Why are the extreme liberals infesting JB's page so upset? Their extreme Democrat/Socialist Party is in charge, what is their problem?
Yesterday at 7:16am · Like ·
- 3 people like this.
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Ayesha de Queiroz I never type in caps....
Yesterday at 7:23am · Like · 1 person
Raymond O'Hara the extremists are all on the right.
Yesterday at 7:23am · Like · 3 people
Jack Tapper Desperation and bitter seem like extreme terms Wayne.
Yesterday at 7:23am · Like · 1 person
Soup McGee still believes in the rule of law; that's a big difference between left and right...lefties are desperately clinging to the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, righties are sucking Koch. I know righties hate empirical evidence...I personally LOVE IT!http://host.madison.com/ct/news/local/govt-and-politics/article_89f28044-5a3c-11e0-a5ad-001cc4c03286.html
Yesterday at 7:27am · Like · 3 people
Gary Stieber Wayne I don't have a party affiliated dog in this hunt. I am just sitting back and watching these two parties make fools of themselves. I find it fascinating and hilarious, especially when people like you cheer for a team that doesn't have your interest at heart.
Yesterday at 7:28am · Like · 3 people
Soup McGee will add that those ARE the same document, for you out there I needed to separate concepts for. You know who you are. You know. I await your hate.
Yesterday at 7:28am · Like · 1 person
Jack Tapper I still have a question out there for you to answer Wayne. Do you have your own business?
Yesterday at 7:28am · Like · 1 person
Gary Stieber Ron did I make you dust your dictionary off so you could find the meaning of repugnant. Do big words confuse and hurt your mind?
Yesterday at 7:29am · Like · 2 people
Yesterday at 7:31am · Like · 1 person
We The People Party We are not angry. We just like to keep reminding You of just that fact, We are in charge, and We are staying there.
Yesterday at 7:31am · Like
Gary Stieber Donald you are not really a bad guy are you?
Yesterday at 7:32am · Like
Mike Lindsey Gary - And those affiliated with parties and actually picking "a side" are, in fact, fools that, unfortunately, do get to vote.....
Yesterday at 7:32am · Like · 1 person
Wayne Long Yes, extreme Jack, I own my own business.
Yesterday at 7:32am · Like · 2 people
Bill Safreed It's interesting that they control the Senate and the White House and still they rage. We'll have to really make their heads explode come 2012.
Yesterday at 7:34am · Like · 2 people
Soup - I actually think "clinging to the Bill of Rights" is, in fact, a part of true conservatism, nothing liberal about it. For example, the right of Muslims to build Mosques or Islamic Centers where municipal laws permit, to me, is a basi...See More
Yesterday at 7:37am · Like · 2 people
Yesterday at 7:39am · Like · 1 person
Gary Stieber Wayne I don't think this a popularity contest, but I just realized that my posts have received more likes then anything you posted. In fact the one I posted about you being repugnant recieved more likes then all of yours combined on this thread. The funniest part of this is the fact that it is happening on a conservative politicians wall. Wow the air is ripe with irony dontcha think Wayne.
Yesterday at 7:41am · Like
Mike Lindsey only extremism I see is the coupling of advanced age and utter naivitee :-)
Yesterday at 7:42am · Like · 1 person
is hereby applying to be your wage slave, Mr. Long. Wanna 'ire me? I've been outta work for three+ years, and I have extensive job search records to prove I am and have been responsibly seeking work. I have experience in everything from Keno running to sound-engineering and advocacy fundraising ad much much more... Oh, but I and my wife both take 16 units at the local college while raising our daughter, so if you can offer $7.50 I'll drop everything and work my ass off every day for eight hours away from my life for you until day 364, when you fire me instead of activating my benefits and giving me a raise. That's why you hate unions, right? A right to work state allows you to eff your employees, right? How many employes do yo have? Have Any f them been there more than five years? Since inception?. Of course, I can't buy health care on the free market unless I am already wealthy, which because of bad credit decision made as a teenager(why was I given a card? I mean of course I applied for one, I was dumb)so luckily, you'll have to pay for the insurance I need for my three fractures in my back, compression, stenosis, degenerative arthritis, etc. But I'm qualified! Whore me!
Yesterday at 7:42am · Like · 3 people
Soup McGee adds for mike-I will not use lib or liberal. I will use conservative or con. Left and right is the term I frame with at the moment, for the thought on the table. Although, i agree wit you in principle...liberalism has been redefined to mean anti-american, by the Teapot Party...while coservatism is somehow Patriotic. I vomit to accpet this. I will not accept this any longer. I am a lefty, not a I'm-always-rightie!
Yesterday at 7:44am · Like · 2 people
Gary Stieber Soup dontcha think $7.50 is a bit EXTREME!!
Yesterday at 7:44am · Unlike · 2 people
Mike Lindsey Soup - Just one thing to say - MAKE SURE YOU VOTE IN 2012 !!!!
Yesterday at 7:44am · Like · 1 person
Gary Stieber Hey Donnie I promise to be nice as long as you all remain nice...DEAL?
Yesterday at 7:45am · Like
Soup McGee is in line as we speak! :-)
Yesterday at 7:45am · Like · 1 person
Gary Stieber btw Donnie I really don't care if you are nice ....it just makes for better debates.
Yesterday at 7:46am · Like
Mike Lindsey actually, Soup, I find the terms liberal and conservative misused in an often Orwellian fashion designed to lead sheep to slaughter....
Yesterday at 7:46am · Unlike · 2 people
Soup McGee will even allow you to cut in front of me if you promise not to vote for the Suicidal Cutters! (I mean, really, Michelle? "I'm a cutter?" Is she saying she's from Qatar?)
Tuesday at 8:12pm · Like ·
- Mary Elizabeth likes this.
Soup McGee wonders about Boehner's views on Sovereign citizens, his Norquist pledge v. his Oath, and if he supports nullification. When will the Good Speaker speak to us about these very important issues?
Tuesday at 8:15pm · Like · 2 people
http://thinkprogress.org/2011/01/21/tom-woods-idaho/ "Nonetheless, a group of Idaho lawmakers are drawing inspiration for an unconstitutional nullification bill from an unusual source — a co-founder of a neo-Confederate hate group:
Though a 1958 U.S. Supreme Court decision reaffirmed that federal laws “shall be the supreme law of the land,” Gov. C.L. “Butch” Otter is promoting the nullification idea, too. In his January 10 State of the State speech, he told Idaho residents “we are actively exploring all our options — including nullification.”
Sen. Monty Pearce, an Idaho GOP lawmaker who plans to introduce a nullification bill early next week, wanted to be the first one to give Otter a recently published book on the subject, “Nullification: How to Resist Federal Tyranny in the 21st Century.”
But Otter beat him to the punch.
“I took that copy and tried to give it to the governor,” he said, pointing to a copy on his desk. “He already had a copy.” . . .
Thomas E. Woods, Jr., author of the 2010 book “Nullification” that Otter and Pearce have in their Idaho Capitol offices, argues states have the final say on issues as grave as when the government forces citizens to spend their hard-earned money."
Though a 1958 U.S. Supreme Court decision reaffirmed that federal laws “shall be the supreme law of the land,” Gov. C.L. “Butch” Otter is promoting the nullification idea, too. In his January 10 State of the State speech, he told Idaho residents “we are actively exploring all our options — including nullification.”
Sen. Monty Pearce, an Idaho GOP lawmaker who plans to introduce a nullification bill early next week, wanted to be the first one to give Otter a recently published book on the subject, “Nullification: How to Resist Federal Tyranny in the 21st Century.”
But Otter beat him to the punch.
“I took that copy and tried to give it to the governor,” he said, pointing to a copy on his desk. “He already had a copy.” . . .
Thomas E. Woods, Jr., author of the 2010 book “Nullification” that Otter and Pearce have in their Idaho Capitol offices, argues states have the final say on issues as grave as when the government forces citizens to spend their hard-earned money."
Tuesday at 8:17pm · Like · 2 people
Mary Elizabeth Who takes a PLEDGE to a private citizen that they will uphold their agenda????? He is an ELECTED official -
Tuesday at 8:28pm · Unlike · 1 person
Soup McGee supports a Create a 28th movement. A summary of redresses ignored.
Tuesday at 8:30pm · Like
is still waiting for a public denouncing of clear evil....or are we too distracted by the politics of fear? Who actually believes this is ok?http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/tea-party-group-warns-white-extinction-america
Yesterday at 12:25pm · Like ·
Enough people that I am afraid, and I am not afraid to say so. I am begging you, from California of all places, be the first to call out the Good Speaker John Boehner asking him to publicly denounce this sort of philosophy and to separate all Good and Actual Patriots from terrorism lest we fail as a nation to remain United. Is this not what Jesus would do? Are not some of you Truly in your Heart Christians? Can you Not hear the Bells? Separate the wheat from the chaff, the good grapes from the spoilt... The Tea Party is indeed a withering vine, producing only hate as it digests through our culture. Help us, neighbors and enemies too...are we not in the end, going to reach out a hand to help the drowning? Or, will it be "Cuts at all costs!"?
Yesterday at 12:26pm · Like · 2 people
Ayesha de Queiroz I posted this earlier, "some" of them refuse to believe it.
23 hours ago · Unlike · 2 people
Maria Apodaca People for the American way is a left wing group. So not surprised by the article. It's biased and not true!
23 hours ago · Like
Martin Andrew The Tea Party were poor white trash which had a few uncle toms. They quickly departed once the John Bircher's moved in.
22 hours ago · Like
Last Word
March 30, 2011
Last Word
March 30, 2011
· LAWRENCE O'`DONNELL: Good evening from New York. Congress has just nine days to find a day to continue funding the federal government. And today, the number two Republican in the House, Majority Leader Eric Cantor, shocked the world by admitting he has no idea how to solve the budget problem because he has no idea how a bill becomes law.
· Rep. ERIC CANTOR (R-Va.): On Friday, we will bring to the floor the government prevention – excuse me, prevention of government shut down act. And that will say to the American people the Senate's got to act prior to the expiration of C.R. If it does not act, H.R. 1 becomes the law of the land.
· O'DONNELL: That's right. A Republican leader in the House of Representatives actually said a bill that passes the House can become the law of the land if the Senate does not act on it. Of course, a bill cannot become the law of the land unless passed in word-for-word, identical form by the House and the Senate, and then signed by the president of the United States. Those three things must happen – as every American child knows that has seen any version of how a bill becomes a law, animated or not. No other Congress in its history has ever believed that a bill could become a law with only one of those three things happening. Here is how the shock waves spread through Washington after Cantor's delusional statement.
· Rep. JOHN BOEHNER (R-Ohio): The Senate's got to act prior to expiration of C.R. If it does not act, H.R.1 becomes the law of the land. And if there's a partial shut down, members will not get paid, simple as that. We're serious. We want to take care of this problem so that we can get on about the business of this nation and get Americans back to work.
· Rep. KEVIN MCCARTHY (R-Calif.): Well, just coming off the last week in the district, one thing was always interesting, when people would ask the question. I said, we first have to realize why we're here.
· O'DONNELL: Okay. So, it wasn't exactly a shock wave that hit Washington when Eric Cantor revealed he knows nothing about the workings of Congress and the workings of the American government – which tells you what the news media and the rest of Washington and the country have come to expect of congressional Republicans. Michele Bachmann has enured them all to utter idiocy. They are impervious to it. A roomful of Washington reporters can sit there and hear a Republican leader of Congress say the stupidest thing that's ever said in a congressional news conference and not respond in any way. This was no slip of the tongue by Cantor. He actually believes that this can happen. He intends to have the House vote on a bill on Friday that says, quote, "If the Senate fails to pass a measure before April 6th, 2011, providing for the appropriations of the departments and agencies of the government for the remainder of fiscal year 2011, H.R.1, as passed by the House on February 19th, 2011, becomes law."
· And Eric Cantor, who would obviously fail a citizenship test, actually believes that if the House passes that language, a law will then be enacted without any action from the Senate, and without the president's signature. The luckiest man in the United States House of Representatives now is Eric Cantor, lucky that rank stupidity is not an expellable offense. He is also lucky the press corps has unanimously in this era of overwhelming Tea Party idiocy has exemplified on a daily basis by Michele Bachmann and others, define idiocy down to the point where Eric Cantor is still, even after today's press conference, taken seriously by the political press.
· Every day that Eric Cantor let's pass without an apology to his constituents, to the Congress, to the president, and to every high school student in America who knows more about government than he does, Eric Cantor stands as an unpardonable embarrassment to every adult in his congressional district who voted for him, and a stain on the intelligence of every Republican House member who voted for him for leader.
· Joining me now is Congressman Barney Frank of Massachusetts, the ranking member on the House Financial Services Committee, who did not vote for Eric Cantor for leader. Thank you for joining us tonight, Congressman Frank.
· Rep. BARNEY FRANK (D-Mass.): It's an important night. So, I'm glad to be here.
· O'DONNELL: Congressman Frank, I'm absolutely stunned that Eric Cantor could stand there and say something that the House votes on Friday will become law – will become law. That he can stand there and completely ignore the required signature by the president of the United States, completely ignore action by another body. And the most shocking thing about it, you know him better than I do – he seems to believe this is possible.
· FRANK: Well, I think he is smarter or at least better informed than you're asserting, but less straightforward. I think he's playing a game here – although if you interpret it, it is possible to take him literally. And he says this will become the law of the land, you don't understand what land he's talking about. As with Congressman Bachmann and some others, when you talk about people that sometimes inhabit cloud cuckoo land. And in cloud cuckoo land, that could be the case.
· --Alex Fitzsimmons is a News Analysis intern at the Media Research Center. Click here to follow him on Twitter.
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