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- Dannielle Stann Austin Ray Walter That's what the Oath Keepers do. They refuse to obey orders of a corrupt government.
BY whose definition? - Maria Clary Desiree Kaestner Danielle STan "Drones are UNMANNED aircraft which do not require troops, so Congressional approval is not necessary"
How is this so?? - Markoff Chaney What do you mean, "they say" and "blindly follow 'their' laws"? My gawd man! You're arguing against the very Constitution you're crying about being violated:
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adh...See More - Austin Ray Walter Are you suggesting that the U.S. Government can violate my right to due process, but I'm not allowed to revolt?
- ظنتظقح لققظ That America, and every nation on earth and all their citizens, aren't perfect and make mistakes, is a given
- Soup McGee Insurrectionist theory (that the Founders intended through the Second Amendment, etc., for citizens to hold the right to violently overthrow an oppressive or tyrannical government), is the direct cause of Domestic Terror attacks such as McVeigh's Oklah...See More
- ظنتظقح لققظ America is better than it was 200years ago, 100 years ago, 50 years ago, it is a reasonable assumption that it will continue to get better.
- Mark Gutting-Kilzer Austin Ray Walter, you may demand redress, but the moment you revolt, you are committing treason!
- Maria Clary Desiree Kaestner Mark Gutting-Kilzer, go back and read what I actually said. I said the same thing you did.
- Austin Ray Walter What if the government has no intention of defending any of my rights, and they refuse to redress? Am I still wrong to revolt?
What if the government starts a modern day Holocaust. Am I still committing treason if I revolt? - Bill Healy We don't have an unjust Government of tyrants though Austin, just because you support an unelectable nutjob doesn't mean that the Govt that is elected by the people of this nation is tyrannical. I really would like to see you nuts challenge the government with your popguns.
- Maria Clary Desiree Kaestner Austin Ray Walter"What if the government starts a modern day Holocaust. Am I still committing treason if I revolt?"
Austin, my grandmother committed treason according to Hitler when she hid Jews in her house. Why worry what it is called when the time comes to do the right thing? - Soup McGee what specific government action will propel you to wage and levy war against the legitimate government?
- Austin Ray Walter Indiana is a fine example, of what freedom is. I have the legal (and moral) right to kill someone who enters my home. Indiana law grants my permission to shoot and kill a police officer who enters my home without a proper search warrant. Why? They're c...See More
- Maria Clary Desiree Kaestner Dennis Kucinich was LOUD and CLEAR last night. Our Govt is VIOLATING the US Constitution left and right!
- Bill Healy Loony Libertarian's projecting what they would do if they ever got the power in this nation.
- Soup McGee -- Austin, are you suggesting it is ever appropriate to open fire on law enforcement? Direct question...
- Austin Ray Walter The Obama administration recently claimed they have the right to deny U.S. Citizens due process, and even assassinate them.
Do I have the same right to do this to the government? - Maria Clary Desiree Kaestner I stand with ANY whistleblower in our Congress regardless of their political affilliation.
- Laura Teller Austin, why don't you participate in government in order to influence it, as the Constitution intends?
The Constitution clearly prohibits insurrection.
If we have learned anything from history it's that there is no possibility of an armed revolt aga...See More - Soup McGee -- the process of annihilation re: American enemies is designed to protect the President by Having A PRECISE Protocol for Precisely these concerns...
- Lynne Sutherland we as citizen NEED to hold our Gov officials accountable. The LAWS aren't...an YOU aren't. You side with the Criminals...get into office then.
- Austin Ray Walter The Constitution prohibits tyranny as well. But, the government doesn't care about our liberties anymore. If they can pick and choose which portions of the Constitution to follow. Why do I have to obey their claim that I cannot revolt?
- Bill Healy He should take that up with the Supreme Court Maria, they are the one's to determine what's Constitutional or not, It's not up to Denis Kuchinch, I find it amauzing that people like you who would never have voted for him or supported him all of a sudden think he's the authority. Guess he will be the next marginal candidate of the Libertarians.
- Maria Clary Desiree Kaestner Laura Teller"I see no Madisons or Washingtons among you. I see wild-eyed, foolish zealots'
I see Thomas Jefferson all over! - Markoff Chaney ~ Laura Teller
"I see wild-eyed, foolish zealots."
I'll piss and moan one more time -- my party was highjacked by assorted fruits and nuts that belong in a cake rather than what was once a party of principled rumination. - Mark Gutting-Kilzer While the government is NOT above the law, due process of law is necessary to redress the government wrongdoing. Using any other means is treason.
- Soup McGee what specific government action do you consider tyranny, and as a result of this action, do you renounce American government as illegitimate and the laws governing the many states as having no power over you?
- Laura Teller Austin, if the government starts a holocaust, be sure and let me know.
As I recall, the last time that happened was when some oathkeeper-like thugs were able to wrest control of their small, weak, embattled government - just as you propose to do. - Austin Ray Walter I think the government claiming the right to assassinate me, and violate my due process, is an example of Tyranny. Also, the government granting the President the power to indefinitely detain U.S. Civilians, and deny them due process.
- Lynne Sutherland If you are denied due process and are murdered on false intel, then waht? Who is accountable for that murder?
- Soup McGee --GIVEN-Austin Ray Walter I think the government claiming the right to assassinate me, and violate my due process, is an example of Tyranny. Also, the government granting the President the power to indefinitely detain U.S. Civilians, and deny them due process.
a few seconds ago · Unlike · 1
do you renounce American government as illegitimate and the laws governing the many states as having no power over you?
AUSTIN? - Austin Ray Walter I am a Sovereign Citizen, and I will disobey an Unjust Law. For example, I just smoked pot a few weeks ago. Regardless of what federal or state law says.
Soup McGee Ken Orcutt I can shoot a drone.
ReplyDeletea few seconds ago · Like
A federal DHS drone? You can?
a few seconds ago · Like
Austin Ray Walter How do I know an unjust law and a just law? Because I understand Liberty. I don't try an "initiate force" against people. However, I will use lethal force in self-defense.
a few seconds ago · Like · 2
Ken Orcutt >>>Austin Ray Walter Do you folks know the difference between a Just Law and an Unjust Law?<<<
Just Law = the laws you like
Unjust law= the laws you don't like.
a few seconds ago · Like
Laura Teller Austin, what denies someone who disagrees with you to decide whether a law is just or not?
a few seconds ago via mobile · Like
ظنتظقح لققظ drones will be used in police work, they Will be found constitutional, because they are. Whether or not a autonomous drone is legal is another matter, but I think that in many cases, surveillance, containment, etc... even they will be declared constitutional.
a few seconds ago · Like
Laura Teller (The right)
a few seconds ago via mobile · Like
Ken Orcutt Soup sure I can.
a few seconds ago · Like