta.getFrameId(), Utils.getMouseOffset(event,this))" class="l sb-l" v:shapes="_x0000_i1082">
Apr 12, 2008 – Spiritual Law of Harmony; Spirit of the Visionary; Understanding the Spirit of Following;
APOSTOLIC COVERING. If you have a ministry and are looking for an Apostolic Covering, then you've come to the right place. Apostles Lincoln and Lynetta ...
6. Rick Perry's Army of God - The Texas Observer
7. New Apostolic Reformation
The New Apostolic Reformation - What is it and where is it going? ... It covers the core doctrines, how we can use them to test, and examples on the DVD that can ...
8. EMERSON & ANA MENDEZ FERRELL - Ambassadors Ministries
Apostle John Eckhardt is his covering. Emerson and Ana also apostolically cover many in the Body of Christ throughout the world. www.voiceofthelight.com ...
1. As the Deer (cover) by Apostolic Heritage Band of JARC - YouTube | |
| www.youtube.com/watch?v=Opz5vgaYmrMFeb 28, 2011 - 4 min - Uploaded by PAWjarc As the Deer- Acoustic Cover(Salvador style) by Apostolic Heritage Band of Jesus Apostolic Revival Church Vocal - Joseph ... |
11. Covering and Authority : Biblical submission, authority, and ...
Apr 6, 2008 – The best recently published work espousing apostolic covering and authority is John Bevere's book "Under Cover" and his companion video ...
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Covering and Authority
Published by LT on 06 Apr 2008 at 05:34 pm
Who is your covering? While many Christians have never heard that phrase a growing segment of the church knows exactly what it means. It means "which authority are you submitted to." Among evangelicals there is a growing movement that teaches all people in the church need to be properly "covered" by God’s "delegated authority" in the church. The self-styled New Apostolic Reformation is a major component of this movement but doesn’t encompass all of it. Around the world "apostolic networks" are springing up heralding the return of God’s true authority to the church. While covering theology is more popular in non-denominational charismatic churches it is slowly gaining ground in more traditional evangelical circles.More and more people are becoming concerned with the rise of this theology because it has led to spiritual abuse, controlling church leadership and spiritual shipwreck. The goal of this website is to examine covering theology from an evangelical perspective without resorting to personal attacks or underhanded tactics. If you believe I have misconstrued the facts I invite you to contact me through this website.
The best recently published work espousing apostolic covering and authority is John Bevere’s book "Under Cover" and his companion video series. Theologically it is a retread of the doctrines of the old shepherding movement of the 70s and 80s. Much of the shepherding movement was rooted in a combination of Watchman Nee’s Spiritual Authority and the doctrines of the Latter Rain Movement.
Covering theology emphasizes the following:
- Sin is disobedience to God’s authority
- Salvation is only available to those who confess and do the will of God
- Grace is the power of God to obey him
- All authority is instituted by God
- God establishes his rule in the church through people he has delegated to be his authority
- The 5-fold ministry (apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers) represents God’s authority on earth
- Obedience to the Lord requires obedience to God’s delegated authorities (employers, church leaders, civil authorities)
- Rebellion against God’s delegated authority is rebellion against God
- Rebellion to authority opens one up to the demonic realm resulting in deception
- People should live by the principle of obedience rather than reason
- People should always obey authority unless they are clearly instructed to violate scripture
- The line of authority extends in the home where the father holds the highest authority
- Spiritual authority and blessing flows to those who suffer under authority
- God does not judge people on the fruit of their life but on how faithfully they followed authority
- Those outside the local church and the covering of its leaders are at serious risk of spiritual attack
Undoubtedly there are some people reading this page that are currently involved in a church that believes in coverings. For those of you who are seriously questioning these teachings let me reassure you. Covering theology has very little basis in scripture. For those that believe wholeheartedly in coverings let me challenge you to take another look at the scriptures, our common authority, to see if this teaching is true. The proponents of covering theology often paint their critics as backslidden prodigals who want to be in total control of their own lives and live in rebellion to God’s authority. This may be true of some, but a great many people believe wholeheartedly in submission and accountability but feel that strong authoritarian structures subvert and destroy life giving fellowship.
Covering theology is based on a patchwork of biblical texts that are incorrectly interpreted, misapplied and misconstrued. Despite this it continues to grow in the fertile soil of the charismatic movement given its anti-intellectual and anti-scholarly bias.
Scriptures commonly used in covering theology.
Click each one to see how it is used and a biblical response.- 1Chron 16:22 – "Touch not the Lord’s anointed"
- Rom 13:1-7 – "Be subject to governing authorities"
- Heb 13:17 – "Obey your leaders and submit to them"
- Eph 4:8-16 – "God gave some to be apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers"
- Mat 8:5-12 – "For I too am a man under authority"
- 2Tim 2:11-12 – "If we endure we will reign with him"
- 1Sam 15:22-23 – "Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft"
- Num 23:23 – "nor is their any divination against Israel"
- 1Pe 2:13-14 – "Submit yourself to every authority"
- 1Sam 24 – "I will not put my hand against my Lord, for he is the Lord’s anointed"
Important questions about Covering and Authority
- What is biblical submission?
- Should I stay submitted to an authority that mistreats me?
- Does Covering Theology foster biblical accountability?
- Is submission to church leaders necessary for spiritual protection?
- Why did Paul have authority? What authority did he have?
- What is legitimate authority?
- What is fear of the Lord in the New Testament?
- Does God judge us on our fruit or our submission to authority?
- Is Covering Theology another gospel?
- How do we follow God’s authority as a church?
- We cannot become like Christ if we are not free
There is a better understanding, a more biblical understanding of how Christ’s body works. It doesn’t fit neatly in a corporate flow chart. This is the path of servant leadership and mutual submission. The path of "mutual submission" is more complicated but it takes in to consideration several passages of scripture that don’t fit the authoritarians picture.
Other important scriptures about submission and authority
- Matthew 20:20-28 – "Those in high positions use their authority over them. It must not be this way among you"
- Matthew 23:8 – "For you have one teacher and you are all brothers"
- 1Cor 16:16 – "Submit to people like this, and to everyone who cooperates"
- Eph 5:21 – "submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ"
- 1Pe 5:3 – "do not Lord it over, but be examples"
- 1Cor 14:29 – "Two or three prophets should speak, let the others evaluate"
- 1Cor 12:17 – "To each person the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the benefit of all"
- Rom 2:6 – "He will reward each one according to his works"
- 1Jn 4:18 – "There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear"
- 1Jn 2:27 – "the anointing that you received from him resides in you, and you have no need for anyone to teach you"
- 1Pe 2:5 – "your yourselves…built up as a spiritual house to be a royal priesthood"
- Heb 8:11 – "no need at all for each one to teach his countryman…since they will all know me, from the least to the greatest."
- Gal 5:1 – "For freedom Christ has set us free"
- 1Ti 2:5 – “one intermediary between God and humanity, Christ Jesus”
- 1Sam 8:5:22 – “for they have rejected me as their king”
- Col 2:9-33 – “you also are complete through your union with Christ”
- Gal 2:6 – "From those who were influential (whatever they were makes no difference to me, God shows no favouritism)"
- Gal 2:14 – "I said to Cephas in front of them all"
- Acts 4:19 – "Whether it is right before God to obey you rather than God, you decide"
· Pages
- About/Contact
- Blog
- Covering Theology 101
- Home
- Difficult questions about Covering and Authority
- Are church leaders appointed by people or God?
- Does Covering Theology foster biblical accountability?
- Does God judge us on our fruit or our submission to authority?
- How do we follow God’s authority as a Church?
- Is covering theology another gospel?
- Is submission to church leaders necessary for spiritual protection?
- Is your pastor a good shepherd in the model of Christ?
- Should I maintain the unity of the body?
- Should I stay submitted to an authority that mistreats me?
- We cannot become like Christ if we are not free
- What is Biblical Submission?
- What is Fear of the Lord in the New Testament?
- What is gossip?
- Why did Paul have authority? What authority did he have?
- Other important scriptures about submission and authority
- 1Cor 16:15-16
- 1Pet 5:3
- 1Sam 8:5-22
- 1Tim 2:1-6
- Acts 4:13-20
- Col 2:9-23 NLT
- Gal 1:1
- Gal 2 : Paul’s attitude towards leaders
- Galatians 5
- Mat 20:20-28
- Mat 23:1-12
- Rev 2:24-28
- Scriptures used in Covering Theology
- Resources
- The Impact
- Why it is false
· Meta
All scripture references
are from the NET Bible unless otherwise specified.
Covering and Authority Copyright © 2011 All Rights Reserved.are from the NET Bible unless otherwise specified.
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About 24/7 Prayer
The Ohio RPN 24-7 Prayer movement is a statewide, non-stop prayer meeting that will begin in August, 2009. Churches throughout Ohio are signing up to participate as intercessors for our nation, state, communities and families. We envision this movement to spread from border to border surrounding the whole state. Chuck Pierce prophesied to Dr. Tim Sheets to “build a firewall of prayer” that will encircle the state of Ohio. The desire is to see prayer throughout Ohio for Reformation in our culture and society, to gain access and impact within the seven mountains of influence and for the harvest of unsaved souls into the Kingdom of God.
Participating churches simply find a venue, rather a sanctuary or a separate prayer room, in which to establish a night-and-day prayer vigil by splitting each day into one-hour shifts, thus filling a week with an unbroken chorus of prayer and worship. In the desinated prayer room, there will also be a torch that will stay lit throughout the week. The Torch will be transported to the next participating church with a “passing of the torch” ceremony.
Praying the Seven Mountains
The Reformation Prayer Network builds upon the revelation out of Genesis 22:17, "...your descendants shall possess the gate of their enemies". With a greater understanding today about what these "gates" in society are, and how to possess them, this prayer network is strategically built to systematically affect each sector of society. It is focused specifically around the seven gates or mountains of societal influence (Family, Religion, Government, Business, Media/Communications, Arts/Entertainment, and Education), which is used on both national and state levels.
Family: Where Generational Blessings or Curses are passed on to our children.
Education: Where either truth or lies about God and His Creation are taught.
Government: Where Evil is either Restrained or Endorsed.
Business: Where people build for the Glory of God or the glory of man.
Media: Where events, news and information are interpreted and passed on people through the lens of good or evil.
The Arts & Entertainment: Where Values and Virtues are either celebrated or distorted.
Religion: Where people worship God in "Spirit and Truth" or settle for religious rituals.
How to get involved in Ohio RPN 24/7 Prayer
Would you like for your church to participate and set up your own Ohio RPN 24-7 Prayer Room. It's not as hard as it may seem. It only takes 24 people to pray an hour a day to fill a week with prayer. All you need is for your Pastor to contact Ohio RPN, a space accessible 24 hours a day and people to pray. The Ohio RPN 24-7 Prayer Support Team are here to help you pray with creativity and perseverance. Please call 513-424-7150 or e-mail to schedule your church for a week of 24/7 Prayer.
Submit Issues for Prayer
Please submit local, state or national issues for prayer consideration HERE. Please keep as brief as possible.
Prayer Schedule
Please press the link below to view the Ohio RPN 24/7 Prayer Schedule. Also remember that there will be four Prayer Torches being passed around the state. The file is saved with excel spreadsheet. Just select from the tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet to view each torch's schedule.
24/7 Prayer Schedule
Dr. Tim Sheets | 6927 Lefferson Rd. Middletown, OH 45044 | 513.424.7150
Puritan America (1620-1776)
By Jay RogersPublished April 2008
The voices of Christian philosophers, authors and poets – men possessed of greater faculties of insight – had much to say about the destiny of our continent long before the United States came into existence. As the colonies began to prosper and grow, a group of English Puritans began to prophesy a new turn in history. While the American colonies were still in their infancy, they predicted growth in power and civilization, heralding a Western empire.
George Herbert (1593-1633), the Anglican poet, seeing the Puritan emigration to America, prompted by conscience and the desire for religious liberty, was inspired to write the famous verses:
“Religion stands on tiptoe in our land,
Ready to pass to the American strand.”
Herbert died in 1632, twelve years after the landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth, and two years after the larger movement of the Massachusetts Company which began the settlement of Boston. These verses were almost suppressed by the English government being unsympathetic to the Puritan cause and refusing the proper license for publication. They at last yielded, however, calling Herbert “a divine poet” and expressing the hope that “the world would not take him for an inspired prophet.“1
John Milton (1608-1674), author of Paradise Lost and the heroic Sonnets, wrote a treatise on the emigration of English Christians to America:
“What numbers of faithful and free-born Englishmen and good Christians have been constrained to forsake their dear dearest home, their friends and kindred, whom nothing but the wide ocean and the savage deserts of America could hide and shelter from the fury of the bishops! O, if we could but see the shape of our dear mother England, as poets are wont to give a personal form to what they please, how would she appear, think ye, but in a mourning weed, with ashes upon her head, and tears abundantly flowing from her eyes, to behold so many of her children exposed at once and thrust from things of dearest necessity, because their conscience could not assent to things which the bishops thought indifferent? Let the astrologer be dismayed at the portentous blaze of comets and impressions in the air, as foretelling troubles and changes to states; I shall believe there cannot be a more ill-boding sign to a nation (God turn the omen from us!) than when the inhabitants, to avoid insufferable grievances at home, are enforced by heaps to forsake their native country.“2
Although such statements are not public prayer proclamations in the strictest sense, the English Puritan writings contain the covenantal model of the blessings and curses of God on nations. It may have been merely a practical understanding that England would suffer by losing its and most intelligent, industrious, prosperous and pious citizens. Yet the prophetic nature of the writings of the Puritans cannot be ignored.
We can view the First Great Awakening of 1740 as the impetus for issuing the Declaration of Independence to King George III in 1776. It would be stretching the truth to say that the Declaration was a type of covenantal lawsuit, yet it is undoubtful that through the waking up of the minds of all classes through the Great Awakening, Puritanism was carried into our form of civil government. The First Great Awakening produced a general discussion of the principles of freedom and human rights, the habit of contending for rights with religious zeal, and the preparation of the mind for all questions pertaining to civil government in the American colonies. Although it is true that there was a strong deistic influence at the time of the signing of the Declaration, there is no question that there were the residual effects of strong Puritan influence. The American Revolution could not have occurred without the 150-year-old Puritan foundation in America.
Thomas Jefferson, a man described by his contemporaries as “a French infidel in respect to religion” was ironically indebted to the Puritans for his model of civil government. The evangelical explosion of the Great Awakening in Puritan New England provided the seeds for the first Baptist churches to be planted in Episcopal Virginia, which held to a Calvinistic theology and a congregational form of church government. Jefferson gained his first clear idea of a republican government from seeing the congregationalism of a Baptist church in his vicinity. It was good politics, too, since he strengthened his party’s stance among the people through an alliance with the Baptists and all friends of religious freedom.3
The Jeffersonian distinction between Church and State is very different from the idea promoted in our day. The very phrase “separation of Church and State” is very misleading. It is not a constitutional phrase but it came afterward in the writings of Jefferson. It originated as a Calvinist/Puritan distinction between the spheres of authority of church and civil government. The Church and the State are separate spheres of governmental authority. Separation of Church and State does not mean separation of the civil sphere from God. The issue is not whether the Church should intrude on the State’s affairs. The Church should not. Neither should the State intrude on the Church’s affairs. But Jesus Christ intercedes in the affairs of both. Civil government is not secular; it still stands under the moral Law of God. This was the understanding of most American legislators until the 20th century.
1 The Church Militant: Herbert’s Poetical Works (Little and Brown) p.247, note.
2 Reformation in England, Book II: Works, Vol. III, (Pickering) p.45.
3 Joseph Tracy, The Great Awakening (Tappan and Dennet, Boston, 1842) pp.419.420.
Your comments are welcome!
Why are these pages print-proof? I cannot print. And this is valuable stuff. I am a student of church history (master’s Faith Seminary)and would value your information more if could retain copy. I trace ancestry to Anne Marbury Hutchinson and 4 passengers on Mayflower.Posted by Carl Lizberg on 05/10/2010 09:48 PM #
Amazing Grace: The History and Theology of Calvinism (DVD)
Download the Free on-line Study Guide!Just what is Calvinism?
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This is the first video documentary that answers these and other related questions. Hosted by Eric Holmberg, this fascinating three-part, four-hour presentation is detailed enough so as to not gloss over the controversy. At the same time, it is broken up into ten “Sunday-school-sized” sections to make the rich content manageable and accessible for the average viewer.
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That Swiss Hermit Strikes Again!Dr. Schaeffer, who was one of the most influential Christian thinkers in the twentieth century, shows that secular humanism has displaced the Judeo-Christian consensus that once defined our nation’s moral boundaries. Law, education, and medicine have all been reshaped for the worse as a consequence. America’s dominant worldview changed, Schaeffer charges, when Christians weren’t looking.
Schaeffer lists two reasons for evangelical indifference: a false concept of spirituality and fear. He calls on believers to stand against the tyranny and moral chaos that come when humanism reigns-and warns that believers may, at some point, be forced to make the hard choice between obeying God or Caesar. A Christian Manifesto is a thought-provoking and bracing Christian analysis of American culture and the obligation Christians have to engage the culture with the claims of Christ.
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With “preaching to the lost” being such a basic foundation of Christianity, why do many in the church seem to be apathetic on this issue of preaching in highways and byways of towns and cities?Is it biblical to stand in the public places of the world and proclaim the gospel, regardless if people want to hear it or not?
Does the Bible really call church pastors, leaders and evangelists to proclaim the gospel in the public square as part of obedience to the Great Commission, or is public preaching something that is outdated and not applicable for our day and age?
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In 1969, a pregnant 21 year old Norma McCorvey felt abortion was her only answer. He case was used to challenge the Texas abortion law and she eventually became the Jane Roe of the 1973 US Supreme Court decision, Roe v Wade. She never had an abortion, but instead became an icon in the national abortion debate. For 22 years, Norma McCorvey’s life was a battlefield. She worked inside abortion clinics. She promoted legalized abortion. But she was tormented by what she saw and felt. In the summer of 1995, her life changed forever.Through the friendship of a pro-life leader and a special invitation from a 7-year old child, Jane Roe finally died so Norma Leah McCorvey could live. This is her story.
Running Time: 28 minutes
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Who is the Real Jesus?Ever since the dawn of modern rationalism, skeptics have sought to use textual criticism, archeology and historical reconstructions to uncover the “historical Jesus” — a wise teacher who said many wonderful things, but fulfilled no prophecies, performed no miracles and certainly did not rise from the dead in triumph over sin.
Over the past 100 years, however, startling discoveries in biblical archeology and scholarship have all but vanquished the faulty assumptions of these doubting modernists. Regrettably, these discoveries have often been ignored by the skeptics as well as by the popular media. As a result, the liberal view still holds sway in universities and impacts the culture and even much of the church.
The Real Jesus explodes the myths of these critics and the movies, books and television programs that have popularized their views. Presented in ten parts — perfect for individual, family and classroom study — viewers will be challenged to go deeper in their knowledge of Christ in order to be able to defend their faith and present the truth to a skeptical modern world – that the Jesus of the Gospels is the Jesus of history — “the same yesterday, today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). He is the real Jesus.
Speakers include: George Grant, Ted Baehr, Stephen Mansfield, Raymond Ortlund, Phil Kayser, David Lutzweiler, Jay Grimstead, J.P. Holding, and Eric Holmberg.
Ten parts, over two hours of instruction!
Running Time: 130 minutes
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From: Tim Palmquist, LifeSavers MinistriesDuring Holy Week this year, we hosted a short-term mission opportunity to introduce people to pro-life street ministry. Because a key aspect of the training involved the spiritual dimensions of abortion, we chose to include the video “Massacre of Innocence.” We found the video—particularly the second half—to be a compelling treatment of how the Bible compels us to target abortion with spiritual warfare. I was somewhat reluctant to use the video at first, because some aspects of it were a bit dated. However, I could find no better alternative.
An updated version of this video is greatly needed and I’m sure that we would make much use of it. We have been hoping to get some of our intercessors to watch it, and having it on DVD format would help facilitate that. May God grant you speedy success in your venture to update this key video.
In Christ’s service for those who cannot speak for themselves,
Tim Palmquist, LifeSavers Ministries
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» Call 1-877-200-1604
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| Dr. James W. Goll is the president of Encounters Network and International Director of Prayer Storm. He is a member of the Harvest International Ministries Apostolic Team, instructor in the Wagner Leadership Institute and serves on numerous national and international councils. James has authored many books including: Prayer Storm, Angelic Encounters, The Coming Israel Awakening and The Seer. |
| Cindy Jacobs is a respected prophetess who travels the world ministering not only to crowds of people, but to heads of nations. Her first calling is, and always will be, prophetic intercession and this is a major thrust of her ministry. She is the founder of Generals International, which has now been expanded to include the Deborah Company and the Reformation Prayer Network. |
| Don Finto is the founder of Caleb Company, which challenges the church to recognize the growing movement of God among Israel and the Jewish people; and helps to unite Jews and Gentiles in Messiah Yeshua (Jesus). Don Finto was Pastor of the Belmont Church in Nashville, Tennessee for over 25 years. Presently he serves as a pastor to pastors both in the Belmont Family and other related congregations. |
| Faytene Grasseschi (Kryskow) is a full time minister and has served the Lord through church and ministry planting, revivalism and social justice activism. She is a best selling author, conference speaker and artist. Currently she is the director of MY Canada and TheCRYs. Faytene's burning passion is to see Jesus Christ glorified in her life and generation, and everything she does flows from that. |
| Sean Feucht is the founder and director of the Burn 24-7. He is a prophetic psalmist with a vision for planting Davidic houses of vertical worship and prayer in cities and nations all over the earth. Sean's passion is to see people of all nations releasing the sounds and fragrance of Heaven through night and day worship and prayer. Sean is a worldwide conference speaker, teacher, and worship leader. |
| Julie Meyer is a longtime and beloved worship leader and songwriter at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City. She is a prophetic singer who carries the glory and the presence of God as an abandoned worshipper. Her passion is His presence as she trumpets the message of the Bridegroom preparing His Bride! |
| McKendree and Rachel Tucker are a newly married couple that currently lead worship at King Street Church in Chambersburg, PA. They also travel and play music under their artist name of “August York.” McKendree has played with various bands like Britt Nicole, Sonicflood, and Jeff Deyo. Their heart’s desire is to create an atmosphere of passionate and abandoned worship. |
(Partners: Login before registering for the conference, to receive your discount.) Fire on the Altar An International PrayerStorm Convocation Hosted by Encounters Network and Life Center Ministries International November 3rd - 5th, 2011 held at Life Center | 411 S 40th Street Harrisburg, PA 17111
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| Tue October 4, 2011 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hi! Thanks for visiting Global Harvest Ministries (GHM) website.
This is Peter Wagner with a very important and exciting message. On my 80th birthday, August 15, 2010, I officially turned GHM over to Chuck Pierce of Denton, Texas. Instead of continuing GHM, Chuck organized Global Spheres, Inc. (GSI), a new wineskin for apostolic alignment which will carry Doris and me into the future. Chuck is President and I am Apostolic Ambassador. As a part of this transition, we have closed the GHM website, and transferred our material to the GSI website. Please click on Global Spheres and you will now find what used to be on GHM website. May God bless you and prosper you in every way! C. Peter Wagner, Apostolic Ambassador Global Spheres, Inc.
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1. Global Spheres
Aug 18, 2011 – 3] Christianity is booming now in the Global South which includes sub-Saharan Africa, Latin .... ©2010 Global Spheres Inc. All Rights Reserved.
2. ABOUT - Global Spheres
We established Global Spheres, Inc., a Texas based corporation, to develop ...
3. Peter Wagner - Global Spheres
Che is also founder and president of Harvest International Ministry, ...
Oct 28, 2010 – Instead of continuing GHM, Chuck organized Global Spheres, Inc. (GSI), a new wineskin for apostolic assignment which will carry Doris and me ...
5. Global Harvest Ministries
Instead of continuing GHM, Chuck organized Global Spheres, Inc. (GSI), a new wineskin for apostolic alignment which will carry Doris and me into the future. ...
6. Glory of Zion International Ministries, Inc.
Welcome to Glory of Zion International Ministries, Inc. This site contains ... ministries of Dr. Chuck Pierce and the activities of the Global Spheres Center located ...
7. GLOBAL SPHERES INC - DENTON, TX 76202 - PO BOX 1601 ...
Jul 14, 2011 – GLOBAL SPHERES INC - DENTON, TX 76202 - PO BOX 1601 - NonProfit/Tax Exempt Organization - Form 990, tax exempt, nonprofit, tax ...
1. Global Spheres Inc. Latino America - YouTube | |
| www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPccCwjgqfIJun 24, 2011 - 5 min - Uploaded by ImpactoApostolico Global Spheres Inc. Latino America. ImpactoApostolico 4 videos. Subscribe Alert icon Subscribed. Sign In or Sign Up now ... |
10. iSphere Global - Possibility to Actuality
Delivery and Execution Model · Qualitiy Practices · Centre of Excellence · Why iSphere Global. Intellectual Competency. Business and Technology Consultancy ...
11. Globalsphere Inc. - Clear Practical Solutions in Action
Globalsphere inc. is a management consulting firm that believes the key to business success is constantly working smarter, always improving what we do and ...
Ohio RPN
@OhioRPN Ohio
An Apostolic and Prophetic Prayer Network called to see Transformation and Reformation come to every sphere of society in Ohio and beyond.
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We will be in Norwalk, Ohio this Sunday Evening for the Supernatural Assembly at The Foundation Church, 6:00 PM. www.ohrpn.org for details.
We will be in Dresden, Ohio this Sunday Evening for the Supernatural Assembly at Jubilee Revival Center, 6:00 PM.
Check out www.theartour.com for info about the Awakening and Reformation Tour.
"Those people who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants." William Penn
"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." Lincoln
"Man will ultimately be governed by God or by tyrants." Benjamin Franklin
"Freedom is not a gift bestowed upon us by other men, but a right that belongs to us by the laws of God and nature." Benjamin Franklin
I just updated the 24/7 Prayer schedule on the www.ohrpn.org website. More churches are signing on.
24/7 Prayer is continuing this week in Vandalia, Ohio at the Living Word Church. Next week, Prayer Torch goes to Wilmington House of Prayer.
24/7 Prayer is continuing. It began August 2nd in Middletown. Then the Prayer Torch was passed to Dayton. This week, it is in Hamilton.
"The Bible is the pattern for government in the earth." John Wycliffe #Reformation
“ We’ve staked our future on our ability to follow the Ten Commandments with all of our heart.” James Madison
"We Recognize No Sovereign but God, and no King but Jesus." John Adams
"The Congress of the United States recommends and approves the Holy Bible for use in all schools.” The US Congress 1782
"Christianity is part of the common law" James Wilson-Supreme Court Justice appointed by George Washington
“ We’ve staked our future on our ability to follow the Ten Commandments with all of our heart.” James Madison
“Of the systems of morality, ancient or modern which have come under my observation, none appears so pure as that of Jesus.”Thomas Jefferson
“ Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers...as well as the privilege and interest of our Christian nation..." John Jay
“The Bible is worth all other books which have ever been printed.” Patrick Henry
"I sincerely esteem the Constitution, a system without the finger of God, never could have been suggested and agreed upon"Alexander Hamilton
“ Be religiously careful in our choice of all public officers . . . and judge of the tree by its fruits.” Elias Boudinot
“[July 4th] ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty.” John Adams
“I have held many things in my hands, I have lost them all; but whatever I have placed in God's hands, that I still possess” Martin Luther
NEW WEBSITE: http://www.weareachristiannation.us/ Check it out!!!
"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." Edmund Burke
The Awakening and Reformation Tour will be in Seattle, Des Moines, Houston, Middletown, Ohio and La Mesa and Manteca, California this year.
The Awakening and Reformation Tour begins August 7-8 in Seattle. Check out the website www.theawakeningandreformationtour.com for more info.
"It is time for moral activism. We ought to obey God and not man. It is necessary as Christians to do so." Cindy Jacobs
"All aspects of society have to be changed in order for revival to take place." Charles Finney
"Perseverance and spirit have done wonders in all ages." – George Washington
"I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." Nathan Hale
"The happiness of society is the end of government." John Adams
"Reformation is as amendment or repair of what is corrupt. Build the institutions of our governments & society to their God-Ordained order.
"In legislating in the heavens, we decree through intercessory prayer that God's laws will be the laws of our nations." Cindy Jacobs
"We are the enforcers of His will in the earth today as we use His name and pray His will through His word." Cindy Jacobs
"If our country is worth dying for in time of war let us resolve that it is truly worth living for in time of peace." Hamilton Fish
"He who has guided you from your youth up, may continue to strengthen you in this (Reformation) and in all things." J. Wesley to Wilberforce
www.ohrpn.org news and events has been updated.
"The marriage of righteousness and justice are vital to the reformation of a nation." Cindy Jacobs
"Righteousness exalts a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people." Proverbs 14:34
The Christian and Doubt
In the same way, we experience blessing and favor because of our godly ... Most often it jumps from parent to child and on and on it goes. ... A generational curse is passed on spiritually and it can be stopped permanently. Generational Prayers. I have often felt in my life that someone in our family line prayed for me before I ...
Breaking Generational Curses
Yet He does not leave the guilty unpunished; He punishes the children and their ... Deuteronomy 11:26-28 - "See, I am setting before you today a blessing and a curse - the blessing if you obey the ... Generational curses are judgments that are passed on to individuals because of sins perpetuated in a family in a number of ...
On Generational Curses » Harvest Time Deliverance Ministries
A Generational Curse is a judgment passed on to individuals because of ... The Word clearly tells us that a person (and actually a family) can be cursed ... A curse can carry on for several generations - it actually gives Satan reign over your children and ... There are 3 ways that we can reap blessings and curses through our ...
Ohio Reformation Prayer Network - Ohio Reformation Prayer Netowrk
Family: Where Generational Blessings or Curses are passed on to our children. Education: Where either truth or lies about God and His Creation are taught. ...
You Can Inherit Blessings
Let us do another family tree; this time digging up the awesome blessings of each relative instead ... us to lay claim to our blessings and to pass them on to our children. .... We can end the curses and begin the blessings now in our generation! ...