- Trent Wenck He'll continue the blame game. That's all it's turned into is typical finger pointing and no REAL solutions.9 minutes ago · · 1 person
- Soup McGee who said he's laming the blame game? CBS13? ....meanwhile, Howard Fineman has termed this the "slow-motion-secession.'" C'mon, do your news! I heard Dylan Ratigan (DYLAN RATIGAN!) ask the Republican strategist they always bring on if they should just get machine guns out fight it out, if the republican truly did not believe that government had a legit role in society. I heard no annual response, for or against violence from the strategist. Meanwhile:http://www.bloomberg.com/n
ews/2011-07-25/-crazy-fres hman-finds-his-tea-party-s tance-on-debt-makes-backer s-nervous.html www.bloomberg.comIllinois Representative Joe Walsh rode a wave of economic anxiety to an upset wi...See More5 minutes ago · · - Soup McGee isn't that the real question? What is the actual motivation for those on the right, the ones who do not want our credit extended to pay for bills already ran up? Three words: congressional effect fund.4 minutes ago ·
- Soup McGee also, http://www.salon.com/news/
politics/war_room/2011/06/ "Last year the Wall Street Journal reported that Cantor, the No. 2 Republican in the House, had between $1,000 and $15,000 invested in ProShares Trust Ultrashort 20+ Year Treasury EFT. The fund aggressively "shorts" long-term U.S. Treasury bonds, meaning that it performs well when U.S. debt is undesirable. (A short is when the trader hopes to profit from the decline in the value of an asset.)27/eric_cantor_conflict_of _interest
According to his latest financial disclosure statement, which covers the year 2010 and has been publicly available since this spring, Cantor still has up to $15,000 in the same fund. Contacted by Salon this week, Cantor's office gave no indication that the Virginia Republican, who has played a leading role in the debt ceiling negotiations, has divested himself of these holdings since his last filing. Unless an agreement can be reached, the U.S. could begin defaulting on its debt payments on Aug. 2. If that happens and Cantor is still invested in the fund, the value of his holdings would skyrocket.
"If the debt ceiling isn’t raised, investors would start fleeing U.S. Treasuries," said Matt Koppenheffer, who writes for the investment website the Motley Fool. "Yields would rise, prices would fall, and the Proshares ETF should do very well. It would spike."" huh. Hmmm. so it's Obama doing the blame game. I got it.www.salon.comHe's the GOP's chief debt ceiling negotiator. He's also invested in a fund that will skyrocket if there's a default2 seconds ago · ·
Monday, July 25, 2011
Will CBS 13 Block Me a la Sac Bee? Or, Will Discussion Ensue?
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