“I hate Barack Obama…God wants me to
hate Barack Obama…I’m going to pray that he dies and goes to hell. You think
I’m just saying that…when I go to bed tonight, I am going to pray for Barack
Obama to die and go to hell.”
-Pastor Steven L. Anderson, Fundamentalist Baptist Preacher
-Pastor Steven L. Anderson, Fundamentalist Baptist Preacher
American public cannot help but be aware of terrorism as a perpetual and daily
threat, here and around the world. Terrorism has had the average American’s
attention since the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center in New
York City. Media has covered mass shootings and terrorist attacks such as the Boston
Marathon bombings to the attack on Fort Hood, always searching for a link
between the perpetrators and radical Islam, and only occasionally finding it. When
a new ISIS video or other Islamic terror threat presents itself, media
attention is focused on which fundamentalist Islamic group is to blame. Yet
numerous examples abound of violent acts carried out by American citizens. When
the attacker is a white male Christian American, the national conversation
tends to label the suspect a ‘lone wolf’, unaffiliated with any terror network,
and rarely turns to religion. Whether the breaking news is about shootings at a
movie theater, or the killing of two Las Vegas police killed by supporters of ‘Sovereign
Citizen’ Cliven Bundy, or the two police murdered recently in New York City, or
the two police officers wounded in a shooting even more recently in Ferguson,
Missouri, the religious background of the alleged perpetrator seems to rarely
matter, unless the suspect is of some vague Arabic descent.
these apparently random shootings happen cannot truly be answered; yet the violent,
anti-government rhetoric which contributes to these violent acts can be
analyzed and the correlation to vitriolic religious interpretations of Biblical
law are clear. Many domestic terror incidents, particularly since the election
of America’s first Black President, can be traced to an aberrant interpretation
of Christianity which targets the secular civic government as the biggest
threat to God’s returning Kingdom on Earth. The motivating ideologies can also
be seen in right-wing politics today which are aimed at ‘drowning government in
a bathtub.’
motivation behind most acts of domestic terrorism, whether the actors are from
the Ku Klux Klan, neo-nazis, or even militia or survivalist groups, comes from
the teachings and beliefs of the Christian Identity movement (Sharpe 2000). Other
authors, specifically Michael Barkun and James Aho, have noted that the
Christian Identity movement is heavily influenced by Christian
Reconstructionism. Whether they call themselves Juris Christian Assembly, or
the Montana Freemen, or Sovereign Citizens, makes little difference, as these
self-applied labels only serve to differentiate each group’s focus within the
Identity movement. As we see, there are many precursors to today’s domestic Christian
terrorism; most fall into the ‘tax protestor’ category, all are anti-government
(Theret 2012).
points out a belief system that shows a “common link among these fragmented
groups.” Christian Identity explicitly names white Aryans as the only people
chosen for grace by God, teaches that Jewish people are the spawn of Satan, and
that the entire secular world, because it was not given to God for His rule, is
soon to be in the Last Days. Additionally, these domestic terror groups use
Dominionist theology, which is to say they believe the complete takeover of
American Government and society by biblical law is necessary to give authority
back to God where it belongs (Sharpe 2000).
a closed-door, inauguration night meeting in 2008, journalist Robert Draper
witnessed more than fifteen influential Republicans in attendance. He noted
that they were preparing a plan to interfere with the newly-elected President’s
Executive duties and proposed policy agenda. California Representative Kevin
McCarthy, now in House Republican leadership, who was present that night, is quoted
as saying, “If you act like you’re in the minority, you’re going to stay in the
minority...We’ve got to challenge [the Democrats] on every single bill and
challenge them on every single campaign” (Draper qtd. in Stein 2012). Intentional
or otherwise, the absolute refusal of Congressional Republicans to work with
the President-elect, and their subsequent thwarting of the Democratic Party’s
policy initiatives, appealed to the modern domestic Christian terrorist and
gave legitimacy to their Identity ideology.
seems that many people who fall on the Right hold these same views, as nearly
one quarter of Republicans thought President Barack Obama to be the Antichrist,
according to an online poll conducted by Harris Interactive (Schlesinger 2010).
This ideological rhetoric culminated in a 2011 assassination attempt on
President Obama, committed by Oscar Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez. At least one
bullet struck a White House window from more than seven hundred yards away;
luckily, the President was in San Diego at the time. When questioned by
authorities, Ortega-Hernandez reasoned that he attempted to take the
President’s life because he believed Obama was the Antichrist.
Southern Poverty Law Center shows that Christian violence is a very real social
problem. There are more than 800 verified hate groups throughout the United
States, and many if not most of these groups adhere to the religious
philosophies found within the Christian Identity Movement (Popich 2007). Christian
terrorists practice leaderless resistance tactics, and this may make
individuals within the group more prone than others to commit acts of violence
(Chermak 2012).
influence of Reconstructionist philosophy on Christian Identity groups towards an
extreme anti-government sentiment would be hard to overstate. A quick overview
is necessary. Christian Reconstructionism is a fundamentalist worldview of the
Christian religion, hinged on the concept that only God has the authority to
govern man, and the current secular society is infected with all sorts of
demons and generational curses. To truly understand the influence of
Reconstructionism on the Identity movement, a quick look at the movements’
leading thinker, Rousas John Rushdoony, will be useful. Now deceased, RJ
Rushdoony gained a small amount of infamy late in his life for his book, ‘The
Institutes of Biblical Law’ which endorsed stoning of incorrigible children, as
well as adulterers and other sinners. His interpretation of biblical law and
the ‘spheres of authority’ is most valuable in understanding the worldview of
the modern domestic Christian terrorist.
wrote that there are five legitimate spheres of government, and each of of
these spheres gets their legitimate authority from God. The five spheres are:
Individual, Family, Business, Church, and Civil government. Each, says today’s
domestic Christian terrorist, is wrongfully under the authority of man and so
the world is bewildered by earthquakes and drought and poverty. The rightful
authority, the belief goes, belongs solely to God. Give the nation and society
back to Him, they believe, and the End Times will finally be here. Jesus will
finally return, bringing an end to all of those illegitimate institutions.
stated, in Christian philosophy it is God who determines what functions an
individual, family, church, business unit, civil government and so-forth is to
serve. God sets the boundaries on their activities—He determines what they can
do, what they can’t do, and what they must do. These boundaries are revealed
completely and perfectly to humanity through God’s law contained in the Old and
New Testaments of the Holy Bible. Rushdoony spent a considerable portion of his
life’s work explaining that the source of a society’s law is the god of that
society (Fort).
The anti-government
stance of most domestic terrorists can be traced to this set of beliefs.
is often an act designed to use public reaction and fears to elicit change
within the institutional structure (e.g. a government), with the end goal of
changing a law or policy (Furlow 2012). The hope is that government will bend
to the terrorist’s will. What makes the modern domestic Christian terrorist
different is their goal of ending secular government, and replacing it with
theocracy. The practice of biblical law through existing law, theonomy, is the end-run
around democracy America is currently experiencing. Understanding dominionism
is necessary.
Dominionist theology, the driving force behind
Reconstructionism, which is a massive influence on Christian Identity movement
actors, is not a simple tax protest. Dominionism is a soft Revolution, the literal
usurping of America’s secular Constitutional law. The main idea behind Dominionism
is that God has given man dominion over the earth, but only God has the
authority to govern man, and man has usurped God’s authority by creating and
depending on governments. The problem is that in this view, Christianity is forever
at odds with democracy.
is the oath of office Congressional Members take on inauguration day:
do solemnly swear or affirm that I will support and defend the Constitution of
the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear
true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely,
without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; that I will well and
faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: so
help me God.”
Note the phrase “without
any mental reservation or purpose of evasion…”
This is the Taxpayer Protection Pledge, signed by
hundreds of state and federal elected officials:
the undersigned, pledge to the taxpayers of the fill in the blank district, of
the state of fill in the blank, and to all the people of this state, that I
will oppose and vote against any and all efforts to increase taxes.
the Americans for Tax Reform website, the organization is clear that even
referring a tax referendum to the ballot, direct democracy, is a violation of
the pledge (which is signed in front of a witness): “There is nothing subjective about the determination that
voting to refer higher taxes to the ballot is a violation of the Taxpayer
Protection Pledge. A vote to put tax hikes on the ballot is clearly and
indisputably a failure to “oppose and vote against any and all efforts to raise
This anti-taxation pledge in direct contradiction
to their oaths of office; when public officials openly and enthusiastically
embrace this particular ideology, it adds fuel to the fervor of would-be
Christian Identity terrorists. But it doesn’t stop there; recently, the
Republican Congress invited a foreign leader, seeking re-election in his home
country, to speak in the House Chamber without following existing protocol (i.e.,
asking the Executive Office to issue an invitation). Perhaps most dangerous is
the letter the Iranian Ayatollah signed by forty-seven Republican senators, which
a reasonable eye can see was designed to interfere with sensitive Executive
diplomatic relations, far outside the Constitutional scope of Congressional
When considering future domestic terrorism, or even Congressional
attitude, it may be instructive to remember the Christian Identity and
Reconstructionist movements, particularly the spheres of authority as described
by Rushdoony. The convergence of these beliefs with Dominion theology within
our political system is a sort of violence against us all, a terrorist act
within the state against the state. After all, like the recent Washington Post
headline says, Republicans are starting to treat President Obama like he isn’t
the President. Maybe this is because almost a quarter of their base believes he
is not a legitimate President—he’s the Antichrist.
Steven, Joshua Freilich, and Michael Suttmoeller. “The Organizational Dynamics
of Far-Right Hate Groups in the United States: Comparing Violent to Non-violent
Groups.” Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 36:193-218, 2013.
Jennifer. “Because the Bible Tells Me So: Violence and the Christian Identity
Movement in the United States.” Westminster College, 2007.
S. Michael. “Humanist, Dominionist, and Reconstructionist Views of Authority
Compared.” Reformed-Theology.org, date unknown.
R. Bennett. “Extremism and Violence in the U.S. Context.” Report Number 1204.
Center for Strategic Communication, Arizona State University, 2012.
Robert. “Party of Nuts: Poll Shows GOP Thinks Obama is Muslim, Socialist.” U.S.
News and World Report, March 24, 2010.
Tanya Telfair. “The Identity Christian Movement: Ideology of Domestic Terrorism.”
Journal of Black Studies, 30:604-623, 2000.
Stein, Sam. “Robert Draper Book: GOP's
Anti-Obama Campaign Started Night of Inauguration.” Huffington Post, April 25,
Michelle. “Sovereign Citizens: A Homegrown Terrorist Threat and Its Negative
Impact on South Carolina.” South Carolina Law Review, 63:853-886, 2011-2012.
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