- Soup likes Sovereign Citizen disrupt... on KXLY.com Commenting.Soup recommends Reid told truth about Rom... on The Detroit News.Soup liked Observer-Reporter.
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http://www.prwatch.org/news/2012/08/11710/us-funded-war-el-salvador-casts-shadow-over-romneyryan-campaign + http://heartofskycafe.blogspot.com/2008/02/blowtorch-bob-duty-to-remember.html http://www.thomhartmann.com/forum/2012/08/blowtorch-bob-and-mitt-romney + http://www.thenation.com/blog/168967/bain-capitals-ties-salvadoran-death-squads + http://finance.yahoo.com/news/super-rich-hold-32-trillion-090225921.html = Ann Romney: Releasing more tax returns will 'just give them more ...
13 hours ago – "Mitt is honest, his integrity is just golden."- Shannon Fatta
There is only one thing worse then being unemployed for a long period of time. When you are hired by two different companies and they take the federal tax credit for hiring someone unemployed but then give that person no hours. Socialism for the rich, capitalism for the poor. Soup McGee shared a link.
chuckle. They demanded Romney not play their song---they respond it was "unintentional." Read the lyric. #duh """red views keep ripping the divide"- from USA Today Article abut the 90 million who make a choice against voting that didn't link: """""""The survey identified one extremely persuasive argument. Among Obama supporters, 85% say they would go to the polls if they knew their vote would help swing a close election to the president; 70% of Romney supporters say the same for their candidate."""""""""""""""""
- Soup McGee likes an article.""In fact, if this bill were passed and the Supreme Court upheld it, I'll bet that a rapist could go to court and sue to prevent his victim from getting an abortion. He'd argue that the fetus was legally a human being, and the court has no power to discriminate between one human being and another. He'd probably win, too."""""
- Soup McGee recommends an article on The Detroit News.!!Whole lot of people, including national leaders of the Republican party, have been calling Harry Reid a liar but they’re wrong. Harry Reid told the truth. He di...See More
- David Fail just signed this petition on Change.org.99 signatures are still needed!
- monday night smackdown!! Soup fights fascists!
no, seriously though... 9 stitches and a freaked out wife after his back gave out and his face hit the floor. 7 hours in the emergency room later... - Soup McGee recommends an article on The Washington Post.saw one this morning---NorCal in play!""""""" And the next attack on Obama: The Koch-founded Americans for Prosperity rolls out a new $7 million ad campaign in multiple swing states, featuring former Obama supporters concluding, more in sorrow than in anger, that they’ve concluded he hasn’t earned a second term.
Keep an eye on this one. It’s the emerging GOP tactic for dealing with Obama’s personal popularity: We didn’t want Obama to fail; we shared his high hopes for his presidency; but...""""" - Soup McGee recommends an article on The Washington Post."""""""Two points: 1) Far from suppressing coverage of Mitt Romney’s proposals, the media have been asking for more details, more substance, on them; 2) Palin is entitled to her impression of how the media treatObama. And so is the Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism, which this past spring released a systematic study of coverage of the candidates. One sentence therefrom: “Of all the presidential candidates studied in this report, only one figure did not have a single week in 2012 when positive coverage exceeded negative coverage—the incumbent, Democrat Barack Obama.” """"""""""
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--he's seven victories away from 200, he's only played for two teams, he's 36...he's:Soup McGee shared a link.
--His next victory will be a career-high 14th, and he's been in the league for 3+ years; he's 22 now, he's...:Soup McGee shared a link.
""""""And then the obvious finally hit me: the Romney campaign is reviving the single oldest tactic of southern reactionaries: race-baiting white working class voters to distract them from the many issues on which this segment of the electorate is naturally unsympathetic to policies that reinforce economic and social privilege. It’s how the Bourbons reasserted control over the Populists in the late nineteenth century. It’s how conservatives undermined southern support for the economic policies of the New Deal and Fair Deal and New Frontier and Great Society. It was ultimately the fulcrum for the realignment of the whole region from the Democratic to the Republican Party.
So it’s a familiar tactic, but what makes it novel is that it is not being narrow-cast into North Carolina or Virginia or northern and western Florida or Missouri, but broadcast everywhere. And there is zero way it can be rationalized as a part of an overall GOP message supposedly focused on economic recovery and job creation—or even, given the ridiculously small quantities of federal money that go to the Temporary Aid to Needy Families (TANF) program, as part of a budget austerity message. It’s a flat-out racial appeal aimed at convincing non-college educated white voters that this black president wants to take their tax dollars to give them to his shiftless black brothers and sisters. """""""Soup McGee shared a link.
"""""""""""There is nothing for it now but than to say, flat-out, that Willard Romney has decided that the only way he can become president is to become a racist and to appeal to the racist base of his party. This is the second ad in as many weeks centered on the general theme of The Negro President Wants To Give Your Money To The Black People Like Him...."""""""- Soup McGee likes an article on Esquire.com.
- Soup McGee likes an article on The Nation: Website."""What many people don’t realize is that outlawing Shariah is akin to outlawing the Ten Commandments, Talmudic law or the gospels of Jesus Christ. Shariah is a moral imperative for all Muslims and defining it as a threat is equivalent to deeming all observant Muslims a danger to society. To ban Shariah is to ban the Muslim religion and harshly strip several million taxpaying Americans of their first amendment rights""""""
- Soup McGee likes an article on Think Progress Comments for TPR.?!?! Yup.The Department of Justice on Friday uncovered a so-called “School-to-Prison pipeline” in Mississippi, where teachers and principals are shipping off children in...
- Soup McGee likes an article.
- Soup McGee likes an article on TPM."""""""But the chain analogy is used relatively often by members of both parties.
Rick Santorum invoked chains last summer to warned Iowa voters that health care reform would lull citizens into government dependency. “They will put you in chains called ‘Obamacare,’ and you will never break away,” Santorum said.
Florida Rep. Allen West went a step further, likening Obama’s programs to slavery. “He does not want you to have the self-esteem of getting up and earning and having that title of American,” West said in July. “He’d rather you be his slave.”
RNC Chairman Reince Priebus, refused to condemn West’s comments at the time, but he tweeted his disapproval of Biden’s remark Tuesday.
The Obama campaign does not believe the comments were out of line. “Bottom line is that we have no problem with those comments,” Stephanie Cutter, deputy campaign manager for the Obama campaign, said on MSNBC Tuesday afternoon. """""""""" Soup McGee shared a link.
"""""""12:34 PM PT: While team Romney is accusing Biden of using a racial "code word", here's Mitt Romney himself, in his USA Today editorial from last December, demanding that we "remove the shackles of government." Discuss."""""""""
- Soup McGee likes an article on CBSNews.com.
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-- Use his definition; ask yourself about the actions of Millions like (shooters) Page/Breivek, etc., spurred by their Radical Christian Beliefs.....---"""When asked by Brandon whether Islam is a religion, Groce said it is.
"They have a be...See More- --Patriot Action Network--: Reply by Nettie Wilson 19 minutes ago
I heard today that the Government has a contract with an outside country that is over our voting machines. I think it is Spain.
Someone check this out They will be in charge of counting our votes. if they want the contract they could arrange for Obama to win? This is a scary thing. I wonder if this country also was in charge of Putin winning in Russia. I would like to think that we take care of our own voting machines and count. Ask the government about this. This is scary, that way Obama can win. This reminds me of a James Bond movie.----- Soup McGee shared a link.
The Family - Jeff Sharlet (2008)
Theocentrists, we don't believe man can create law. Man can only embrace or reject law.” The study of history for fundamentalists is a process of divining that ...Soup McGee shared a link.
,"Uuuuuum..." """""By refusing to consider any tax increases at all, and in fact proposing to slash corporate and individual taxes by some $4 trillion above and beyond the Bush tax cuts, Ryan sides with those for whom fiscal policy is a matter of theology rather than economics.""""" h/t lee bahir golden III!- Soup McGee likes an article on The Root.
Soup McGee shared a link.
,"Any of this sound familiar?" ---http://soupsauntieoxymoron.blogspot.com/2011/07/simple-question-for-conservatives-in.html- Soup McGee recommends an article on TPM....:-/DNC chair and Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz pointed out on "Fox News Sunday" that the Affordable Care Act has extended the solvency of Medicare by eight...See More
- CBS News
JUST ANNOUNCED: TONIGHT on 60 Minutes, Bob Schieffer talks to Gov Mitt Romney and new VP pick Rep Paul Ryan in their first joint interview.
Like · · Share · 413013 · 8 minutes ago via mobile ·
41 people like this.
Jaymee Lynn Ensign Big whoop!
2 minutes ago via mobile · Like
Donnie Reeves Just a joke in favor of the rich....what a joke these clown are.
2 minutes ago · Like
Soup McGee -- ask if man has the authority to govern men, or if God alone has that authority...--- that answer should not be so complicated, given our Shared document.
3 seconds ago · Like Soup McGee shared a link.
http://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/08/09/1118313/-Romney-declares-religious-freedom-for-me-not-thee""""Romney's double-standard starts with the voting bloc he has pursued most vigorously over the last month: Jewish Americans. (It is worth noting that the Romney campaign tests the fairness of press coverage by substituting "Jew" or "Jewish" for "Mormon.") While no fan of the kibbutzim so critical to the successful establishment of Israel, in Jerusalem and again on the pages of...See MoreSoup McGee shared a link.
"""Rick on August 11th, 2012 11:07 pm
Throckmorton’s point is that David left out one portion of one law, and the wording of that portion said that slaveowners could emancipate slaves not only at their death but also during their lif...See MoreSoup McGee shared a link.
"""This idea is founded on the principles of liberty, freedom, free enterprise, self-determination and government by consent of the governed.
This idea is under assault. So, we have a critical decision to make as a nation.""""--http://www.wispolitics.com/index.iml?Article=276968- http://www.motherjones.com/
blue-marble/2012/07/ photos-evangelical-curricula-lo uisiana-tax-dollars + """"Chris Rodda
3 hours ago
Hey ... Paul Ryan was a co-sponsor of H. Res. 888. Who remembers H. Res 888 from a couple congresses ago? The one with the 75 whereas clauses packed with Barton's lies. Hmmm ... Ryan co-sposored a resolution to promote Barton's version of American history. That would eith...See More - http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2011/06/michele-bachmann-greatest-hits She Majored in Stupid at the Best Christian Universities
- loves Rachel Maddows' point right now---essentially, what if two Dems who had never served ran--RAN--out on an Aircraft Carrier and pledged to reassert the Constitutional Principle of "Consent by the Governed"...as f the Current President is Governing Through Tyranny, which in America is rightfully overthrown by any Measure available...
Soup McGee shared a link.
--yeah, we grew up with the same opportunities...:-/ "Janesville, Wisconsin, where Ryan was born and still lives, is a riverfront city of sixty-four thousand people in the southeast corner of the state, between Madison and Chicago. Three fa...See MoreSoup McGee shared a link.
gm factory in ryans hometown---http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2009/09/end-factory-lineHeather J. Valentine shared a link.
I think you should check this site out. The way you can plug in links from anywhere make it a good match to your idea for blogging. http://storify.com/- Soup McGee likes an article on The Huffington Post.--...---On Friday morning, "Democracy Now," a nationally-syndicated independent radio and television program, covered The Huffington Post's recent report on the connect...See MoreAuthor: Cole Stangler
Soup McGee shared a link.
I care and I can barely keep up...:-/ Ah-ha!
"Culture Does Matter
By Mitt Romney
July 31, 2012 8:00 P.M.
...See More- Soup McGee saw a friend over the weekend; he said there was a moment on GreyHound when he wondered whether the seats would hold up under repeated fire and checked where the women and children were before relaxing...* with guns mess up Everything.
10 minutes ago · Like · 1 Soup McGee shared a link.
-- I've never totally liked the term coincidence, or conspiracy...I like 'Plan.' :-/- Even in the Caymans they tax for the "Communities" Sake! http://jamaica-gleaner.com/
gleaner/20120731/business/ business11.html Soup McGee shared a link.
thinkprogress FACT: House GOP tax plan raises taxes on 10x as many people as Democratic proposal thkpr.gs/QiD9Ld cc: @GroverNorquist about 1 hour ago · reply · retweet · favorite- Soup McGee likes an article on TPM.
Soup McGee shared a link.
"The Insider: Why do we need the Becket Fund for
Religious Liberty?
Hannah Smith: The Becket Fund for Religious
Liberty was founded in 1994 by Kevin “Seamus”
Hasson." Named after the dog, I presume...smirk.Soup McGee shared a link.
http://www.usatoday.com/news/religion/story/2012-02-01/mormon-romney-black/52920394/1 As he explored joining the church in 1988, Perkins said he asked Mormons near his Los Angeles home about the racial doctrines. They gently explained that blacks were the cursed descendants of Cain, the biblical murderer, he recalls.
"Let's say you have this powerful witness of God telling you that this church is truly of him," said the 48-year-old salesman and video producer. "And then the ...See MoreSoup McGee shared a link.
• Republic used records law to research deaths
• Arizona's prisons deadlier than most
• Arizona prisons can be deadly for sick
• Arizona prisons struggle with drugs
• Prison system sees high number of deaths
• Critics: 'Maximum security' a factor in suicide rate
• DOC fails to list causes of deaths
• Arizona prisoners rarely granted clemency
• Brewer under fire for clemency board changes
...See More- Soup McGee likes a link.
- Soup McGee recommends an article on Ventura County Star.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Soup, Before And After The Fall
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