It is estimated that thirty-five million Americans who call themselves Christian, adhere to Dominionism in the United States, but most of these people appear to be ignorant of the heretical nature of their beliefs and the seditious nature of their political goals. So successfully have the televangelists and churches inculcated the idea of the existence of an outside “enemy,” which is attacking Christianity, that millions of people have perceived themselves rightfully overthrowing an imaginary evil anti-Christian conspiratorial secular society.
As R.J. Rushdoony cataloged in his major work, the Institutes of Biblical Law, come the theocracy, there will be a long list of capital offenses, including such religious crimes as heresy, apostasy and idolatry, alongside such sex crimes as adultery and homosexuality. (I discuss this in some detail in Eternal Hostility: The Struggle Between Theocracy and Democracy.) Rushdoony's list of capital offenses has in fact, been a matter of considerable concern to many. Recently, Ortiz has actively sought to reassure people -- particularly gays and lesbians -- that they shouldn't worry, because Rushdoony felt that theocracy is a long, long way off. Ortiz also says that theocracy cannot be imposed via political takeover, but that it must be universally accepted (more or less) by believers. "-
Tammy....I'm not blind!-Maria Joy Contreras
- ok
- have fun making sense of this one!
- www.wnd.comPhotograph from the Facebook site of Anders Behring Breivik WASHINGTON A review of Anders Behring Breivik's 1,500-page manifesto shows the media's quick characterization of the Norwegian terrorist as a Christian may be as incorrect as it was to cal...
- www.garynorth.comMost Christians say that they believe firmly that the Bible has answers for every area of life. Then someone asks them about politics or economics. A dead silence greets the questioner. Why? If Christians are so confident that the Bible is God's revealed word, why are they so confused about what th
- www.garynorth.comMost Christians say that they believe firmly that the Bible has answers for every area of life. Then someone asks them about politics or economics. A dead silence greets the questioner. Why? If Christians are so confident that the Bible is God's revealed word, why are they so confused about what th
- took my son to the DMV this week to apply for his free Voter ID card.
- www.talk2action.orgThus it was startling when Chalcedon's Director of Communications, Rev. Chris Ortiz, aimed a blog post filled with what author David Neiwert calls "eliminationist rhetoric" at Talk to Action writer Dr. Bruce Prescott, and liberal Christians in general.
- www.addictinginfo.orgThe game plan is the same. The Racists and Regressives have always used communist, socialist or other vile name calling to portray the progressives as anti-American. Back in the days of the civil rights fights, they tried to tie Dr. Martin Luther King to communists.
- www.opednews.comWith America under total right-wing control despite the farce of the dog and pony show elections that only serve as spectacles to determine which corrupt looter capitalist party controls the spoils system it is time to think differently. What progressives and what passes for the left fail to underst
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