The Eric Farris Show · 322 like this
- Every woman in America who is
considering abortion should take a moment to look at the potential
achieved by 49er's QB Colin Kaepernick who is heading to the Super Bowl.
He was the result of an unwanted pregnancy and his mother, instead of
aborting him, allowed him to be adopted.
If you are that woman weighing your options, instead of aborting your child and ending his or her life, consider how through adoption, your unborn child may someday achieve greatness whether it is on the football field, the classroom, or even in the White House. Give that child an opportunity to be loved and nurtured by an adoptive family and give your unborn child a chance at life.
- 3 people like this.
Soup McGee
If "Deuteronomy 23:2 No one born of a forbidden marriage[b] nor any of
their descendants may enter the assembly of the LORD, not even in the tenth
generation" is true, then being born a bastard in America means being born
without the possibility of what about atheist bastards?
Are children born here, like me, to 14 year old abused girls, out of rape and out of wedlock, not guaranteed the same rights, regardless of religious affiliation (or non)...
Here, a straight question...why is a state contract for an adopted child needed to join a family but a religious rite is not also conducted? Am I still a member of the family that adopted me and gave me back because the consequences of the sexual abuse I endured at the hands of my mother was too much for them? Can I EVER enter heaven, or am I essentially banished, given your assertion that America is a strictly and exclusively Christian Nation...?
Please, an answer....
Are children born here, like me, to 14 year old abused girls, out of rape and out of wedlock, not guaranteed the same rights, regardless of religious affiliation (or non)...
Here, a straight question...why is a state contract for an adopted child needed to join a family but a religious rite is not also conducted? Am I still a member of the family that adopted me and gave me back because the consequences of the sexual abuse I endured at the hands of my mother was too much for them? Can I EVER enter heaven, or am I essentially banished, given your assertion that America is a strictly and exclusively Christian Nation...?
Please, an answer....
Rodgers There is no excuse for murder, aborting is nothing more or
less than murder. I have no sympathy for those who call themselves Republicans
or "conservatives", during the years Bush was President neither he or
Congress bothered to address Roe V Wade or those affected by it.
The Republicans stand convicted of allowing it to continue, they did nothing to pass legislation confirming personhood to allow unborn children the same rights as those who occupy the space outside of the womb.
The Republicans stand convicted of allowing it to continue, they did nothing to pass legislation confirming personhood to allow unborn children the same rights as those who occupy the space outside of the womb.
about an hour ago · Like · 1
Rodgers To Soup McGee: I am no expert; however, it is generally
understood that the Old Testament was made null and void when Jesus Christ gave
his own mortal life to save us all.
America is not a Christian nation, it is a free nation founded by Godly men.
America is not a Christian nation, it is a free nation founded by Godly men.
Rodgers You are reading from the old Testament. Through Jesus Christ
all can come to the Father in Heaven. All, that means you too.
about an hour ago via mobile
· Like
Rodgers Read John 3:16. He is talking to you. Don't listen to anyone
who tells you otherwise.
about an hour ago via mobile
· Like
The Eric Farris Show Soup, who are you referring
to in your statement that "your assertion that America is a strictly and
exclusively Christian nation"? I know I've never said that. So, who did?
Soup McGee
--Thank you for your response...I will try to give a fair and honest
accounting. Two posts, three main points-- Quickly, as to 'who did?'
-David Barton, for one - - Do you disagree with him?
" David Barton spent more than 20 years helping to establish the standards of California social studies and history textbooks setting in motion what is a creeping revision of history; this has led to a new generation of taxpaying
citizen believing that taxes are by nature evil, and so government by its taxation power is an illegitimate and unjust authority. Barton makes it clear that in his view the Constitution would allow either Christian or sharia law
being instituted within a specific locality “as long as it wasn't coercive” (Daily Show). The Courts currently may not agree, says Barton, but it would be within the original intent." Stewart, Jon. “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart with guest David Barton.” Daily Comedy Central, 4 May, 2011. Web. 5 May, 2011.
Secondly, my question is not based on One thorough reading of the New and Old Testament.
If you will allow me to restate the original question:
Many believe America is a Christian Nation, but the Bible can be a confusing mess when defining family for those who attempt to literally follow the book.
If family is the producer of morals and values, and marriage is the foundation of family, honest accounting means admitting that the definition of marriage has changed numerous times throughout the Bible.
From polygamy as the standard in Deuteronomy 21:15 to God sanctioned-rape in Judges 21:10-24---. Expansion of family is the way of accounting for the history of man.
Family is hard to characterize with consistency when using the biblical framework. The definition as according to civil law must, to be consistent with history, continue to expand.
Another incongruous example, relating more to my literal experience, is where the Bible, in Romans 8:15, tells me to “Be not afraid, for it is a spirit of adoption [I] have received.” I am a bastard, I was adopted, this once comforted me.
In my life, however, this bell rang more like a warning than an invitation – in hindsight – because a verse from Deuteronomy 23:2 which I also read, says “A bastard shall not be entered into heaven even until the tenth generation.”
I am confused. How can I or my children and their children ever receive salvation?
If America is a Christian Nation, and if the Constitution is truly Biblically based and therefore written and maintained in accordance with the accepted Christian familial structure, then there can be no true belief -- just a coerced ‘faith’ – and no real place within society for me and every other bastard-child. ---- Am I not making a fair point? Can anyone reading see the problem I am describing? Adoptions do not require the religious ceremony that marriage does, indeed it is an interaction with the how can an adoptee be any more a part of a family than, in the eyes of your God, two gay people are truly married.
If America is a Christian Nation, am I not prohibited from being a member of a family?
-David Barton, for one - - Do you disagree with him?
" David Barton spent more than 20 years helping to establish the standards of California social studies and history textbooks setting in motion what is a creeping revision of history; this has led to a new generation of taxpaying
citizen believing that taxes are by nature evil, and so government by its taxation power is an illegitimate and unjust authority. Barton makes it clear that in his view the Constitution would allow either Christian or sharia law
being instituted within a specific locality “as long as it wasn't coercive” (Daily Show). The Courts currently may not agree, says Barton, but it would be within the original intent." Stewart, Jon. “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart with guest David Barton.” Daily Comedy Central, 4 May, 2011. Web. 5 May, 2011.
Secondly, my question is not based on One thorough reading of the New and Old Testament.
If you will allow me to restate the original question:
Many believe America is a Christian Nation, but the Bible can be a confusing mess when defining family for those who attempt to literally follow the book.
If family is the producer of morals and values, and marriage is the foundation of family, honest accounting means admitting that the definition of marriage has changed numerous times throughout the Bible.
From polygamy as the standard in Deuteronomy 21:15 to God sanctioned-rape in Judges 21:10-24---. Expansion of family is the way of accounting for the history of man.
Family is hard to characterize with consistency when using the biblical framework. The definition as according to civil law must, to be consistent with history, continue to expand.
Another incongruous example, relating more to my literal experience, is where the Bible, in Romans 8:15, tells me to “Be not afraid, for it is a spirit of adoption [I] have received.” I am a bastard, I was adopted, this once comforted me.
In my life, however, this bell rang more like a warning than an invitation – in hindsight – because a verse from Deuteronomy 23:2 which I also read, says “A bastard shall not be entered into heaven even until the tenth generation.”
I am confused. How can I or my children and their children ever receive salvation?
If America is a Christian Nation, and if the Constitution is truly Biblically based and therefore written and maintained in accordance with the accepted Christian familial structure, then there can be no true belief -- just a coerced ‘faith’ – and no real place within society for me and every other bastard-child. ---- Am I not making a fair point? Can anyone reading see the problem I am describing? Adoptions do not require the religious ceremony that marriage does, indeed it is an interaction with the how can an adoptee be any more a part of a family than, in the eyes of your God, two gay people are truly married.
If America is a Christian Nation, am I not prohibited from being a member of a family?
Soup McGee
Three: Many people in my readings believe America to be an exclusively
Christian Nation--
Dial-up connection:
Question:-- What about the idea that the government should be neutral and should recognize that we live in a democratic, pluralistic society?
Steve Schlissel: I have a problem understanding what the difficulty is in looking to the law of God for a norm for civil polity. The difficulty I have is -- let's not talk about non-Christians who don't love God and what He has to say -- but Christians love the Lord. They know Jehovah. They know his goodness. They see his mercy. They know his wisdom. The know that they don't know everything, but they know Someone who does know everything. Let's start with that. God knows everything.
Now let's go back to an idea that we find in the Old Testament. We lost Eden through the sin of our first parents. Now God brings a whole nation of people out of bondage -- a stark contrast -- into the glorious freedom of the children of God on earth, if they do everything He says. He says it over and again. "If you do what I tell you in this land, you are going to have Eden back. It's going to be glorious. There is going to be rain. There is going to be fruit. There is going to be prosperity. There is going to be food. You won't even have diseases. You are going to be so happy if you do what I say."
Now do we believe that was the case? Do we believe it was the case because God was going to do continued supernatural miracles? Or rather because in the Law, God was giving His people the keys to living on earth? I think that's not too big a jump to say God gave them the Law in love. Deuteronomy is the book to read on this. Over and again He says, "I love you. That's why I'm giving you this Law. It's not because I'm setting you up. I'm not looking to trap you. Follow this because this is the way."
Now let's bring this to today. We become Christian. Our neighbor becomes Christian. Even our whole neighborhood becomes Christian. What happens? Even our whole state becomes Christian. Even in fact the whole nation. Then we look to each other and say, "I wonder how we should rule our lives? What laws should we have?" Now God has spoken already. He has given a whole body of laws in history to a people that He loved and adopted as His own that He liberated not to put them in bondage but to keep them in freedom. Doesn't it make sense to that we should go to that law and apply ourselves to see how it applies to our circumstances today.
There will be difficulties. Their culture was highly agrarian. Ours is highly technological. There are other big differences between us and Israel. But in principle we should expect that given the wisdom of God, we should find those governing ordinances which would lead to maximum freedom, maximum peace, even maximum prosperity. Prosperity doesn't happen from manipulating God or playing games or hitting the right keys to get a result. It happens by having our Father in heaven telling us what to do. We do what He says and then in time He blesses us.
Dial-up connection:
Dial-up connection:
Question:-- What about the idea that the government should be neutral and should recognize that we live in a democratic, pluralistic society?
Steve Schlissel: I have a problem understanding what the difficulty is in looking to the law of God for a norm for civil polity. The difficulty I have is -- let's not talk about non-Christians who don't love God and what He has to say -- but Christians love the Lord. They know Jehovah. They know his goodness. They see his mercy. They know his wisdom. The know that they don't know everything, but they know Someone who does know everything. Let's start with that. God knows everything.
Now let's go back to an idea that we find in the Old Testament. We lost Eden through the sin of our first parents. Now God brings a whole nation of people out of bondage -- a stark contrast -- into the glorious freedom of the children of God on earth, if they do everything He says. He says it over and again. "If you do what I tell you in this land, you are going to have Eden back. It's going to be glorious. There is going to be rain. There is going to be fruit. There is going to be prosperity. There is going to be food. You won't even have diseases. You are going to be so happy if you do what I say."
Now do we believe that was the case? Do we believe it was the case because God was going to do continued supernatural miracles? Or rather because in the Law, God was giving His people the keys to living on earth? I think that's not too big a jump to say God gave them the Law in love. Deuteronomy is the book to read on this. Over and again He says, "I love you. That's why I'm giving you this Law. It's not because I'm setting you up. I'm not looking to trap you. Follow this because this is the way."
Now let's bring this to today. We become Christian. Our neighbor becomes Christian. Even our whole neighborhood becomes Christian. What happens? Even our whole state becomes Christian. Even in fact the whole nation. Then we look to each other and say, "I wonder how we should rule our lives? What laws should we have?" Now God has spoken already. He has given a whole body of laws in history to a people that He loved and adopted as His own that He liberated not to put them in bondage but to keep them in freedom. Doesn't it make sense to that we should go to that law and apply ourselves to see how it applies to our circumstances today.
There will be difficulties. Their culture was highly agrarian. Ours is highly technological. There are other big differences between us and Israel. But in principle we should expect that given the wisdom of God, we should find those governing ordinances which would lead to maximum freedom, maximum peace, even maximum prosperity. Prosperity doesn't happen from manipulating God or playing games or hitting the right keys to get a result. It happens by having our Father in heaven telling us what to do. We do what He says and then in time He blesses us.
Dial-up connection:
Soup McGee
Question:-- But wouldn't a Christian Republic run according to God's Law become oppressive to non-Christians?
Steve Schlissel: You have to understand a couple of things to understand these capital cases. Number one is that there is good reason to believe that the capital cases, except for murder, were worst case offenses. That is to say that you needn't have administered capital punishment. Banishment might have been a substitute that was acceptable. There could have been negotiated settlements for various offenses. The one area where God said you must execute is murder. The murderer shall surely be put to death. (Gen. 9:6).
Now in these other cases we have the expression of God's wrath and vengeance on these sins that are appropriate in a covenant-keeping culture, that is in a faith environment where people are self-consciously committed to the Lord and His Law, and in cases where there is a flagrant "in your face" violation. There is not really too much to fear. Even if the Law was administered, it would have the result of driving homosexuality underground, which is exactly where the Law of God would keep it.
Now the converse of this is what we face in our day, is not so much the danger of homosexuals being killed, but of Christians being killed in our nation, or at least persecuted and segregated, because only one group can occupy a prominent place in the public square. It's either going to be God's people out there enjoying the neighborhoods, breathing the air or it's going to be God's enemies owning the public square and polluting it. It's not ever both. "The righteous hate the wicked" and "the wicked hate the righteous" it says in the Proverbs. That is simply a truism. So which would we rather have governing the public square, righteousness or wickedness? I know when I look now I see wickedness.
Dial-up connection:
Question:-- In a Christian republic based on biblical law, would non-Christian religions be banned or would they have as much freedom as they have now?
Steve Schlissel: In order to answer the question, we really need to get over the idea that we have unbound latitudinarian tolerance. No culture does. Every single culture has restrictions. For example, there are groups that want to offer child sacrifice. We don't permit that. There are groups that want to offer public sacrifices of animals today. Now in the Old Testament we had it, but Christian societies today forbid it. (By and large. There are little exceptions around the globe.)
So we don't have tolerance for every group. But we could have tolerance for those who have formal allegiance to the God of the Bible. Some might include Muslims in that because they say that the God they worship is the God therein revealed. Certainly, many more would be sympathetic to Jews worshipping with freedom of conscience. But the idea is not we would go into the home and regulate the worship in the home or the thoughts of the people.
There is an old story about Abraham that is told by the rabbis. They say that an Arab visitor came to him one day and he extended typical eastern hosptiality. He said, "Come into my tent my friend." The sat down at a meal and Abraham set about to witness to him to find out what his religious convictions were. The Arab told him, "Oh, I'm an idolater and here are some of my idols." Abraham became indignant, furious, and threw him out of his tent and chased him into the desert.
And God, the rabbis say, came to visit Abraham and asked him, "Abraham, how old was that man?"
Abraham said, "He was about eighty."
And how long was he with you, Abraham?"
"Oh, about five minutes."
"And what did you do?"
"I threw him out," Abraham answered.
God said, "I've been bearing with that man for eighty years and you couldn't bear with him for five minutes."
The lesson is that we need to be tolerant to understand that it is the Lord who gives faith. We have to give wide berth to the working of the Spirit to bring that about. With a Christian consensus and with a strong Christian conviction our tolerance can be considerable. It's when we are weak that we tend to overact and have knee-jerk reactions to other faiths. But nevertheless the laws would have to be Christian laws that govern the land."-
Also-- "In a lone dissent, Parker quoted from Romans 13:1-2, which says "there is no authority except from God." Parker wrote that God, not the state, has given parents the rights and responsibilities to raise their children.
He said "courts should interfere as little as possible with parental decision-making, instead deferring to parental authority whenever it has not been fundamentally compromised by substantial neglect, wrongdoing or criminal act." ""
This guy is a fan of your, he says America is an exlusively Christian Nation---
Thanks for your attention to the question, it's not a trolling question, but one intended to spark a real discussion. As a Former Believer (I grew up with Apostles and Prophets but lost faith when I saw a lack of willingness to pray for our enemies after 9/11), I am literally, truly confused in how some people can hold these seemingly contradictory positions-- If Constitutional Law is based n the Bible, how am I as a Bastard Atheist not banished?
Question:-- But wouldn't a Christian Republic run according to God's Law become oppressive to non-Christians?
Steve Schlissel: You have to understand a couple of things to understand these capital cases. Number one is that there is good reason to believe that the capital cases, except for murder, were worst case offenses. That is to say that you needn't have administered capital punishment. Banishment might have been a substitute that was acceptable. There could have been negotiated settlements for various offenses. The one area where God said you must execute is murder. The murderer shall surely be put to death. (Gen. 9:6).
Now in these other cases we have the expression of God's wrath and vengeance on these sins that are appropriate in a covenant-keeping culture, that is in a faith environment where people are self-consciously committed to the Lord and His Law, and in cases where there is a flagrant "in your face" violation. There is not really too much to fear. Even if the Law was administered, it would have the result of driving homosexuality underground, which is exactly where the Law of God would keep it.
Now the converse of this is what we face in our day, is not so much the danger of homosexuals being killed, but of Christians being killed in our nation, or at least persecuted and segregated, because only one group can occupy a prominent place in the public square. It's either going to be God's people out there enjoying the neighborhoods, breathing the air or it's going to be God's enemies owning the public square and polluting it. It's not ever both. "The righteous hate the wicked" and "the wicked hate the righteous" it says in the Proverbs. That is simply a truism. So which would we rather have governing the public square, righteousness or wickedness? I know when I look now I see wickedness.
Dial-up connection:
Question:-- In a Christian republic based on biblical law, would non-Christian religions be banned or would they have as much freedom as they have now?
Steve Schlissel: In order to answer the question, we really need to get over the idea that we have unbound latitudinarian tolerance. No culture does. Every single culture has restrictions. For example, there are groups that want to offer child sacrifice. We don't permit that. There are groups that want to offer public sacrifices of animals today. Now in the Old Testament we had it, but Christian societies today forbid it. (By and large. There are little exceptions around the globe.)
So we don't have tolerance for every group. But we could have tolerance for those who have formal allegiance to the God of the Bible. Some might include Muslims in that because they say that the God they worship is the God therein revealed. Certainly, many more would be sympathetic to Jews worshipping with freedom of conscience. But the idea is not we would go into the home and regulate the worship in the home or the thoughts of the people.
There is an old story about Abraham that is told by the rabbis. They say that an Arab visitor came to him one day and he extended typical eastern hosptiality. He said, "Come into my tent my friend." The sat down at a meal and Abraham set about to witness to him to find out what his religious convictions were. The Arab told him, "Oh, I'm an idolater and here are some of my idols." Abraham became indignant, furious, and threw him out of his tent and chased him into the desert.
And God, the rabbis say, came to visit Abraham and asked him, "Abraham, how old was that man?"
Abraham said, "He was about eighty."
And how long was he with you, Abraham?"
"Oh, about five minutes."
"And what did you do?"
"I threw him out," Abraham answered.
God said, "I've been bearing with that man for eighty years and you couldn't bear with him for five minutes."
The lesson is that we need to be tolerant to understand that it is the Lord who gives faith. We have to give wide berth to the working of the Spirit to bring that about. With a Christian consensus and with a strong Christian conviction our tolerance can be considerable. It's when we are weak that we tend to overact and have knee-jerk reactions to other faiths. But nevertheless the laws would have to be Christian laws that govern the land."-
Also-- "In a lone dissent, Parker quoted from Romans 13:1-2, which says "there is no authority except from God." Parker wrote that God, not the state, has given parents the rights and responsibilities to raise their children.
He said "courts should interfere as little as possible with parental decision-making, instead deferring to parental authority whenever it has not been fundamentally compromised by substantial neglect, wrongdoing or criminal act." ""
This guy is a fan of your, he says America is an exlusively Christian Nation---
Thanks for your attention to the question, it's not a trolling question, but one intended to spark a real discussion. As a Former Believer (I grew up with Apostles and Prophets but lost faith when I saw a lack of willingness to pray for our enemies after 9/11), I am literally, truly confused in how some people can hold these seemingly contradictory positions-- If Constitutional Law is based n the Bible, how am I as a Bastard Atheist not banished?
Question:-- What about the idea that the government should be neutral and should recognize that we live in a democratic, pluralistic society?
R.J. Rushdoony: Our Lord said, "Occupy until I come." We are told that the kingdoms of this world must become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ. The Old Testament if rife with prophecies concerning the nations being under the Christ the Messiah. Now this is clearly an important aspect of our faith. Some years ago, Weingarten wrote a book made up entirely of the texts of the Old Testament that predict the triumph to come in Christ, how all the nations shall be His. Isaiah says that even in Egypt, being a type of the unregenerate world, five cities out of six will call upon the name of the Lord, an image of great victory. So if we are going to fight with an eye towards winning, we've got to have a postmillennial faith. Now you can go to heaven without it, but you'll do better in this world and in the world to come, if you stand in terms of the fact that we are to bring everything into captivity to Christ.
All our thinking is presuppositional. We begin with axioms of thought, premises that we believe, and we think in terms of that. As Christians we think in terms of the fact that God is, and all things must reckon with God and make an accounting to God. If we do not believe, we begin with the premise, God is not and I am alone in this world. It's a dog-eat-dog world. It's survival of the fittest. So you live accordingly and the world goes to hell in a hand basket. It becomes trashier. So ideas do have consequences. To believe that we are the people of victory that Christ is going to triumph and only when all things are put under His feet will the last enemy, death, be destroyed.""""""""
-- finally, and you just can't make this up...Eric Farris is mentioned in this article about Tea Parties working in Coalition:
"The United States is a Christian nation, she says, and she wants to see open prayer and Christian symbols displayed in public schools. She says she heard from a conservative talk show host that the early US laws and founding documents were based on the Old Testament book of Deuteronomy, and credits the founding fathers’ faith in a higher power for the United States’ success." So you disagree? And Deuteronomy? Doesn't that make my original point, that -IF -- "Deuteronomy 23:2 No one born of a forbidden marriage[b] nor any of their descendants may enter the assembly of the LORD, not even in the tenth generation" is true, then being born a bastard in America means being born without the possibility of salvation.-- Wrong?
a few seconds ago · Like
- Scott Rodgers Misquoting the Bible discredits almost everything you have to say. I could pick passages out of the Bible and post them into a context that makes anything sound Biblical.
- The Eric Farris Show Soup, please post the link for the article that you mention that you said mentions my name.
- The Eric Farris Show I don't see my name anywhere in your above comment showing the quote from an article, Soup. Point to the link that you referenced above.
- Soup McGee :
" The group does not endorse candidates, but rather provides information for voters to make their own choices. The Branson Tea Party Coalition also offers weekly classes on the US Constitution, and will hold a conference in July on the same topic.
Farris says one example of how Congress has overstepped its bounds is by passing the new health care overhaul legislation.
“If you look at the Enumerated Powers [in the Constitution], you have to ask, ‘Where in the Enumerated Powers does it give Congress the ability to order every single citizen in the United States to buy a product?’ It’s not there.”
That product he’s referring to, of course, is health insurance.
2010, he says, is an action year: it’s time to elect people who will listen to their constituents, and it’s time to oust those who haven’t. 2011, he says, will be a watchdog year—to see how well those elected officials perform.
Branson’s tea party, he says, has people of all ages and socio-economic backgrounds. There are Republicans and some Democrats, too, he says. There are conservative religious undertones, but the main issue uniting them is adhering to the Constitution."
- Soup McGee -- is the Constitution Based, as Barton says often, literally on the Bible? For example, here:
And, as 73-year-old Maggie Kress believes, based on Deuteronomy?
What about what Rushdoony taught,
"47. The exclusion of Ammonites and Moabites from citizenship for ten generations (Deut. 23:3) was judicially based on the origin of both those nations in Lot's drunken committing of incest with his daughters (Gen. 19:31-38). The descendants of bastards were also excluded for ten generations (Deut. 23:2). The covenantal issue here was not race; it was covenantal rebellion.
48. Rushdoony, Institutes, p. 262. "----
So the grace of Jesus cannot save me here, I am bound by a generational curse:" The covenantal issue here was not race; it was covenantal rebellion."
Am I as a bastard Atheist, am I not unwelcome in America if America truly be a Christian Nation? In the Nation the Tea Party wishes to reconstruct, 'take back?'
Am I not making a fair point? Can anyone reading see the problem I am describing?
Adoptions do not require the religious ceremony that marriage does, indeed it is an interaction with the how can an adoptee be any more a part of a family than, in the eyes of your God, two gay people are truly married.
Having been given back after having been adopted...I know that being adopted does not mean becoming a member of a family.
If America is a Christian Nation, am I not prohibited from being a member of a family? Again, a straight question...why is a state contract for an adopted child needed to join a family but a religious rite is not also conducted? Am I still a member of the family that adopted me and gave me back because the consequences of the sexual abuse I endured at the hands of my mother was too much for them?
Can I EVER enter heaven, or am I essentially banished, given your assertion that America is a strictly and exclusively Christian Nation...?
- The Eric Farris Show And, why on your blog are you trying to pass the statement made by "Maggie Kress" in the article as my quote?
- Soup McGee --When you talk about the choice of adoption over abortion, you do not address that no religious ceremony is needed to make the adopted a true part of the family...I know this because I was given back....
I am trying to make a larger point, if you are interested in the discussion....I object to a smaller government and less spending, --even Alan Greenspan knows that a nation that prints it's own currency cannot ever go 'broke' -(“The United States can pay any debt it has because we can always print money to do that. So there is zero probability of default.” Alan Greenspan )
-but that has nothing to do with my objection the christianization of law in America, the rise in theonomy which leaves Bastards like me without a state with with to seek redress without facing a bias ...would you care to address my questions? - Soup McGee -- why is a state contract for an adopted child needed to join a family but a religious rite is not also conducted?
Rushdoony ,
"47. The exclusion of Ammonites and Moabites from citizenship for ten generations (Deut. 23:3) was judicially based on the origin of both those nations in Lot's drunken committing of incest with his daughters (Gen. 19:31-38). The descendants of bastards were also excluded for ten generations (Deut. 23:2). The covenantal issue here was not race; it was covenantal rebellion.
48. Rushdoony, Institutes, p. 262. "----
So the grace of Jesus cannot save me here, I am bound by a generational curse:" The covenantal issue here was not race; it was covenantal rebellion."
Am I as a bastard Atheist, am I not unwelcome in America if America truly be a Christian Nation? In the Nation the Tea Party wishes to reconstruct, 'take back?'
Am I not making a fair point? Can anyone reading see the problem I am describing?
For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. For th...See More - Soup McGee -- i never said that --- whoa----------..Eric Farris is mentioned in this article about Tea Parties working in Coalition:
"The United States is a Christian nation, she says, -----------
are you a she, eric? I didn't think so.... - Soup McGee look you are a public figure with a well thought out set of ideas, I respect that, I came to your page to pose want me gone, I'm outta here. But don't keep accusing me of things I am Not doing...As a Bastard Athiest, I feel increasingly isolated. Te bible and major thinkers endorsemy fear....thoughts? That about sums up my purpose here. Too much?a few seconds ago · Like
-Pps-- "Break the curse – confession and repentance from you and your generations, pastpresent-
future. A common experience in most audiences the world over – when
these curses are broken through deliverance prayer, one third of the audience
knows of a direct instance of a bastard situation within their family, and the other
two thirds usually experience a noticeable and obvious spiritual weight lifted off
The only way to break the curse is to proclaim Jesus as your savior, thus in a truly Christian nation, one bound to God's Law first, I would be executed or banished, because I am many things but I am no a liar.
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