“There is nothing subjective about the determination that voting to refer higher taxes to the ballot is a violation of the taxpayer protection pledge. A vote for tax hikes on the ballot is clearly and indisputably a failure to ‘oppose and vote against any and all efforts to raise taxes’”-Grover Norquist---While the State exists, there can be no freedom. When there is freedom there will be no State.
Lenin, "State and Revolution", 1919
Russian Communist politician & revolutionary (1870 - 1924)Incredibly hard to ignore, right, Curtis Rowland? The similarity? Its what I'm studying in English this week, similarities...
Lenin, "State and Revolution", 1919
Russian Communist politician & revolutionary (1870 - 1924)Incredibly hard to ignore, right, Curtis Rowland? The similarity? Its what I'm studying in English this week, similarities...
Like · · See Friendship · a few seconds ago ·
The endgame of this hollow philosophy is quite obviously to bankrupt and collapse the government, first at the state level, and then at the federal level.
Like · · See Friendship · 3 minutes ago ·
While the State exists, there can be no freedom. When there is freedom there will be no State.
Lenin, "State and Revolution", 1919
Russian Communist politician & revolutionary (1870 - 1924)
In a featured column on flashreport.org, Grover Norquist clarifies and defends the default conservative position, making clear that any vote to send tax increases to the ballot is a violation of the taxpayer protection pledge. Further he publicly admonishes any Republican pledge signer who has any doubt about the consequence of wavering: “There is nothing subjective about the determination that voting to refer higher taxes to the ballot is a violation of the taxpayer protection pledge. A vote for tax hikes on the ballot is clearly and indisputably a failure to ‘oppose and vote against any and all efforts to raise taxes’” (“Featured Column”).
Lenin, "State and Revolution", 1919
Russian Communist politician & revolutionary (1870 - 1924)
In a featured column on flashreport.org, Grover Norquist clarifies and defends the default conservative position, making clear that any vote to send tax increases to the ballot is a violation of the taxpayer protection pledge. Further he publicly admonishes any Republican pledge signer who has any doubt about the consequence of wavering: “There is nothing subjective about the determination that voting to refer higher taxes to the ballot is a violation of the taxpayer protection pledge. A vote for tax hikes on the ballot is clearly and indisputably a failure to ‘oppose and vote against any and all efforts to raise taxes’” (“Featured Column”).
Like · · See Friendship · 4 minutes ago ·
If you needed evidence that corporate tax rates are far too low and large corporations receive far too many tax benefits, look no further than the new study just published by Citizens for Tax Justice. CTJ undertook a study of the 280 largest …
Like · · Share · See Friendship · 26 minutes ago ·
Soup McGee http://www.atr.org/reducing-government-half-a1095 "Is it possible to cut government in half in one generation? Certainly.
We have already reduced the cost of national defense—one of the few legitimate functions of government—from six percent of GNP to 3 percent of GNP since victory in the Cold War. Welfare reform has dropped the number of welfare recipients by half since 1994.
We know that private schools cost half of what government schools cost. We know that less than half of the money politicians spend on public schools actually is spent in the classroom. Half of state and local spending is in the name of education. School choice through vouchers or tax credits would dramatically reduce the cost of government while greatly increasing quality.
Social Security is 22% of the cost of federal spending. If Americans were able to invest their FICA taxes in personal savings accounts we would not only create a nation of wealth owners in control of their own retirement, but we would have privatized one-fifth of federal spending.
Giving the Post Office to its employees and ending the postal monopoly on mail would privatize 900,000 jobs and transfer tens of billions of dollars into private hands.
The conservative movement has become larger and stronger over the past two generations. Institutions such as The Heritage Foundation and the state-based think tanks, the property rights movement, taxpayer groups, conservative talk radio, and the Reagan Republican Party have created an infrastructure that allows us to compete and win against the labor unions, trial lawyers and corrupt big city machines.
But central to winning is keeping score. We must keep our eye on the goal of reducing the size, scope, power and cost of government at all levels. Measuring and reporting on the trend in government spending, regulations, government employment and State ownership of property will keep us focused and let us know if we are winning or losing the struggle.
Cutting the government in half in one generation is both an ambitious and reasonable goal. If we work hard we will accomplish this and more by 2025. Then the conservative movement can set a new goal. I have a recommendation: To cut government in half again by 2050.
Grover Norquist
Read more: http://www.atr.org/reducing-government-half-a1095#ixzz1ckgSYh1Y
" fact #1
We have already reduced the cost of national defense—one of the few legitimate functions of government—from six percent of GNP to 3 percent of GNP since victory in the Cold War. Welfare reform has dropped the number of welfare recipients by half since 1994.
We know that private schools cost half of what government schools cost. We know that less than half of the money politicians spend on public schools actually is spent in the classroom. Half of state and local spending is in the name of education. School choice through vouchers or tax credits would dramatically reduce the cost of government while greatly increasing quality.
Social Security is 22% of the cost of federal spending. If Americans were able to invest their FICA taxes in personal savings accounts we would not only create a nation of wealth owners in control of their own retirement, but we would have privatized one-fifth of federal spending.
Giving the Post Office to its employees and ending the postal monopoly on mail would privatize 900,000 jobs and transfer tens of billions of dollars into private hands.
The conservative movement has become larger and stronger over the past two generations. Institutions such as The Heritage Foundation and the state-based think tanks, the property rights movement, taxpayer groups, conservative talk radio, and the Reagan Republican Party have created an infrastructure that allows us to compete and win against the labor unions, trial lawyers and corrupt big city machines.
But central to winning is keeping score. We must keep our eye on the goal of reducing the size, scope, power and cost of government at all levels. Measuring and reporting on the trend in government spending, regulations, government employment and State ownership of property will keep us focused and let us know if we are winning or losing the struggle.
Cutting the government in half in one generation is both an ambitious and reasonable goal. If we work hard we will accomplish this and more by 2025. Then the conservative movement can set a new goal. I have a recommendation: To cut government in half again by 2050.
Grover Norquist
Read more: http://www.atr.org/reducing-government-half-a1095#ixzz1ckgSYh1Y
" fact #1
In the 1950s, conservatives said one of their major goals was to reduce or elimi...See More
18 minutes ago · Like ·
"It has transformed American politics." -- Jonathan Alter, Newsweek "Signin...See More
16 minutes ago · Like ·
Soup McGee "While ATR has the role of promoting and monitoring the Pledge, the Taxpayer Protection Pledge is actually made to a candidate's constituents, who are entitled to know where candidates stand before sending them to the capitol.
Read more: http://www.atr.org/taxpayer-protection-pledge#ixzz1ckgwWdEm
Read more: http://www.atr.org/taxpayer-protection-pledge#ixzz1ckgwWdEm
"It has transformed American politics." -- Jonathan Alter, Newsweek "Signin...See More
16 minutes ago · Like ·
Soup McGee http://newpoliticsreport.org/site/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/JAS-NewPolitics2010-Online-Imaged.pdf
16 minutes ago · Like ·
14 minutes ago · Like ·
posts so you know why we Occupy Wall Street:
Like · · See Friendship · 10 hours ago ·
is partisan, but you don’t have to be. Vote for who you wanna, please, by all means- I encourage you to vote for incompetence even, should that be your choice. I fundraise and talk shit, not electioneer--but vote your conscience, exercise y...See More
Soup's Auntie OxyMoron: As California Goes, So Goes the Nation: Grover Norquist, the Religious Right
“After 1985, the Republican Party adopted the idea that tax cuts can solve the ...See More
10 hours ago · Like ·
"I am not a Socialist, a hippie looking for a hand-out, or a lazy hypocrite. I want to pay taxes so I have something to vote about. I believe my paying taxes entitles me to support those who are using their Constitutional Rights of Redress (first amendment)and demanding that America admit She is not Broken. Those who say She is need say no more! I prefer Democracy over Theonomy. I am not fighting Capitalism, only ignorance and those who hate America. I Demand A Redress as Guaranteed by the Constitution!
Like · · See Friendship · 12 hours ago ·
- Curtis Rowland likes this.
Please, please, please friends. Watch this video. Its only about 4 minutes long but well worth it.
http://www.theunlikelyconservative.com/ - Here's a short commentary on the hypocrisy of our friends at the "Occupy" protests. If you agree with the sentiments...
Like · · Share · 12 hours ago ·
- 3 people like this.
http://occupywallst.org/forum/first-official-release-from-occupy-wall-street/ Mike Stanzione Shared. Thanks for this! It's great to be passionate about something and stand up for what you believe in but I just don't think these OWSers rea...See More
News and resources for protesters attending the mass demonstration on Wall Street against financial greed and corruption</title>
10 hours ago · Like ·
Curtis Rowland A unanimous vote by the occupy clan means nothing. They would vote unanimously to go get stoned.
10 hours ago · Like ·

http://www.theunlikelyconservative.com/ - Here's a short commentary on the hypocrisy of our friends at the "Occupy" protests. If you agree with the sentiments...
Like · · Share · See Friendship · 12 hours ago ·
- Curtis Rowland and Philip Bender like this.
- 1 share
Curtis Rowland Very good. I have to share this on my wall.
12 hours ago · Like ·

NEW: Original works by Francine Prose, Lemony Snicket, D.A. Powell, Duncan Murre...See More
12 hours ago · Like ·
- "Go to my wall to read what I..." on his own link on your wall.
- Curtis posted a link to Soup McGee's Wall.
- "Thats crap Soup." on your link.
- Curtis likes PeaceBeWithU and 2 other pages.
- "Go to my wall to read what I..." on his own link on your wall.
- Curtis posted a link to Soup McGee's Wall.
- "Thats crap Soup." on your link.
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