Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Troy Davis Is Scheduled To Be Executed Despite Recanted Testimony and Righties Wanna Blame Obama For Something Re: Israel

A local fool-idiot, was caught killing an adult male Bald Eagle today. He admitted shooting our national bird, then cutting its head off. The alledged criminal faces, state and Federal violations. The Federal penalties, alone, include 12 months in the Federal penal systems and an automatic $100,000.00 fine. State criminal penalties are just as severe, and can be applied equally!
· · · Yesterday at 4:15pm · Privacy:

    • Lori McGlamery Portugal geez, that's more than Casey Anthony got!
      23 hours ago · · 2 people
    • Soup McGee cannot find any source but you: ....Search








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      1. Bald eagle fouled by Montana oil spill doing well

      Houston Chronicle - Sep 1, 2011

      Agency spokesman Leith Edgar says the adult eagle molted, or dropped, some of its oil-covered feathers in recent weeks. The male eagle is part of a pair ...

      2. Bald eagle fouled by Montana oil spill doing well

      The Missoulian - Sep 3, 2011

      Agency spokesman Leith Edgar says the adult eagle molted, or dropped, some of its oil-covered feathers in recent weeks. The male eagle is part of a pair ...

      3. Class of 2011 Arizona bald eagles sets records

      Verde Independent - Sep 1, 2011

      Actually, if you are a fan of the desert nesting bald eagle in general, ... The female disappeared, then another female came in and the male disappeared. ...

      4. Lafayette rafters reach Covington, almost halfway point

      Journal and Courier - 17 hours ago

      ... that has become equal parts survival-adventure, male bonding and charity event. ... including deer swimming across the river and several bald eagles. ...

      5. Injured, Recovered Baby Bald Eagle Released

      KTVZ - Alicia Inns - Aug 28, 2011

      Three weeks ago, a couple out exploring near La Pine found an injured baby bald eagle on the road. On Saturday, after weeks of rehab, Dr. Jeff Cooney and ...

      6. Merrill Creek Reservoir plays a role in return of bald eagles

      The Express Times - - Mark Demko - Aug 28, 2011

      The return of the bald eagle is one of the nation's greatest conservation success ... The eagles' offspring, a then eight-week-old male and female chick, ...

      The Express Times -

      7. Easing into fall with eagles

      Herald Palladium (subscription) - Jonathan Wuepper - Sep 2, 2011

      Both male and female eagles look alike. While several recent bald eagle nests ... a young bald eagle, Chuck Witkoske of Sodus reports an adult (with white ...

      8. Birds begin fall exodus

      Minneapolis Star Tribune - Val Cunningham - Sep 6, 2011

      Some, like purple martins, will head deep into South America, while bald eagles will stack up at open water as close as Wabasha, Minn. ...

      9. New Cookbook Answers: 'What the F*@# Should I Make for Dinner?'

      iVillage Entertainment - Caroline Russock - 15 hours ago

      ... more swearing and partial male nudity) so we felt like the book should be too. ... greatest recipe site, Cookstr would be a half-lion, half-bald eagle. ...

      10. POLICE BLOTTER - Aug. 31

      Brainerd Daily Dispatch - Aug 30, 2011

      23 officers located two intoxicated adult men lying in the middle of an Ironton Street. ... 23 on the 400 block of Bald Eagle Road in Hackensack. ...

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      23 hours ago ·
    • Soup McGee Search
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      1. News Release - Bald eagle killers sentenced - Cached

      Jan 14, 2004 – The Bald Eagle is listed as a threatened species under the Endangered ... Refuge, and forfeiture of the .22 Magnum Rifle used to kill the eagle. ...

      2. American Bald Eagle - - Cached

      Feb 10, 2005 – The source of the article below about the American Bald Eagle ... or human interference can kill many eaglets; sometimes only about half will ...

      3. AMNH - Expedition : Endangered - Cached

      The 1995 downlisting of the bald eagle from Endangered to Threatened does not remove the protections afforded by the ESA. It is still illegal to kill bald eagles. ...

      4. To kill a bald eagle (Jack Bog's Blog) - Cached

      Jan 25, 2011 – To kill a bald eagle. In Portland, God bless us, it takes a lot of process. But darn it, we do need to make a buck off shipping Montana coal ...

      5. Why is it illegal to kill a bald eagle or it's seed, but legal to ... › ... › Politics & Government › Law & Ethics - Cached

      17 answers - Apr 24, 2006

      Top answer: It's hard to comprehend how America has come to the point of having strict laws to protect an eagles eggs or a turtles eggs from being touched or destroyed or you ...

      When will we be able to hunt Bald Eagles again? - Yahoo! Answers - Mar 1, 2011

      Why is it illegal to kill a bald eagles egg, but legal to kill an ... - Oct 21, 2009

      What is the punishment for shooting and/or killing a bald eagle ... - Aug 23, 2009

      I killed a Bald Eagle. I cant get in trouble if i....Can I ... - Jun 9, 2007

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      6. Mississippi Man Sentenced for Killing Bald Eagle | › Bolton's Outdoors Alabama - Cached

      Oct 10, 2008 – Additionally, Garrison was ordered to forfeit the firearm used to kill the eagle, ... "The bald eagle remains protected by federal law," said Robert ...

      7. Bald Eagle Frequently Asked Questions: Students' Questions and ... - Cached

      A. On 20 June, 1782, our Continental Congress adopted the bald eagle as our official ... Q. What is the largest prey animal that they have been known to kill? ...

      8. Webrangers Activity: The Bald Eagle - Cached

      All endangered animals in the United States are protected. It is against the law to disturb or kill them. The bald eagle was removed from the federal endangered ...

      Bald Eagle was eating road kill - YouTube
 min - Feb 16, 2011 - Uploaded by skiddy8619

      Was driving down a road and there it was eating a dead raccoon. The noise of the pickup scared it, I was hoping that if I backed off it would go ...

      More videos for "kill" "bald eagle" »

      9. American Bald Eagle - Nesting & Young - Cached

      The American Bald Eagle - Nesting & Young. ... Chicks - Sometimes two chicks will survive, but it is not uncommon for the older eaglet to kill the smaller one, ...

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      23 hours ago ·
    • George Conner Did he say if it tasted anything like a Great Horned Owl?
      23 hours ago ·
    • Soup McGee here we go: "HomeAP - Nation






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      by Taboola
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      W Monroe Man pleads guilty to killing bald eagle
      The Associated Press
      Published: Tuesday, September 20, 2011 at 2:21 p.m.
      Last Modified: Tuesday, September 20, 2011 at 2:21 p.m.

      MONROE, La. - A 22-year-old West Monroe man has admitted shooting a bald eagle found beheaded in Franklin Parish, Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries spokesman Adam Einck said Tuesday.

      Einck said Jeffrey M. Miles pleaded guilty Monday in federal court in Monroe to one count of violating the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, and U.S. Magistrate Judge Karen Hayes scheduled sentencing Jan. 3. Miles remains free on personal recognizance.

      The maximum penalty is a $100,000 fine and a year in jail.

      Tips on the department's Operation Game Thief hotline helped investigators solve the case, said Col. Winton Vidrine, head of the department's law enforcement division.

      Einck said state agents cited Miles on April 22, about 2 1/2 weeks after the eagle's body was found in a Franklin Parish drainage ditch about 10 miles east of Winnsboro.

      He said he cannot give other details, including possible motive, whether Miles or someone else cut the bird's head off, and whether the head was found, because the case is still under federal jurisdiction.

      Court documents did not include any details about what was done to the bird at what time." Not EXACTLY the way you put it....
      The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries says a 22-year-old West Monro...See More
      23 hours ago · ·
    • Jared Reeves An eagle gets justice in death; Casey Anthony walks? Thanks for a great similarity!!!! "white is black, night is day" the world must be flat? What a load of crap!!
      23 hours ago · · 1 person
    • Jared Reeves the above is for your clarity---Lori!!!!!
      23 hours ago ·
    • Jared Reeves Soup: I'm impressed with your info gathering, kudos!!!!
      23 hours ago ·
    • Casey Scurlock The two are not comparable other than to say that they are against the law. Everyone carries on about Casey Anthony without facing the fact that the jury did not find her innocent, they found that there was insuficient evidence to convict her of the charges. There is a difference. With new evidence she can be retried. That is what "INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY" means. If you are caught with the remains of a Bald Eagle then you are guilty!
      22 hours ago ·
    • Jared Reeves Good point Casey: "witnesses" heard the eagle shooter, boast of the deed, the bird carcass was found where he boasted it was, and he then confessed. Casey Anthony, never confessed and no witness testimony was presented. Casey Anthony was acquitted by her peers, but America never will, my friend. So she needs, to go into some govt. protection-name change situation. She is "kinda free" in my humble opinion? She is now a "Biblical Caine" character in modern times, marked for life?
      19 hours ago ·
    • Soup McGee repeats, addresses: "Casey Anthony was acquitted by her peers, but America never will, my friend. So she needs, to go into some govt. protection-name change situation. She is "kinda free" in my humble opinion? She is now a "Biblical Caine" character in modern times, marked for life?" On that point...if the criminal is Not convicted, what is the due process for banishment? Truly, she needs protection, but she is Not where is the section of the law to protect the citizen abused by the state at the hands of the police for the "good of the people?" How can any person accused of a crime that garners national attention in today's media Ever Receive a Fair Trial? Where does the chin of the State become a fist? When rights of Anyone are violated. There is a need to redress the void in our law that does not protect the due process rights of all....There is not yet a way to un-ring a bell-and with predictive policing who will care? America only kills guilty people? Ha! (Further reading and from which “In August of 2009, the Supreme Court of the United States issued an order directing the District Court to hear and rule on Davis' claim of innocence. In re Troy Anthony Davis, 557 U.S. ___ (2009). Although the ruling was made per curiam, there was a concurring opinion filed by Justice Stevens and joined by Justices Ginsburg and Breyer which sharply criticized the dissent filed by Justice Scalia. In the dissent, Scalia wrote, "This Court has never held that the Constitution forbids the execution of a convicted defendant who has had a full and fair trial but is later able to convince a habeas court that he is 'actually' innocent. Quite to the contrary, we have repeatedly left that question unresolved, while expressing considerable doubt that any claim based on alleged 'actual innocence' is constitutionally cognizable." Justice Stevens dismissed this position as inconsistent with the constitution, saying, "The substantial risk of putting an innocent man to death clearly provides an adequate justification for holding an evidentiary hearing." )
      Other Free Encyclopedias » Law Library - American Law and Legal In...See More
      19 hours ago · ·
    • Jared Reeves To my FB friends: check out Soup McGee, I think, He maybe the most tolerant, last generous human on earth.
      19 hours ago ·
    • Jared Reeves Soup: got a question: if you were Mr. Obama's foreign policy advisor: what should be our Israeli policy?
      18 hours ago ·
    • John Brian Simpson Obama's foreign policy about Israel is exactly the same as his last three predecessors in th Oval Office, that is a negotiated settlement between the two parties, based on the1967 borders as a starting point. There is not ONE WORD of difference. Additionally, Israel receives more foreign aid from us than any other nation.Obama has not cut or suggested that ONE PENNY be cut from this aid. He additionally has stated he will veto any UN attempt by the Palestinians to establish a state through the UN. The Right Wing Israeli government claims he is anti Israel because a couple months ago, he stated that the 1967 borders would be a good place to resume negotiations, which is our OFFICIAL policy for the last 20 years, through three of the last presidents. Twenty years of negotiations have not only failed to yield any results other than provide a stalling mechanism for the Israeli government to keep any substantive changes from happening while they continue to annex and occupy more Palestinian land. One more example of Obama bashing that is without truth or merit. Stop listening to sound bites, and try a little rersarch beyon Faux News.
      3 hours ago · · 1 person
    • Soup McGee ‎,"What it is, what it is. But then I am licensed for nothing but poetry." Chuckle. Or, "Continue not being nativist." The Obama Doctrine is clearly that of giving the opponent the rope to hang with by their own strength, a sort of diplomatic kung-fu that confuses the general populace until the opponent is hung.
      Besides, john brian simpson NAILED IT.
      3 hours ago ·
    • Soup McGee wonders if you've seen this, and I post as part of a longer thought, in reference to Libya:" Some commentators have read the constitutional text differently. They argue that the vesting of the power to declare war gives Congress the sole authority to decide whether to make war. (6) This view misreads the constitutional text and misunderstands the nature of a declaration of war. Declaring war is not tantamount to making war - indeed, the Constitutional Convention specifically amended the working draft of the Constitution that had given Congress the power to make war. An earlier draft of the Constitution had given to Congress the power to "make" war. When it took up this clause on August 17, 1787, the Convention voted to change the clause from "make" to "declare." 2 The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787, at 318-19 (Max Farrand ed., rev. ed. 1966) (1911). A supporter of the change argued that it would "leav[e] to the Executive the power to repel sudden attacks." Id. at 318. Further, other elements of the Constitution describe "engaging" in war, which demonstrates that the Framers understood making and engaging in war to be broader than simply "declaring" war. See U.S. Const. art. I, § 10, cl. 3 ("No State shall, without the Consent of Congress . . . engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay."). A State constitution at the time of the ratification included provisions that prohibited the governor from "making" war without legislative approval, S.C. Const. art. XXVI (1776), reprinted in 6 The Federal and State Constitutions 3247 (Francis Newton Thorpe ed., 1909). (7) If the Framers had wanted to require congressional consent before the initiation of military hostilities, they knew how to write such provisions.

      Finally, the Framing generation well understood that declarations of war were obsolete. Not all forms of hostilities rose to the level of a declared war: during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, Great Britain and colonial America waged numerous conflicts against other states without an official declaration of war. (8) As Alexander Hamilton observed during the ratification, "the ceremony of a formal denunciation of war has of late fallen into disuse." The Federalist No. 25, at 133 (Alexander Hamilton). Instead of serving as an authorization to begin hostilities, a declaration of war was only necessary to "perfect" a conflict under international law. A declaration served to fully transform the international legal relationship between two states from one of peace to one of war. See 1 William Blackstone, Commentaries *249-50. Given this context, it is clear that Congress's power to declare war does not constrain the President's independent and plenary constitutional authority over the use of military force."
      3 hours ago ·
    • Soup McGee (FROM)
      3 hours ago · ·
    • Soup McGee adds, in light of the Obama Doctrine as outlined above, what are Your thoughts on Washington's use of the Mandate for Individual Heath Care?
      3 hours ago ·
      In the first two congresses, the general appropriations were
      made in single bills. The first appropriations bill of record, in
      1789, appropriated $639,000 and read as follows:
      An act making appropriations for the service of the present year.
      Section 1. Be it enacted, etc., That there be appropriated for the service of
      the present year, to be paid out of the moneys which arise either from the requisitions
      heretofore made upon the several States or from the duties on impost
      and tonnage, the following sums, viz:
      A sum not exceeding $216,000 for defraying the expenses of the civil list
      under the late and present Government; a sum not exceeding $137,000 for defraying
      the expenses of the Department of War; a sum not exceeding $190,000
      for discharging the warrants issued by the late board of treasury, and the remaining
      unsatisfied; and a sum not exceeding $96,000 for paying the pensions
      to invalids."
      3 hours ago ·
    • Soup McGee ‎..."and a sum not exceeding $96,000 for paying the pensions to invalids...." What is the General Welfare Clause for if not to Mandate commerce, such as with seatbelts, in the spirit of the common good defined by the Constitution and upheld by judicial review? As used by George Washington it was fine; this President is derided as unAmerican. Wowsers.
      2 hours ago ·
    • Soup McGee ‎..."...""In 1798, Congress passed “An Act for the Relief of Sick and Disabled Seamen,” which created a system of government-operated marine hospitals. Privately employed sailors were required to pay a tax to support it."
      2 hours ago ·
    • Jared Reeves Again: what would you advise?
      about an hour ago · · 1 person
    • Soup McGee ‎, again: ","What it is, what it is. But then I am licensed for nothing but poetry." Chuckle. Or, "Continue not being nativist." The Obama Doctrine is clearly that of giving the opponent the rope to hang with by their own strength, a sort of diplomatic kung-fu that confuses the general populace until the opponent is hung.
      Besides, john brian simpson NAILED IT." But then, what is your take on the philosophical conundrum I have proposed for you?

      Note: I am fervently anti-oxymoron, and would prefer to be proven wrong. Mmmmmm, facts. Yum!
      about an hour ago ·
      Soup McGee knows your children will look back and pity Troy Davis. And all of us. Every one of us.
      · · 31 minutes ago · Privacy:

    • Notmary Elizabeth likes this.
    • Kitty Kelley You think he didn't kill that cop? The bullets came from his gun!
      28 minutes ago · · 1 person
    • Soup McGee ‎#smh
      27 minutes ago ·
    • Carole Hurtubise they're waiting for a last minute supreme court stay of execution.
      26 minutes ago · · 1 person
    • Carole Hurtubise very sad story. the teahadists on this page wouldn't even sign the petition I posted to help stop his murder.
      25 minutes ago · · 1 person
    • Kitty Kelley what?
      24 minutes ago · · 1 person
    • Soup McGee
      News for troy davis amnesty intl
      With A Few Hours Left Before Troy Davis Execution, Protests Mount
      NPR (blog) - 2 hours ago
      People hold placards of rights group Amnesty International during a demonstration in Paris on Wednesday. At 7 pm ET today, Troy Davis is scheduled to be ...
      4369 related articles
      Troy Davis asks Supreme Court to stop execution
      CBS News - 823 related articles
      US parole board accuses Amnesty NZ of DDoS attack, blocks server
      National Business Review - 2 related articles

      1. Troy Davis | Amnesty International USA - Cached
      5 hours ago – Troy Davis was convicted of murdering a Georgia police officer in 1991. Nearly two decades later, Davis remains on death row — even though ...
      2. Troy Davis - Take Action Now - Amnesty International USA - Cached
      Georgia's State Board of Pardons and Paroles has recently rejected Troy ...
      Show more results from
      3. Clemency for US death row prisoner Troy Davis denied | Amnesty ... - Cached
      1 day ago – The refusal to grant clemency for deathrow prisoner Troy Davis is a huge ... Amnesty International said today after the ruling cleared the way for ...
      4. Justice for Troy Davis | Amnesty International - Cached
      Jun 23, 2010 – Troy Davis has spent nearly 19 years on death row and faced ...
      Show more results from
      5. Amnesty International Troy Davis Campaign Animation - Osocio ... - Cached
      Sep 14, 2011 – Earlier this year: German street art collective Mentalgassi have teamed up with Amnesty International to highlight the case of Troy Davis by ...
      6. Troy Anthony Davis - Cached
      Sep 6, 2011 – Martina Correia, sister of Troy Anthony Davis, just spent a few days in Dublin at the Annual General Meeting of Amnesty International Ireland ...
      7. Amnesty International Condemns Decision to Deny Troy Davis ... - Cached
      1 day ago – Amnesty International Condemns Decision to Deny Troy Davis Clemency, Calling It an 'Outrageous Affront to Justice'. WASHINGTON ...
      Death-row inmate Troy Davis denied clemency – This Just In - CNN ... day ago
      Amnesty International reacted angrily to the clemency denial on Tuesday. ... " Should Troy Davis be executed, Georgia may well have ...
      More videos for troy davis amnesty intl »
      8. Troy Davis case - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Cached
      For the Canadian Football League running back, see Troy Davis (Canadian ... Amnesty International and other groups such as National Association for the ...
      9. Last-minute appeal to halt execution for Troy Davis rejected ... - Cached
      1 day ago – Attorneys for Georgia death row inmate Troy Davis file last-minute appeal which ... Laura Moye of Amnesty International, Edward DuBose of the ... DOES THAT HELP? Or is Amnesty just another Lib Group run by Soros? #SMH
      Troy Davis was convicted of murdering a Georgia police officer in 1991. Nearly t...See More
      24 minutes ago · · 1 person ·
    • Ann Plante There is no physical evidence that this man committed the crime. more than half of the 'eyewitnesses' have recanted their story. This alone should be enough to take another look at the case.
      23 minutes ago · · 1 person
    • Soup McGee DOES THAT HELP? Or is Amnesty just another Lib Group run by Soros? #SMH 7 of 9 recanted witnesses
      23 minutes ago · · 1 person
    • Don Espada Carole, quit being the drama queen
      23 minutes ago ·
    • Carole Hurtubise if this isn't dramatic, I don't know what is. They're about to kill a man that is most likely innocent.
      21 minutes ago · · 3 people
    • Carole Hurtubise and YOU didn't want to sign the petition, you have his blood on your hands.
      21 minutes ago · · 1 person
    • Notmary Elizabeth I read today, the only one who did not recant the story is the witness that could possibly be the one that committed the murder.
      20 minutes ago · · 1 person
    • Soup McGee ‎,"Besides, Kelley, you are right. The gun was from a different crime, making you a willing murderer by rooting for his death in your heart...check your bible...
      20 minutes ago · · 1 person
    • Kitty Kelley What about the bullets? Is that not physical evidence Professor?
      20 minutes ago ·
    • Soup McGee ‎---bullet casings from another crime---geez, keep up, I don't get paid by your questions----let him die? let him die? kitty?
      19 minutes ago · · 1 person
    • Soup McGee let him die?
      19 minutes ago · · 1 person
    • Notmary Elizabeth Of all of the people that have been fighting this, there have been MANY proponants of the death penalty.
      18 minutes ago ·
    • Soup McGee wonders, what is in your heart?
      18 minutes ago · · 1 person
    • Don Espada We should set him free and house him with Carole
      18 minutes ago · · 1 person
    • Soup McGee wonders, when they execute Schaeffer Cox, Sovereign Citizen, if you will cheer as loudly.
      17 minutes ago · · 1 person
    • Carole Hurtubise you talking to Kitty Kelly aka Cathy Sylvia Kelly? that woman is nuts, close your profile, she'll call your family and friends and cause trouble, I'm not kidding.
      17 minutes ago · · 2 people
    • Soup McGee is a bastard with no friends. HA!
      16 minutes ago ·
    • Soup McGee
      The cottages that nestle around the Victorian manse include the water tower, (you can still see it working through a glass window), greenhouse, gazebo playhouse, carriage house, and loft.
      Like · Share

      ...See More
      15 minutes ago ·
    • Soup McGee etc....
      15 minutes ago ·
    • Don Espada So I guess his lawyer did not do his job properly. Johnny Cochran is not longer with us either.
      13 minutes ago ·
    • Notmary Elizabeth I am your friend, Soup!!
      11 minutes ago · · 1 person
    • Soup McGee Loves when I am proven wrong- thanks for the double-exclamation dot dot dot
      9 minutes ago · · 1 person
    • Carol Harbacek I don't think anyone is cheering for a man to die. I know I'm not. I will pray for him. But he was found guilty. I also pray for the policeman who got killed. His mom is old and wants a little peace. This kind of stuff makes me sick. I don't know what to think anymore.
      2 minutes ago ·

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