Friday, September 27, 2013

Some Thoughts on Voting, Why We Should, etc.--from Assignment

Soup McGee Last Edited: Sep 25, 2013 12:00 PM

What are the records? Abysmal, considering the importance of a well-informed populace in maintaining our system, which transfers power peaceably. To do so requires constant legitiamacy amongst a majority; much of the inertia and obstruction we see from THAT faction in Congress is due to NOT Enough people voting in midterms. 

So many people I know were saying that ‘Obama is President not, nothing to worry about,’ not heeding my warnings that R’s would surely rally around the ‘cross and the flag’ to defeat HIS agenda. And they did, by motivating their base with lies and distortions—which is why we see dummies like Ted Cruz pretend to filibuster…when he really just wants to run for President on the ‘Died Alone King of the Mountain Trying To Defund ObamaCare’ ticket. 

If more people who supported the President had turned out for those midterms, America would not be in the mess we are in, where the richest four hundred or so families, jointly owning the majority of the most profitable corporations and in their sixth or seventh generation of landed gentry, are depending on a Third Wave of Reformation in Christianity (Joshua Generation and the like) and a voting bloc determined to end what they see as ‘Democracy's Evil Hold On God's Sphere of Authority (Rj Rushdoony, etc.).’

 Having disguised themselves as American (meaning these companies are mostly off-shored financially and place almost no priority on maintaining civil society), their ultimate goal is to separate us from our primary rights. 

We have seen this with Voter ID measures and in attempts to re-segregate (!) in North Carolina, for example. Through the manipulation of media (interlocking directorates—11 of 15 ‘richest’ companies have at least two Board Members on the Board of another of the 11…Conley, “You May Ask Yourself”), they seek to influence the government through inciting voters to hysteria such that we find they have replace civil law with biblical law- regardless of the fact that it violates the First Amendment- by imposing the theory of theonomy.  

We do already see this in the attempts, recently even at the county level, to make abortion inaccessible, even though until 20 weeks it is perfectly legal.

Those one-tenth of one percent that own the 40 percent or so of America’s printed money and access to all the keys of the Kingdom are the problem for those of us who believe in Good Government, small-d democracy. But for these groups I’ve outlined-- the Revolting Randian Calvinist Class—government is where evil is either restrained or endorsed, not a secular mechanism for transferring power peaceably. 

In their eyes, you are the legal authority over yourself  (a perverted version of sovereignty in modern civil society), you have the right to be your own state and must only give to the government by your free will alone. 

For this group of families and the MNC’s, NGO’s and TAN’s they operate, their entire belief system (Dominionist) can be read  like this: Man Has NO Authority to govern Man, Only God Has That Authority.

 They truly believe the Constitution to be Biblically based (Deuteronomy and Leviticus) and push for all laws, starting with the most local law, to become “theonomic.”

My ideas?
Tax the Church.

Get the Private Money out of elections.

End Corporate Personhood.

Make Voting a celebration of Democracy AND Capitalism. Have elections on a weekend, and encourage local businesses to give discounts for people who show they’ve voted.

 Get more literature out to voters prior to election…

Say, use the Amber Alert system or another email alert system to inform voters of what EXACTLY their representatives locally and federally DID that day. Just a thought.

Also, is a great's an excerpt:
In the past ten elections, voter turnout for presidential contests--which requires a tremendous and expensive effort by the campaigns--has ranged from 51.7 to 61.6 percent, while for the midterms it's been in the high thirties. Turnout was highest for the two midterms in which the Republicans made their greatest gains: in 1994, when Clinton was president, it was 41.1 percent and in 2010 it was 41.6 percent. In 2006, when Bush was president, the Democrats took over the House and Senate and won most of the governorships, turnout was the next highest, 40.4 percent. The quality of the candidates, the economy, and many unexpected issues of course determine the atmosphere of an election; but in the end turnout is almost always decisive.

The midterms, with their lower turnout, reward intensity. In 2010, the Republicans were sufficiently worked up about the new health care law and an old standby, "government spending," particularly the stimulus bill, to drive them to the polls in far larger numbers than the Democrats. A slight upward tick in turnout numbers can have a disproportionate impact in Congress and many of the states, and therefore the country as a whole. The difference in turnout caused such a change in 2010; in fact, the Republicans gained sixty-three House seats and took control of both the governorships and the legislatures in twelve states; the Democrats ended up with control of the fewest state legislative bodies since 1946. The midterms go a long way toward explaining the dismaying spectacle in Washington today. State elections bear much of the responsibility for the near paralysis in Congress thus far this year and the extremism that has gripped the House Republicans and is oozing over into the Senate."

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