Article Analysis Assignment
First, read a news story from the newspaper or the Internet. Answer the following questions regarding your news story: 1) What is the main issue, who are the main actors being discussed; Then, choose one of the assigned articles you read for this week. Answer the following questions regarding the assigned article: 1) What are the basics of this article (who, what, when, how, why, etc.); 2) What is the overall main point the author is trying to convince you of? 3) Do you agree with the author’s argument? Why? Why not? Finally, tie together your news story with what you learned from the assigned article, textbook readings, podcasts, videos, etc. for this week. Type your answers in the box below using your own words, no outline or bullets, complete sentences and paragraphs, single-spaced, full-page.
This week I choose an article from the conservative-leaning British paper, the Telegraph, where the UN Human Rights Chief Navi Pillay, in regards to the Treyvon Martin shooting in Sanford, Florida by George ‘Skittleless” Zimmerman, says she believes an investigation into police conduct surrounding the case is necessary. Law is to be followed equally in all situations, else it quickly loses all meaning, and there are many questions regarding the police work, and the motive of their apparent laziness in the case. This is a bit of a microcosm of the UN/related groups as viewed by the “common” American, or citizen of the world, for that matter: so what? Now what? Is there any enforcement power in her words? And who is she to say what should happen here? Many believe the UN (and surrounding bureaucracy) to be only expensive fancy words; in my view, that is like thinking baseball is boring--baseball isn’t boring, but people who think baseball is boring are. Of course that is an arguable point! The mandates and resolutions and debates and peace-keeping missions are not just fancy words…but neither is cooperation or coercion; cooperation does not rise from surrendering to force, it rises from shared opportunity in a “secure” civil society. Without a few fancy words, no-one will know what the standards and laws are. Cooperation is deciding to compromise for the sake of not missing an opportunity none can afford to miss. Regulated capitalism in mixed market economies (United States, China, et al.) is that opportunity, and so we have the UN mandate to promote growth and development. Cooperation requires each player in the game to recognize and follow the same rules. What of non-sovereign MNC’s who play Oligarch: Large and In Charge (it’s the new Monopoly!) with the global economic structure, particularly though outright manipulation of political events? They have no literal voice in the UN, but these MNC’s demand much and could do more to lead the way in ensuring a more decent standard of equality under law applied globally through our UN partners (regional IGO’s). I would like to see what an international investigation into the patterns of political behavior when it comes to race, crime and punishment here would describe, and while I do not believe that direct interference in our sovereign affairs is appropriate, I do think we would be wise to see ourselves as part of a larger, also sovereign, global community. I will close this loose, rambling missive with an idea or two about how to connect a reduced number of players more vitally to the goals of all, and with the cooperation of everyone required for legitimate enforcement. That the UN can play a reasonable role anywhere does not need to threaten our American sovereignty, however. We need to remember the intent of the UN is to avoid war through development and growth. We already use conditionality, mediation, assistance, and a focus on rhetorical engagement to get other nations on the Security Council to come along with us on a host of issues to this end. We already agree! America continues to argue over which economical path to take while another miniature Crystal Night has pushed many in our population right up to the edge of outright racial animosity (see: poll), what with the KKK rather proudly patrolling the streets of Sanford, acting on police information apparently. Of course the international community wonders how we as a people will react here. We have a loud voice that if we choose to shout “Enough!!!” with, the world just might hear! The American Legislative Exchange Council, a group funded by donations from many, many American-based MNC’s, pushes a Libertarian Randian-based Nativist Christian-Revisionist agenda in their models for the legislation taken up in so many states. Large, non-sovereign Multi National Corporations, like Pepsi and Coca-Cola have jumped ship from ALEC, and the philanthropic stalwart Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has broken ties as well. Well, good. I see this as an opportunity to point to what can be done in a new and innovative method to draw in citizens to be more involved- because enforcement comes down to involvement, right? So let’s get Coke and Pepsi and the other major donors to fund this investigation, and others, to fund in every state (and country they sell or serve in) voter involvement projects. Let’s have these MNC’s do more than declare what they are against; let it be that they take part, in a more public way, in what we all are for. It is not enough to be against today what you were for last week- our future survival requires another commitment to (yes, radical, even) change. If you don’t believe the lie, you know we are not broke (Vicky Bruce). There is more than one way to tax a chicken, as it were. I say we need to see a non-mistakable effort from non-sovereign MNC’s with quite clear political goals, MNC’s who want the rights of the free market to start kicking in quite a bit more to protect that market. Election monitoring is one clear example of how the UN is working, and working well enough to help me scoff off the idea that the UN is irrelevant. Where monitors are, democratic elections lead to more inclusive democracies. So let it not be enough for us as a public, as citizens, as consumers who must consume, to see withdrawal from “oligarchic” organizations. The ideology ALEC feeds on has already grown six other heads! They and their corporate partners have more than one lever with more than one effect, all with the goal of creating a less inclusive society (basing this on the perpetual inequity in actual wealth between average citizen, rising economy, and non-sovereign MNC, a problem the UN has more than one committee looking into) So, maybe we can mitigate their power by requiring, in return for the “right” to hire, invest, advertise, or claim tax exemptions that they also publically take a larger role in election monitoring efforts, overseas and here. If these MNC’s wish to operate in conjunction with regional IGO’s, or want the benefit of working with Doctors Without Borders, let them also pay for the economy they wish to use. If they want the advantage of one loophole, one exemption, one subsidy, one worker, one regulation—this is a lever to pull. Conspiracy is illegal, after all (see: Problems of Dr. Spock). Use Section 51, allowing even preemptive action against a hostile state if need be, as these MNC’s acting in tandem clearly hold the interests of their “real people” (owners of majority stock) above the interests of Real People (those whose rights are declared by the International Declaration of Human Rights). MNC’s already feel entitled to our labor and our dollar just as we feel entitled to their jobs and products…together we depend on a web of state and international laws to help avoid war between partners and non-partner alike. We already agree! We need each-other! I want to see incentives attached more to doing good than in the avoidance of doing bad. If you wish to take part in the effort to monitor elections, you must allow election monitoring. Jobs for everyone! Local jobs, too. But if we can commit to a set of solutions, and enforcement is the problem, how then can we encourage participation in the solutions? Here’s my idea, let’s use Election Day here as an example, which ought to be a National Holiday, with paid days off for everyone, fireworks, the whole deal—but that’s a different conversation--: Make it less of a reward to not take part than it is to take part instead of a mandate to vote or a punishment for not voting, or the current no-consequence abandonment we see…example: 10% off of some product or service offered by the state if you do vote, 5% off if you do not—and not voting in three consecutive elections would mean paying 15% more instead, while voting in five consecutive elections is rewarded through a lottery. I dunno. But more innovative solutions are necessary, solutions that allow for individual sovereignty while recognizing and protecting state’s and nation’s rights. Count up those who have not voted come census—draft them (or citizens from all tax brackets in the states with the lowest turnout) into my new International Election Monitoring Project as a service to their country (and the global neighborhood). It is not enough—and I do not suggest we use force to somehow further action—but it is not enough to say “We do not wish to be seen as taking part in voter suppression or in pushing radical pro-gun laws and religious exemptions for anti-bullying statutes.” We need to begin to demand more from those corps that take our real dollars, because they are increasingly seen as real people, and as such, have increasing power. If globalization is corporate, then interdependence is more personal. That is where we can capitalize- finding where we already agree. Use norms and evolving standards to evince participation. A non-answer is an answer---allowing bigotry is also not fighting bigotry…case in point—we advise, through the state department, to travel with caution to Uganda if you are a LGBT American citizen. But we don’t advise the same when traveling to states with ALEC-dominated legislatures in America…should we? These are the same groups at work…different heads of the Hydra. If we remain unable to admit the usefulness and the problems that come with more and more dependence on the UN as a World-Oversight/Activities Director, we haven’t a chance to overcome our own interests. That’s what groups like ALEC are counting on, that we need what they offer more than we desire our liberty and our freedom and our sovereignty, both individual and American—that we will focus on what is sure to be seen as UN incompetence/interference, or Syria/Iran/N. Korea, or partisan bickering in the media over historical voting blocs, or Congressman Ryan’s Darwinist Budget versus the President’s Math—anything other than our own task at hand: ensuring justice through due process for everyone, thus allowing for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Source citation: Goodbye Europe (assigned)
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Soup McGee
Structural versus cyclical--Action versus non-action-------Sovereignty versus UN action?-----Security versus civil liberties 03/ romney-campaign-release-all -transcripts-of-all-meetin gs-119192.html
all? Before taxes? 03/ dems-team-romney-call-to-re lease-foreign-leader-trans cripts-119254.html
how naïve…Iran too? bridging-pond-president-oba ma-and-prime-minister-came ron-hold-joint-press-confe rence
britians austerity versus American stimulus marshall plan x 2?
http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsm romney_advisor_mitchell_rei ss_backs_mek.php?ref=fpb Romney Advisor communities/theoval/post/ 2012/04/ obama-gop-plan-a-prescripti on-for-decline/ 1#.T33GNNXLvE0 obama-republican-budget-soc ial-darwinis/
on the other hand
lily ledbetter as consistent w traditional values
Trojan Horse bruce-wilson/ kony-2012-the-family_b_1408 091.html?ref=politics
UN as de facto ideal and enforcer of failing to live up to ideal
“broader universal principles”—obama debates 2008 wp-dyn/articles/ A26236-2005Apr4.html
cornyn violence courthouse donno.pdf excellent IGO paper
Stalin UN American exceptionalism politics/archive/2012/03/ how-joseph-stalin-invented- american-exceptionalism/ 254534/ bruce-wilson/ kony-2012-the-family_b_1408 091.html lilly-ledbetter/ lilly-ledbetter_b_1242981.h tml Food_Security_and_AgBiotech _News/Articles/2012/apr/ 05/a.aspx monsanto UNICEF
Hmmmmm http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsm the_other_torture_memo.php? ref=fpblg news/2010/dec/8/ congress-deals-death-blow-g itmo-closure/?page=all
Torture/gitmo/supreme court strip search/nudity allowed stripped-dignity-roberts-co urt articles/2012/02/13/ grover-norquist-speech-cpac .html stories/2004/03/26/ met_410041.shtml /2012/04/ mcconnell-to-obama-back-off -the-justices.php?ref=fpne wsfeed jay-carney-and-cbs-norah-o% E2%80%99donnell-fight-over -precedent-of-scotus-overt urning-obamacare/ attachment/ jay-carney_283975/
two cases, post lochner-era, one gun control the other womens violence —overturned, no other precedent since Rights we’ve grown to depend on began to be recognized—thus “extraordinary”—unprecedented manning-treatment-inhuman/
so uh UN—Avoid Violence willing to give up military might, is the EU populace due to dangers of war, says Haas, who understood Libyas necessity while we Drift riptide/2012/04/ heavily_armed_neo-nazis_pat rol.php
collapse of regimes authority of legit? Kenyan Keynesisan versus social darwinism
years not decades china chinese-insider-offers-rare -glimpse-of-us-china-frict ions.html?_r=2
non-sov actors---- worldnews/northamerica/usa/ 9189884/ Trayvon-Martin-killing-UN-h uman-rights-chief-calls-fo r-investigation.html
Corn? what-happened-trayvon-marti n-explained (U2-Human Rights Declaration) -Obama-campaign-renews-call -for-transparency-after-re port-shows-Mitt-Romney-hid ing-assets-from-public dont-just-pressure-alecs-co rporate-sponsors-name-and- shame-alec-legislators rce=web&cd=2&ved=0CCwQFjAB &url=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.ning .com%2Ffiles%2FEVWUPS-QdST sxx3A*noBa1QthA1Uuu-xC0BKqhUASw 6GBeGYxWb-qR8GROB0hv7hsgvu ib6pjGw40vHFvf8WsjwNZBfb69 ZL%2FPrimaryPatriotsUnionI nitiatives1.doc&ei=J8OAT_6 YO6LiiAL82bnzAg&usg=AFQjCN GcximTr2oRPYJBSEntWjcrVEV4 bg&sig2=z45RLiLdipNgIYNQVj nfqw patriot precint michigan-republicans-blowin g-up-norm-politics maddow two thirds
Via National Journal, the Mitt Romney campaign ratchets up the transparency game in a novel direction, in response to a call for Romney to release decades' worth of tax returns: “The Obama campaign is playing politics, just as he’s doing in his conduct of foreign policy," Romney spokesperson Andrea ...
Soup McGee ---POS310 ---Intro to International Relations---try this one from last week--http://soupsauntieoxymoron.blogspo nimbyalaeuift-or-honey-where-are-my.htm l
While the State exists, there can be no freedom. When there is freedom there will be no State.Lenin, "State and Revolution", 1919Russian Communist politician & revolutionary (1870 - 1924)In a featured column on, Grover Norquist clarifies and defends the default conservative position,...
Kevin Brewer Nice. How is that class by the way? I am planning to take that class Next Fall as an online class.
Soup McGee is taking it online from Frank---best part is that I like it so much---there is SO much reading and quite a bit of video lecture---Awesome though, you'd like it, I bet
Kevin Brewer Thats cool, I am currently taking his POLS 301 class. Definitely taking 310 in the Fall.
Saturday at 10:49pm · ·1
Soup McGee breaking-news/ boehner-taps-nom-founder-fo r-religious-freedoms-commi ssion.html
Boehner taps NOM founder for religious freedoms commission | Breaking News | Wisconsin Gazette -
House Speaker John Boehner chose Robert George, co-founder of the anti-gay National Organization for Marriage, to serve on the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom.
Soup McGee
"""There are two possible con¯gurations of political institutions: democracy and nondemocracy. In a
democracy, the median voter (a Citizen) picks the tax rate, whereas in a nondemocracy a member
of the elite picks the level of redistribution. The game begins with the Elite in control. The Elite
must decide whether to repress the poor or not (repression is costly). If they do not repress the
Elite then decide either to democratize or choose a tax rate. If they do not democratize, the
Citizens decide whether to initiate a revolution. Revolution is costly, however, and its \price" is
given by an exogenous parameter which follows a stochastic law of motion through time. This
cost-of-revolution parameter (¹) is critical to their models; it induces the dynamic nature of the
game and the commitment problems that drive their results. More substantively, ¹ embodies
A&R's distinction between political power and political institutions. Actors have preferences over
democracy or nondemocracy because institutions enable them to secure on an ongoing basis the
bene¯ts accruing as a result of having more de facto power in any particular period.""""""""""
Soup McGee
"""""""""The main result in chapter six characterizes the dynamics of democratization. Elites democ-ratize only when the threat of revolution is below a certain threshold and repression is su±ciently costly. This occurs because, due to the level of inequality and the value of ¹, they cannot redistrib-
ute enough in this period to stave o® revolution and they cannot credibly promise to redistribute
in the future when the threat of revolution is lower. In chapter seven they investigate the con-
solidation of democracy by introducing a \cost of coup" parameter ('). In this richer model, the
level of redistribution in a democracy can be constrained or \unconsolidated" as the ability of the
Elite to mount a coup varies through time. As the cost of democracy to the elite increases (i.e.,
the society is more unequal), coups become more attractive. In a \semi-consolidated" democracy
the Citizens are able to moderate their redistributive demands in periods when ' is low to prevent
a coup. Democracy is unconsolidated when inequality is so high that Citizens cannot reduce taxes
enough to make a coup unattractive to the Elite. Here the Elite mount a coup whenever they
have power and democratize whenever the Citizens do. A key implication is that redistribution is
no longer increasing monotonically in inequality, as in Meltzer-Richard. Redistribution increases
with inequality only up to a point. Beyond this point, redistributive demands must be moderated
to forestall a coup. At very high levels of inequality, the redistributive demands undermine the
stability of the regime.""
Saturday at 11:08pm · ·1
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