Paul's assertion was less controversial than the response from some in the crowd at the GOP debate who said they approved of the government letting the uninsured die.
- Shera Starr OliveriaI'm having trouble loading the article because my internet is being very slow right now, but the headline is very disturbing to me! Before this I really thought Ron Paul was looking good for the Republican nominee. ARGH - anyone that can say that is just NOT living in reality! Or has never dealt with personal illness or cared about anyone who has been in the position of being uninsured and sick. Its not like we CHOOSE to be sick or turned down for jobs an/d/or insurance! And its definitely not as if the large portion of unemployed people in this country who lost their jobs due to outsourcing CHOSE to send their job overseas, therefore screwing themselves, their family and coworkers! When this nation quits sending jobs anywhere but HERE, then and ONLY THEN can politicians say that the problems of the unemployment and uninsured (or underinsured) isn't the governments problem. Actually, not even then, because we send money to every country that has a disaster to help their sick and injured, yet we are supposedly to broke to help out our own. ARGH!3 hours ago ·
- Shera Starr OliveriaOk, now having read it and his response, I'm torn. In the context he is describing, and in saying no one should be turned away, but others should help, ok I could understand that. But what happens when others wont help? Then the government NEEDS to. We could argue that oh well, Haiti and Chile and all these other countries we send aid to whenever there's an earthquake should have taken it upon themselves to retrofit their buildings for earthquake sustainability. But the fact is they didnt. So is it our responsibility to help out the injured and homeless because of a natural disaster? No, it absolutely is not. But it is our DUTY as human beings to help out anyone in need. If we can help out people abroad - then we can help out people here.3 hours ago · · 1 person
- Shera Starr OliveriaI'm trying to DL the audio clip but my internet is apparently being gnawed on by trolls. I cant believe that people were shouting "Let them die!" Fucking Tea Party idiots. Soon we will be floating witches again - if they float- they're a witch; if they drown, oops, guess they were innocent. Bloody hell. This nation is getting as scary now as it was during the puritanical days when we burned or hung witches and beat and raped Indians into Christianity, and cut up the rebels to feed to the dogs. *shudders*3 hours ago · · 1 person
- Soup McGee http://2012.talkingpointsm
emo.com/2011/09/tea-party- debate-audience-cheers-ide a-of-letting-sick-man-with out-insurance-die-video.ph p 2012.talkingpointsmemo.comThe last two Republican presidential debates have been some of the most macabre ...See More3 hours ago · · - Jay Murry Anyone who cheers at the idea of letting someone die is missing some vital element of their personality and may not, in fact, be human.3 hours ago ·
- Soup McGee loves you Shera...please, can you elaborate for the observer? re:"beat and raped Indians into Christianity..."2 hours ago ·
- Shera Starr OliveriaWell isnt that whats wrong with this country? We've lost our humanity, and with it our sensibility. Everyone wants to blame the Goths and Visigoths for the downfall of Rome, when in truth the downfall of the Empire came from the corruption within. The infrastructure has to be sound before we can add more layers to the structure - greed and the glory of conquest fueled the Roman Emperors to push the Empire's brinks beyond its abilities. Rome was sacked because it wouldn't take care of the territories it absorbed, people were starving while the Emperors got fat and happy with their lavish spreads and drunken orgies. I learned that in my Western Civ class my very first day at community college, from a brilliant professor who predicted back then - 15 yrs ago - that America was heading in that same direction. Well, here we are. And if a Revolution is gonna take place, it certainly wont be the Tea Party who puts an end to the corruption. When it comes time to rise and resist, I'll slap my war paint on and do my part - if the government hasn't sent all of us with health problems off to concentration camps by then.2 hours ago · · 1 person
- Shera Starr OliveriaOh well, that was the official stance of the Missionization system - sanctioned by the Catholic church. The missions set up all along the coast by Franciscan monks represent ones of the darkest parts in the early history of California. The "mission" if you will, was to spread Christianity to the California Indians by means of force. Indian men and women had to live at the missions, and were basically forced into slave labor. They were not allowed to practice their own cultural traditions, worship in their own way, or speak their native tongue. Anyone caught "backsliding" to their heathen ways was beaten. Rape was a common form of intimidation and punishment, used against both women and men, and carried out by non other than the padres themselves. Venereal diseases such a syphilis spread like wildfire as a result, as did other diseases that the Natives had no immunities to, largely due to the close confines that the Indians were forced to live in, usually about 15-20 per rooms that were usually nowhere near as big as an average-sized apartment bedroom. Because disease was so rampant, women often miscarried their babies (many of whom were conceived through the act of rape by the padres). When a woman miscarried, she was forced to have her head shaved and wear sack cloth, and carry around a wooden doll painted red to represent the baby that they were accusing her of "self-aborting". The children who were born to women suffering from syphilis and other venereal diseases were often born with a variety of health issues that not visible to the eye - auto-immune conditions, arthritis, gout, etc... Those who lived into adulthood suffered from pain and fatigue due to these conditions, which often hindered their ability to work - leading to the gross misconception-turned-stere
otype of the "lazy good -for-nothin' Indian".
Those who chose to rebel and run away were chased after and often brought back or murdered. Those who organized more severe forms of revolt were rounded up, captured, murdered, then cut up into pieces and fed to the friars' dogs.
Go Team God. Way to live in the example of Christ's teachings...
I love you too!2 hours ago · · 2 people
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