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Diana Albright You mean like you do? LOL
8 minutes ago ·
Diana Albright (we're gross. and my parents read here. HA!)
7 minutes ago ·

Bachmann and Perry share ties to Dominionism, which says Christians should rule. By Michelle Goldberg.
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Frank Ramirez have you read The handmaiden's tale? Margeret Atwood
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21 hours ago · · 2 people
Frank Ramirez speaks to the extreme right authoritative totalitarian nature
21 hours ago · · 1 person
Thanks for posting this, Hedy. It's true and it's scary. In the meantime, progressives/liberals need to understand that the President of the United States is NOT ABLE TO MAKE UNILATERAL DECISIONS regarding public policy. The Rethuglicans h...See More
21 hours ago · · 2 people
Soup McGee
Michelle Goldberg's recent article warns that we now have two presidential candi...See More
21 hours ago · · 1 person ·
Jonathan Patricio Gutierrez Well luckily I am an atheist and would always vote on the side of the dems...
20 hours ago · · 1 person
Mel Jimenez Antuna This is so SCARY! It does bring to mind The Handmaid's Tale.
20 hours ago · · 3 people
Mel Jimenez Antuna The Handmaid's Tale is set in the near future in the Republic of Gilead, a country formed within the borders of what was formerly the United States of America. It was founded by a racist, male chauvinist, nativist, theocratic-organized military coup as an ideologically driven response to the pervasive ecological, physical and social degradation of the country.
.............YIKES!!!!!! :/
.............YIKES!!!!!! :/
20 hours ago · · 3 people
Frank S Lechuga Toward the dystopia . . .
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20 hours ago · · 1 person
Joel's Army - Cached
Because Joel's army is called God's army they think that they are his people. they may be doing Gods will but they certainly are not his Church or saints. ...
Joel's Army and The Call | Right Wing Watch - Cached
Aug 28, 2008 – Joel's Army believers are hard-core Christian dominionists, meaning they believe that America, along with the rest of the world, ...
'Arming' for Armageddon | Southern Poverty Law Center - Cached
Joel's Army followers, many of them teenagers and young adults who believe they're members of the final generation to come of age before the end of the ...
Joel's Army Now Recruiting | Deception Bytes - Cached
One of the most deadly is that of the great and terrible end-time Army commonly referred to as Joel's army. Today's prophets and apostles such as Mike ...
Daily Kos: "Joel's Army" and omnicide in the name of God - Cached
May 21, 2008 – Since Joel's Army is supposed to be men and women taking possession of this earth for their King, a second class of warriors becomes ...
Index of Files about Joel's Army taking Over the Mainstream Church - Cached
Cephas Files: Spirit of Elijah / Joel's Army / YWAM ... History of People Involved in Joel's Army - Otis - Wagner - Frangipane - Cain - Jacobs - Silvoso - . ...
The Elijah Revolution: Joel's Army Coming of Age - Cached
JOEL'S ARMY COMING OF AGE. By Barbara Aho. In July of 1999, the Messianic Jewish Association of America [MJAA] sponsored the Messiah'99 conference in ...
The Underground Unbeliever: Joel's Army: A Power Hungry Theology - Cached
Oct 5, 2008 – Dogemporer also has an excellent overview of Joel's Army theology. This movement is also called "The New Apostolic Reformation" (NAR). ...
Todd Bentley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Cached
Jump to Joel's Army: Bentley has sponsored an internship program called 'Joel's Army' in addition to having the words "Joel's Army" tattooed across ...
The Truth Behind Joel's Army Part 1 of 8 - YouTube min - Mar 16, 2010 - Uploaded by HearkenTheWatchmen
Pastor Michael Hoggard discusses Sarah Palin, Todd Bentley, Rick Joyner and more . He also uncovers the sobering behind the Latter Rain ... - Cached
Because Joel's army is called God's army they think that they are his people. they may be doing Gods will but they certainly are not his Church or saints. ...
Joel's Army and The Call | Right Wing Watch - Cached
Aug 28, 2008 – Joel's Army believers are hard-core Christian dominionists, meaning they believe that America, along with the rest of the world, ...
'Arming' for Armageddon | Southern Poverty Law Center - Cached
Joel's Army followers, many of them teenagers and young adults who believe they're members of the final generation to come of age before the end of the ...
Joel's Army Now Recruiting | Deception Bytes - Cached
One of the most deadly is that of the great and terrible end-time Army commonly referred to as Joel's army. Today's prophets and apostles such as Mike ...
Daily Kos: "Joel's Army" and omnicide in the name of God - Cached
May 21, 2008 – Since Joel's Army is supposed to be men and women taking possession of this earth for their King, a second class of warriors becomes ...
Index of Files about Joel's Army taking Over the Mainstream Church - Cached
Cephas Files: Spirit of Elijah / Joel's Army / YWAM ... History of People Involved in Joel's Army - Otis - Wagner - Frangipane - Cain - Jacobs - Silvoso - . ...
The Elijah Revolution: Joel's Army Coming of Age - Cached
JOEL'S ARMY COMING OF AGE. By Barbara Aho. In July of 1999, the Messianic Jewish Association of America [MJAA] sponsored the Messiah'99 conference in ...
The Underground Unbeliever: Joel's Army: A Power Hungry Theology - Cached
Oct 5, 2008 – Dogemporer also has an excellent overview of Joel's Army theology. This movement is also called "The New Apostolic Reformation" (NAR). ...
Todd Bentley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Cached
Jump to Joel's Army: Bentley has sponsored an internship program called 'Joel's Army' in addition to having the words "Joel's Army" tattooed across ...
The Truth Behind Joel's Army Part 1 of 8 - YouTube min - Mar 16, 2010 - Uploaded by HearkenTheWatchmen
Pastor Michael Hoggard discusses Sarah Palin, Todd Bentley, Rick Joyner and more . He also uncovers the sobering behind the Latter Rain ...
20 hours ago · · 1 person ·
Elizabeth Marino They always use the phrase "for our own interests." How exactly were our interests served during the last presidency? Triple that.
20 hours ago · · 2 people
Mel Jimenez Antuna Or they use, "The American people want......" I am so sick of them using this phrase. They DO NOT speak for me. Ugh!
20 hours ago · · 2 people
Soup McGee btw- Google Chip Berlet or Chris Rodda or Rachel Tabachnick or go to for starters...
What are some Christian worldview Essentialst
20 hours ago · · 1 person ·
Rabbi Gershon Steinberg-Caudill What evidence is there that Mr. Bachmann is a pedophile?
14 hours ago · · 1 person
Soup McGee
Let me state at the outset that everything you will read after this sentence is ...See More
14 hours ago · · 1 person ·
did not see that until you brought it up, but...hmmm: ABOUT
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Fighting a War on Ignorance
Michele Bachmann Exposes 23 Minors to Possible Pedophile
Posted on July 3, 2011 by beeryblog
Let me state at the outset that everything you will read after this sentence is based on logic, but only as logic applies to someone with Michele Bachmann’s belief system; if Bachmann really believes what she claims to believe, then her conduct in exposing 23 minors to whatever risks her home might have posed to those minors raises many uncomfortable questions.
It’s recently come to light that Michele Bachmann’s husband has had some intriguing things to say about gay people. Marcus Bachmann calls himself ‘Doctor Bachmann,’ but I shall decline to follow his lead in that respect given that he holds a ‘Master’s Degree’ from Pat Robertson’s Regent University and received his ‘Doctorate’ in psychology online from an outfit called Union Graduate Institute, the bottom of the Internet’s Cracker Jack box (these tidbits have somehow escaped the notice of the mainstream media, which routinely reports no more than that Marcus is “a doctor”).
The mainstream media has also made much ado about the federal money Marcus has received through Medicaid. But why has it taken so long for anyone to report that this ‘doctor’s’ practice consists of religious counseling directed largely at ‘curing’ gay people? And why the hell is our tax money being spent on that?
Now that Marcus has claimed the spotlight, most media attention has focused on his calling gays “barbarians.” Naturally, when one digs a little deeper, one sees that the media’s focus on that juicy sound bite misses a much larger and more important story.
What kind of person devotes his whole being to the causes of opposing gay rights; evangelizing on the biblical worldview, but only as it relates to homosexuality; and ‘curing’ homosexuals by browbeating them into trying to rewire their brains with self-flagellation? This fascistic fanaticism suggests that homosexuality affects Marcus Bachmann in a deeply personal way.
I grew up Catholic—I mean bona fide, Catholic-schooled, church-going Catholic. So, as a former altar boy, I know what an aging closeted homosexual corrupted with religion and self-loathing sounds like. He sounds like the guy delivering the Homily every Sunday morning.
It’s amazing how many anti-gay Republican men sound just like that. Take, for example, this one:..."
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Fighting a War on Ignorance
Michele Bachmann Exposes 23 Minors to Possible Pedophile
Posted on July 3, 2011 by beeryblog
Let me state at the outset that everything you will read after this sentence is based on logic, but only as logic applies to someone with Michele Bachmann’s belief system; if Bachmann really believes what she claims to believe, then her conduct in exposing 23 minors to whatever risks her home might have posed to those minors raises many uncomfortable questions.
It’s recently come to light that Michele Bachmann’s husband has had some intriguing things to say about gay people. Marcus Bachmann calls himself ‘Doctor Bachmann,’ but I shall decline to follow his lead in that respect given that he holds a ‘Master’s Degree’ from Pat Robertson’s Regent University and received his ‘Doctorate’ in psychology online from an outfit called Union Graduate Institute, the bottom of the Internet’s Cracker Jack box (these tidbits have somehow escaped the notice of the mainstream media, which routinely reports no more than that Marcus is “a doctor”).
The mainstream media has also made much ado about the federal money Marcus has received through Medicaid. But why has it taken so long for anyone to report that this ‘doctor’s’ practice consists of religious counseling directed largely at ‘curing’ gay people? And why the hell is our tax money being spent on that?
Now that Marcus has claimed the spotlight, most media attention has focused on his calling gays “barbarians.” Naturally, when one digs a little deeper, one sees that the media’s focus on that juicy sound bite misses a much larger and more important story.
What kind of person devotes his whole being to the causes of opposing gay rights; evangelizing on the biblical worldview, but only as it relates to homosexuality; and ‘curing’ homosexuals by browbeating them into trying to rewire their brains with self-flagellation? This fascistic fanaticism suggests that homosexuality affects Marcus Bachmann in a deeply personal way.
I grew up Catholic—I mean bona fide, Catholic-schooled, church-going Catholic. So, as a former altar boy, I know what an aging closeted homosexual corrupted with religion and self-loathing sounds like. He sounds like the guy delivering the Homily every Sunday morning.
It’s amazing how many anti-gay Republican men sound just like that. Take, for example, this one:..."
14 hours ago ·
Soup McGee meanwhile :=)
14 hours ago · · 1 person
Diana Albright Maybe I missed it, but I don't see where anyone on this thread referenced pedophilia in conjunction with Marcus Bachmann prior to you asking, Rabbi... may I ask where you saw that?
14 hours ago ·
Soup McGee "bachmann doth protest too much, methinks."
With various factions vying for the soul of the Republican party, a Minnesota Co...See More
14 hours ago · · 1 person ·
Rabbi Gershon Steinberg-Caudill Helen Casteel via Scott Amundsen
But, when the world finds out Mr. Bachmann is a pedophile, will they still use "Jesus Christ" as their crutch? Special place in HELL for those who use Jesus' name!
But, when the world finds out Mr. Bachmann is a pedophile, will they still use "Jesus Christ" as their crutch? Special place in HELL for those who use Jesus' name!
14 hours ago · · 1 person
Diana Albright Ah... is that on a different thread? (Perhaps why I missed it)
Sorry... I don't participate in every discussion here, and I tend to avoid conversations about pedophilia (in general). The reference to Dominionism caught my eye, however, because it is intrinsic to Bachmann's and Perry's political ideology. And scary.
Sorry... I don't participate in every discussion here, and I tend to avoid conversations about pedophilia (in general). The reference to Dominionism caught my eye, however, because it is intrinsic to Bachmann's and Perry's political ideology. And scary.
14 hours ago · · 1 person
Frank Ramirez I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ. Mohandas Gandhi
3 hours ago · · 1 person
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Nov 3, 2006 – Ohio leaders draft a 'mighty army' to fight the 'secular jihad.'
Aug 2, 2005 – Russell Johnson leads the Ohio Restoration Project, a network of nearly 1000 "Patriot Pastors" from conservative churches across the state. ...
May 19, 2009 – 'Patriot pastors' called to crush 'hate crimes' bill. Ministers ordered to fight for freedom, against criminalization of Christianity ...
In recent weeks a movement called the Ohio Restoration Project has been launched to identify and train thousands of "Patriot Pastors" to get out the ...
Jul 9, 2010 – Pastors across America are coming to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, on July 9th, for a Patriot Pastors' T.E.A. Party. We urge Pastors to come to ...
Patriot Pastors. WHY PASTORS? Beginning with Enoch, God has called out ... The Great Awakening transitioned into the continuing work of the Patriot Pastors. ...
If you liked this show, you can follow Patriot Pastors. message. rss · itunes. Patriot Pastors. United States, EnglishRadio. Pastors on the front line for ...
Mar 19, 2010 – A National Call to Pastors: Pastors across America are coming to San Antonio, Texas, on July 7th, for a Patriot Pastors' T.E.A. Party in San ...
These patriot pastors were bold and unafraid to act on their convictions. Pastor, are you likewise bold and unafraid? America would be a much different ...
Apr 10, 2011 – Patriot Pastors. Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty · Bill Frist · Concerned Women for America · David Barton · Eagle Forum ...
The Antecedents of American Fundamentalism 1606-1925
The Rising Tide of American Fundamentalism in the 1940s and 50s
The Cresting Tide of American Fundamentalism in the 1960s
The Rising Tide of American Fundamentalism in the 1940s and 50s
The Cresting Tide of American Fundamentalism in the 1960s
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