During an appearance at Johns Hopkins University, Occupy Baltimore protesters interrupted a speech by Karl Rove. Protesters yelled 'Mic check!' from among the audience and said , 'Karl Rove is the architect of Occupy Iraq, the architect of Occupy Afghanistan!' That's when Rove flipped out and bega...
- Sierra McVic and 5 others like this.
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- Nanette J Wheeler-Carter I would be embarrassed to call him my son - what a little, unprofessional, CRY BOY!5 hours ago · ·
- Karl Vonderheyde Zippy the Wonderslug doesn't think people who disagree with him should have the right to exercise their... rights. Wow... he remains pretty consistent, huh?5 hours ago · ·
- Dian NinetyNine-Percent Crystal Of course not, Karl... We are supposed to just stay quiet and like being oppressed and pooped on...5 hours ago · ·
- Karl Vonderheyde He can't back down. When he goes in reverse, there's that annoying beeping noise, and the bright lights go on...4 hours ago · ·
- David Robinson Well. What are you guys going to do now? New York has suffered a severe set back, And Several others have been taken down...What's your next move?4 hours ago ·
- Karl Vonderheyde The tents were gonna come down someday anyway. The occupation goes on, but it is a SYMBOL. Just sitting in a park isn't what we're looking to achieve... now, Occupy has to move out into the real world beyond Zucotti. People need to organize, starting with being their OWN occupation at home. Guerilla tactics, flash mobs, and most of all, finding cohesion and a way to get the message out. It's NOT just Manhattan. This is OUR country. These are OUR homes. This is OUR time. And we're gonna occupy the hell out of it all, until the politicians realize that they answer to the 99% in the voting booth, regardless of what the 1% are willing to give them to get their names in there. We4 hours ago · ·
- Dian NinetyNine-Percent Crystal Plenty going on, David... ww.cbsnews.com/8301-201_16
2-57325777/after-nyc-ouste r-occupy-seeks-new-directi on/?tag=storyMediaBox;post SpecialReport 4 hours ago · - Soup McGee http://soupsauntieoxymoron
.blogspot.com/2011/07/as-c alifornia-goes-so-goes-nat ion.html any ideas david? A Simple Question For Conservatives in General, Signatories in Particular
The ATR pledge is signed in front of two witnesses, making it legally binding...and hollow, for a government with no revenue AT ALL (as demanded by pledge), even if DC burns)...cannot enforce property rights or the peaceable transfer of power. Will you ever address this fundamental question of your philosophy? please read and address; we need you to recognize your role...else we ALL fail...e pluribus unum? hmmmm. david? yer up! Dina, yer on deck! Nanette, yer in the hole! Karl, get a helmet on, we're gonna bat around, I can feel it!Soup's Auntie OxyMoron: As California Goes, So Goes the Nation: Grover Norquist, the Religious Rightsoupsauntieoxymoron.blogspot.com “After 1985, the Republican Party adopted the idea that tax cuts can solve the ...See More4 hours ago · · - Dian NinetyNine-Percent Crystal And this---> http://www.msnbc.msn.com/i
d/21134540/vp/45316180#453 16180 4 hours ago · - Dian NinetyNine-Percent Crystal Actually, David, our troubles began about 30 years ago...4 hours ago ·
- David Robinson Well...they're going to watching you and trying to change tactics on you4 hours ago ·
- Jim Speranza Rove, along with Cheney and Bush need to be tried as traitors and hung out to dry.4 hours ago · ·
- Dian NinetyNine-Percent Crystal The last few days have proven, David, that their tactics are not very kosher and are being questioned...4 hours ago ·
- Jim Occupy McElfresh My opinion is "their" troubles are just beginning... They have no idea how many people are about to come out into the streets.4 hours ago · ·
- Dian NinetyNine-Percent Crystal Their tactics are just giving more support to the movement... Change is coming... Brace yourself, David...4 hours ago · ·
- Soup McGee http://soupsauntieoxymoron
.blogspot.com/2011/11/spen t-few-hours-on-twitter-las t-night.html soupsauntieoxymoron.blogspot.com While the State exists, there can be no freedom. When there is freedom there wil...See More4 hours ago · · - David Robinson Nah cheif. Im just a rock head soldier..Wanting to see both sides of the coin, as far as im concerned i am neutral.4 hours ago · ·
- Soup McGee hopes to see you next to me then come the day; imma good soldier for those who defend soldiers. Soldiers given the order to take up arms against americans, i hope, will not remain neutral...4 hours ago ·
- David Robinson New York has air corridors now..9/11 is the cause of that. You have to have specific permission to fly over the city.4 hours ago · ·
- Soup McGee http://soupsauntieoxymoron
.blogspot.com/2011/10/grou p-of-americans-to-declare. html you ever run into this sort in yer experience serving? in light of the AK-47 in DC bullets hitting the whitehouse thing...and police searching dc occupy so the media could tell that story...of Course he wasn't there, but the story's been told...anyway, just wondering... soupsauntieoxymoron.blogspot.com I asked my professor about the term “covenant to not compete” as defined on page...See More4 hours ago · · - Karl Vonderheyde Gotta love the video. Any time I get to see that freak or any of the swine who sent me to Iraq come unspooled in public, it's fun for me. I hope he still has a headache. A mean one.4 hours ago · ·
- Nanette J Wheeler-Carter @ David Robinson - it is always good to see both sides of any issue - but eventually we all have to get off the fence and stand on one side or the other. If our country is to have any future at all, I believe, we can NOT allow it to continue to be raped by corporate greed and political corruptness. Educate yourself - you will see that the Occupy movement is just the beginning of change in this country. They can take the tents, books and computer - but they can't build jails fast enough to silence the millions of people speaking out all around the world that have been effected by what has been developing over the past 30 years. Change takes brave people to step up.4 hours ago · ·
- David Robinson Got a question Nannette What happens if you win? and what happens if you lose?4 hours ago ·
- Soup McGee can answer for me and some others: koch outta business, norquist imprisoned, the speech or debate clause overturned...policy issues that cannot be discussed currently will continue to be unavoidable, as long as peaceful assembly is allowed.4 hours ago ·
- Soup McGee if we lose? anyone can see...security checks to enter public space? c'mon,,,,4 hours ago ·
- Soup McGee http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.
com/data/constitution/amen dment04/ 4 hours ago · · - Soup McGee http://en.wikipedia.org/wi
ki/Hague_v._Committee_for_ Industrial_Organization en.wikipedia.orgHague v. Committee for Industrial Organization, 307 U.S. 496 (1939), is a case d...See More4 hours ago · · - Nanette J Wheeler-Carter At present David WE are all losing - little, by little they are robbing us of our ability to our constitutional rights - they are robbing us of our ability to earn a fair and decent income - they are taxing us but writing laws/rules (because they are in power) that only benefit corporations, financially elite, and are guilty of abuse of power. So, how much more do we stand to lose if we do nothing - EVERYTHING that many brave people have fought and died for for out country's people. If we win - we change the laws to be FAIR to all - we amend the constitution to prevent what has been taking place. We prevent politicians from having their pockets lined with money from lobbyists/corporations. We prevent insider trading and selling the information that has allowed the 1% to make money. We change a lot more then I have space here to write.4 hours ago · ·
- Soup McGee thinks the problem david is more that you refuse to see the work was done...judicial review is being overturned by corporate interests...do you fight for the free market or me?4 hours ago ·
- Nanette J Wheeler-Carter Hey David - if you're still there - can you tell me what a "rrock head soldier" is? Are you ex-military?4 hours ago · ·
- Soup McGee http://www.huffingtonpost.
com/2011/11/16/glenn-beck- white-house-bullets_n_1098 034.html on problem glenn/conservatives buying this ish...there was at least one eyewitness...click through for source http://soupsauntieoxymoron .blogspot.com/2011/11/ther e-is-no-defense-for-fascis m-none.html www.huffingtonpost.comGlenn Beck reacted to reports of bullets hitting the White House with incredulit...See More3 hours ago · · - Soup McGee "ShankarSharanya Sharanya Shankar
Where is the news story about the shooter on Constitution Ave and 15th? My cab was right behind the shooter! #scary @washingtonpost @CNN
2 hours ago
Sharanya Shankar
ShankarSharanya Sharanya Shankar
I hope they find the shooter. He is a maniac. RT: @BreakingNews AK47 recovered from Honda abandoned by suspect; 2nd vehicle involved
2 hours ago
Breaking News
BreakingNews Breaking News
Shots fired near White House update: AK47 recovered from Honda abandoned by suspect; 2nd vehicle involved - NBC Washington
2 hours ago
Retweeted by ShankarSharanya
Sharanya Shankar
ShankarSharanya Sharanya Shankar
My cab was right behind the shooter: Shots Fired near Constitution Ave and Police Chase near White House,
2 hours ago
Sharanya Shankar
ShankarSharanya Sharanya Shankar
It is already turning to be a crazy weekend. Driver in front of my cab, STOPPED & fired 5 gun shots at the White House. #policegoingafterhim
2 hours ago
- Show quoted text -
Reply"3 hours ago · - Soup McGee btw david, not POLICE only: http://www.examiner.com/to
p-news-in-minneapolis/were -occupy-crackdowns-aided-b y-federal-law-enforcement- agencies www.examiner.comOver the past ten days, more than a dozen cities have moved to evict "Occupy" pr...See More3 hours ago · · - Nanette J Wheeler-Carter So David - what's your take on the wars in the middle east?about an hour ago · ·
- David Robinson My views are this. There's some bastards who need to be dealt with who murdered 3000 of our people in our country. the sooner we hunt them down and deal with them the betterabout an hour ago ·
- Soup McGee "Sources tell CBS News Ortega-Hernandez was not on the radar of the Secret Service before Friday's shooting. But investigators believe he may have targeted the White House due to a hatred of President Obama. Businessman Monte McCall, said Ortega-Hernandez compared the president to the "Antichrist" when they met recently." http://soupsauntieoxymoron
.blogspot.com/2011/11/ther e-is-no-defense-for-fascis m-none.html click through for eyewitness twitter feed...followed by an email conversation I had with an old friend... hopes you will note the date I "predicted" machine gun violence in DC, at the White House...traced it to a thought, but who knows if these groups are to blame...bizarre timing, at Least! http://soupsauntieoxymoron .blogspot.com/2011/10/grou p-of-americans-to-declare. html soupsauntieoxymoron.blogspot.com While the State exists, there can be no freedom. When there is freedom there wil...See Moreabout an hour ago · · - Soup McGee http://www.cbsnews.com/830
1-201_162-57326437/white-h ouse-gun-suspect-said-to-h ate-obama/ www.cbsnews.comOscar Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez arrested at Pa. hotel following discovery of bullet holes at president's residenceabout an hour ago · · - Soup McGee hopes you can see how clearly we need you to start voicing that anger towards the one party legislating away your rights, the rights you are pledging to die defending...so, um, are you willing to die exclusively for the free market? or am I as a real person who you are fighting for?about an hour ago ·
- Nanette J Wheeler-Carter I get the 9/11 sentiment - but we've gotten those that attacked us? And if I follow your train of thought - you'd be against those that would hurt Americans? Well, over 4 million Americans have lost their homes due to the Wall Street manipulations of the market and selling bogus money. 25 million people are unemployed while corporations hold on to record profits and pay NO taxes - these 25 million people represent households of 4 which means that 1/3 or our population are without any income... So would you not be tired of seeing Americans hurt by corporations & politicians that are self-serving? NONE of those that generated the financial melt down have paid the price (gone to jail) - why because our federal officials (in bed with Wall STreet) passed laws to make all their actions legal. Do you know how many Americans die each day because they have no health care? Do you know that on average 18 soldiers kill themselves every day here in America? These are just a few of the issues that the Occupy movement is trying to educate people on.about an hour ago ·
- Soup McGee My interest in Occupy was piqued by the numerous Free Speech Actions taking place across the country, given the scope and variety of pain suffered by most everyone not owner of a Fortune 400 company since the terror-attacks of 9/11. On 9-11 we knew that the stated goal of the terrorists demanded government action; if economic destruction was the plan, only spending by the private and government sectors could prove the terrorists have failed. To be against Occupy Wall Street when Occupy Wall Street is clearly asking for government intervention to prevent further economic terror….is to be for the continued effect of the 9-11 terrorists.---that isnt politics, its sourced fact---about an hour ago · ·
- Nanette J Wheeler-Carter @ David - one more thing - 59% of our federal budget (our tax dollars) support the military defense industry - do you know how much of the budget (that congress wants to cut) actually goes to help Americans? around 4% - Our country send our brave young men & women to war to protect others in other countries and then turns their backs on the people here at home - how can people not demand better - THIS IS AMERICA!about an hour ago ·
- David Robinson Well my job is to help ensure that no terrorists blow my head off or any other American or anyone elses head off...So i help hunt them down..I like to keep up with politics but discussing it causes division and arguements...a waste of energy..so I watch and observe.about an hour ago ·
- Nanette J Wheeler-Carter Please know David I'm not trying to 'pick' on you - I'm only trying to help you understand the other side - why Brave Americans (although they do not wear uniforms) they too are soldiers fighting a war - that is why the Occupy.about an hour ago · ·
- Soup McGee prefers friendships too, so, please, everyone breathe..at some point, you either come off the fence or have pledged to defend my oppressor.-even though you might not feel free to admit it, you know what happens here: Photo of 84-year-old woman hit by pepper spray at Occupy Seattle ...
Washington Post - 2 hours ago
SEATTLE — An 84-year-old woman in Seattle has quickly become a face of the national Occupy Wall Street movement after she was hit with pepper spray during a ...
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1. 84-Year-Old Woman Pepper Sprayed At Occupy Seattle
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84 Year Old Dorli Rainey Pepper Sprayed | Photo | Mediaite
www.mediaite.com/.../84-year-old-woman-pepper-spraye d-at-occup...
6 hours ago – Occupy Elderly protester Dorli Rainey is being hailed as the poster child of the Occupy Wall Street movement after being photographed ...
84-Year-Old Woman Becomes the Pepper-Sprayed Face of ... - Reddit
www.reddit.com/.../84yearold_woman_becomes_the_peppe rsprayed...
11 hours ago – Sadly I imagine if you could get a police spokesperson to comment on this, they would suggest that the 84 year old woman must have been ... is not right...don't you?www.mediaite.comOccupy Elderly protester Dorli Rainey is being hailed as the poster child of the...See Moreabout an hour ago · · - Soup McGee LRAD vs OWS: Sound cannons rolled out for Zuccotti park raid
RT - Nov 15, 2011
Riot police deployed under cover of darkness at 1 am. No video cameras were allowed during the early hours of the raid. News teams were barred from the scene. Air space above Zuccotti park was shut down. Above all, a well-prepared removal plan received ...about an hour ago · - Nanette J Wheeler-Carter What you say is your job - hunting out those that would hurt Americans - is why people are Occupying - they are hunting down those within our own country that are hurting millions of our own people - financial warfare.about an hour ago ·
- Soup McGee http://www.youtube.com/wat
ch?feature=player_embedded &v=I0pX9LeE-g8 On 9-11 we knew that the stated goal of the terrorists demanded government action; if economic destruction was the plan, only spending by the private and government sectors could prove the terrorists have failed. To be against Occupy Wall Street when Occupy Wall Street is clearly asking for government intervention to prevent further economic terror….is to be for the continued effect of the 9-11 terrorists. about an hour ago · - Soup McGee (forget the link; everyone know shooting ANYONE unprovoked regardless of authority is a war crime)about an hour ago ·
- Nanette J Wheeler-Carter My husband use to coach a girls Lacrosse team - last year, out of 13 girls, 3 of the girls fathers shot themselves/killed themselves because they could not provide for their families - this is class warfare - Our gov't may not be pulling the actual trigger of guns but they are literally killing millions of Americans at a slow death rateabout an hour ago · ·
- Nanette J Wheeler-Carter And I thank you for your service - While you fight the 'terrorists' we too are fighting terrorists here at home - the only difference is that the terrorists here are the very people that were elected to protect all of US>about an hour ago · ·
- Soup McGeecan't use my right to political free speech david, stop ignoring that fact...tents on the capitol steps are NOT free speech? is that your argument? On 9-11 we knew that the stated goal of the terrorists demanded government action; if econom...See Moreabout an hour ago · ·
- David Robinson No i feel you have a right to exress your views. you got a right to protest what you feel is wrong as long as its within the lawabout an hour ago ·
- Soup McGee is within the law to peacefully assemble, and no law can be made to shrink that rightabout an hour ago ·
- Soup McGee hello? easy questions, as you have taken an oath...how can you continue to support what is obviously fascism? By not speaking against it,you allow others to die---this is not honorable- please, i mean no disrespect to your service, but i see no satisfactory answer....about an hour ago ·
- Soup McGee The ATR pledge is signed in front of two witnesses, making it legally binding...and hollow, for a government with no revenue AT ALL (as demanded by pledge), even if DC burns)...cannot enforce property rights or the peaceable transfer of power. Will you ever address this fundamental question of your philosophy?59 minutes ago ·
- Soup McGee ,"you either support your oath and believe i am more human than walmart, or your war is against me." :-/59 minutes ago ·
- Nanette J Wheeler-CarterWho's law? The laws that you and I have to live by to not apply to our government leaders, Wall Street, Banks, big Corporations... That's the whole point. Those with big money have bought and paid for our gov't officials to pass laws/rules making it legal for them to do what they have done - at the expense of the average American - they are self-serving and protect themselves while they pepper spray 84 yr old women standing in the street to challenge the LAWS and how they do not seem to apply to the 1% - I'd like to be able to right my own laws so I could get away with things I'd like to do in my life (well actually that's not true because I'd never do what our gov't has allowed to do). I'd never intentionally, knowingly, abuse any power my fellow Americans endowed to me.58 minutes ago · ·
- Soup McGee wonders if you will speak against this obvious treason: http://soupsauntieoxymoron
.blogspot.com/2011/10/dist rict-of-christ-o-boy-o-boy o-boy.html 56 minutes ago · · - Soup McGee wonders if you will speak against this obvious treason: http://soupsauntieoxymoron
.blogspot.com/2011/10/grou p-of-americans-to-declare. html soupsauntieoxymoron.blogspot.com I asked my professor about the term “covenant to not compete” as defined on page...See More55 minutes ago · · - David Robinson Look, When i took my oath i took it to serve this country and its people against all enemies foriegn and domestic. That means to SERVE the people of this country..Not the politicians, not the corporations but the PEOPLE..The PEOPLE. I help Uphold the constitution and the bill of rights...Always have and always will.54 minutes ago · ·
- Soup McGeehopes you will do your due diligence and your own research....please try reading the above links to my "research munitions dump." I am not a Socialist, a hippie looking for a hand-out, or a lazy hypocrite. I want to pay taxes so I have some...See More50 minutes ago ·
- Soup McGeehttp://soupsauntieoxymoron
.blogspot.com/2011/07/s-fl ash-crash-crash-of-245-rem ember-was.html 1. Perry: Jail lawmakers who engage in insider trading
msnbc.com - Michael O'Brien - 2 days ago
It also aligns him with Pelosi, who supports a ...See MoreSoup's Auntie OxyMoron: The Flash Crash (the crash of 2:45, remember?) was a test run for "default ssoupsauntieoxymoron.blogspot.com 47 minutes ago · · - Nanette J Wheeler-Carter David - part of the problem - you say your oath is to protect the PEOPLE of America not politicians or corporations - are you aware that the Supreme voted to allow corporations to be considered as PEOPLE?25 minutes ago · ·
- Soup McGee http://www.scotusblog.com/
case-files/cases/citizens- united-v-federal-election- commission/ www.scotusblog.comIn anticipation of possible orders regarding the health-care cases, we will have a live blog on Monday morning beginning at 9:50 a.m.22 minutes ago · · - Soup McGee Mitt Romney says 'corporations are people' - The Washington Post
www.washingtonpost.com/...romney...corporations...pe ople/.../gIQA...
Aug 11, 2011 – Mitt Romney's visit to the Iowa State Fair on Thursday may have been the best debate prep session he could've hoped for.22 minutes ago · - Soup McGee08-205 Citizens United v. Federal Election Comm'n (01/21/10)
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Jan 21, 2010 – In January 2008, appellant Citizens United, a nonprofit corpora- ... elections, Citizens United produced television ads to run on broadcast ...
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What does Citizens United mean for Tax-Exempt Organizations? Tax-Exempt. Status. Impact on Electoral Activities. Post-Citizens United. Comments Made by ...
Beyond Citizens United v. FEC: Re-Examining Corporate Rights
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Whether or not the Supreme Court's decision in Citizens United explicitly ... 5 Eliza Newlin Carney, Citizens United Sparks Pitched Battle, NATIONAL JOURNAL, ...
Campaign Finance Policy After Citizens United v. Federal Election ...
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by RS Garrett - 2010
Feb 1, 2010 – It also briefly comments on how Citizens United might affect political advertising ... complete understanding of how Citizens United will affect the ...
12 Months After
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Jan 1, 2011 – The Historical Context: Citizens United Ended a Century Long Legal ... The Data: Citizens United Resulted in Soaring Outside Expenditures ...
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Jan 21, 2010 – Citizens United has an annual budget of about $12 million. Most of its ... In January 2008, Citizens United released a film enti- tled Hillary: The ...
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citizens united foundation (Now you KNOW!)21 minutes ago · ·1
- Nanette J Wheeler-CarterThis is part of the problem - Corporations that is who you're really fighting for - not the American people. Check out the group OccupyMarines - they are for the occupy movement. In fact, many Marines (ex-military) are showing up at occupy ...See More21 minutes ago ·
- Nanette J Wheeler-Carter David, if your commander gave you an order to open fire on American protesters what would you do?20 minutes ago · ·
- David Robinson No American Officer would ever give such an order and were he or she to give it. they would be immediately arrested or the troops would consider it an illegal order.19 minutes ago ·
- David Robinson Now unless the protesters were firing back or considered a threat thats another matter.18 minutes ago ·
On May 4, l970 members of the Ohio National Guard fired into a crowd of Kent State University demonstrators, killing four and wounding nine Kent State students. The impact of the shootings was dramatic. The event triggered a n...See More18 minutes ago · - Soup McGee is considered a threat because I choose to occupy, as is my first amendment right...you will shoot me if your commander says that's it? good enough for you?17 minutes ago ·
- David Robinson Im aware of Kent State and frankly i know the unit in question and read the incident report,17 minutes ago ·
- Soup McGee is considered a threat because I choose to occupy, as is my first amendment right...you will shoot me if your commander says that's it? good enough for you? Really ,"you either support your oath and believe i am more human than walmart, or your war is against me." :-/16 minutes ago ·
- Nanette J Wheeler-CarterAnd yet - our government is ordering our police forces to destroy protesters at all costs - and they are following orders - they are beating people, and 84yr old woman was pepper sprayed in Seattle just for being on the streets - the used a...See More16 minutes ago ·
- David Robinson You're releating an incident which happened 41 years ago to now? We learned from that. and as i said NO American officer would ever give an illegal order like that, if they do..we're obligated to report or not carry out the order.15 minutes ago ·
- David Robinson I would detain you..And frankly we cannot act unless we're mobilzed by that individual in 1600 pennsylvania avenue.14 minutes ago ·
- Nanette J Wheeler-Carter No David - I'm citing incidents that have happened in the past month - Scott Olsen is an ex-Marine that served 3+ tours of duty in Iraq and the POLICE shot him point blank in the head!14 minutes ago ·
- Soup McGee"Lauren Pierce, the president of the College Republicans at UT Austin, said on Twitter Wednesday that the idea of assassinating President Barack Obama was "tempting."
At approximately 2:30 p.m., Pierce posted, "Y'all as tempting as it may be, don't shoot Obama. We need him to go down in history as the WORST president we've EVER had! #2012."
The tweet came hours after police arrested a man for firing shots at the White House, leaving two bullets in the executive mansion.
Pierce joked that "it must be a slow news day" after ABC News posted a story on her comment:
Pierce told ABC News that the comment was a "joke" and that the "whole [shooting incident] was stupid." Giggling, she said that an attempted assassination would "only make the situation worse."
"Insofar as she's a representative [of the College Republicans], maybe it shouldn't be said, but she's made a positive statement in a way," said Cassie Wright, the group's vice president.
"I don't really see anything wrong with it," Wright added. "It's just a personal comment, not representative of any group. Just freedom of speech, you know you realllllly don't see the connections here? really?14 minutes ago · - Soup McGeeSoup McGeeposted toNotmary Elizabeth
http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-201_162-57326437/white-h ouse-gun-suspect-said-to-h ate-obama/ "Sources tell CBS News Ortega-Hernandez was not on the radar of the Secret Service before Friday's shooting. But i...See More www.cbsnews.comOscar Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez arrested at Pa. hotel following discovery of bullet holes at president's residence13 minutes ago · · - Nanette J Wheeler-Carter So your line is that it is OK to detain me from my civil rights but not shot at me...??? You would enforce physical strength to tackle me and if I resisted you'd beat me because I'm exercising my constitutional rights - the very document you took an oath to uphold?12 minutes ago · ·
- Nanette J Wheeler-Carter As much as I've enjoyed the conversation - It's late for me - David, I'm certain you are a fine young man - and I wish you safety in your battles - I'd also wish you to investigate your neutral position on the Occupy movement... We all have wars to fight - I guess it's just a question of which war is worth fighting for - for me - I believe ALL AMERICANS are worth fighting for not just those in powerful positions.10 minutes ago ·
- David Robinson Nope. I would be used as a last resort, if you cause civil unrest or attempt to overthrow the goverment im obligated to preserve and uphold the lawfully elected government of this country..if you seek its over throw or attempt to overthrow it..I'll stop you.10 minutes ago ·
- Nanette J Wheeler-Carter Well David - you better load your gun - people don't necessarily want to 'over throw' our government - but we certainly want to change how it operates. I'm certain in the future, after you do some investigation - we'll meet up again -7 minutes ago · ·
- Soup McGee wonders whjat you will do when you realize you are following illegal orders...it can happen you know...7 minutes ago ·
- Soup McGee Well David - you better load your gun ----someone is already shooting at the Fucking White House david, he's a domestic terrorist from a christian background...um...6 minutes ago ·
- Soup McGee wonders what the fuck you think Occupy is all about?! don't be so intentionally dense...there is an attack, violently, underway against the Elected President, your Commander....4 minutes ago ·
- Soup McGee hears you say you would shoot me if commanded...am I wrong? How can i report you? What is your rank, soldier?3 minutes ago ·
- Soup McGee has not hyet heard you say anything in condemnation of these attacks. what the fuck, david?3 minutes ago ·
- David Robinson What did you expect me to say?a few seconds ago ·David Robinson And dont put words in my mouth...I can speak for myself.a few seconds ago ·
- David Robinson Am i annoyed that some idiot took a pot shot at the white house. yeah.. But he's a kook who's been caught and he will face the law..what do you expect us to do. shoot him on the spot?3 minutes ago ·
- Soup McGeeDavid Robinson Nope. I would be used as a last resort, if you cause civil unrest or attempt to overthrow the government im obligated to preserve and uphold the lawfully elected government of this country..if you seek its over throw or attempt to overthrow it..I'll stop you.---i gave you two minutes to take those words back----occupy is being sold to you as exactly that, and you clearly buy it----last chance to tell me I am wrong....because I did ask you directly, and will here do again: Will you shoot unarmed Occupiers if given the order?2 minutes ago ·
- Soup McGee what do you expect us to do. shoot him on the spot?---no. i expect you to admit he is a christianm domestic terrorist. firstly.2 minutes ago ·
- David Robinson Ah ah ah..you're doing it again..you're thinking for me..when i am more capable of thinking for my self..about a minute ago ·
- Soup McGee ? last chance to tell me I am wrong....because I did ask you directly, and will here do again: Will you shoot unarmed Occupiers if given the order? you have two minutes to answer the direct question, or i press publish...a few seconds ago ·
- David Robinson No comment.
David Robinson I belive you just slanted a story,,
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Soup McGee David Robinson No comment.
5 minutes ago · Unlike · 1
a few seconds ago · Like
Soup McGee Soup McGee ? last chance to tell me I am wrong....because I did ask you directly, and will here do again: Will you shoot unarmed Occupiers if given the order? you have two minutes to answer the direct question, or i press publish...
a few seconds ago · Like
Soup McGee Soup McGee ? last chance to tell me I am wrong....because I did ask you directly, and will here do again: Will you shoot unarmed Occupiers if given the order? you have two minutes to answer the direct question, or i press publish... David Robinson No comment.
5 minutes ago · Unlike · 1
a few seconds ago · Like
a few seconds ago · Like
Soup McGee David Robinson I belive you just slanted a story,,(duly noted)
a few seconds ago · Like
David Robinson LOL!!! Gotcha...
ReplyDeletea few seconds ago · Like
David Robinson And thank you....you fell for it..
a few seconds ago · Unlike · 1