Mark Callahan I don't hate the founding fathers. What they did has happened only once in the history of mankind. What has become since then is bloated and insane.
Dana Curtis Kincaid I disagree. That's the monotheist philosophy which states that all people are evil - and since gummint is people, it must b evil. Why, I wonder, did u not say that Corporations are EVIIIIIIIL!?
Larry Grano Governments are social constructs and are the only thing that separates community from chaos. They don't have to be inherently evil.
4 hours ago · ·2
Mark Callahan I said inherently because no matter how close to perfection a system of government is at inception, it will decay and crumble under the weight of hubris and corruption over time. When this happens, liberty is removed and replaced with tyranny.
J Quentin Evermann Government, by definition, is there to limit freedom. Rights are man's to have, Government's to take away...but faith in government is faith in that which holds us back. It is good in limited quantities, but when they take too much and overstep their legal boundaries (like in the past 40 years), it becomes evil.
Larry Grano Actually, a "right" is a human construct too. Something becomes a "right" when the govt. has a duty to enforce it. In nature, nothing has a right otherwise. A deer has no right not to be attacked and eaten by a lion, but a human has a right not to be killed by another human, or the police will prosecute the offender. Theoretically, the govt. grants rights.
3 hours ago · ·1
Jason Forson I was kidding, by the way. :P I'm with Larry.
The only real problem with Governments is that the give Power to people who want Power. Wanting Power is usually the surest sign you don't deserve any.
3 hours ago · ·2
Soup McGee
In Oklahoma, where fear of Islam has led to anti-Sharia laws, this message is very popular. There is currently a move in the Oklahoma State Legislature to remove the section of the State Constitution that separates Church and State. If you...See More
J Quentin Evermann
The fear of Sharia law is what has caused the move toward anti-Sharia. How can you condemn the Christian church on one hand for having too much influence, while on the other defending a church which IS government? Sharia? Do you really know...See More
Soup McGee If you were waiting for a state to secede—there you go. You support this statement of non-allegiance?
Soup McGee
"Silly child." "church which IS government?" "Under God
The United States Federal Government is in our day the greatest obstacle to self-government and "Liberty Under God." If you think your Congressman can create a federal program to move...See More
2 hours ago · ·
Soup McGee If you were waiting for a state to secede—there you go. You support this statement of non-allegiance?
about a minute ago · Like I will write echo in four minutes, numb-nuts.
Soup McGee If you were waiting for a state to secede—there you go. You support this statement of non-allegiance?
about a minute ago · Like I will write echo in three minutes, numb-nuts.
J Quentin Evermann
I'm not an Oklahoman, so it isn't my Constitution to change. I'm a Texan, and if we put forth a law to block Sharia in our courts, I would ABSOLUTELY support it, just as I would support any law that prescribes punishement based on Christia...See More
Soup McGee loves you, neighbor. Secessionist traitorous, seeking to take legitimacy from our Union.
about an hour ago · ·1
J Quentin Evermann my mistake. but in a nutshell, i don't support state sponsored punishment as prescribed in religious texts
Soup McGee There is currently a move in the Oklahoma State Legislature to remove the section of the State Constitution that separates Church and State. did you miss that part, numbnuts?
about an hour ago · ·1
Soup McGee "as a libertarian, you believe in non-action. Would you have watched my mother being raped and not acted? Should I as a Bastard rape child, have no state-sponsored welfare? Or the church alone should carry such responsibility...what about atheist bastards?Do you as my neighbor,bear no responsibility for my well being, or me for yours? IN OUR UNION, numbnuts?
about an hour ago · ·1
J Quentin Evermann again, I'm not an Oklahoman. Separation of church and state is not something in the Constitution, it isn't law, it isn't written in any document of our is a principal written about during the period of the revolution, but it isn't law. Don't mistake the 1st amendment for this, it isn't. That prohibits the federal government from establishing a religion...but separation of the two, nope.
Soup McGee "Defend you position of 'taxation by force' when Washington, George proposed and signed legislation placing America in debt to care for the "widow and invalid." Fucking nativists
J Quentin Evermann no, i bear no responsibility for the actions of others. Collective salvation is another way of saying "everybody dies." Some will fall behind while others succeed. Stop trying to create equality of outcome; if everybody had the same thing, everybody would have very little.
about an hour ago · ·1
Soup McGee Oklahoma's constitutional separation of church and state measure ... paration...state.../ 3651322
5 days ago – Rep. Jason Nelson asked a House of Representatives committee Wednesday to approve sending the question to voters as a way to allow ...
Soup McGee
Public money or property - Use for sectarian purposes.
No public money or property shall ever be appropriated, applied, donated, or used, directly or indirectly, for the use, benefit, or support of any sect, church, denominatio...See More
<!-- /* name the function so you have something you can call it with later ma...See More
about an hour ago · ·1 ·
J Quentin Evermann What's your point? That's Oklahoma...they're a soverign state and free to do what they want.
about an hour ago · ·1
J Quentin Evermann So you support a federal government that tells everyone what to do, but not a state government that is still representative of the people?
J Quentin Evermann I always have when presented with the opportunity, but honestly, outside of grade school, it isn't something I've done in a long while. In the Marine Corps, we saluted all standards not cased, but I don't recall ever saying the Pledge in uniform. Why do you ask?
Soup McGee
couldn't tell. http://soupsauntieoxymoron.blogspo currently-serving-soldier-w ill-not.html Nanette J Wheeler-Carter David, if your commander gave you an order to open fire on American protesters what would you do?
20 minutes ago...See More
Soup McGee
David Robinson Nope. I would be used as a last resort, if you cause civil unrest or attempt to overthrow the government im obligated to preserve and uphold the lawfully elected government of this country..if you seek its over throw or attem...See More
Soup McGee
wonders, JQ, are you a Sovereign Citizen? or a True Patriot? Sovereign citizen movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jump to: navigation, search. ...See
What is Sovereign Citizenship? Sovereign Citizenship is the status held by our f...See More
Soup McGee a-personal-experience-with- a-true-patriot/ "Let me set the scene a bit. There is a senior attorney (my peer), (who does play the golf), who is a white male. There is a hispanic female atto...See More
I’ve written a few different posts here, and I’ve finally joined to be a member....See More
J Quentin Evermann
A "soverign citizen", I've heard of the group, and I haven't researched it enough to say I do or don't support them. I do believe that government HAD a place when it worked within its legal limits, but from very early on men with thei...See More
Soup McGee first, "and apparantly both Jewish..." What part of Bastard Rape Child do you think I am making up?
J Quentin Evermann Oh, so you really do think the world owes you something? Get over it. Sorry, I thought I saw a ray of hope for you, but if you think you deserve more than that first breath and heartbeat, you're begging from the wrong man. I don't give handouts to beggars. If you want free money, go to your boy Obama and ask him, "Please sir, may I have some more?"
57 minutes ago · ·1
Soup McGee wow. fuck you fucking Nativisy fucker. go live in a country that allows you to believe that while you type on government-built, government regulated, government sponsored phone lines. you fucking ignorant child. This is it! only this country by regulating contracts, can provide equitable redress. fucking asshole.
Soup McGee aint asking for shit, i pay my bills, I go to school, i keep an open mind, I bust my ass I raise my child, I fed my family fuck you.
Soup McGee is merely pointing out the fact that George Washington put america into debt to foreign interests to pay for widows and invalids, you treasonous heartless sonnssabitch
Soup McGee sees talking to someone walking and chewing gum who happens to be libertarian is a waste of time...
Soup McGee breathes today because of tax dollars. Without those tax dollars, I am not alive. With more tax dollars, I witness less rapes in group homes. FUUUUUUCK YOU!
J Quentin Evermann
I live in a country that allows me to believe "that." What is so fucking wrong with you that you honestly believe you're entitled to anything? You have the right to be alive, but not to demand that I, or anyone else, keep you that way. You ...See More
- J Quentin EvermannI live in a country that allows me to believe "that." What is so fucking wrong with you that you honestly believe you're entitled to anything? You have the right to be alive, but not to demand that I, or anyone else, keep you that way. You want control over me, and that is what I oppose. I say, "hands off, let people live their lives." You, on the other hand, want a government that controls everything because you realize you don't have what it takes to do anything more than exist. YOU DON'T DESERVE ONE FUCKING PENNY OF MY MONEY. You aren't owed a fucking thing. You and your leech buddies who always have a hand out and want more never stop to think where it comes from...just take take take. Guess what? We're out of fucking money. The government isn't here to take care of you, or hold your hand or whipe your ass. You want to impose your will on others and that is as wrong as rape. You know why you're the product of a rape? Because you weren't worth the cost of dinner it would have taken mommy to open her legs willingly.25 minutes ago · ·
12 minutes ago · ·1
J Quentin Evermann Well, glad to see we all have a sense of humor. Good arguing with you dude...gets the blood pumping. In all seriousness though, country is coming to an end because government is too big, too expensive and too inefficient. And when it ends, it won't matter what side of the aisle you're on, only what side of the rifle you're on.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
You know why you're the product of a rape? Because you weren't worth the cost of dinner it would have taken mommy to open her legs willingly.
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she was 14. what made it rape was that it was my grandfather, and she was 14. you silly child.
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