This week
I chose the article because ALEC is part of a larger group of
factions (a Coalition represented most clearly by the Taxpayer Protection Pledge) whose interests are met when the Constitution is more poorly
enforced. Unless all members end and report on ALEC activities, unless the
pledge is held as less than the Oath, the Norquist Coalition will defund the government
entirely by mid-century. This, if it were successful, would be the bloodless
coup of Christian Nationalist Conservatism, ending America’s standing as a
power in the realm of Human Rights most particularly. As it goes, this is a “slow motion
secession” (Howard Fineman).
In a "conversation that never happened"
with noted Debunker/Author Chris Rodda, she expressed her trepidation that the theonomy we will find
ourselves having codified here nearly already
came to pass with the Pledge Protection Act of 2006 (introduced by stage three socialism
cancer survivor Todd Akin). The question I asked in the conversation I never
had that I just have to share anyway: is the ultimate intent of the theonomic
right to criminalize the need for
state intervention, even redress? As she explained it, this Act would have
allowed Congress, not the Judiciary, to decide which cases the Supreme Court
hears, all in the name of keeping ‘Under God’ in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Given that the only document with explicit enforcement power is the
Constitution, and that this act would have un-separated the powers given to the
three branches co-equally, I surmise that the American people should at the very least be alarmed at this attempted coup (the representative
that introduced this act is of course a signatory of the pledge.)
If Charles
Taylor can be convicted for committing crimes against humanity, I have to ask:
what is using a religious ideology and political power gained through
subversion and deceit while delegitimizing the elected President, to endorse a
regime that ignores all but the rights of corporate people with the end goal of
separating powers so that God alone has the power of intervention? Not
attempting to overthrow conspiratorially? Not a war crime? Hmm. From Rodda at
the time: “...May 17, 2005, a little over a month after Sen. Lautenberg tried
to stop Bill Frist's David Barton tour, Rep. Todd Akin (R-MO) introduced the
"Pledge Protection Act," an act that would have removed all cases
involving the Pledge of Allegiance from the jurisdiction of any court created
by an act of Congress (meaning all federal courts except the Supreme Court),
and removed the appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court "to hear or
decide any question pertaining to the interpretation of, or the validity under
the Constitution of, the Pledge of Allegiance...or its recitation." This
act, so clearly an attempt by Congress to usurp the authority of the courts,
passed in the House on July 19, 2006, by a vote of 260-167.”
One example in a
basket full of them. Reagan allowed the CIA to bomb the harbors of Nicaragua, to
which the World Court issued an indictment Reagan promptly ignored (for
example). That isn't exactly violating Pakistan's sovereignty to kill Bin-Laden. Defunding the Government will take that option off of the table -how
to enforce the Constitution (enforce a claim of sovereignty) if no revenue comes
in and the various states are owned outright (through unregulated services) by neo-foreign
MNC’s? An overview of more recent strategy reads like this: Dilute and suppress the
minority vote, strangle redress by redistricting (re: little churches
everywhere), dominate state legislatures and accompanying bureaucracies with
like-minded small government conservatives, (ALEC controls two-thirds of the
state level lawmaking), refuse any federal Tax increases (re: Taxpayer
Protection Pledge), privatize all services provided by the government (ALL)…this
is done despite the Oath of Office, in service to a pre-Oath Pledge. All of the
pretty words that we weep to see in the UN Declaration of Human Rights mean nothing without America
as a shining light to read it by. A miniscule and unfunded federal government cannot provide
this light. But Grover knows that. Those major funders Romney won’t reveal know
The presumptive Republican nominee would overplay (as a pawn, even) the
blind dissident who came to (who else?) the United States for help.—perfect
example of stupidity disguised as bravo—Look, the stated goal of the 9/11 terrorists was to undermine our economy.
If we don’t demand Keynesian policy, we are caving to terror. Got that,
monetary fascists? We need new revenue, even new taxes, and not as a political
or policy issue, but a human right issue—the people need stability-We’ve
already seen two stolen elections for the (southern) strategy, what more will
we need to see? Who saw what? Kim Kardashian? Octomom? Ooh, doughnuts.
I saw Grover defending Apple this morning with an outright lie, putting out
this half-truth: the current corporate tax rate is 35%, but the question is--why
keep legal what Apple does? Is making what Apple does illegal, which is
imperative for ethics and logic, not to mention the future of our American Democratic
political process, mean breaking the Taxpayer Protection Pledge? Well of
course, Commie! He dares to call it “stupid” to suggest they make a move on
their own to pay more into the system that secures the rights of all, and says
we see them moving overseas because of tax advantages there---so they do not see
themselves as American, says the guy who would know. What do taxes pay for,
Grover? And if force is, in your view, used, how that force is provided?
Conspiracy to subvert
or overthrow is treason. Taxes are a necessity for peaceful transfer of power
and protection of even the non-taxpayer, not a forced accommodation. If the violence
of faction is warned against and allowed (in that factions are “allowed”
because the strength of the Union is more enduring that that of the goal of
those who might rise to oppose it)-- what then of the many headed faction with
one mouth to suck the public teat dry? What then of the Norquist Coalition?
Paul Weyrich, co-creator of ALEC, is named checked by Norquist on page 15 of “Leave
Us Alone,” telling us a better understanding of the religious right in America
can be had “by examining the life and work of Paul Weyrich”, a man who made
popular the term “Moral Majority.” It is high time we reminded good people that
the Moral Majority used Christianity/Christian activism to fight integration efforts as late as
1979. If one coalition stands to profit and seeks in search of that profit to
defund the one enforceable document that protects human rights, then to end all
government services by 2050 would clearly leave the United States gasping and gut-punched. Let me repeat…..
Factions in collusion with intent to overthrow: war crime. Someone. Please.
Tell me I am wrong.
P.S- Dear people who
believe in “hard measures”:Torture is a war crime. Harboring torturers is
criminal. We just have to be better than to knowingly vote to a return to these
policies. Don’t we? Norquist has already made clear a Romney President would be
a pushover for Congress, and is building a faction pushing to impeach President
Obama when the Bush Tax cuts are not extended…how far towards drowning can our
nation go before we realize air is far, far away? More specific question, answer:
Is the Norquist Coalition waterboarding America? Yes. If you think this isn't happening, you are hereby invited to debate yourself while watching Rachel Maddow's continually exceptional coverage of "emergency manager" laws in Michigan.

Attempt to
unseparate powers

of the merits, the government should not be in the business of subsidizing
student loans.”
“Norquist is widely known in politics for
creating a pledge, which many public officials have signed, that officials will
not raise taxes for any reason. He founded ATR on the no-new-taxes premise.The pledge has no expiration date, so Norquist works to hold members who signed it as early as the 1980s to their promise. The long list of prominent pledge signers has made Norquist one of the key forces pushing Congress on tax policy during budget battles.
At least 279 members of Congress have signed the pledge. That includes almost every Republican in the House and Senate, and three Democrats.
Presumptive GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney is also a tax pledge participant, as The Hill has reported.” “But central to winning is keeping score. We must keep our eye on the goal of reducing the size, scope, power and cost of government at all levels. Measuring and reporting on the trend in government spending, regulations, government employment and State ownership of property will keep us focused and let us know if we are winning or losing the struggle.
Cutting the government in half in one generation is both an ambitious and reasonable goal. If we work hard we will accomplish this and more by 2025. Then the conservative movement can set a new goal. I have a recommendation: To cut government in half again by 2050.”
Peaceful transition of power “He said in a statement, “While we can and should work to defund Planned Parenthood and push back against government mandates that force Americans and religious institutions to violate their faith, violence against our fellow citizens has no place in a freedom-loving America.””
May a city enforce an ordinance in a
racially discriminatory manner?
Does a law or ordinance granting a
person or entity absolute discretion to grant or deny permission to carry on a
lawful business violate the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution?
and Rule (Matthews)
No. A city may not enforce
ordinances in a racially discriminatory manner.
Yes. A law or ordinance granting a
person or entity absolute discretion to grant or deny permission to carry on a
lawful business violates the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.”
Some of the weapons were found
within a false wall in a child's room, Freeman said.
The tube is part of a LAW – Light
Anti-tank Weapon – M72 A2 single-use weapon, Freeman said. It was a rare find,
Freeman said – it was the first time in his law enforcement career he had seen
one "outside of a 'MacGyver' episode."””
kept promise no new independent tax on > $250000
Dr. Perkinson once visited the Carol S. Vance
Unit, a Texas prison that subcontracts with Prison Fellowship for programming.
Inmates can opt into the program, but cannot be forced to participate. He was
both discomfited and amazed by what he saw. “On the one hand, it was flagrantly unconstitutional,” Dr. Perkinson said. “If you didn’t believe God created the earth in seven days, and not just that same-sex relations were a sin but so was masturbation, you couldn’t graduate from this program. It was almost Taliban-style. But it was the only prison of all that I visited in Texas that was permeated with love.”
Just unconstitutionally applied love
is all.
“Convict Labor in the “New South”After the Civil War, the convict-lease system metamorphosed. In the South, it became ubiquitous, one of several grim methods — including the black codes, debt peonage, the crop-lien system, lifetime labor contracts and vigilante terror — used to control and fix in place the newly emancipated slave. Those “freedmen” were eager to pursue their new liberty either by setting up as small farmers or by exercising the right to move out of the region at will or from job to job as “free wage labor” was supposed to be able to do.
If you assumed, however, that the convict-lease system was solely the brainchild of the apartheid all-white “Redeemer” governments that overthrew the Radical Republican regimes (which first ran the defeated Confederacy during Reconstruction) and used their power to introduce Jim Crow to Dixie, you would be wrong again. In Georgia, for instance, the Radical Republican state government took the initiative soon after the war ended. And this was because the convict-lease system was tied to the modernizing sectors of the post-war economy, no matter where in Dixie it was introduced or by whom.”,_the_age_of_obama_as_a_racial_nightmare/
Few groups in
our history are as fascinating and mysterious as the Ku Klux Klan. Its story is
one of violence, political manipulation and intrigue, absurdity, and
mesmerizing organizational and propaganda skills. Through shrewd political
tactics and powerful leadership, the Klan has often been a pot...
Incredibly, President George W. Bush told French President Jacques Chirac in early 2003 that Iraq must be invaded to thwart Gog and Magog, the Bible’s satanic agents of the Apocalypse.Honest. This isn’t a joke. The president of the United States, in a top-secret phone call to a major European ally, asked for French troops to join American soldiers in attacking Iraq as a mission from God.
Now out of office, Chirac recounts that the American leader appealed to their “common faith” (Christianity) and told him: “Gog and Magog are at work in the Middle East…. The biblical prophecies are being fulfilled…. This confrontation is willed by God, who wants to use this conflict to erase his people’s enemies before a New Age begins.”””””””””””””
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