- Mary Elizabeth and 2 others like this.
- Soup McGee not even...only cons are running to make political hay out of it, like Susan Collins R maine, on the Intel committee for fucks sake, saying she is just learning about a bunch of programs she has been routinely overseeing---
- Soup McGee -- if she didn't know then she is incompetent and should be REMOVED from office; as in, show up, constituents, and demand her resignation!
- Soup McGee --this is a phone line. I completely expect (and even HOPE that) everything is scanned, read, archived, etc. So, considering that in the, let's say, 1930's, the operator would not only patch you through to your connection, but then listen IN so they could hang up at the end; tell me again, those who are all Freaked out by this, how this is Extra-Constitutional? Because, whether I am for or against ' non targeted information gathering on citizens,' the Patriot Act is law, whether I am in agreement with it or not. Additionally, Smith v. Maryland is the case of record re: telephone records and privacy...so, why exactly, this SUDDEN opposition?-----
- Soup McGee -- so change the law...don't get on the Admin for what fed. judges and Congress and the SC say is Constitutional...
- Mathew Traywick Why is it unconstitutional for the government to spy on your private records without a warrant?
The fourth amendment. - Soup McGee types AT LEAST as fast as some of you think--
- Soup McGee """""It is not clear how the NSA interfaces with the companies. It cannot use standard law enforcement transmission channels to do, since most use data protocols that are not compatible with that hardware. Several of the companies mentioned in the Post...See More
- Soup McGee to repeat-
It is possible, but not likely, that the NSA clandestinely burrows into servers on American soil, without the knowledge of the company in question, although that would be illegal."""""""""http://theweek.com/article/index/245311/sources-nsa-sucks-in-data-from-50-companies
- Soup McGee --------"Petitioner in all probability entertained no actual expectation of privacy in the phone numbers he dialed, and even if he did, his expectation was not "legitimate." First, it is doubtful that telephone users in general have any expectation of ...See More
- Soup McGee ---dum dum dum dum DUM!-"Petitioner in all probability entertained no actual expectation of privacy in the phone numbers he dialed, and even if he did, his expectation was not "legitimate." First, it is doubtful that telephone users in general have any...See More
- Mary Elizabeth This is an excellent point:
only cons are running to make political hay out of it, like Susan Collins R maine, on the Intel committee for fucks sake, saying she is just learning about a bunch of programs she has been routinely overseeing--- - Soup McGee Petitioner in all probability entertained no actual expectation of privacy in the phone numbers he dialed, and even if he did, his expectation was not "legitimate." First, it is doubtful that telephone users in general have any expectation of privacy regarding the numbers they dial, since they typically know that they must convey phone numbers to the telephone company and that the company has facilities for recording this information and does in fact record it for various legitimate business purposes.
Vince Leotardo ehh that had to do with pen registers
2 minutes ago · Like - Soup McGee ---this is getting FUN!--
Vince Leotardo LOL< I like when people compare apples and oranges
a few seconds ago · Like
Soup McGee Petitioner in all probability entertained no actual expectation of privacy in the phone numbers he dialed, and even if he d...See More - Vince Leotardo Where does it sy the government then can make the company give them the numbers but they have to keep it secret?
- Vince Leotardo Once again you know shit about shit. The PA has never been fully brought before the Court
- Soup McGee Petitioner in all probability entertained no actual expectation of privacy in the phone numbers he dialed, and even if he did, his expectation was not "legitimate." First, it is doubtful that telephone users in general have any expectation of privacy regarding the numbers they dial, since they typically know that they must convey phone numbers to the telephone company and that the company has facilities for recording this information and does in fact record it for various legitimate business purposes.
Vince Leotardo ehh that had to do with pen registers
2 minutes ago · Like - Vince Leotardo http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smith_v._Maryland
Smith v. Maryland, 442 U.S. 735 (1979),[1] was a case in which the Supreme Court...See More - Soup McGee -- yeah, that's this one! http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/scripts/getcase.pl?court=us&vol=442&invol=735 Petitioner in all probability entertained no actual expectation of privacy in the phone numbers he dialed, and even if he did, his expectation was not "legitimate." First, it is doubtful that telephone users in general have any expectation of privacy regarding the numbers they dial, since they typically know that they must convey phone numbers to the telephone company and that the company has facilities for recording this information and does in fact record it for various legitimate business purposes.
- Mathew Traywick Which is different. This is taking pretty much everyone's call logs, and then giving you access to their locations, their social network, and their general day-to-day activity. You don't actually need to know what they were talking about now: you can check who they call and where their movements go from there to get a decent idea of what's going on.
- Mathew Traywick Furthermore, unlike in pre-PATRIOT Act days, none of this information ever gets destroyed.
- Soup McGee is glad we all agree--http://soupsauntieoxymoron.blogspot.com/2012/05/exclusivity-agenda-tacit-complicity-and.html
education professor Joseph Featherstone: “An anti-statist position, pure and simple, is a tacit endorsement of rule by the giant corporations.” A clear example of this control is the 1978 Right to Privacy Act, which “severely restricted” federal access to “bank account records and credit reports, but exempted private employers, state agencies, creditors, and even solicitation firms.” Truly, “business policies regulate family life far more extensively” than the so-called nanny state (146). Down goes the myth!
Friday, June 7, 2013
This Is A Phone Line; I Have No Expectation Of Privacy; If I Do, It Is Illegitimate...
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Ginger Posey
ReplyDelete2 hours ago near Portland, OR ·
PRISM is only following foreign nationalists?? Bull shit!
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Ginger Posey and 8 others like this.
Ginger Posey And isn't that such a lovely psudonym??oops spell check out...
2 hours ago · Like
Soup McGee jess sayin' http://soupsauntieoxymoron.blogspot.com/2013/06/this-is-phone-line-i-have-no-expectaion.html
Soup's Auntie OxyMoron: This Is A Phone Line; I Have No Expectaion Of Privacy; If I Do, It Is...
While the State exists, there can be no freedom. When there is freedom there wil...See More
2 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview
38 minutes ago · Edited · Like
Chris Lowe Yeah, the recent revelations about FBI "attentions" to Occupy give me great confidence. Not to mention the possibilities of extra-legal abuses for purposes of political or purely venal blackmail, that wouldn't need to pass court imposed legal restrictions.
ReplyDelete19 minutes ago · Like · 1
Soup McGee ---"The outrage this time seems to stem from the fact that the government is widely collecting call records, not merely those associated with a particular suspect or group. But this fear misunderstands how the program works. From what we know, the NSA ...See More
Thank You for Data-Mining
The Wall Street Journal argues the NSA's 'metadata' surveillance is legal and necessary.
18 minutes ago · Like · Remove Preview
Ginger Posey It is so interesting how the politicians and mainstream media sidestep...we can see right through them/it.
17 minutes ago · Like
Ginger Posey TY Soup!
17 minutes ago · Like
Soup McGee --"Someone leaked a classified three-page order from the special court established by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or FISA, to Glenn Greenwald of the Guardian newspaper, who is a committed anti-antiterror partisan."
from WSJ. Ginger, t...See More
smith v. maryland, 442 U.S. 735 (1979)
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15 minutes ago · Like · Remove Preview
Soup McGee I bet if the NSA was privatized and outsourced to Haliburton somehow this would barely be noticed; forbid the Admin try to prevent the Chinese from stealing Bank Passwords, for fucks sake...---
14 minutes ago · Like · 1
Ginger Posey The big line on drones in their propagandai videos is, drones save lives. What is it the big guy says....yup the Obomber same rhetoric. This is the first time I have ever called him that and it makes me so sad.
12 minutes ago · Edited · Like
Chris Lowe Soup, what need to keep the program secret? Your quote presupposes agreement on what constitutes "suspicious patterns." Since we know the FBI was considering very limited public dissidence as "potential terrorism," I'm not buying it. NPR reported yesterday that the standard being advanced is "reasonable suspicion," which a) raises questions about why probable cause shouldn't be the standard and b) even if we granted the standard, reasonable in whose eyes, subject to what kind of accountability?
6 minutes ago · Like
Soup McGee -- uh, the oversight of all three branches of Our Government?
5 minutes ago · Like
Soup McGee and the need to keep such a program secret? That's hardly a serious question...
5 minutes ago · Like
Soup McGee -- reeal the AUMF, repeal the Patriot Act, repeal the 1978 law that gives Corps. the right to this info, repeal the law from 1979 that says that we have no right to privacy on the phone-- I am all for all of that--
3 minutes ago · Edited · Like
Soup McGee but don't give me that Obomber Bullshit...all three branches of gov. signed off on this...
3 minutes ago · Like · 1
Soup McGee - -- obama came in and added WARRANTS to the Warrantless Wiretapping that WAS UNCONSTITUTIONAL under Bush...at least give him that!
2 minutes ago · Like · 1
Ginger Posey Of course but he has lied through his teeth too.
about a minute ago · Like
Ginger Posey He as become a cog, a tool.
about a minute ago · Like
Soup McGee blah blah do you even hear yourself?
a few seconds ago · Like
Soup McGee ginger
a few seconds ago · Like
Soup McGee seriously
a few seconds ago · Like
Soup McGee ginger
ReplyDelete5 minutes ago · Like
Soup McGee seriously
5 minutes ago · Like
Soup McGee -- the headline could just as well read: President Steps Up America's Offense in the Cyberwars---- but why congratulate a guy for doing his job well when you can insinuate a new conspiracy?
Obama orders US to draw up cyber target list – full document text
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3 minutes ago · Like · Remove Preview
Ginger Posey Soup if you want to help enlige respectful.hten me then
2 minutes ago · Like
Soup McGee Ginger Posey Of course but he has lied through his teeth too.
4 minutes ago · Like
Ginger Posey He as become a cog, a tool.
heavy accusation to make and then ask me to be civil...
about a minute ago · Like
Soup McGee
about a minute ago · Like
Soup McGee needs a sourced example of a lie he's told...otherwise, I am O.U.T.
about a minute ago · Like
Soup McGee -- you know FISA are Federal judges right? and congress, the intel com. approved of this? So...it's the President's FAULT somehow? Blah Blah.
a few seconds ago · Like
Ginger Posey Go in peace.
a few seconds ago · Like
Soup McGee --these are WAR OPERATIONS. The Admin is not alone in the actual administration of these laws...yeah, Obomber for you then.
a few seconds ago · Like