County Sheriffs Defending the Constitution
by Support the Sheriffs that support The Constitution on Tuesday, January 29, 2013 at 1:43pm ·
of Saturday night on January 26, 2013 a total of 195 Sheriffs have
publicly announced that they will refuse to obey unconstitutional
legislation and/or executive orders that violate the Second Amendment,
230 County Sheriffs Will Defend the Constitution
The primary responsibility of the County Sheriff is to protect the people living in his or her county from criminal activity, including the enforcement of unjust laws. When Sheriffs enforce unconstitutional laws, they become the agents of tyranny. It is the duty of the Sheriff to uphold the Constitution and enforce only those laws that promote justice, liberty and equality for everyone living in his or her county.
Alaska (there are no counties in Alaska)
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
230 County Sheriffs Will Defend the Constitution
The primary responsibility of the County Sheriff is to protect the people living in his or her county from criminal activity, including the enforcement of unjust laws. When Sheriffs enforce unconstitutional laws, they become the agents of tyranny. It is the duty of the Sheriff to uphold the Constitution and enforce only those laws that promote justice, liberty and equality for everyone living in his or her county.
- Houston County, Alabama Sheriff Andy Hughes
- Madison County, Alabama Sheriff Blake Dorning
- Morgan County, Alabama Sheriff Ana Franklin
Alaska (there are no counties in Alaska)
- Maricopa County, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio
- Mohave County, Arizona Sheriff Tom Sheahan
- Pinal County, Arizona Sheriff Paul Babeu
- Yavapai, County, Arizona Sheriff Scott Mascher
- Amador County, California Sheriff Martin Ryan
- Butte County, California Sheriff Jerry Smith
- El Dorado County, California Sheriff John D'Agostini
- Del Norte County, California Sheriff Dean Wilson
- Fresno County, Sheriff Margaret Mims
- Humboldt County, California Sheriff Mike Downey
- Kern County, California Sheriff Donny Youngblood
- Lassen County, California Sheriff Dean Growden
- Mendocino County, California Sheriff Thomas Allman
- Modoc County, California Sheriff Mike Poindexter
- Plumas County, California Sheriff Greg Hagwood
- Shasta County, California Sheriff Tom Bosenko
- Siskiyou County, California Sheriff Jon Lopey
- Stanislaus County, California Sheriff Adam Christianson
- Tehama County, California Sheriff David Hencraft
- Trinity County, California Sheriff Bruce Haney
- Tuolumne County, California Sheriff James W. Mele
- Cheyene County, Colorado Sheriff Ken Putnam
- Delta County, Colorado Sheriff Fred McKee
- Douglas County, Colorado Sheriff Dave Weaver
- Elbert County, Colorado Sheriff Shayne Heap
- El Paso County, Colorado Sheriff Terry Maketa
- Garfield County, Colorado Sheriff Lou Vallario
- Gilpin County, Colorado Sheriff Bruce Hartman
- Hinsdale County, Colorado Sheriff Ronald B. Bruce
- Larimer County, Colorado Sheriff Justin Smith
- Las Animas County, Colorado Sheriff James Casia
- Mesa County, Colorado Sheriff Stan Hilkey
- Montrose County, Colorado Sheriff Rick Dunlap
- Pueblo Cointy, Colorado Sheriff Kirk Taylor
- Routt County, Colorado Sheriff Garrett Wiggins
- Weld County, Colorado Sheriff John Cooke
- Sussex County, Delaware Sheriff Jeff Christopher
- Bay County. Florida Sheriff Frank McKeithen
- Clay County, Florida Sheriff Rick Beseler
- Lee County, Florida Sheriff Mike Scott
- Polk County, Florida Sheriff Grady Judd
- Walton County, Florida Sheriff Michael Adkinson
- Cherokee County, Georgia Sheriff Roger Garrison
- Cobb County, Georgia Sheriff Neil Warren
- Fannin County, Georgia Sheriff Dale Kirby
- Gilmer County, Georgia Sheriff Stacy Nicholson
- Gwinnett County, George Butch Conway
- Oconee County, Georgia Sheriff Scott Berry
- Paulding County, Georgia Sheriff Gary Gulledge
- Walton County, Georgia Sheriff Joe Chapman
- Benewah County, Idaho Sheriff Dave Resser
- Bonner County, Idaho Sheriff Daryl Wheeler
- Canyon County, Idaho Sheriff Kieran Donahue
- Clearwater County, Idaho Sheriff Chris Goetz
- Idaho County, Idaho Sheriff Doug Giddings
- Jerome County, Idaho Sheriff Doug McFall
- Lewis County, Idaho Sheriff Brian Brokop
- Madison County, Idaho Sheriff Roy Klingler
- Nez Perce County, Idaho Sheriff Joe Rodriguez
- Twin Falls County, Sheriff Tom Carter
- Edgar County, Illinois Sheriff Edward Motley:
- McLean County, Illinois Sheriff Mike Emery
- Clark County, Illinos Sheriff Jerry Parsley
- Elkhart County, Indiana Sheriff Brad Rogers
- Cedar County, Iowa Sheriff Warren M. Wethington
- Johnson County, Kansas Sheriff Frank Denning
- Bath County, Kentucky Sheriff John Snedegar
- Boone County, Kentucky Sheriff Micahel A. Helmig
- Jackson County, Kentucky Sheriff Denny Peyman
- Powell County, Kentucky Sheriff Scott F. Harrison
- Waldo County, Maine Sheriff Scott Story
- Frederick County, Maryland Sheriff Charles A. Jenkins
- Barry County, Michigan Sheriff Dar Leaf
- Benzie County, Michigan Sheriff Ted Schende
- Eaton County, Michigan Retired Sheriff Mike Raines
- Kent County, Michigan Sheriff Larry Stelma
- Anoka County, Minnesota James Stuart
- Pine County, Minnesota Sheriff Robin Cole
- Hennipen County, Minnesota Sheriff Rich Stanek
- Yellow Medicine, Minnesota Sheriff Bill Flaten
- Ramsey County, Minnesota Sheriff Matt Bostrom
- Steams County, Minnesota Sheriff John Sanner
- Mississippi
- DeSoto County, Mississippi Sheriff Bill Rasco
- Forrest County, Mississippi Sheriff Billy McGee
- Monroe County, Mississippi Sheriff Cecil Cantrell
- Barry County, Missouri Sheriff Mick Epperly
- Johnson County, Missouri Sheriff Charles Heiss
- Lawrence County, Missouri Sheriff Brad DeLay
- Livingston County, Missouri Sheriff Steve Cox
- Mercer County, Missouri Sheriff Stephen Stockman
- Oregon County, Missouri Sheriff George R. Underwood
- Osage County, Missouri Sheriff Michael Dixon
- Cascade County, Montana Sheriff Bob Edwards
- Lake County, Montana Sheriff Jay Doyle
- Lewis and Clark County, Montana Sheriff Leo Dutton
- Powell County, Montana Sheriff Scott F. Howard
- Ravalli County, Montana, Sheriff Chris Hoffman
- Sanders County, Montana Sheriff Tom Rummel
- Wibaux County, Montana Sheriff Darby Harrington
- Yellowstone County, Montana Sheriff Mike Linder
- Churchill County, Nevada Sheriff Benjamin D. Trotter
- Humboldt County, Nevada Sheriff Ed Kilgpore
- Nye County, Nevada Sheriff Tony DeMeo
- Grafton County, New Hampshire Sheriff Douglas R Dutile
- Bernalillo County, NM Sheriff Dan Houston
- Catron County, NM Sheriff Shawn Menges
- Chaves County, NM Sheriff Patrick R Jennings
- Cibola County, NM Sheriff Johnny Valdez
- Colfax County, NM Sheriff Jim Maldonado
- De Baca County, NM Sheriff Dennis A. Cleaver
- Dona Ana County, NM Sheriff Todd Garrison
- Eddy County, NM is Sheriff Scott London
- Grant County, NM Sheriff Raul Holguin
- Guadalupe County, NM Sheriff Michael R Lucero
- Harding County, NM Sheriff Herman Martinez
- Hidalgo County, NM Sheriff Saturnino Madero
- Lea County, NM Sheriff Sheriff, Mark Hargrove
- Lincoln County, NM Sheriff Rick Virden
- Los Alamos County, NM Sheriff Marco Lucero
- Luna County, NM Sheriff Raymond Cobos
- Otero County, NM Sheriff Benny House
- Quay County, NM Sheriff Joe Schallert
- Arriba County, NM Sheriff Joe Mascarenas
- Roosevelt County, NM Sheriff Darren Hooker
- San Juan County, NM Sheriff Ken Christesen
- San Miguel County, NM Sheriff Benjie Vigil
- Santa Fe County, NM Sheriff Robert Garcia
- Sierra County, NM Sheriff Joe Baca
- Socorro County, NM Sheriff Phillip Montoya
- Taos County, NM Sheriff Miguel Romero Jr
- Torrance County, NM Sheriff Heath White
- Union County, NM Sheriff William Spriggs
- Valencia County, NM Sheriff Louis Burkhard
- County, New York Sheriff Richard Devlin Jr.
- Putnam County, New York Sheriff Donald Smith
- Schoharie County, New York Sheriff Tony Desmond
- Steuben County, New York Sheriff David Cole
- Catawba County, North Carolina Sheriff Coy Reid
- Edgefield County, North Carolina Sheriff Adell Dobey
- Franklin County, North Carolina Sheriff Jerry Jones
- Henderson County, North Carolina Sheriff Charlie McDonald
- New Hanover County, North Carolina Sheriff Castle Hayne
- Sampson County, North Carolina Sheriff Jimmy Thornton
- Union County, North Carolina Sheriff Eddie Cathey
- Wake County, North Carolina Sheriff Donnie Harrison
- Wayne County, North Carolina Sheriff Carey Winders
- Allen County, Ohio Sheriff Sam Crish
- Clermont County, Ohio Sheriff A.J. Rodenberg
- Wagoner County, Oklahoma Sheriff Bob Colbert
- McCurtain County, Oklahoma Sheriff Johnny Tadlock
- Baker County, Oregon Sheriff Mitchell Southwick
- Coos County, Oregon Sheriff Craig Zanni
- Crook County, Oregon Sheriff Jim Hensley
- Curry County, Oregon Sheriff John Bishop
- Deschutes County, Oregon Sheriff Larry Blanton
- Douglas County, Oregon Sheriff John Hanlin
- Grant County,Oregon, Sheriff Glenn Palmer
- Jackson County, Oregon Sheriff Mike Winters
- Josephine County, Oregon Sheriff Gil Gilbertson
- Klamath County, Oregon Sheriff Frank Skrah
- Linn County, Oregon Sheriff Tim Mueller
- Malheur County, Oregon Sheriff Brian Wolfe
- Marion County, Oregon Sheriff Jason Myers
- Multnomah County, Oregon Sheriff Daniel Staton
- Polk County, Oregon Sheriff Bob Wolfe
- Union County, Oregon Sheriff Boyd Rasmussen
- Washington County, Oregon Sheriff Pat Garrett
- Yamhill County, Oregon Sheriff Jack Crabtree
- Adams County, Pennsylvania Sheriff Jim Muller
- Berks County, Pennsylvania Sheriff Eric J. Weaknecht
- Bradford County, Pennsylvania Sheriff Clinton J. Walters
- Elk County, Pennsylvania Jeffrey C. Krieg, Sheriff
South Carolina
- Berkeley County, South Carolina Sheriff Wayne DeWitt
- Charleston County, South Carolina Sheriff Al Cannon
- Kershaw County, South Carolina Sheriff Jim Matthews
- Lexington County, South Carolina Sheriff James Metts
- Richland County, South Carolina Sheriff Leon Lott
- Spartanburg County, South Carolina Sheriff Chuck Wright
South Dakota
- Bradley County, Tennessee Sheriff Jim Ruth
- Hamilton County.Tennessee Sheriff Jim Hammond
- Austin County, Texas Sheriff Jack Brandes
- Anderson County, Texas Sheriff Greg Taylor
- Collin County, Texas Sheriff Terry Box
- Ellis County,Texas Sheriff Johnny Brown
- Hill County, Texas Sheriff Michael Cox,
- Johnson County, Texas Sheriff Bob Alford
- McCulloch County, Texas Sheriff Earl Howell
- McLennan County, Texas Sheriff Parnell McNamara
- Montgomery County, Texas Sheriff Tommy Gage
- Oldham County, Texas Sheriff David Medlin
- Randall County, Texas Sheriff Joel W. Richardson
- Smith County, Texas Sheriff Larry Smith
- Beaver County, Utah Sheriff Cameron Noel
- Box Elder County, Utah Sheriff Joseph Yeates
- Cache County, Utah Sheriff G. Lynn Nelson
- Carbon County, Utah Sheriff James Cordova
- Daggett County, Utah Sheriff Allan Campbell
- Davis County, Utah Sheriff Todd Richardson
- Duchesne County, Utah Sheriff Merv Gustin
- Emery County, Utah Sheriff Greg Funk
- Garfiled ounty, Utah Sheriff Than Cooper
- Grand County, Utah Sheriff James B. Nyland Sr.
- Iron County, Utah Sheriff Mark Gower
- Juab County, Utah, Sheriff Alden Orme
- Kane County, Utah Sheriff Lamont Smith
- Millard County, Utah Sheriff Robert Dekker
- Morgan County, Utah Sheriff Gene Ercanbrack
- Piute County, Utah Sheriff Mary Gleave
- Rich County, Utah Sheriff Dale Stacey
- San Juan County, Utah Sheriff Mike Lacy
- Sanpete County, Utah Sheriff Kay P. Larsen
- Sevier County, Utah Sheriff Phil Barney
- Summit County, Utah Sheriff David A. Edmunds
- Tooele County, Utah Sheriff Frank J. Park
- Uintah County, Utah Sheriff Jeff Merrell
- Utah County, Utah Sheriff James B. Tracy
- Wasatch County, Utah Sheriff Kenneth Vanwagoner
- Washington County, Utah Sheriff Kirk Smith
- Wayne County, Utah Sheriff Kurt R. Taylor
- Weber County, Utah Sheriff Terry Thompson
- Asotin County, Washington Sheriff Ken Bancroft
- Grant County, Washington Sheriff Tom Jones
- Multnomah County, Washington Sheriff Dan Staton
- Skamania County, Washington Sheriff Dave Brown
- Whitman County, Washington Sheriff Brett Myers
- Yakima County, Washington Sheriff Ken Irwin
West Virginia
- Roane County, West Virginia Sheriff Mike Harper
- Wood County, West Virgina Sheriff Ken Merritt
- Milwaukee County, Wisconsin Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr.
- 4 people like this.
- Soup McGee -- number of state National Guards that will be nationalized under the Dick Act to arrest these sheriffs if and when their sedition becomes conspiracy? TBD.
--"The Militia Act of 1903 was indirectly used by the Executive Branch of the government during Civil Rights demonstrations during the 1960s. Many southern governors, chief among them George Wallace, attempted to use National Guard forces to block civil rights and desegregation initiatives. In these cases, whenever a governor called up the National Guard for use in blocking federal directives, the President promptly mobilized the Guard into the Army Reserve, placing the Guard commanders under federal authority, and subject to court martial should they not carry out executive directives."
How DID that turn out?en.wikipedia.orgThe Militia Act of 1903 (32 Stat. 775), also known as the Dick Act, was initiate...See More