- 3 people like this.
- Michelle Brooks Years ago....and not a peep out of em...not a peep...When we "peeped" we were told that we were "against us"...not patriots....and where are we today? And they want to call US hypocrites, to that I say, wtf took you so long to see this was an issue...and NOW, you want something done about it, want to finish the man off who is in office over it, and at the same time, you would condemn him for doing so, and you would call for his head if he ended this practice and Act, and an attack too place again. Y'all really shouldn't play chess with fake pieces....
- Ranji Singh So you admit to having 'peeped' at one point, and backed down. Now, the coin has flipped, and all you can think of is 'you started it!'. Ah, the party of reason.
- Michelle Brooks No, that is not what I am saying, that is YOUR take away of what I said...but you go 'head...
- Ranji Singh Years ago this was a real problem, we spoke up and were shamed as unpatriotic. Now that it's still a real problem, we'd rather point fingers than admit that our guy is no different than the last.
- Michelle Brooks No, I am saying, take what you get...you were silent during its inception....now that it is a pimple skinned redheaded black step child...you wanna make something of it.
- Soup McGee -- Michelle Brooks, I get the feeling this conversation will make you chuckle... http://soupsauntieoxymoron.blogspot.com/2013/06/this-is-phone-line-i-have-no-expectaion.htmlsoupsauntieoxymoron.blogspot.c
om While the State exists, there can be no freedom. When there is freedom there wil...See More - Ranji Singh We had a problem with this, we learned to keep quiet. You had your chance to yell too, and now you should just pack up your testicles like we did.
- Soup McGee ---education professor Joseph Featherstone: “An anti-statist position, pure and simple, is a tacit endorsement of rule by the giant corporations.” A clear example of this control is the 1978 Right to Privacy Act, which “severely restricted” federal access to “bank account records and credit reports, but exempted private employers, state agencies, creditors, and even solicitation firms.” Truly, “business policies regulate family life far more extensively” than the so-called nanny state...---
- Kevin Justiceforall Brown wouldn't 'STARTING OVER' makes more sense...? usually, the building is torn down after a house fire! The US Government is pretty much in the same state... legally speaking...
- Soup McGee --these are WAR OPERATIONS. The Admin is not alone in the actual administration of these laws...no-one is complaining about their coupons, which you get because the Corps. ALREADY have ALL of this Very Same Info.----HYPE.
- Kevin Justiceforall Brown I was about to be upset by your directed personal attack Soup (a pussy that hides), but realized that you're not important and neither is your self-masturbating argument.
- Ranji Singh They've been spying on people for 8 years, across two administrations, and couldnt catch these Chechnyan douchebags? The dude was posting on facebook the whole time.
- Michelle Brooks when did I say anything about profiling Muslims, Ranji, stop making stuff up and pretending that I said or implied it...
- Soup McGee AFTER THE FACT they get a warrant from FISA and run the known number through the database, and YES it did work...DUM DUM DUM
- Michelle Brooks Too bad none of you understand what it is we are really dealing with here....serious case of head up the elephants ass...
- Ranji Singh This entire act, the illegality under Bush, the legality under Obama, all justified in hunting down radical Islam. Here you are defending it. Supporting the profiling of Muslims.
- Michelle Brooks I support the profiling of any terrorist, no matter their religious make up, skin color, etc....
- Soup McGee kevin are you a Sovereign Citizen or a Citizen of the United States of America...? Seriously.
- Michelle Brooks if you find yourself communicating with known terrorists, and discussing how to do harm to this country, then you take what you get, if you get caught, thats on you.
- Soup McGee suck it ND Sheriff Used Predator Drone To Arrest 'Sovereign Citizens ...
Dec 13, 2011 – A family of “sovereign citizens” in North Dakota was arrested with the help of a predator dro...See More - Soup McGee you get you are making MANY of these assumptions then? and you could be wrong re: FISA, NSA, etc.?
- Soup McGee are you a Sovereign Citizen? or are you a citizen of the United States of America? Kevin Justiceforall Brown?
- Soup McGee -- and Ranji Singh, you must be able to see how such assumptions, once they become accusations, are LITERALLY dangerous to America and Our interests?---
- Jacob Yeager The American government is incompetant. Despite listioning on calls, and searching emails, they can't stop terrorism. Because they fund it through Saudia Arabia
- Kevin Justiceforall Brown ROFLMAO Soup, obsess over your targets much? I'll be frank with you, because you deserve it. I don't teach Kindergarten anymore, really, I don't. That's the quality of debate going on here... at a second glance, it's a never ending escapade of leverage...See More
- Soup McGee will be more obtuse, for the pleasure of the constant reader:
"Do you renounce American government as illegitimate and the laws governing the many states as having no power over you? Or do you accept your citizenship in America? Do you believe that man can govern man?" - Soup McGee ---ps---Erik Sutek If you are on a social website bitching about privacy then you are way to stupid to debate----STOLE THAT!----
- Soup McGee --do you believe that man has the authority to govern man or is that God's legitimate sphere of authority? Just want to know who I'm dealing with...kevin?
- Kevin Justiceforall Brown People don't always agree, since they are not offering the same levels of brainwashing to the conversation. Some might agree with this perception: Parents have authority, and responsibility over their children, and children a duty and responsibility to their parents... and families have bonds of support, but for the most part, respect their privacy and do business with each other under a set of common laws that are limited to crimes against the person and property (unlike today, where having a plant in your pocket can result in being taken hostage at gun point, kidnapped, and held for ransom by people who 'claim to know what's best for you', as if that claim makes their treason any less 'unjustified' as it is). Although the way the government is currently run, you and your children are serialized, tax producing cattle, and they have free reign to abuse your children for the 'good of the state'... which is code for 'keeping the pedophiles in the residential schools, idiot school, reformatory schools, school, churches, congress, hockey coaches etc. 'happy''. After all that's how they grew up... the state took good care of them too! My opinion: Man needs to learn how to govern him/herself, and that has to come from somewhere, usually a parent. Anytime you let the state try to run the lives of citizens with impunity, abuse and tyranny becomes the ever obvious failings of the singular, individualized, and self serving agenda of those given such unbridled power, and eventually, they stop responding to the needs of the 'people', who never seem to share the same interests of the government, specially one that's corporately bribed. Since God IS all the people collectively, one could also say that God is the authority, but that's only true on the norms governing social interaction and that's assuming the definition of God, as the people, which I think we are, after all, who does God's work?. Good night!
- Soup McGee --or, the Constitution and the government it establishes is merely a secular mechanism. Yes, good night now!---
Friday, June 7, 2013
Our Secular Government, Or, Try Empathy...
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