-- In other news, Obama needs to learn to be more American. :-/ ---
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Soup McGee updated his cover photo.

New Definition: Fragilionaire (fra-gile-yun-air)-- whiny rich person.
To use in sentence: Mittens needs to stop being such a fragilionaire and release his tax returns.
- ,"When will good people who support Romney demand he apologize for his Surrogates? Nugent, for one. Trump? Sununu? Cirrusly? We need you, good people, to raise you voice against this nativist Racism." http://livewire.talkingpointsmemo.com/entries/obama-spokeswoman-romney-campaign-off-deep-end?ref=fpb
- --Story-Stacking, five points, ThinkProgress:
thinkprogress Rush, 7/16: Obama "hates this country" thkpr.gs/NrB4fx Romney camp, 7/17: Obama needs to learn "to be an American" thkpr.gs/NGhdFc 51 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite Soup McGee likes a link.
Sununu Unleashed: Obama Needs To ‘Learn How To Be An American’2012.talkingpointsmemo.comA top Mitt Romney supporter went on a rampage against President Obama Tuesday morning, bringing up his teenage drug use and urging him to “learn how to be an American.”http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2012/07/labor-ready-jobs-temp-workers-investigation + http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2012/02/mac-mcclelland-free-online-shipping-warehouses-labor + http://maddowblog.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/07/12/12706705-alabama-judge-says-enough-with-the-debtors-prison?lite + (stay with me) http://blog.al.com/spotnews/2012/07/judge_halts_debtors_prison_by.html = http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/story/2012-03-01/buying-prisons-require-high-occupancy/53402894/1· · Share- Soup McGeeFBC Jax Watchdogs: "Prayer Walking" is Secret Crime-Fighting ...
fbcjaxwatchdog.blogspot.com/.../ prayer-walking-is-secret-cr ime-figh...
Jun 15, 2012 – But when the newspaper reports prayer walking crime fighting measures as news, and the Sheriff begins to insinuate that this is a legitimate ...
Prayer Force United
Each month, churches, ministries, leaders and citizens from all over the metropolitan area come together to walk through and pray over the most crime-ridden ...
Sheriff: Prayer-walking making difference in Jacksonville ...
jacksonville.com/.../crime/.../ sheriff-prayer-walking-maki ng-differen...
Jun 13, 2012 – Two summers ago a group of residents began prayer-walking through Jacksonville, literally going down sidewalks and praying for the safety of ...
Prayer Walking in Jacksonville - Covering the Crime Scene - YouTube
► 1:02► 1:02
www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9QzJu328VcFeb 6, 2009 - 1 min - Uploaded by troupesdad
Tom and Roxie McLeod along with Pete Wurtz and Mark LaMontagne.
More videos for prayer crime walk »
Seeking the Peace of the City: Can Prayer Reduce Crime?
tjbaruch.hubpages.com › ... › Social Issues and Religion
Feb 18, 2012 – Incidents of Crime Reduced after Prayer-Walking Old Southeast Neighborhood (adjacent to Bartlett Park), St Petersburg, FL January 18 April 4, ...
Crime reduced in major cities through prayer-walking - Examiner.com
www.examiner.com/.../crime-reduced-major-cities- through-prayer-w...
Mar 13, 2009 – From Jacksonville, Florida to Chico, California and across the Atlantic to the UK, citizens are talking the law into their own hands--well sort of.
| Newark's Prayer-Based Crime Fighting Effort Isn't Working
May 3, 2011 – Pray For Newark claims amazing results as its Christian volunteers "prayer walk" the Newark city streets, seeking to pray down crime. As shown ...
Prayer walk impacting North Philly
www.phillytrib.com/.../4500-prayer-walk-impacting- north-philly.ht...
Jun 15, 2012 – A group of local men from area churches have been rallying together weekly, walking the streets in high-crime neighborhoods and praying for ...
Moreno Valley: Prayer walk to honor crime victims | Breaking News ...
www.pe.com/.../20110412-moreno-valley-pray er-walk-to-honor-cri...
Apr 11, 2011 – A rash of violent crimes involving teens has prompted the Cops and Clergy Network to organize a prayer vigil and walk at Moreno Valley's ...
Prayer Walking Transforming other Communities! | Bless MN
www.blessmn.org/.../prayer-walking-transforming -other-communitie...
Jun 12, 2012 – Duval County Sheriff John Rutherford Supports Prayer-Walking ... neighborhoods in Jacksonville has had on overall crime reduction in the City.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1022 hours ago · · - Soup McGee http://
www.huffingtonpost.com/ 2012/07/17/ mitt-romney-tax-plan_n_1679 497.html www.huffingtonpost.comMitt Romney's plan not to force companies to pay taxes on profits they bring bac...See More19 hours ago · ·,"This is the new Disgusting we Can Expect Daily from the Romney Campaign. Willfully wallowing in Pig Shit and lies/ Running on Pride/Nationalism and Chinese Mafia Ties/As if the President Hates America/while Romney donates to Hate-Mongering Charity/And can't see the Plank in his own eye/Does President Obama Think You Didn’t Build Your Business? No.2012.talkingpointsmemo.comhttp://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/07/17/1110791/-Mitt-Romney-s-Smoking-GunStar-Ledger Opinion
Neither candidate seems willing to be the voice of reason, the Star-Ledger editorial board says. Where do you place the blame?
Obama and Romney share the blame for keeping the campaign stuck on silly
The presidential campaign seems to be spinning down a rat hole, with President Obama playing a distracting game of gotcha and Mitt Romney refusing to come clean on his personal wealth. If you wanted an adult conversation, you can give them both some of the blame. Obama’s attack is that Romney ...
Like · · Share · 5 minutes ago ·
Soup McGee ,"Grover Norquist!"
2 seconds ago · Like- ,"Bill O'Reilly, surprising no-one, is a jerk-face douchebag."
Soup McGee shared a link via Lee Bahir Golden III.
Soup McGee shared a link.
Soup McGee shared a link.
Soup McGee shared a link.
http://soupsauntieoxymoron.blogspot.com/2012/02/break-em-up-barack.html ""196 people contribute nearly eighty percent of contributions to Super (!) Political Action Committees, the nefarious and newly thriving approach to influencing domestic politics. Of those 196 people, the five people who contribute the most are responsible for 25% of all giving to SuperPACS. One in particular, Peter Theil (co-founder of PayPal, clearly a MNC), is also a public champion of the SeaSteading...See MoreSoup McGee likes a link.
Soup McGee likes a link.
Soup McGee likes a link.
- """""""""They used his business model," Gaulrapp said. "And the board of directors and most of the officers at Bain Capital were put in place by him. There's an ongoing debate over whether he actually left in 1999 or whether he filed wrong ...See More
- --before you pat him on the back--- """"The ruling raised the possibility that anyone sentenced to life without parole before they were 18 could petition the court for a new trial. By using his commutation powers, the governor appears to have taken that option off the table.""""""
Soup McGee shared a link.
Congressman Randy Forbes
instaPoll: Do you support the President raising taxes on 1.2 million small business owners? https://forbesforms.house.gov/Forms/Form/Default.aspx?ID=2138
instaPoll: Do you support the President raising taxes on 1.2 million small business owners? https://forbesforms.house.gov/Forms/Form/Default.aspx?ID=2138
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Helal Uddin likes this.
1 share
Lucy Karen Vaughan No,he's going to kill us.
21 minutes ago · Like
Robert L Rosekrans Sr NO
20 minutes ago · Like
16 minutes ago · Like
Pat O'Bannon Private Physicians are small business owners, and many of them are making decisions NOW to close down, since they an't afford to stay open, with Obamacare. Most are interviewing with hospitals (to attempt to be employees there), and many are retiring early, since they need to choose to be paid either by the Feds/Obamacare or the State.
4 minutes ago · Like
Rod Strickland You need to loose the (email required) thing if you really want people to vote. I know I & many of my friends won't vote if it requires giving my email... I don't mind giving my name though. Just a suggestion...
a few seconds ago · Like
Soup McGee ,"Yup. 400 Americans are holding 3 trillion in cash. Tax them. It's Constitutional!"
a few seconds ago · LikeSoup McGee shared a link.
--- RRRRR--- :-/RT_America Civil War - The Makers vs The Takers? [VIDEO] http://t.co/XJ0BLVgo @Thom_Hartmann· · Share- Soup McGee http://iowacity.patch.com/
articles/ iowa-city-native-and-gop-ca ndidate-quits-senate-race- to-become-senator-of-alter native-government#photo-10 654685 ---- iowacity.patch.comIowa City's Randi Shannon, who was the official Republican candidate on the ball...See MoreMonday at 8:28am · ·
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