- I can't make any promises, but one last thing on tonight's debate: here's the transcript, just in case we missed anything while yelling at the TV... — with Soup McGee.
- was trying to play the solo through a dismemberment of a chord, when Ez jumps up and says, "It's all on one string, Daddy." which is how I usually play it. Wow. Wooooow. My Wife? Woooooooooooow.
- feels SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO vindicated right now...cheeky me:
- --my reason for a 'request for reconsideration?---""""I am disabled. Deg. disc disease- shrunk 3" or more since marriage 7 yrs. ago. Released from most recent emp.--failing to meet standards; I reg. missed w/ drs. permission sched. hours b/c of pain in wrist.""""""""""
http://online.wsj.com/article/wonder_land.html """""""""""""""""""The Obama campaign's resurrection of "liar" as a political tool is odious because it has such a repellent pedigree. It dates to the sleazy world of fascist and totalitarian p
ropaganda in the 1930s. It was part of the milieu of stooges, show trials and dupes. These were people willing to say anything to defeat their opposition. Denouncing people as liars was at the center of it. The idea was never to elevate political debate but to debauch it.
The purpose of calling someone a liar then was not merely to refute their ideas or arguments. It was to nullify them, to eliminate them from participation in politics. That's what is so unsettling about a David Axelrod or David Plouffe following accusations of dishonesty and lies with "whether that person should sit in the Oval Office." And that is followed by President Obama himself feeding the new line in stump speeches without himself ever using the L-word. """""""
--uh, yeah, oops.--""""""Republicans were aiming to embarrass the Obama administration over State Department security lapses. But they inadvertently caused a different picture to emerge than the one that has been publicly known: that the vi
ctims may have been let down not by the State Department but by the CIA. If the CIA was playing such a major role in these events, which was the unmistakable impression left by Wednesday’s hearing, having a televised probe of the matter was absurd. """""" http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/dana-milbank-letting-us-in-on-a-secret/2012/10/10/ba3136ca-132b-11e2-ba83-a7a396e6b2a7_print.html- is totally having a 'this is food and if you don't eat it you will just be hungry' moment.... :-/
"""""""""""""What do you mean, exactly, I ask him. You say people are suffering under Obama, don't they need some help?
“No. No more help, enough is enough. People have to pick themselves up, take some responsibility. Why should we be payi
ng for people’s mistakes and bad choices? All these illegitimate families just adding to the population, making all these bad decisions, then asking us to pay for it? It's time to cut them off."
I ask for some clarification: what do you mean, just starve them out? What if people can't find work? Let them starve?
"Look, there's always something you can do. You telling me people can't make a choice for a better life? We have to help all of them? No. I'll tell you what really need to do with these illegitimate families on welfare—give all the kids up for adoption and execute the parents."""""""""" http://www.progressive.org/meet-romney-extremist-in-virginia- """"""""A stunning revelation is that Rivard made the self-destructive remark twice, first last December and then earlier this month. The first time, he was asked by the Chetek Alert newspaper what he thought about a Wisconsin case where a 17-year-old high school senior was charged with sexual assault for having sex with a 15-year-old girl in a school band room, and replied by recounting his dad's
advice. The "some girls rape easy" remark didn't create too much of a stir that time around, but Rivard apparently felt compelled to stick his foot further into his mouth during a recent interview with the Journal Sentinel."""""""" http://blogs.citypages.com/blotter/2012/10/ roger_rivard_wisconsin_lawmaker _some_girls_they_rape_so_easy. php
""""""""""" While he has recently sought to downplay the political ambitions of his movement, at a 2008 New Apostolic Reformation conference Wagner declared,
"Dominion has to do with control. Dominion has to do with rulership. Dominion...See More- """""""""In the program for the 2009 Beck-Romney fundraiser, DeMille's welcome message sounded the alarm: "The figurative redcoats are at our door as threats to our liberty, prosperity, and sovereignty are no longer ideological or symbolic, but very real and immediate." One way to preserve liberty, he noted, was to donate to George Wythe University."""""""
- WLWT shared a link.
Obama attended '91 wedding of VP debate moderator
A day before the vice presidential debate the guest list for moderator Martha Raddatz's 1991 wedding has become an issue. That's because the list included Harvard Law School student and future president Barack Obama.
Like · · Share · 4 minutes ago ·
Soup McGee please. Get outta here with the bs conspiracy. Ask
this question: How does the American Democratic Republic transfer power peaceably with zero revenue incoming, as is demanded y the Americans for Tax Reform Pledge? Bush knew a lot of people; Cheney SHOT A MAN IN THE FACE. Don't gimme the 'he attended One of her Weddings means there is a bias towards him' line. Unh-uh.
Four Milwaukee police officers face multiple felony counts for allegedly performing numerous illegal body cavity searches on suspects over the past two years, ...- --so Finally....some balls from Andrea Mitchell re:Romney and his disgusting comments http://winchester.patch.com/articles/doherty-s-mom-says-it-s-sad-death-politicized
Dominionism is destroying America shared a link.
10 hours ago
Ok. This would be funny if it wasn't utterly ignorant and complete crap.
"The truth is this country was founded primarily by scholars who held closely to Judeo-Christian values ...See More- --Yeah, the stimulus was an absolute failure. http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2012/10/10/982751/ann-romney-to-visit-cancer-center-that-benefited-from-stimulus-funds/
- AwesomeFormerCo-worker/
Im so sick of seeing Obama haters talking shit and instead of using facts to back up their claims they use scare tactics !! get over yourself . It took over 8 years to get here it can't be fixed over night DUMB ASSES !!
Unlike · · 12 minutes ago via mobile ·
You like this. Yes yes you do. - "Honestly it does make me sick. Glen would definitely not approve of it. He probably wouldn't do much about it. He probably wouldn't say a whole lot about it. I think Glen would feel, more than anything, almost embarrassed for Romney. I think he would feel pity for him."--- http://mynorthwest.com/108/1353861/Romneys-emotional-story-remembered-very-differently-by-friend-of-fallen-SEAL?fb_comment_id=fbc_212742468856916_716162_212870888844074#f2d9b9a2d559718
--Trusting this dude could get us ALL kilt. """""""""""“How is it China’s been so successful in taking away our jobs?” he asked recently. “Well, let me tell you how: by cheating.”
But his private equity dealings, both while he headed Bain ...See More- Darrell Issa
RESPONSES: ASK DARRELL ANYTHING: we're starting to post Darrell's responses to your questions right in the in the comment sections you asked them. We'll also post these in a separate Facebook Note...so make sure to check the post on which you asked your question and stay tuned for more answers from the Congressman. Thank you! - Team Issa
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eople like this.
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Michael Wolverton What is this all about? Please investigate these tweets from the US Embassy in Cairo on 9/9 https://twitter.com/USEmbassyCairo/status/ 244875480338157569
about a minute ago · Like
Soup McGee ,"Yes, Sir. Hello. How can America peaceably transfer power in a democratic republic with zero revenue, as demanded by the Americans for Tax Reform Pledge? Thank you."
a few seconds ago · Edited · Like - Justin Harris Re-Election Campaign
4 hours ago via mobile
Great to welcome US Congressman Steve Womack to West Fork, for "Coffee with the Congressman".
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Soup McGee http://www.publiceye.org/magazine/v08n1/chrisre1.html :-/
PublicEye.org - The Website of Political Research Associates
There is no doubt that Pat Robertson's Chris
tian Coalition gets much of the ...See More
4 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview
Soup McGee """"" Deuteronomy 21, verses 18-21, from the King James Version of the Bible:
"18 If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them:
19 Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place;
20 And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard.
21 And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear."
"""""""""-- Agree or disagree, sir? http://www.alternet.org/speakeasy/brucewilson/ ar-republican-charlie-fuqua-adv ocates-stoning-rebellious-chil dren-deuteronomy?page=entire
AR Republican Charlie Fuqua Advocates Stoning Rebellious Children, Per Deuteronomy
It has rapidly migrated from the Arkansas Times - which hasbrokenthe story about...See More
4 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview
Soup McGee http://gawker.com/5950302/yet-another-arkansas-legislator -is-nuts-if-slavery-were-so-go dawful-why-didnt-jesus-condemn -it
Yet Another Arkansas Legislator Is Nuts: 'If Slavery Were So Godawful, Why Didn't Jesus Condemn It?'
Three is a trend. After one Arkansas lawmaker was recently caught arguing the me...See More
2 minutes ago · Like · Remove Preview
Soup McGee :-/ You can really tell alot about a person by their associates....
about a minute ago · Like
Soup McGee --you Could Condemn this...or would that put you outside mainstream Christianity?---
a few seconds ago · Like - CBS Sacramento
What's your favorite scary movie of all time?
The 10 Best Halloween Movies Of All Time
It's the season for scary movies, so gather the family and be prepared for some terror. Here are the choices for the 10 best Halloween movies of all time.
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Mary Horton likes this.
Soup McGee --the Ryan Budget is purty Scurry.....
a few seconds ago · Like
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Fans gathered outside Great American Ball Park as the Reds arrived for Tuesday's playoff game.
Fans greet Reds, broadcasters as they arrive for Game 3
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4 people like this.
Soup McGee GO GIANTS!!!!!!
a few seconds ago · Like
Justin Harris Re-Election Campaign
Great to welcome US Congressman Steve Womack to West Fork, for "Coffee with the Congressman".
Like · · Share · 12 · 6 minutes ago via mobile ·
Paul Graham likes this.
Soup McGee http://www.publice
PublicEye.org - The Website of Political Research Associates
There is no doubt that Pat Robertson's Christian Coalition gets much of the ...See More
a few seconds ago · Like · Remove Preview
Soup McGee """"" Deuteronomy 21, verses 18-21, from the King James Version of the Bible:
"18 If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them:
19 Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place;
20 And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard.
21 And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear."
"""""""""-- Agree or disagree, sir? http://www.alternet.org/speakeasy/brucewilson/ar-republican-charlie-fuqua-advocates-stoning-rebellious-children-deuteronomy?page=entire
AR Republican Charlie Fuqua Advocates Stoning Rebellious Children, Per Deuteronomy
In a testy interview, the GOP vice presidential nominee undermines a top Republican talking point.- On break, printing my STATS homework, just wanted to say hey. Love you. Love the munchkin. Hope you're having a good morning. ♥
- just used "quantitatively dispossessed" in a sentence. Should I feel More Smug than I do, or less? Chuckle. Mitt Romney. Blech.
Al Jazeera English
In Pictures: Al Jazeera visits the Oklahoma City memorial, erected in remembrance of the 1995 bombing that killed 168 people and wounded 700 others, on the occasion of the 2012 presidential election. Masterminded by Timot...See More- is pretty sure I just heard Romney accuse the President of "false pride." Yeah. Fuck that.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Romney, Quantitatively Dispossesed of Honesty...I Just Wanted My Shoulders To Get A Workout....Chuckle.
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