- Daniel Paul King Conspiracy Theory of Straw Men and Poisoning the well. Why do you redefine the argument vs understanding it?
- Soup McGee Consider these two quotes in succession:
While the State exists, there can be no freedom. When there is freedom there will be no State.
Lenin, "State and Revolution", 1919
Russian Communist politician & revolutionary (1870 - 1924)
In a featured column on flashreport.org, Grover Norquist clarifies and defends the default conservative position, making clear that any vote to send tax increases to the ballot is a violation of the taxpayer protection pledge. Further he publicly admonishes any Republican pledge signer who has any doubt about the consequence of wavering: “There is nothing subjective about the determination that voting to refer higher taxes to the ballot is a violation of the taxpayer protection pledge. A vote for tax hikes on the ballot is clearly and indisputably a failure to ‘oppose and vote against any and all efforts to raise taxes’” (“Featured Column”).
Saturday, July 16, 2011
"A Simple Question For Conservatives in General, Signatories in Particular
The ATR pledge is signed in front of two witnesses, making it legally binding...and hollow, for a government with no revenue AT ALL (as demanded by pledge), even if DC burns)...cannot enforce property rights or the peaceable transfer of power. Will you ever address this fundamental question of your philosophy?"
Still, I've never heard an acceptable answer. Care to try?soupsauntieoxymoron.blogspot.com While the State exists, there can be no freedom. When there is freedom there wil...See More - Robert Thomas Erickson Okay okay hahah... referring to those who defend liberty as "Lee and his cronies"... that's about the opposite of cronyism. Cronyism is a grab for power, away from the people, centralizing it in the power of the state.
And in regards to your second post, you do not need a centralized aggressively coercive state to enforce property rights. - Soup McGee crony:
Crony - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
a close friend especially of long standing : pal · See crony defined for English-language learners ». See crony defined for kids » .
Don't be a dumbass.www.merriam-webster.comDefinition of crony from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games. - Soup McGee so 'Lee and his cronies' is only offensive if YOU don't trust him; my distrust for him and its reasons are clearly spelled out. Keep reading!
- Robert Thomas Erickson Okay, the typical use of cronyism in context of a discussion about government is my definition. But whatever.
The entire basis of this article presupposes a necessity for the state in the first place, which is where they are completely and utterly wrong. - Soup McGee SIMPLE QUESTION"
Saturday, July 16, 2011
"A Simple Question For Conservatives in General, Signatories in Particular
The ATR pledge is signed in front of two witnesses, making it legally binding...and hollow, for a government with no revenue AT ALL (as demanded by pledge), even if DC burns)...cannot enforce property rights or the peaceable transfer of power. Will you ever address this fundamental question of your philosophy?"
Still, I've never heard an acceptable answer. Care to try?soupsauntieoxymoron.blogspot.com While the State exists, there can be no freedom. When there is freedom there wil...See More - Robert Thomas Erickson >"The ATR pledge is signed in front of two witnesses, making it legally binding...and hollow, for a government with no revenue AT ALL (as demanded by pledge), even if DC burns)...cannot enforce property rights or the peaceable transfer of power. Will you ever address this fundamental question of your philosophy?"
I'm not sure if I can answer this appropriately, as it is directed at conservatives, a group of which I am not a member.
However, my personal philosophy contradicts both the legitimacy and necessity of the state, thereby answering the question. Government needs not exist for enforcement of property rights. - Soup McGee You sir, appear to be an idiot. Tell me, How will we Peaceably Transfer Power in a government-less, stateless society, lest your plan is to replace it with theocracy? Tell me, I am DYING to know.
- Soup McGee -- do you question the legitimacy of the President? Is that what you are typing, honestly, into a PUBLIC PHONE LINE? PAID for with TAXES? Wowsers.
- Robert Thomas Erickson >"You sir, appear to be an idiot."
You ad hominem is detrimental to productive debate.
>"How will we Peaceably Transfer Power in a government-less, stateless society, lest your plan is to replace it with theocracy?"
First, a theocracy is also a state, so I am opposed to that. However, the solution is polycentric law. But I doubt you'd read a wall of text that I would take my precious time typing up, so here's a video explaining it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kPyrq6SEL0
>" -- do you question the legitimacy of the President? Is that what you are typing, honestly, into a PUBLIC PHONE LINE? PAID for with TAXES? Wowsers."
Yes, because the majority of Americans not only didn't vote for Obama, but they voted for no one. Why should the opinions of a few oppress the inherent liberty of the many?
No, I'm not on a "PUBLIC PHONE LINE", I'm on a privately owned internet service provider.This is part 2 of my video series exploring a society where law is provided not ...See More - Robert Thomas Erickson Also, "private property" now is severely taxed by the government, making it owned only partially by the individual. So no, I do not support the current system of private property.
- Soup McGee weird, dude. weird. So America is not your country then? You despise the state in every form; is Barack Obama in defiance of the Constitution, or the Constitution just another piece of paper to you? You make no sense; you will NEVER live in a stateless society, not as long as the flag flies, brodie.
- Robert Thomas Erickson Welp I can see that you're interested in intelligent debate, so I'll peace out on this thread.SOUP-- because advocating for a stateless society makes ANY sense. Dude. You have to admit America will not suddenly cease to exist, no matter how much you hate America. Productive debate? With someone who starts from the position that the entity that saved my life from a horrible infancy is illegitimate? Well fuck that. I don't want productive debate with People like you who Hate America; I want your positions Loud and Clear for the world to hear!
Sunday, May 26, 2013
All Kinds, I'm Tellin' Ya. That's What It Takes.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Go To Sleep...You've Had Too Much Internet.
Obama on Thursday will deliver a speech at the National Defense
University, in which he is expected to continue his defensive efforts.
This time he is expected to reveal the ways in which he will make the
drone program more transparent, promise to move most or all of the parts
run by the CIA to the less-secretive military, and increase
Congressional oversight. Meanwhile he has greatly cut back the program:
there have only been 12 drone strikes in Pakistan this year, compared to
many scores in previous ones, with similarly sharp cut backs in other
regions such as Yemen. "
- Fred Wilson · Friends with Shera Starr OliveriaWhat a dick head . Socialist pig .SemperFi. This is what we fought for in WW11 ???? I'm ashamed of this jerk . Period !!!
- Fred Wilson · Friends with Shera Starr OliveriaI have voted everytear since 1948 and will continue to do so .til-------
- Soup McGee http://imgur.com/gallery/GNvOO
- Fred Wilson · Friends with Shera Starr OliveriaTrue true Bs ,BS ,and mor BS .Lies about Bengazi . He let our boys and countrymen down and I will not ever forgive him .EVER!!
- Soup McGee hates fascists and their supporters. Oh, and it was http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/petraeuss-role-in-drafting-benghazi-talking-points-raises-questions/2013/05/21/db19f352-c165-11e2-ab60-67bba7be7813_story.html, not Obama. Sorry. Or, you outgha say, I mean. Also, FASCISTS SUCK.
"Cotton also seeks to punish any family member of those people, "to include a spouse and any relative to the third degree," including, "parents, children, aunts, uncles, nephews nieces, grandparents, great grandparents, grandkids, great grandkids," Cotton said.
"There would be no investigation," Cotton said during Wednesday's markup hearing before the House Foreign Affairs Committee. "If the prime malefactor of the family is identified as on the list for sanctions, then everyone within their family would automatically come within the sanctions regime as well. It'd be very hard to demonstrate and investigate to conclusive proof."
So...yer COOL w/ THAT, but have no EVIDENCE on OBAMA for ANYTHING. FUUUUUUUCK. OOOOOOOFF. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/05/22/tom-cotton-corruption-of-blood_n_3322251.htmlwww.washingtonpost.comThe detailed talking points he had ordered went far beyond a House panel’s request. - Soup McGee """“We had some new members on the committee, and we knew the press would be very aggressive on this, so we didn’t want any of them to make mistakes,” Rep. C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger (Md.) said last week of his request in an account supported by Republican participants. “We didn’t want to jeopardize sources and methods, and we didn’t want to tip off the bad guys. That’s all.”
What Petraeus decided to do with that request is the pivotal moment in the controversy over the administration’s Benghazi talking points. It was from his initial input that all else flowed, resulting in 48 hours of intensive editing that congressional Republicans cite as evidence of a White House coverup."""""" Ooooops. - Soup McGee -- you GOT NOTHING but aspersions to cast, leave my page, wack it and go to sleep...you've had too much internet.
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