- Constant Change likes this.
- Soup McGee http ://s oupsauntieoxymoron.blogspo
t.com/ 2011/11/h erman-cain-troubled-man-de mocrat.html about an hour ago · - Amber Cahill "What to do when faced with an abusive or exploitative employer is not addressed by the ideology." You are absolutely correct, it will be addressed by the labor laws we have on the books.about an hour ago · ·
- Soup McGee,"not in a government with ZERO revenue....A Simple Question For Conservatives in General, Signatories in Particular
The ATR pledge is signed in front of two witnesses, making it legally binding...and hollow, for a government with no reven...See Moreabout an hour ago · ·1
- Amber Cahill Signing something in front of two or twenty witnesses does NOT make it legally binding. I thought you hated misinformation so why are you spreading it.about an hour ago ·
- Soup McGee"Posted by: Linda C. LaVictoire on June 29, 2011.
06-29-2011 by Linda S. Carbonell
Grover Norquist (photo by Gage Skidmore)
...See Moreabout an hour ago · - Soup McGee"Jason Horowitz reports about how Grover Norquist safeguards his no taxes pledge:
The sacred texts from which Grover Norquist draws his political power are hidden in a secret fireproof safe.
“I keep the originals in a vault, in case D.C. burns down,” said Norquist, referring to the pledge that his organization asks politicians to sign, vowing to “oppose any and all efforts” to raise taxes. “When someone takes the pledge, you don’t want it tampered with; you don’t want it destroyed.”...
He said it is an immutable covenant with voters, regardless of the mundane demands of governance, one so serious it must be co-signed by two witnesses.
Question: What if a Republican signed the pledge, but then Washington was engulfed in a nuclear holocaust that incinerated the safe and killed the two witnesses? Would it then be okay for him to support a tax increase? Or is there a third safety mechanism to enforce the pledge? """""""""""Jason Horowitz reports about how Grover Norquist safeguards his no taxes pledge:
The sacred texts from which Grover Norquist draws his political power are hidden in a secret fireproof safe.
“I keep the originals in a vault, in case D.C. burns down,” said Norquist, referring to the pledge that his organization asks politicians to sign, vowing to “oppose any and all efforts” to raise taxes. “When someone takes the pledge, you don’t want it tampered with; you don’t want it destroyed.”...
He said it is an immutable covenant with voters, regardless of the mundane demands of governance, one so serious it must be co-signed by two witnesses.
Question: What if a Republican signed the pledge, but then Washington was engulfed in a nuclear holocaust that incinerated the safe and killed the two witnesses? Would it then be okay for him to support a tax increase? Or is there a third safety mechanism to enforce the pledge?--hello? NORQUIST thinks it is legally binding...about an hour ago · - Soup McGeehopes you will be intellectually honest..."He said it is an immutable covenant with voters, regardless of the mundane demands of governance, one so serious it must be co-signed by two witnesses."----We don’t sign our mortgage in the presence of a diety, but they are legally binding. What makes a document legally binding is the freely given signature, witnessed and attested to by two witnesses who have no conflict of interest with the document or its signer. Contracts don’t even have to be notarized, according to numerous court rulings involving wills and private contracts. " Amber? Religon is inextricably and illegally intertwined----the pledge is the crux of the issue...about an hour ago ·
- Soup McGeeDear American, I
by Soup McGee on Thursday, October 20, 2011 at 10:49am
am partisan, but you don’t have to be. Vote for who you wanna, please, by all means- I encourage you to vote for incompetence even, should that be your choice. I fundraise and talk shit, not electioneer--but vote your conscience, exercise your right to vote your choice. PLEASE. And drive someone you like and someone you don’t like with you. Walk with some friends. Find a senior or a veteran, take them. Vote! One caveat:
If you believe man has no authority to govern man, ok. State that. Aloud. To your pastor. In your church. If you believe that Our American Government, with All Of the Checks and Balances in place and review undertaken over the course of a full century…if you believe that Our Shared Institution of United Federal government is an illegal Authority forcing taxation on you, ok. You have that right. Go to church on Voting Day instead of the voting booth, and register your Concern for the Direction of America by praying for voters. Give to God your honor and Allegiance and Authority to govern you and your Family of Churches and Spiritual Warriors. Cool. And don’t vote. Don’t register as voters, don’t run as candidates, don’t refuse to raise MY taxes---I vote. I give to the Government willingly. I pledge Allegiance to the United States of America. When you make your “secession statement” to your pastor, the “right” to evangelize-“to tell me or my wife what contraception we can use, which Amendments states ought to apply within Civil Law, etc. are not lost, but indeed, Given To your God. Awesome!
Register this statement with census. Fair enough? By registering your belief that America is an Illegitimate Authority forcing Taxation on You, you have agreed to not vote, as a vote is for where to direct tax dollars. It is tax dollars that provide the essence of Our Ability to Enforce the Constitution as a Social Contract. A zero percent tax rate…nothing is more Un-American. You will, through your pastor, still have to pay taxes, just at the Church Rate, whatever that is decided to be Fair by the Voting, Accepting of America American Public.…say, ten percent of the yearly tithing’s to your Church.
Such statement, once registered, ought last ten years, and one consequence can be: and because we love our neighbors, we will not take up arms, but-This will mean not allowing you to withhold your taxes to the detriment of the People’s Treasury, for example. “Any exemptions?” No. Not corporate, not personal--nope---no vote, no tax exemptions----there ya go! No new taxes? Awesome!
The Starve the Beast Strategy is hereby described as executed long-term sedition, which can only be described as a slide Toward Treason. When you choose not to vote, you choose to not take part in the social contract, and so disrespect the rest of Us who do, and when you refuse the Agreed and Codified rights of All in the Name of Individual freedom, you are, in fact, seceding from America. Americans who love their country support the services and rights that are degraded merely by our births. That’s right; we each scratch the varnish on American Freedom, and are responsible for cleaning up after ourselves---if we do, we are also responsible for turning to our neighbor and discovering how else to be best useful. This is called Humanity. So you still have to pay taxes…you are making sure your God has a record of your “registering your concern.” Let God do the Rest! have Faith!
Those who do not accept these Human Contracts with the American Constitution give up and do not attempt to recover the very basis of their philosophy: if the Constitution is Bible-Based, then the Bible is also merely a document stating the very basic rights given to all Humanity, and under any threat may not be separated by any Human. You, in the name of your god, are doing just this. This is coercion toward faith, a perversion of God’s Love, a version of America that cannot be allowed to exist.
Cos you don’t get to do this, Occupy Our Government Covertly, under the Guise of Jesus Loves Me. Our American Family is starving at the Hands of Your Jesus. You pray publicly for the end of the world, you starve your neighbor and call him “beast” while claiming Jesus- Blasphemers you are, you Domionionist, until you secede from the union outright and in a less cowardly fashion than you have chosen currently. Here I have outlined one solution for you.
Soup Mcgee
(I breathe. I am your tax dollars at work.)about an hour ago · - Amber Cahill"What makes a document legally binding is the freely given signature, witnessed and attested to by two witnesses who have no conflict of interest with the document or its signer."
Nope. You know nothing of contract law. Simply witnessing a signature does not make anything "binding." Without the plainly stated terms of the contract agreed to by BOTH parties, there is not a binding anything. If it was that easy to make something legally binding - you would FLOOD every courthouse in this great nation. Even an oral contract that can be proven takes more than that. Seriously. You are quite misinformed as to what a legally binding document is.
However, I will give you this opportunity to answer some questions. 1) Who gets to sue him if he breaches this binding contract? 2) What are the damages the Plaintiff gets to seek? 3) What jurisdiction will the suit be brought in? 4) What is the legal basis for the lawsuit? 5) What does the case law say regarding pledges made to constituents by politicians and what are their binding properties that allow the constituents a cause of action should those pledges not be held?58 minutes ago · - Soup McGeequotes from my law and society text, pg. 374, which I am currently getting an A in, yo...:: (paraphrase) to be a valid legal contract, it must include six basic components...legal capacity, mutual agreement, genuine assent, reciprocal consideration, legal formation and execution, and done in a form prescribed by law. So uh. Um. Looks like the law is on my side here, making your questions moot. The contract is legally binding, and the consequence of not meeting performance is not being re-elected. There can never be a lawsuit against the pledge- it will thrown out as invalid and illegally enforced..."contrary to public policy" thus, JAIL NORQUIST!49 minutes ago ·
- Soup McGee http:// www.amazon. c om/Understanding- Law-Donald-L-Carper/dp/032
4375123/r ef=dp_ob_title_bk 47 minutes ago · - Amber Cahill Do you want me to quote from my contracts law book too? I got an A in both I and II. And I am surprised you are getting an A if you think you could jail Norquist because of a pledge that some politicians took.
And no, my questions are NOT moot because you are misinterpreting what your text book says. Actually your quote makes them all the more pressing in validating your own point.42 minutes ago · ·1
- Soup McGee^^^wow."I asked my professor about the term “covenant to not compete” as defined on page 389 of my Law&Society Text Understanding the Law [Book]
Learn the basics of business law and what it means to you with UNDERSTANDING THE LAW, Fifth E...See More37 minutes ago · - Soup McGee soupsauntieoxymoron.blogsp
ot.com/2011/10/group-of-am ericans-to-declare.html--- if that's illegal, and it quite clearly is (the melissa brookstone contract to not hire) how is the pledge not? hmm? 36 minutes ago · - Soup McGeeI am no less freaked out. I pledge Allegiance to the Flag. Full-stop.
Putting this in some context:
http: //domemagazine. com/features/cov101711
http ://www.talk2action .org/
http: //www.rightwingw atch. org/content/rick-perry-ally-john-benefiel-renamed -capital-district-christ
then I remembered, from today…
Jumping the gun, as it were:
“””Harry Accornero, New Hampshire GOP Lawmaker, Accuses President Obama Of Treason
Huffington Post - 12 hours ago
WASHINGTON -- A Republican New Hampshire state lawmaker is calling for the formation of a commission to bring charges of treason against President Obama. Harry Accornero (R-Laconia) sent an email to every New Hampshire state representative stating that ...
House moves away from Laconia rep
Concord Monitor - Karen Langley - 40 minutes ago
The Republican leader in the New Hampshire House distanced his caucus yesterday from one lawmaker's call for President Obama to be charged with treason. State Rep. Harry Accornero, a Republican from Laconia, ...
Laconia rep wants President investigated for alleged treason
The Union Leader - Tom Fahey - 19 minutes ago
CONCORD — A state representative from Laconia is gaining national attention for his recent letter calling for a treason investigation against President Barack Obama. Republican Rep. Harry Accornero wrote members of Congress and the New ... “””””
Hmmmm. Meanwhile:
Origin: 1175–1225; Middle English tre(i)so(u)n < Anglo-French; Old French traïson < Latin trāditiōn- (stem of trāditiō) a handing over, betrayal. See tradition
Related forms
su·per·trea·son, noun
Synonyms 1. Treason, sedition mean disloyalty or treachery to one's country or its government. Treason is any attempt to overthrow the government or impair the well-being of a state to which one owes allegiance; the crime of giving aid or comfort to the enemies of one's government. Sedition is any act, writing, speech, etc., directed unlawfully against state authority, the government, or constitution, or calculated to bring it into contempt or to incite others to hostility, ill will or disaffection; it does not amount to treason and therefore is not a capital offense. 2. See disloyalty. http:// dictionary.reference.com/browse/treason
To Sum:
“They” Declare “Independence from America” and Swear Disloyalty to Our United Allegiance
They state that “they” are Gathering to “Remove” and “Punish” President Barack Obama, etc.
“They” make it clear they intend to “finish what they start.”
What IS THAT? ---and now some christian with an ak-47 who thinks the president is the anti-christ shoots at the white house, and you STILL can't see the problem here?34 minutes ago · - Soup McGeehttp:// www .dailykos. com/stor y/2011/10/18/1027710/-Lead
ing-teabagger:-Stop-hiring -in-order-to-hurt-Obama?vi a=search
Daily Kos: Leading teabagger: Stop hiring in order to hurt Obama
www. dailyko .com
If there was ever any doubt that the tea party has no business calling itself patriotic, we got it earlier today. Denver-area teabagger Melissa Brookstone posted a message on Tea Party Nation's messag eboard calling for small businesses to stop hiring in order to take a stand against the Obama admin...
Like · · Share · about an hour ago
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Soup McGee http://w/ ww .d ailykos.co m/story/2011/10/20/1028473/-Tea-Party-Nati on-Job-Plan:-Bo ycott-hiring?via=s earch
Daily Kos: Tea Party Nation Job Plan: Boycott hiring
www.d ailykos .com
The Tea Party Nation has released their job plan, don't hire until we beat Obam...See More
about an hour ago · Like ·
Soup McGee http://w/ ww.dailyk os.com/sto ry/2011/10/18/1027737/-Tea-Party-N ation-asks-businesses-t o-stop-hiring-as-expressio n-of-tea -party%C2%A0solidarity ?via=search
Daily Kos: Tea Party Nation asks businesses to stop hiring as expression of tea party solidarity
www.d ailykos. c om
Resolved that: The current administration and Democrat majority in the Senate, i...See More
about an hour ago · Like ·
Soup McGee ht tp:/ /canadafreepress. com/index .php/article/41148
A Foot Soldier’s Call to Save America
www.canadafr eepres s.c om
A Foot Soldier’s Call to Save America, Veteran's Day, November 11, 2011, Paul E....See More
42 minutes ago · Like ·
Soup McGee http:/ /soupsauntieoxymoron. blogspot .com/2011/10/group-of-americans-to- declare .html
Soup's Auntie OxyMoron: Group of "Americans" to Declare Independence 11-11-11? And What? How? Why?.
soupsauntieoxymoron .blogspot .com
http: //forerunner .com/revolution/images/real.gifQuestion:-- How did Christian ph...See More
41 minutes ago · Like ·
Soup McGee http: //www.equip. o rg/articles/forerunner-eschatology
Forerunner Eschatology
www. equip. org
Forerunner Eschatology
40 minutes ago · Like ·
Soup McGee http://www.dc40.net/ :-/
DC40 | Forty Days of Light & Fire Over D.C. | 10.3.11 - 11.11.11
www .dc40. net
37 minutes ago · Like ·
Soup McGee http: //www.teapartytribune. com/2011/10/10/a-declaration-to- restore-the-constitutional -republic/
A Declaration to Restore The Constitutional Republic | Tea Party Tribune - Tea Party & Political New
www. teapartytribune .com
Messrs. Williams, Vallely and Riley have called all of us to join them on Novemb...See More30 minutes ago ·
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