Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Following Is Not Intended To Be A Factual Statement: Soupy Hates​es/blogs/faith
FIRST AND FOREMOST: You can dislike and even disrespect a belief system without disliking or disrespecting the people who subscribe to a given belief system.…
2 hours ago · · ·

  • You and Jackie Millinor like this.
    • Lisa Flower Theres a REALLY good video clip in this link. Worth seeing!
      2 hours ago · · 1 person
    • Lisa Flower I just noticed this was previoulsy posted by another member. Sorry for the duplication.
      about an hour ago ·
    • Joe Crisi That was very good. Thanks for posting again.
      about an hour ago · · 1 person
    • Robert King You all obviously do not understand faith at all. Whether it be in Jesus Christ, Mohammed, or anything else.

      I will guarantee you had faith on election day Nov 2007 that the all mighty Barrack Hussein Obama would come up with the "Change you can believe iin".....

      Faith is the basis for Christianity, and people like you have been trying to disprove it, mock it and sweep it under the rug for thousands and thousands of years....haven't accomplished it, won't accomplish it.

      I know, I know a couple of huge rocks smacked together millions of years ago and walla here is a perfectly formed world with seasons and oceans and land masses and animals, etc. Then a blob of cells crawled from the water to land and over the course of millions of millions of more years your ancestors appeared.

      Why hasn't man continued to evolve? Why did we stop in this form? Why didn't we become flying super beasts with Cray computer like thinking speed.

      I will pray for all of you that you find the true "WAY"! Jesus NEVER committed and sin and that is the beauty of it all. Jesus did not come to this world to condemn it (you should all be jumping up and down) but to save it.
      about an hour ago ·
    • Joe Crisi The article is about religion not faith. However, I am not sure how you can have one without the other. I was brought up in a very strict Catholic family, but there came a time when I did not have faith that Jesus Christ was immacualtely conceived.
      about an hour ago ·
    • Joe Crisi I continued to go to church until the time they switched from latin to english. They lost their spirituality.
      about an hour ago · · 1 person
    • Robert King ‎@Joe, it sounds to me like you are critical of the people...not the religion or its teachings. Please remember, we are all human, have sinned and have fallen short of the Glory of God. EVEN to all my Catholic friends the Pope is not a deity...nor is he above sin, he is human and is tempted by the world.

      Do not hate the message because the messenger is faulty. The devil will use any possible means to trip us up and based on the above it is working. Continue to have an open discerning mind and let Jesus in....he loves you!
      58 minutes ago ·
    • Soup McGee Hi! I'm Soup McGee, We're Related By Blood Through Union. You May Not Know Me, But…
      I fight fascists
      With facts and words
      You can choose to be ignorant, it’s true- that is-
      Denial beats bliss.
      I hope you Do
      Bring your friends.
      I got my own list.
      My Mission: finding comprehension,
      in this Newborn (aged now 24 or so)
      American System
      (Having been sent to find and
      Finding no belief in belief
      Or belief of or by believers
      Belies faith,
      Coerces #s’s
      My head-
      “We Agree! We are Even!” vs.
      “No! God not civilization!”
      Rock v. Hydra,
      Physically, I must not, I myself Being Me,
      I will not fight, just this Reading.
      So, first, One Fist Must Necessarily Need Defending)
      To with wisdom make shy
      sure but forgive first
      especially You who would hate me,
      Call what I voted for-
      Some bled for-
      Died for, Are Born For-
      All are Here
      for “wasteful spending”-
      There is only a perverted faith left for me,
      in me,
      when it comes to
      This Wrongly American ‘Humanity’ the ALEC States Have intentionally -
      re-branded Internationally. Rotting my "entitlements" and
      Subsidizing their "Investments"-
      This was no accident, no- This is
      Allowed and brought by a willful, Planned
      Perpetual dismantling- a sort of
      "Quiverfulling" every shared 'sacred' institution
      The result of which is to leave us slaves to government and angry about it too-
      Leaving us hungry and cold so as to bring us to Jesus-
      How Norquist-Abramhoff-Reed of You, Neighbors!
      We are soon to be
      governed by "God-not-Man-ners",
      Ruled as We are
      by the Not-so-Secret
      Christian Elite...
      Militarily, we are made to worship, the
      Dismantling and Derision of Education and all labor;
      Together, set against each-other,
      We Daily Set out to
      Use the Business Of Media in Classifying the Saved and the Unsavable.
      Sold is our ability to 'as a people"
      Govern Our Understanding of Religion and
      the role proper of family and government.
      Requiring an Impossible Mountain of Polarizing Dogma-
      Requiring Action, even if Non-action-
      Is War On All Even.<(...)>them

      Those sleeping in pre-fab deathtraps beside us,
      The Norquislings that claim Jesus while with “No” votes slay 'sheeple'
      They eagerly use positions of Power in City
      and Local Governments to
      Betray me by displaying me-
      Attempting to write my destiny for me,
      Deciding about you for me
      Look at you, wanting to fight me-
      Influenced but embarrassed by me-
      And my influence on you-
      Ashamed, but adoring me-
      And so and so on-
      Until the onion has fully, finally unraveled and
      By your opinions but not alone,
      Our Flag Flies tattered.
      Hate rages cruel
      Your ruins razed, ragged.
      I repeat
      By their own Golden Rule
      As if the business itself not the person matters.
      As from the beginning
      I was born and adopted into a system that would
      Had it believed in me, be therefore
      Unnecessary, I do think I am trained
      To see through a twisted, tangled
      Famed Strange Mixture of Philosophy,
      Ideology, and theological need, and may I add, I may,
      To somehow remain Blind
      and Ignore me,
      the people.
      This is a Cold Civil War
      Against Theocracy.
      Shame on You, Silent Christians
      Ignoring starving bodies
      The America I know
      Is thrown up on a pole
      With pride in the Brightness of day
      left out in the rain in the downfall amid mire.
      Yet by Recognition was laid
      the Foundation engraved
      and those Dying for the Eternal Social Contract.
      This Works! America Works! We have always been Our Own
      Only We Will Ever Be our Own Solution!
      This Freedom Must
      Only Last!
      Pass on Democracy
      or Pass on Democracy!
      I ask: Why Vote if you are not being taxed?
      Now that the enemy has made himself mainstream-
      We either use Non-violence as a rock,
      Call ‘em out
      Get ‘em hot-
      On the record,
      Against US, for God-
      Call them Disqualified to serve Man
      to Their Faces-
      or we are even more fucked-
      Not for the Divine and Enduring Glory of America
      Not for the Mutual Destiny or
      the Immortal Fate-
      Vote, please, in 2012,
      and not for Partisan Advantage
      or through Perspective Distorted by Rank
      End The Pledge.
      Avoid The Theocracy.
      Believe what you want, but

      Please, sirs and madams-
      Don’t Abort My Democracy. -----------Hi Robert! Mebbe I'm The Devil! Mebbe I'm the Re-Born Christ! I hear the Anti-Christ position is taken...How do I know You are a Christian? I will nebber believe you- there's yer faith. If I sold on you somehow I was, you Could Not believe me. No-I understand perfectly well faith- Thanks though....
      41 minutes ago ·
    • Soup McGee reads, "Robert King
      You all obviously do not understand faith at all. Whether it be in Jesus Christ, Mohammed, or anything else.

      I will guarantee you had faith on election day Nov 2007 that the all mighty Barrack Hussein Obama would come up with the "Change you can believe iin".....

      Faith is the basis for Christianity, and people like you have been trying to disprove it, mock it and sweep it under the rug for thousands and thousands of years....haven't accomplished it, won't accomplish it.

      I know, I know a couple of huge rocks smacked together millions of years ago and walla here is a perfectly formed world with seasons and oceans and land masses and animals, etc. Then a blob of cells crawled from the water to land and over the course of millions of millions of more years your ancestors appeared.

      Why hasn't man continued to evolve? Why did we stop in this form? Why didn't we become flying super beasts with Cray computer like thinking speed.

      I will pray for all of you that you find the true "WAY"! Jesus NEVER committed and sin and that is the beauty of it all. Jesus did not come to this world to condemn it (you should all be jumping up and down) but to save it."---and chuckles. Wow. Here, let's start here:​igkenham
      The president/CEO and founder of Answers in Genesis–U.S. and the highly acclaimed Creation Museum.
      Page: ‎12,191 people like this.
      39 minutes ago · ·
    • Soup McGee is not sure Robert Understands all that he thinks he does....every person indicted as "falling short" uses the same Religion of Abraham to murder (self-rule,intelligence, actual people by not ever once voting to raise taxes as a congress member) for fun (true belief as neighbors starve! How Christian IS America?!) and profit. Down to the individual sinner, all claiming God and Jesus while sinning still. And why?
      36 minutes ago ·
    • Francine Podenski Faith can exist without religious connection in my experience. Problems arise when fundamentalist religious ferver & government intertwine. Religion and spirituality should perhaps guide individuals in their actions, but what good has ever come from these things driving government of a diverse people?
      30 minutes ago · · 2 people
    • Soup McGee btw- I love where I live, and value the diversity of beliefs and non-beliefs around me.
      I am so glad I live here, in the United States. I vibrantly disagree with my neighbors, but would give my life for their right to believe…whatever it is they do. And whatever they believe is none of my business, beyond what business we share. Even if those crackheads next door went Westboro on us, because the exact right they have to hate me is the right I have to tell them how much I love them, and only Our Laws allow for the First Amendment to bounce between
      (chin-fist/fist chin)- now-
      I indict not all Christians, only those Silent Neighbors of mine who hold sound mind and claim “good heart”-
      those who plead ignorance to your surroundings, even as Our
      bridges crumble and Our Earth trembles to Our touch-
      those content with their faith and the use of 'faith' use as a weapon, instead
      of as a song- and who can deny
      once having claimed Jesus-
      You yourself have no wished with your eyes closed for His Return and Complete Dominion.
      to deny Freedom and Equal Protection under Law to all Common-
      and allow Jesus to Finally Judge----
      -----"I will pray for all of you that you find the true "WAY"! Jesus NEVER committed and sin and that is the beauty of it all. Jesus did not come to this world to condemn it (you should all be jumping up and down) but to save it." Chuckle. Whit or tittle, too.
      30 minutes ago ·
    • Soup McGee wants no such thing- that would be you with so little faith, sir
      29 minutes ago ·
    • Soup McGee Down to the individual sinner, all claiming God and Jesus while sinning still. in case you obviously ignored that.
      28 minutes ago ·
    • Soup McGee thinking it is doing it
      28 minutes ago ·
    • Soup McGee the heart is decietful
      27 minutes ago ·
    • Soup McGee mocks and indicts the silent christians who can vote and call conscience clean for R's and Tea baggers...mebbe not Christan, certainly abusing Christ, and I hear NO COMPLAINTS. hmmmm. how christian IS America?
      26 minutes ago ·
    • Robert King ‎@soup...your words do not sway me. Again EVERYTHING that you write or cut and paste, is about men and their misuse of what you call religion. Not everyone is like that.
      Answer me this, what percentage of your salary do you donate to charities that are design to aid the less fortunate, needy, hungry....or do you like most Dems wait for our Government to hand it out like candy as an entitlement...
      25 minutes ago · · 1 person
    • Soup McGee mocks and indicts You who will say “you don’t know- you have lost your faith!”
      I say to thee, indeed, “You never believed me when I stated my beliefs.”
      I am a “prefertobeliever” who can remain silent and stand next to those who pervert the good name of Christ while forcing the suicide of American Democracy no more.
      25 minutes ago ·
    • Soup McGee RE: not cut and pasted, except, um, your words....:"I will guarantee you had faith on election day Nov 2007 that the all mighty Barrack Hussein Obama"- your dog whistle, my tinnitus, Bitch. Outed Yourself a liiiiiiittle early with the Hate.
      23 minutes ago ·
    • Soup McGee what is that BUT racism? Christian? SHUT YOUR MOUTH! BITE YOUR TONGUE!
      22 minutes ago ·
    • Soup McGee
      ‎"Answer me this, what percentage of your salary do you donate to charities that are design to aid the less fortunate, needy, hungry....or do you like most Dems wait for our Government to hand it out like candy as an entitlement..." Fascist Christian Anarchist Nativist Idiocy Number One:

      Hold Both sides of Irritatingly Wrong Position

      two: blame you for confusing the issue

      three: ignore any ANY ANY ANY piece of relevant information

      four: invoke the Christian God as the only authority (and the flag as His ass-rag )blasphemy)

      five: ignore reality when presented by anyone outside said failed philosophy- that's both Fascist and Distorted...

      six: having deprived you of Your Identity they bully You with their Factual Opinion...but

      seven: education is not allowed. Anyone claiming expertise or displaying critical thinking is expelled and ostracized. This allows the Right Society to use...
      eight: scare tactics intended to convert any on the fence or love-loving people who hear Jesus and weep for their mother

      nine: return to flipping/projection, so you are the one who is challenging Their Blasphemous Christian Dogma-HOW DARE YOU!
      10: in always being right, and conflating bullying with violence, and disagreement with bullying, weakness, we are now lefty godhaters who deserve to be incarcerated before we further damage God's American Kingdom On Earth...

      #CreateA28th #Redress&Restructure #EndThePledge #ForgiveMistakes
      22 minutes ago ·
    • Robert King Soupy....I do not have hate...I am just trying to say that people have faith. The article said faith is the absence of critical thinking...I am just trying to say that you all had blind faith in Obama...does that mean you do not think critically....I doubt it.
      21 minutes ago ·
    • Soup McGee anything else? Troll? Change Your own Faith; no Man can Move Mine. Beat-titch.
      21 minutes ago ·
    • Robert King Soup...."Mr Grumpy Gills needs to smile..."
      20 minutes ago ·
    • Soup McGee ‎"I will guarantee you had faith on election day Nov 2007 that the all mighty Barrack Hussein Obama ---" robert king
      20 minutes ago ·
    • Soup McGee is smiling Now! Chuckle....thoughts Are Action....
      20 minutes ago ·
    • Robert King WHy do you keep cutting and pasting my thoughts....makes you look silly
      20 minutes ago ·
    • Soup McGee Yeah, i think so too "I am just trying to say that you all had blind faith in Obama...does that mean you do not think critically...."
      20 minutes ago ·
    • Robert King resort to name calling....when you have nothing else....go for that
      19 minutes ago ·
    • Joe Crisi My salary has been squeezed dry by increased health care costs and the costs of just living every day. I give what I can and I would argue I give a higher percentage of my income than do most of the wealthy.
      19 minutes ago · · 1 person
    • Robert King like answers to questions, actual original thouhgts
      19 minutes ago · · 1 person
    • Gretchen Watkins Curtis
      The bottom line is this...very few religions are tolerant of others and those that fervently believe in their religion also fervently denounce others. Until and unless religious people can TRULY tolerate other religions, we will be in the midst of religious infighting. Honestly, I don't care if you want to be a christian or a jew or a muslim or a buddist or a wiccan or an atheist. However, the second I start hearing about GOD when a politician is talking (Perry, Bachmann, Palin etc. etc.) that's when I get VOCAL about denouncing them all. So if you religious people could just keep it PRIVATE, we wouldn't even be having this debate. STFU about it already.
      19 minutes ago · · 1 person
    • Soup McGee ‎".I doubt it" What then? And slow down with the "i know what you believe already bullshit." Only you are on the table.
      19 minutes ago ·
    • Robert King Go Soupy Go..
      17 minutes ago · · 1 person
    • Soup McGee
      thinks you clearly missed these ORIGINAL THOUGHTS! :Fascist Christian Anarchist Nativist Idiocy Number One:

      Hold Both sides of Irritatingly Wrong Position

      two: blame you for confusing the issue

      three: ignore any ANY ANY ANY piece of relevant information

      four: invoke the Christian God as the only authority (and the flag as His ass-rag )blasphemy)

      five: ignore reality when presented by anyone outside said failed philosophy- that's both Fascist and Distorted...

      six: having deprived you of Your Identity they bully You with their Factual Opinion...but

      seven: education is not allowed. Anyone claiming expertise or displaying critical thinking is expelled and ostracized. This allows the Right Society to use...
      eight: scare tactics intended to convert any on the fence or love-loving people who hear Jesus and weep for their mother

      nine: return to flipping/projection, so you are the one who is challenging Their Blasphemous Christian Dogma-HOW DARE YOU!
      10: in always being right, and conflating bullying with violence, and disagreement with bullying, weakness, we are now lefty godhaters who deserve to be incarcerated before we further damage God's American Kingdom On Earth...

      #CreateA28th #Redress&Restructure #EndThePledge #ForgiveMistakes
      17 minutes ago · · 1 person
    • Soup McGee ‎*
      17 minutes ago ·
    • Soup McGee go troll go
      17 minutes ago ·
    • Soup McGee nine: return to flipping/projection, so you are the one who is challenging Their Blasphemous Christian Dogma-HOW DARE YOU!
      10: in always being right, and conflating bullying with violence, and disagreement with bullying, weakness, we are now lefty godhaters who deserve to be incarcerated before we further damage God's American Kingdom On Earth.
      17 minutes ago ·
    • Soup McGee try me
      17 minutes ago ·
    • Soup McGee I got hunnids of prepared pages of original thought JUST FOR TROLLS!
      16 minutes ago ·
    • Robert King I never intertwined religion and politics at all on here, not once....however you did......
      15 minutes ago ·
    • Robert King Go Soupy, cut and paste...Go
      15 minutes ago ·
    • Soup McGee cirrusly? you are losing your fun...the shine is coming off...WEAK@weak#duh#weak
      15 minutes ago ·
    • Robert King Hunnids....
      14 minutes ago ·
    • Soup McGee maybe you forgot what got me here, liar. Robert King I never intertwined religion and politics at all on here, not once....however you did......
      14 minutes ago ·
    • Robert King Soupy Soupy's like a cat playing with to watch, but
      13 minutes ago ·
    • Soup McGee
      now, let's put them together, to prove the lie. See how this works yet? : Robert King
      You all obviously do not understand faith at all. Whether it be in Jesus Christ, Mohammed, or anything else.

      I will guarantee you had faith on election day Nov 2007 that the all mighty Barrack Hussein Obama would come up with the "Change you can believe iin".....

      Faith is the basis for Christianity, and people like you have been trying to disprove it, mock it and sweep it under the rug for thousands and thousands of years....haven't accomplished it, won't accomplish it.

      I know, I know a couple of huge rocks smacked together millions of years ago and walla here is a perfectly formed world with seasons and oceans and land masses and animals, etc. Then a blob of cells crawled from the water to land and over the course of millions of millions of more years your ancestors appeared.

      Why hasn't man continued to evolve? Why did we stop in this form? Why didn't we become flying super beasts with Cray computer like thinking speed.

      I will pray for all of you that you find the true "WAY"! Jesus NEVER committed and sin and that is the beauty of it all. Jesus did not come to this world to condemn it (you should all be jumping up and down) but to save it. Robert King I never intertwined religion and politics at all on here, not once....however you did......
      13 minutes ago · · 1 person
    • Robert King Soupy, to have any credibility in life drop the URBAN slang and use english
      13 minutes ago · · 1 person
    • Soup McGee aaaaand paste
      13 minutes ago ·
    • Robert King Soupy, Faith is not religion...I was trying to disprove that faith is not the lack of critical thinking....SO, I am not a liar.
      11 minutes ago ·
    • Soup McGee Chuckle.
      11 minutes ago ·
    • Soup McGee HA!
      11 minutes ago ·
    • Soup McGee HA! HA!
      11 minutes ago ·
    • Soup McGee
      now, let's put them together, to prove the lie. See how this works yet? : Robert King
      You all obviously do not understand faith at all. Whether it be in Jesus Christ, Mohammed, or anything else.

      I will guarantee you had faith on election day Nov 2007 that the all mighty Barrack Hussein Obama would come up with the "Change you can believe iin".....

      Faith is the basis for Christianity, and people like you have been trying to disprove it, mock it and sweep it under the rug for thousands and thousands of years....haven't accomplished it, won't accomplish it.

      I know, I know a couple of huge rocks smacked together millions of years ago and walla here is a perfectly formed world with seasons and oceans and land masses and animals, etc. Then a blob of cells crawled from the water to land and over the course of millions of millions of more years your ancestors appeared.

      Why hasn't man continued to evolve? Why did we stop in this form? Why didn't we become flying super beasts with Cray computer like thinking speed.

      I will pray for all of you that you find the true "WAY"! Jesus NEVER committed and sin and that is the beauty of it all. Jesus did not come to this world to condemn it (you should all be jumping up and down) but to save it. Robert King I never intertwined religion and politics at all on here, not once....however you did......
      10 minutes ago ·
    • Robert King Well in your case it probably is lack of ANY thinking
      10 minutes ago ·
    • Gretchen Watkins Curtis In the context of the article, they are talking about RELIGIOUS FAITH.
      10 minutes ago · · 1 person
    • Robert King Now you have pasted that twice....
      10 minutes ago · · 1 person
    • Robert King They are but I am not. I was trying to give Liberals the benefit of the doubt that they had faith, but I still believe they can have critical thinking.
      9 minutes ago ·
    • Robert King Soupy hates...
      8 minutes ago ·
    • Gretchen Watkins Curtis Having "faith" in a political candidate is based on the critical thinking involved in evaluating the reliability of that candidate's position. It's not even REMOTELY the same thing.
      8 minutes ago · · 1 person
    • Soup McGee Robert King Well in your case it probably is lack of ANY thinking
      about a minute ago · Like----so, who wrote this? http://soupsauntieoxymoron​​alifornia-goes-so-goes-nat​ion.html
      “After 1985, the Republican Party adopted the idea that tax cuts can solve the ...See More
      7 minutes ago · ·
    • Soup McGee
      or this? Wounded Heels
      I've been expecting you
      Not to like me
      So, go ahead and surprise me
      If that's the thing you think
      You can do
      And I learned a long time ago
      When you love someone let 'em go
      So why am I
      Still holding on to you?

      I'm walking on wounded heels
      I'm shooting myself in the foot again
      Drifting in and out of what you might call sleep
      But what the hell would you know
      'bout what it's like to be me

      I've been expecting you
      To be just like me
      And I know that it's unfair
      And it does not surprise me
      That you are and I am not who I used to be

      I'm walking on wounded heels
      Shooting myself in the foot again
      And every now and then when
      I forget to breathe
      I lose myself at the intersection of
      you and me

      She's outside watering flowers
      I'm hiding my self-denial
      And she looks at me with disgust through a wire from
      1000 miles away
      And I guess you never know
      What you have

      Until you lose it
      7 minutes ago · · 1 person
    • Johnboehners Alterego I read in a college philosophy class that "Hope is a virtue, and Faith is the will." I will always have hope..I was born with it, but as for faith, well, I have a weakness of will, and therefore little faith....I still smoke and don't do the best things for my that's my conclusion.
      7 minutes ago · · 1 person
    • Soup McGee Hunnids, beleed it. *
      6 minutes ago ·
    • Robert King Soup, you are the one with all the name calling and hate speech. I posted an opinion and YOU ATTACKED it for no reason. If you do not like it....IGNORE it. but you are the kind of person that want to push your hate on others....
      5 minutes ago ·
    • Soup McGee for JBAE :when it’s hope against hope
      it’s hope that dies last
      I try to stay looking forward because
      you cannot change the past
      It’s not the things I am I missing but
      what I yet lack-
      My voice and the relentless attack
      4 minutes ago · · 2 people
    • Soup McGee Robert King Soupy hates...
      3 minutes ago · Like thanks for the title!
      4 minutes ago · · 1 person
    • Robert King Don't attack
      3 minutes ago ·
    • Robert King Don't hate
      3 minutes ago ·
    • Gretchen Watkins Curtis I don't really see any hate here.
      2 minutes ago ·
    • Robert King When name calling starts...that is Hate...especially if you do not know me....I think the favorite word of the left is liar
      about a minute ago ·
    • Gretchen Watkins Curtis Calling someone a liar is hate speech?
      a few seconds ago ·
    • Soup McGee ‎, no, proving a Christian a liar is. Had you not heard?
      a few seconds ago ·

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