- Malcolm Baker
- That last posting at 8:36pm should be on your wall and not US Uncut California's wall. It is a personal statement of yours and does not focus the group on tax dodgers and effective actions.
- But other than that, love ya man!
10 hours ago
- Merton Gaudette likes this.
Soup McGee is sorry I posted it Here...; apparently, this is not seen as directing you to understand business "mt" is currently controlled by the Media and Church and Gov. "mt"s, and so tax avoiders are merely doing their christian duty, meaning we will be smart to remember who we are against and the philosophy that believes us unworthy of Grace or Life!. O well....
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
- the seven mountains strategy...dude...follow my links just occasionally...visit the blog link I tagged you in, everything is there...
- it's not a distraction, it's the same damn issue! I am trying to build a narrative so we are usurped by the Paulites and the Tear DownAllGovernment Types...
10 hours ago
- I read the Seven Mountains that those Xtians would dominate.
- I looked for that tag and couldn't find it.
- I am not here to become a master of finding every last crook and nanny there is to be had in Facebook.
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
- Steve Schlissel: In order to answer the question, we really need to get over the idea that we have unbound latitudinarian tolerance. No culture does. Every single culture has restrictions. For example, there are groups that want to offer child sacrifice. We don't permit that. There are groups that want to offer public sacrifices of animals today. Now in the Old Testament we had it, but Christian societies today forbid it. (By and large. There are little exceptions around the globe.)
So we don't have tolerance for every group. But we could have tolerance for those who have formal allegiance to the God of the Bible. ---see where I'm going with this?
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
- I keep an eye on all religious crazies, especially the Church of Scientology.
- I like directness. What is you point?
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
- https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000073386342 I am at war with the people at war with me. Are you fighting me or the people at war with me? Because I am direct and to the point if you are paying attention....follow the link and do some reading on the movement, its real and has everything to do with the UnCut movement, which is why I put his stuff on Carl Gibsons wall too, and other Uncut people seem to not think its distracting. They seem to get it.
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
- Calvinist Nativist Randian Secession by Default. Happy Now?
- all i do is read and research the philosophy behind the tax avoiders, malcolm, thats What I do
9 hours ago
- Calvinism is in my opinion a pig philosophy for pig people.
The philosophy of Ann Rand is sociopathic.
You lost me at Nativism and Secession, not to mention "Default".
9 hours ago
- have you not heard about the debt limit, or the drown gov in a bathtub strategy? thats "default" as states are turned over to local control (ie more influence at the local level by elected reformation Republicans) and Nativism is the trend towards White Christian Nationalism. ok?
- read my paper about norquist and the vote we were denied in CA. We were denied a VOTE on the effort to raise taxes. SAME FIGHT
9 hours ago
9 hours ago
- and ten thousand other things I have been reading and tracing for months on end now...please, show some respect for my facts and effort to educate people what we are up against....
9 hours ago
9 hours ago
9 hours ago
9 hours ago
- http://soupsauntieoxymoron.blogspot.com/2011/07/as-california-goes-so-goes-nation.html Seriously, Malcolm,,,,, just read it real quick....
9 hours ago
9 hours ago
- theonomy is not theocracy- theocracy is state run religion, they don't want that---- they want theonomy, influence within the law to make it Biblical-- Read the paper, Malcolm, I don't get paid for it, it's info and I worked hard so smart people could make the connection.
9 hours ago
- Okay. I'm familiar with a lot of this. How sharp should the blade be?
- Methinks it should be VERY, Very sharp!
- "A day without blood is like a day without sunshine." Joker, "Full Metal Jacket".
The comment in question? Here you can see his evolution towards sense and away from Reactionary Denail, and back to Anger And Violent Thought----Read the Comment! Geez.:
I am not a Socialist, a hippie looking for a hand-out, or a lazy hypocrite. I want to pay taxes so I have something to vote about. I believe my paying taxes entitles me to support those who are using their Constitutional Rights of Redress (first amendment)and demanding that America admit She is not Broken. Those who say She is need say no more! I prefer Democracy over Theonomy. I am not fighting Capitalism, only ignorance and those who hate America. I Demand A Redress as Guaranteed by the Constitution! Real work is love. Love is real work. Love is hard and easy and right and wrong and the best and the worst thing that has happened or will ever happen to any of us. Love demands that we be ourselves, allow our true nature, and learn to be better people. If we have no love, we are lost. If we do not compromise with love, love will leave. When we have lost love, we will work to be loved or earn love- or punish ourselves for being unworthy of love. Love requires and provides effort and faith. Love takes sweat and back-breaking exertion. Love needs sweet words and calm tones. This can be real work. Love is only happening when we are honest with ourselves. Not ONE lie. Real work means never seeing your work completed, and love cannot be finished. Love can be accomplished and love can be shared, but love is never done. Real work is the rearing of children, which is another work of love that cannot end, and children, well, children come about out of the love of someone somewhere. If we have no children, we are no less capable or deserving of love, though I was a more selfish person before I had children. Love is accepting and giving to another. This is not easy. Work is labor; real work is pushing through the cobwebs and ugliness in our heads and not ignoring our higher empathic nature. Real work is loving ourselves even though we have ugly thoughts and sometimes prefer a more base existence. Not blaming ourselves for being faulty takes the hard work or really loving ourselves. Sometimes, we get fired. Sometimes, we can’t find love. Life without love may be the hardest work, but real work is keeping love in your life.
Like · · Unfollow Post · 11 hours ago
- Malcolm Baker and 3 others like this.
Soup McGee is sorry I posted it Here...; apparently, this is not seen as directing you to understand business "mt" is currently controlled by the Media and Church and Gov. "mt"s, and so tax avoiders are merely doing their christian duty, meaning we will be smart to remember who we are against and the philosophy that believes us unworthy of Grace or Life!. O well....
10 hours ago · Like
Soup McGee loves you too, malcolm, but that is a Statement we can all be behind. No? The post that begins the thread?
10 hours ago · Like ·
1 person

Malcolm Baker Love ya too man!
9 hours ago · Unlike ·
1 person

Malcolm Baker Too many "o"s in that "too".
9 hours ago · Like
Javon-Demetrius 'jd' Cogmon Well said.
9 hours ago · Unlike ·
1 person

Gregory Occupy Eastman LOVE that re-posting!
9 hours ago · Unlike ·
1 person

Janelle Schneider am reposting
8 hours ago · Unlike ·
1 person

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