Auntie OxyMoron
@AuntieOxymoron Present and Accounted For
I prefer to remain breathing as long as breathing is not exceptionally painful. This does not mean stab me.

JoshuaHol Joshua Holland
Disrespect for the 1st Amendment is unAmerican, my tea-bagger friend. #SpeakingOfFilth @Ranklediff
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ggreenwald Glenn Greenwald
Lawsuit filed by ACLU & NLG to protect Occupy-Boston from police raid - - today will be a great day for Occupy movement
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thinkprogress ThinkProgress
UPDATE: Hearing on Zuccotti eviction concludes. Judge promises ruling by 3PM. #ows
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macfathom Nick Pinto
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macfathom Nick Pinto
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tedalexandro Ted Alexandro
Please read and RT this slideshow of journalists' tweets from last night at OWS 'Media Blackout'.… #OWS #OccupyWallSt
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JoshuaHol Joshua Holland
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macfathom Nick Pinto
Judge: so does the absence of preexisting rules preclude new rules, even as owner may face liability? #OWS
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macfathom Nick Pinto
Levine: no, they can adopt rules, but they have to be least drastic rules possible. #ows
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macfathom Nick Pinto
Levine answers judge: power of this symbolic speech is that it is a 24-hour occupation. #OWS
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nyclu NYCLU
Very tense at zp. People climbing over the barricades to get out. #occupywallstreet #ows
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macfathom Nick Pinto
Judge: Are you saying use of generators and semi-permanent structures is protected as speech?
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katz Andrew Katz
NYPD everywhere. Protestors can't fit around Zuccotti so they've spilled to Broadway & Liberty #OWS
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josephax Joseph Ax
Levine, lawyer for #OWS in court: "You have garbage, pick up the garbage. There are less drastic alternatives."
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allisonkilkenny allisonkilkenny
RT @macfathom: Brookfield lawyer says: Moreover, we are not a state actor, so no 1st amendment obligations. #ows
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josephax Joseph Ax
Arthur Schwartz, representing unions and Working Families Party: "They created these rules in response to the demonstration." #OWS
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allisonkilkenny allisonkilkenny
RT @nancyscola: NYPD officer to protestor complaining about "white shirts": "You ever have a boss? He ever tell you what to do?" #ows
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JoshuaHol Joshua Holland
RT @dominicru: Judge Michael Stallman now hearing #OWS hearing is same judge who rejected city's attempts to curb @criticalmass protests
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KagroX David Waldman
Beating the shit out of people "is not traditionally used for public 1st amendment activity" either.
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JoshuaHol Joshua Holland
Yup..RT @pareene: Everyone supports cops cracking hippie skulls until it turns out the cops consider you a hippie too
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AuntieOxymoron Auntie OxyMoron
Defiant NYC Mayor Bloomberg To Occupy Protestors: "No Right Is Absolute"… via @gaycivilrights

BuddyRoemer Gov. Buddy Roemer
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nyclu NYCLU
Protestors gathered @ zp are going to "take the park". Duarte Marchers should be here in 5-10 minutes. #occupywallstreet #ows
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AntDeRosa Anthony De Rosa
ANALYSIS: Legal confusion at heart of Wall Street protests by @erin_gs @josephax and Joan Gralla
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allisonkilkenny allisonkilkenny
RT @nydailynews: Read the letter that Brookfield Properties, the owners of Zuccotti Park, sent Mayor Bloomberg #OWS
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blogdiva Liza Sabater
And we are blocked from entering in contempt of court #OWS
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CAPAction American Progress AF
RT @sbthistle: Evicting #OccupyWallStreet is evicting conscience. My WashPost piece just up., #OccupyChicago #ows
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allisonkilkenny allisonkilkenny
RT @ANIMALNewYork: According to an officer, people in neon vests are private security working for Brookfield. #ows
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marikatogo Marika Shaub
Mayor @Bloomberg defends last night's media blackout saying it was "to prevent a situation from getting worse" #OWS
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_rosiegray Rosie Gray
didn't get a chance to tweet this earlier but this is my story on bloomberg's presser today
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Get ready, #LibertySquare. We are coming. And we are shaking the windows of Broadway with our sound! #ows
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_rosiegray Rosie Gray
follow this man RT @macfathom: Finally in the courtroom for Rhe #ows hearing. Whole lotta press.
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nydailynews New York Daily News
Our reporter @mblysiak is arrested & on bus with #OWS protesters. Says they are singing/in festive mood
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asmith83 Adam Smith
"Billionaires need cause?" he'll probs say RT: @ReutersLegal: NY court orders Mayor Bloomberg to "show cause" for Zucotti eviction.
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AuntieOxymoron Auntie OxyMoron

jaomahony Jennifer O'Mahony
Just the fact that Taibbi refers to Ann Coulter as a 'reichskank' is enough. Just that sentence.
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allisonkilkenny allisonkilkenny
RT @LindseyChrist: Screening vid of arrests. SEVERAL reporters, w/ NYPD press passes around necks. Including reporter AP's Karen Matthews
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thinkprogress ThinkProgress
"Lawyers for protestors say city didn’t bother to show up early this morning at a brief hearing" held at judge's home
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jeffhauser Jeff Hauser
Q to ask Bloomberg: Why not recuse yourself from forcible eviction decision of park your girlfriend's corp had agreed open to public 24/7?
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AlterNet AlterNet
Lawyers heading back into room, saying "We're going to find out right now." #ows
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Newyorkist Newyorkist
NYT: "At least four journalists" arrested at 6th & Canal on land "owned by Trinity Church": More:…
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MaddowBlog Maddow Blog
Oddly quiet at #zp. Waiting for court ruling. Circle march long over. Just waiting #ows
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Met a physician on the train who works at Woodhull Hospital, she says thousands of dollars of medicine was lost during #LibertyPlaza raid.
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joshwolf Josh Wolf
Pancho Ramos @oneworldcitizen was arrested while meditating at #occupyoakland and has been denied bail by ICE. video:
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timothypmurphy Tim Murphy
Bachmann's South Carolina chair tried to ban Sharia, wanted state to mint its own currency, joked about secession:
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allisonkilkenny allisonkilkenny
RT @NickKristof: Police pushing us reporters back again here at 6th and Grand. They've pulled out plastic handcuff ties. #OWS
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VeriGreedy Stop Verizon Greed
I am the #99%. RT if you are. #ows
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nyclu NYCLU
Hearing: At least a hundred ppl in courthouse hall waiting for courtroom assignment #occupywallstreet #ows
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JumaaneWilliams Jumaane D. Williams
I condemn this latest reported round of #arrests at #DuarteSquare by the #NYPD. I'm coming as soon as I can to support #OccupyWallStreet.
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allisonkilkenny allisonkilkenny
RT @nydailynews: Our reporter @mblysiak reports he has been arrested at 6th Avenue park in New York City #OWS #BREAKING
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nyclu NYCLU
Hearing: Still waiting on a judge assignment #occupywallstreet #ows
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rebeccakemble Rebecca Kemble
I don't want to be sewing the equivalent of the Star of David on my coat asking, "how did this happen?" #thatswhyIexposemyselftothisshit
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NickKristof Nicholas Kristof
Police open gate, tell protesters they have a chance to leave peacefully. Looks as if arrests coming. #OWS
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nyclu NYCLU
Duarte park: Cops using bullhorn to order us off sidewalk. Protesters using materials to barricDe themselves in #occupywallstreet #ows
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elliottjustin Justin Elliott
police just took away a guy's American flag after he was running by barricades #ows
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wyskida Ben Wyskida
Watching arrest buses pull in from rooftop at 6th & canal. Riot gear out, park totally surrounded by police.
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Newyorkist Newyorkist
Riot cop to colleague this AM, outside Brookfields: "We picked up the tent, it was heavy, & threw it in the trash. There was someone in it!"
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MaddowBlog Maddow Blog
Guy just planted american flag in zuccotti park, was pushed back out. Right in front of media trucks. Image you'll see all day
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allisonkilkenny allisonkilkenny
RT @elliottjustin: NLG atty. tells me they're seeking instant contempt finding for NYPD.Unsure what'll happen if cops don't comply #ows #OWS
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maudnewton Maud Newton
“'Those 20 minutes were some of the scariest of my life,' said NY1 reporter on police treatment during eviction.
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USRealityCheck US Reality Check
A media blackout on Michael Bloomberg's raid on Zuccotti Park: Michael Bloomberg suspends the First Amend... dk #P2
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rudepundit The Rude Pundit
We're at a stand still until 11:30. Until then, NYPD in contempt of court. Then, who knows?
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theprospect The Prospect
MT @thinkprogress Police preventing protesters from reentering Zuccotti despite signed court order (via @elliottjustin)
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CabinCr3w CabinCr3w
Michael Bloomberg is knowingly, deliberately breaking the law - - he'd be arrested if he weren't a billionaire Mayor
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allisonkilkenny allisonkilkenny
RT @thinkprogress: Fox News reports protesters are claiming "they have the right to reoccupy the park." Doesn't mention the court order.
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Iwilloccupy OccupyWallSt
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TheOther99 TheOther99
LIVE VIDEO: @TheOther99 is back with a stream at #Zuccotti happening NOW.. #OO #OWS #opdx #Foley #OccupyFoleySq
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JeffSharlet JeffSharlet
Told cop I'm press, got a hearty shove. Was trying to see beatdown of guy for taking pics.
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allisonkilkenny allisonkilkenny
RT @OccupyFoleySq: 100+ protesters from Zucotti joined us in Foley. Assembly now 500+. #OWS
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kristengwynne Kristen Gwynne
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Jiraffa Geoffrey Giraffe
Councilman Ydanis Rodriguez Arrested, Injured at Occupy Wall Street Raid via @NYOPolitics @IWILLOCCUPY #OWS
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AuntieOxymoron Auntie OxyMoron

SarahMaslinNir Sarah Maslin Nir
GOOD MORNING!!!! I am out with the Occupy protesters who were kicked out of Zuccotti Park earlier this morning. Now at Foley Square.
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Uneditedcamera September 17
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Newyorkist Newyorkist
Earlier tonight: MT @melissagira: WBAI reporter asking officer why he can't observe, cites NYS law permitting journos w/3ft. Pushed by cop.
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Newyorkist Newyorkist
From earlier: RT @NewYorkObserver: Here w credentialed photogs from NYT, WSJ and Reuters they're also being barred from #occupywallstreet
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JumaaneWilliams Jumaane D. Williams
I can confirm that @ydanis, my colleague on the @NYCCouncil who was hit & arrested at #OccupyWallStreet by the #NYPD, is in Central Booking.
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JumaaneWilliams Jumaane D. Williams
The #NYPD has appeared to back off from the #protesters. @NormanSiegel worked something out. Still, the #police half-surround #FoleySquare.
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TorianBrown Torian Brown
Brent Schmidt was beat to a pulp by police and arrested for little to no reason at all! He will need a lawyer & medics. #OWS retweet please
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ydanis Ydanis Rodriguez
Council Member Rodriguez is currently in central booking, arrested while showing support for #ows #occupywallstreet
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kristengwynne Kristen Gwynne
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allisonkilkenny allisonkilkenny
RT @RichardKimNYC: Cops at #FoleySquare are going to ask people to leave here. People debating what to do. #OWS
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brianstelter Brian Stelter
Per @LindseyChrist, riot police didn't distinguish between media & protesters. "They took a Post reporter and threw him in a choke hold."
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C0d3Fr0sty Anonymous
Hopefully the world will see this hashtag > #mediablackout in the USA
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thenation The Nation
Norman Siegel just told me cops have double crossed us #FoleySquare. We are going to be evicted. #OWS
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TheOther99 TheOther99
LIVE PIC: At least 8 NYPD paddy wagons with flashing lights arrive at #Foley Square.. #OO #OWS #opdx #OccupyWallSt
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Newyorkist Newyorkist
One riot officer bullied me early on, taunted me unprovoked, "come on this side" of the barrier he said. It's just weird. They're crazy!
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TheOther99 TheOther99
LIVE PIC: General Assbly still attempting consensus on next steps.. #OO #OWS #opdx #OccupyWallSt
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C0d3Fr0sty Anonymous
Guy on local New York TV station "This is not about #occupywallstreet to me, I'm a capitalist. This is about freedom now." #ows
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kristengwynne Kristen Gwynne
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ajecathturner Cath Turner
Financial district starting to wake up, people can't get to their offices.
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missbomber Blaire Miller Bommer
CNN just said no reports of violence? How about all the reports of NYPD violence against protesters? #OWS
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Newyorkist Newyorkist
Three NYPD buses of protestors on Park Row, at Worth. People giving them water through window, very young officer allowing it. "Just water"
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SalmanRushdie Salman Rushdie
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brianstelter Brian Stelter
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TheOther99 TheOther99
LIVE PIC: More NYPD Officers near Courthouse. At least two helicopters overhead, unsure if Police.. #OO #OWS
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MSQRD Marianne Manilov
Photo: Julie Walker @NPR freelancer arrested alone around 3 am. Pls let NPR know. She had her badges on #ows
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JoshHarkinson Josh Harkinson
I can't tell you where I am or what I am doing but it's interesting. Am with some occupiers who were among last evicted.
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allisonkilkenny allisonkilkenny
RT @Matthew4300: Ok Foley Sq is official meetup point. Bring it all here. #ows
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allisonkilkenny allisonkilkenny
RT @RichardKimNYC: Norman Siegel at #FoleySquare just spoke to cops here. They said they won't make arrests. Park opens in 1 hour. #OWS
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RichardKimNYC Richard Kim
Norman Siegel at #FoleySquare just spoke to cops here. They said they won't make arrests. Park opens in 1 hour. #OWS
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OccupyDallasCOS ChillOutSquad
And who gave the order to ground NBC and CBS helicopters? No public safety risk there. So much for freedom of the press. #OWS
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MotherJones Mother Jones
Signing off for a bit (really). Follow @JoshHarkinson, @JamesWest2010, RichardKimNYC, @katz, for #ows news. Roundup:
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arisayswhat Ari Lipsitz
“@blogdiva: HEADS UP RT @Ghostpickles: #OWS for the group at Pine & Broadway, NYPD is sending units your way via scanner” ...oh
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NiteStar Peter C. Frank
Dude, been tweeting to you @theother99 -- check your tweets please, police are on their way to arrest you! (live at
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blogdiva Liza Sabater
RT @ANIMALNewYork: Officers preventing people from heading north. Must go west on Fulton to exit. #ows
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SarahMaslinNir Sarah Maslin Nir
At broadway and Pine, lots of screaming lots of standing on cop cars
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agreatbigcity A Great Big City
NYPD heli very low over West Village, shining spotlight north?? Not sure what would be up there
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katz Andrew Katz
Direct Action group meeting at Gudson Memorial Church to discuss a 7 a.m. action #OWS
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TheOther99 TheOther99
UPDATE: @TheOther99 just asked Millennium Hotel security if Police inside. "Cannot confirm or deny".. #OO #opdx #OWS #OccupyWallSt
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agreatbigcity A Great Big City
Via Other99 Live Stream - group trying to shut down Broadway during rush hour this morning
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MaxBlumenthal Max Blumenthal
Scores just arrived at broadway and pine to reinforce blockade, chants reverberating thru building canyons #OWS
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ahiatt Anna Hiatt
Man on the corner of broadway and Fulton man screaming "I can't breathe!" as four cops hold him down #ows @TheBrooklynInk
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JoshHarkinson Josh Harkinson
Cops just violently shoved me away as I tried to shoot this man in a stretcher being loaded into ambulance
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Newyorkist Newyorkist
Police just brought an immobile person out on stretcher. Press ran to film/photo, riot police ran to grab and prevent that.
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NewYorkObserver NewYorkObserver
We are being stopped by police from going further South on Broadway along with a credentialed Japanese TV crew.
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Newyorkist Newyorkist
"dont ask any queations or you're gonna get it." --Riot cop just told some one asking a couple questions about why he can't go certain way
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GregMitch Greg Mitchell
Livestream: garbage truck with Zuccotti remains trying to get thru crowd, will they block? It may be retreating.
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Newyorkist Newyorkist
RT @traincandy: @Newyorkist EMS just called to liberty st. bway for injured officer.
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Newyorkist Newyorkist
Group of riot police just gathered at cedar and trinity. Unsure why.
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NewYorkObserver NewYorkObserver
Police are shoving #occupywallstreet protesters away from the corner of Broadway and Fulton
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JoshHarkinson Josh Harkinson
Photo of park now, totally cleared
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TheOther99 TheOther99
LIVE PIC: At least two NYPD "school buses" seen on Broadway heading towards #Zuccotti Park.. #OO #OWS #opdx
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TheOther99 TheOther99
LIVE PIC: @France24 filing a report. @Univision confirmed on site now, as well.. #OO #opdx #OWS #OccupyWallSt
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markfollman Mark Follman
Follow MoJo's @JoshHarkinson right now for latest updates on #OccupyWallSt raid in NYC—he's in the middle of it. #ows
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ales_kot Ales Kot
RT @JoshHarkinson: The riot police moved in with zip cuffs and teargassed the occupiers in the food tent.
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allisonkilkenny allisonkilkenny
RT @HeroVincent: i was jus pepper sprayed and chased by cops. #OWS
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JoshHarkinson Josh Harkinson
I realized that I could either drop to the ground and meet the same fate, or let him haul me out.
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Newyorkist Newyorkist
NYPD inspector who took press badge from NBC4's @glorioso4ny and refused to give name
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JoshHarkinson Josh Harkinson
Then they wrestled them to the ground and cuffed them
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JoshHarkinson Josh Harkinson
Everyone I witnessed being arrested was resisting peacefully
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JoshHarkinson Josh Harkinson
I told him I wold not. That is is my right to be here and observe what is going on
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exileinflyville Joe Macare
RT @zdroberts: Watched NYPD drop kick protestor already held down by 6 officers #occupywallst
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baratunde Baratunde
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patkiernan Pat Kiernan
RT @LindseyChrist: CLASH! Cops with sticks and protesters. Everyone is screaming. Grand and Centre. #ows
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GregMitch Greg Mitchell
NYT does have reporter in park, says 6 #OWS holdouts chained themselves together at neck and having "last cigarette."
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JoshHarkinson Josh Harkinson
Cop on bullhorn now: "If you refuse to leave the park you are subject to arrest."
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JoshuaHol Joshua Holland
RT @coreykilgannon: The police have this super-speaker vehicle now at #Zuccotti that has #ows protesters scrounging for earplugs
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blogdiva Liza Sabater
GO JOSH GO! #OWS RT @JoshHarkinson: Cops inside leaving me alone so far
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OccupyCanton M Miller
Confirmed reports of pepper spray and baton smashing, @OccupyWallStNYC is being torn apart WATCH LIVE @gloibalRevLive…
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Newyorkist Newyorkist
Numbers seem low, re NYPD. RT @MegRobertson: NY1 reporting: 1000 protesters, 300 cops. Police raided park at 1AM, surrounded entire park...
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USUncutPhilly US Uncut Philly
RT @fullstopmag: #OWS Marchers weaving downtown streets. Split up group then reconvened a block later. Brilliant.
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JoshHarkinson Josh Harkinson
Kid wearing gas mask holding sign: "No law shall abridge the right of the people to peaceably assemble"
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Newyorkist Newyorkist
Pic of two 9/11 memorial workers who took drums. Helmeted riot cop bullied me into leaving scene
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Newyorkist Newyorkist
RT @JoshHarkinson: I just made it all the way in. I am next to the food tent. It's a miracle.
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kristengwynne Kristen Gwynne
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mtracey Michael Tracey
Cop near PATH station has a huge wooden weapon. Looks like a big baseball bat. He said "No pictures, buddy."
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allisonkilkenny allisonkilkenny
Anyone confirm? RT @kristengwynne: Cloud of tear gas on centre and worth...#ows
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viewofadam Adam Henry
Surrounding buildings are telling doormen to lock up and people cannot go out. #ows
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AntDeRosa Anthony De Rosa
It seems like @JoshHarkinson is among the few (only?) reporters who managed to get inside Zuccotti Park, follow him for updates.
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JoshHarkinson Josh Harkinson
I think I am the only reporter in here. I'm by the food carts on Broadway
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AuntieOxymoron Auntie OxyMoron

michellemalkin Michelle Malkin
Oh, dear. The Occupiers are doing some sort of Indian war chant thing. #ows
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JoshHarkinson Josh Harkinson
Ok I'm goint to make a dash to get closer. Might get arrested.
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allisonkilkenny allisonkilkenny
RT @harrysiegel: Lots more police lining up, NYPD chopper shining light on us at Foley for a few 100 demonstrably harmless people. #ows
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AuntieOxymoron Auntie OxyMoron

MMFlint Michael Moore
Dozens of Occupys across US raided this weekend-& now NYC- Planned & coordinated by the Dept. of Homeland Security? Did O give green light?
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JumaaneWilliams Jumaane D. Williams
I can report that @ydanis, a #NYC Council Member, has been #arrested at #OccupyWallStreet & is bleeding from the head thanks to the #NYPD.
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JoshuaHol Joshua Holland
Injury-Free Eviction of Occupy Oakland Proves Cops' Previous Efforts Were Displays of Excessive Force (my latest):
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AntDeRosa Anthony De Rosa
CBS News had the first news helicopter in the area above the park and were forced to leave.
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PennyRed Laurie Penny
Protesters link arms to stop truck leaving, it retreats, cheers #ows
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USUncutPhilly US Uncut Philly
RT @mtracey: Cops say we're "blocking pedestrian traffic."Guess all these newly set up metal barricades blocking sidewalk aren't doing that.
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paleofuture Matt Novak
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OWSLibrary The People's Library
NYPD has closed the airspace above the park to prevent news helicopters from filming them. It's an unprecedented violation of free press.
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MegRobertson Meg Robertson
Police Scanner: City Hall R&W Line, female white hoodie, jeans saying she wants to tie herself to the train station at that location #ows
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JoshHarkinson Josh Harkinson
National Lawyers guild says NYT journalist arrested already
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USUncutPhilly US Uncut Philly
Well done, fascists. Well done. MT @megancarpentier: NYPD scanner: Minimal cops avail to respond to potential shooting uptown b/c of raids
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AntDeRosa Anthony De Rosa
I just spoke with the CBS News desk and they were told to leave the airspace above Zuccotti Park by NYPD
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tedalexandro Ted Alexandro
Broadway lined with NYPD.
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OccupyWallSt Occupy Wall Street
Taxis are being allowed to enter the area! See you soon! #ows
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GregMitch Greg Mitchell
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mtracey Michael Tracey
They just smashed an older man in the face with a riot shield.
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DavidCMurphy David Murphy
I would predict and hope that this action in NYC will only inflame public anger more, and grow the movement for change in our country. #ows
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JudahWorldChamp Judah Friedlander
The city lets OWS stay in Zucotti Park & then evicts them without notice in at 1am. Whether or not u support OWS, this is not cool. #OWS
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NatashaChart NatashaChart
police loading #ows belongings into garbage cans, inc'l 1000s of $s of computers, camera equipment.
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DustinSlaughter Dustin M. Slaughter
Gets it. MT @KeithOlbermann: Each growth leap followed Establishment Stupidity: #OWS Pepper Spray, Brooklyn Brdg, Oakland + tonight's raid
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NBC journalist, Post reporter, Daily News, among others are and assembling trying to challenge NYPD as a group. #ows
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USUncutPhilly US Uncut Philly
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JoshHarkinson Josh Harkinson
People are massing at Wall Street bull right now
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paleofuture Matt Novak
RT @OWSLibrary Call 311 or 212-639-9675 now and ask why Mayor Bloomberg is throwing the 5,554 books from our library into a dumpster.
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Newyorkist Newyorkist
RT @_rosiegray: Here come cops - one of them just whaled on a dude and I couldn't tell why. They're pushing everyone north
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LindseyChrist Lindsey Christ
Reporters/photogs being thrown to ground and pushed to wall if they get in front of the wrong officer. Other officers calm and polite.
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kristengwynne Kristen Gwynne
Riot cops are all over us, report of 50 people seen coming out of subway #ows
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TheNewDeal TheNewDeal
The NYPD is Raiding and Destroying #OWS Don't Ever Tell Me This is a Free Country Again. I Will Laugh in Your Face. #CorporateFascism #p2
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_rosiegray Rosie Gray
A cop just grabbed me by the arm and threw me across the sidewalk - I yelled "don't push me" but that pissed him off I think
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KeithOlbermann Keith Olbermann
The dumbest thing NYC could do to #Occupy is what they are doing right now. Suppression always has the opposite effect.
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Newyorkist Newyorkist
RT @NYCAviation: NYPD has no authority over airspace MT @CBSNews: WCBS expects live feed to resume...but NYPD trying to clear air space #OWS
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TheNewDeal TheNewDeal
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AuntieOxymoron Auntie OxyMoron

Newyorkist Newyorkist
RT @JoshuaHol: RT @NewYorkObserver: Here w credentialed photogs from NYT, WSJ and Reuters they're also being barred from #occupywallstreet
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mtracey Michael Tracey
Just got pushed north on Broadway by cops w/ batons. Some beat and arrested. I was scared for a minute. Cops were laughing.
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AlterNet AlterNet
WTF RT @newyorkobserver: Here with credentialed photogs from NYT, WSJ and Reuters they're also being barred from #occupywallstreet #ows
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USUncutPhilly US Uncut Philly
Confirmed. Same used on Somali pirates 4 chrissakes. RT @baratunde: #ows: police position acoustic weapon, likely LRAD
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Newyorkist Newyorkist
Police making announcement on loudspeakers but I swear it sounds like ET. Can't undestand a word
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andrerivera801 MASFUETE 2011 A.C.R.
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jameswest2010 James West
Many many arrests here at the park. New York police forcing even the press out of the way. Wont give access #ows
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MotherJones Mother Jones
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kristengwynne Kristen Gwynne
Holy shit this us crazy pepper spray, pushing us, beating and arresting peaceful protestors#ows
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pbump Philip Bump
You'll want to follow @antderosa, @animalnewyork, @newyorkist, @paleofuture, @_rosiegray for #OWS updates.
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RDevro Ryan Devereaux
I'm arriving to Liberty Square and I'm pissed. #OWS
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Officer just threatened to lock me up for taking a photo of Police Commissioner Ray Kelly. He's on scene. #ows
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GregMitch Greg Mitchell
I've added link to aerial view livestream of Zuccotti raid, along with on the ground livestream.
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USUncutPhilly US Uncut Philly
RT @MMFlint: "NYPD Counter Terrorism" unit sent in. Unfuckingbelievable when terrorists are @ Goldman Sachs. #ows
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baratunde Baratunde
Subway stops are closed. Brooklyn bridge is closed. Police are in riot gear. #occupywallst #ows
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